Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Year 2, Day 239 and 240: Midweek Shenanigans!

Tuesday, August 29th

A little bit rainy, and we knew there were library books due, so away we went to the library!

This one cracks me up!

Keturah was sad because they put a new sign reminding kids not to climb on the tires.  I knew that the kids probably shouldn't climb either.  I did climb into the cab with Abishai and we practiced taking turns because he has a hard time doing that at home.

Abishai takes every opportunity to color!  It could be a preschooler phase, but maybe I have a budding artist?  Maybe?  We also played on the computers and with a couple of cars.  It was close to naptime, so we didn't stay long.  I need to pick a consistent day of the week to go to the library because I've started ordering books for our history curriculum and will need to pick them up before they expire.  I'm going to try and coordinate with the story hour that is for Abishai's age, but I'm not sure.  There are also homeschool programs at this branch as well.

See, the box is great for snuggling, too!

Wednesday, August 30th

Again, it was a normal day.  Yeah, that kind of gets boring, but at the same time, at least we didn't have anything tragic happen right?  People learned stuff.  People fought. People ate.  And I think people showered, lol.

Another new purple flower in the yard!  I used the plant app and I think it's some kind of sage.  It does have a strong odor to it.  I just love how there's always something blooming in our front gardens!  Someone, maybe the house owner herself, took a lot of time to plan and plant such a variety!  I can't wait to add some irises and my lilac!

It's been pretty cool out lately, like it was in the 60's for a high the other day, but I did notice it was going to get warmer again for a bit.  That's pretty typical for September in Indiana.  So, I got the pool back out.  It was just folded up on the porch while we were on vacation.  I guess Abishai saw all the kids wearing goggles while on vacation, so he tried some on at home.  He's so adorable!  Or, as he says it, "No adorable! No cute!"

Now, this, is even more impressive.  He filled the bucket with water from his water table and then sat in it.  Sweet!


Then Mr. Genius took one look at the blue diamond piece of the tanagrams and places it in the exact right way on the picture on his first try! Woot! Woot!

This is all him!

Of course we had Bible Bowl tonight, so Abishai packed himself up.  This Thomas is HEAVY because it's full of cars! And the tanagrams.  I had to hold it up at times because it was just too much for his little shoulders.

Since Mom covers all her walls at home with stuff, the church becomes the perfect place to practice gymanstics!  She did have a great practice earlier in the day.  In fact, Grandma had to take her because Mommy had stayed up too late and was not able to get out of bed because she was slightly dizzy from lack of sleep.  I know, I'm lame and stupid.  I'm still working out why I do it and what else I can use to replace it.  I think it's because I just really love the quiet and need to see that the world is at rest.  And kids are going to stay up later and later, and I can't keep staying up later than them.  I have to find some other way to fill that need for space and quiet and "all is right with my world" feeling.  Anyway, Keturah did kick up to this position eventually on her own.

Daddy was showing Abishai another train video he took at one of our local crossings.  Plus the different videos of Abishai doing things.  He loves to watch videos of himself!

While we were waiting for the boys to be done, the littles hid under the table.  It was so funny!  Abishai kept going, "Sshhhh!!" really loudly!  And then they would giggle.  But it's fun to hide none the less!

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