Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Day 259: ....After

I nearly forgot to get the "after haircuts" pictures today, but I did! Meanwhile, I found out the reason for Abishai's crankiness is that he has hand-foot-mouth virus.  Can't do anything for it except keep him comfortable.  He did eat a bit more today, but I think his throat still hurts.  He is hating getting his diaper changed even more than usual because there's spots there.  Poor guy.  At least he had a decent nap today.  Last night was horrible for him.  I went to bed at 12:30am, Abishai woke up at 2:30am, stayed with us in bed until 4:30am.  Then I took him back to his room because Jared needed to get up at 5:30am.  Abishai would not snuggle, but I laid down on the floor and he scooted around into different positions and in different places whimpering every so often.  We slept off and on until 8am.  So, yes, I slept on the floor in Keturah's room, with Keturah and Abishai both on the floor for 3 1/2 hrs.  Oh the joys of motherhood!  We survived.  Jared was gone all today, and we struggled through the day.  Tomorrow is a new day, but we still have some homework to finish.  Thankfully we don't have anything on the agenda until church at night.  Meanwhile, we went to this awesome experience that if you have the chance to go, make a reservation and go. More on it below.  Plus there's an awesome Lilla Rose sale again - 15% off everything and 40-50% off some things!  And I did a Facebook Live video to promote it.  Yeah!

Mr. Spock sporting his new haircut.  Doesn't his ears look pointy?

Mr. Cranky pants sporting his new haircut.

Miss I don't want to do school your way sporting a haircut/trim and pj's that are getting too short!

Keturah was practicing piano, and Abishai wanted to join her.  So, I gave him a turn, but then he started fussing. What he really wanted to do was sit at the big table with us while we worked on individual subjects.  He sat there for 20 minutes calmly eating his snack, occasionally coloring, and sometimes blabbing.

Look, Mom, a new drawing!
Doing some homework in his everyday attire.
If you come to my house, this is what you'll see scattered across it: CARS!  Abishai carries cars to and fro everywhere!  He now takes them when we leave the house.  He has to have some...well...here's where I found them tonight.

A car reading Daddy's book.

Cars lined up on the counter ready to watch Abishai eat breakfast.

There's always cars and toys on my desk!  He's constantly lining up cars on my keyboard, too!  He can't get enough car action!

You have to make a reservation, but, if you get a chance, please visit this exhibit telling the stories of two children in poverty in other countries and how Compassion International helped get them educated and rise above poverty.  You walk through their homes and listen to audio telling their stories.  It's located at 2901 N. Post Rd, Indianapolis until Monday.  It is called the Compassion Experience and is free.  It travels all over the United States, so google it and you can find more information about it.  It was very well done.  I was hoping to open the kids' eyes a bit more to how good they have it here with lots of food, both a mom and dad, and all kinds of ways to be educated.  Justin understood. Keturah, not so much.

This last picture is a picture a friend emailed us because she recently found it in her pictures.  This is.....Benaiah!  Maybe 2 years old.  So, that's 12 years ago.  Same cupboards and island, same in laws, but a little bitty baby Benaiah.  And yes, Abishai takes after both of his brothers.  This would be a fun one to "recreate."  But I think Grandpa's back would give out if he tried lifting Benaiah.  Benaiah is just as big as every other grown up.  So hard to believe.  Sweet picture!

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