Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Year 5, December 3rd-6th, 2020: Newfields' Winter Lights Plus the Weekend

 I normally do a Monday-Thursday post and a Friday-Sunday post, but because I had two back to back "events" with 100 pics/vids each, I thought I would break them up. So here we go.

Thursday was a heavy school kind of day because we hadn't touched our Mystery of History reading for the week and I knew I had a phone appointment on Friday. I am doing the last few weeks of this quarter in MOH before Christmas, and then starting quarter 2 in the New Year. Remember, I'm slowing down this last volume of MOH so we can be heavy handed in American History and count it for both World and American History for Justin's transcript. Plus Government and Economics. Actually, I am really enjoying the resource I have for the Constitution because it is going section by section in the Constitution. But I think I was reading in it yesterday and was reminded of "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy" by Richard J. Maybury and how I wanted Justin (and Keturah) to read his whole series. Well, we have 6 out of the 8 books and I decided we will do starting in January after we finish the book on the Constitution and count it as the economics portion. I have no idea what all is normally involved in a government/economics class, but I do know what I want them to know, so I'm running with it. I am really enjoying the Constitution study right now because I needed to study it myself and understand how our current politicians and laws have messed it up. It's definitely interesting. So we read a lot on Thursday. I did assign the kids a map and some exercises from MOH, but it wasn't to be due until Monday knowing that we don't have anything going on this weekend and I prefer to do field trips during the quiet week days. And that's the plan for the rest of the year.

Since it's Friday, I can't remember what else went on yesterday besides resting up for Winter Lights. I know I skipped Abishai's homework though. Maybe the at home photos will remind me. Oh yeah, I was fixing my DSLR camera and then got side tracked Thursday morning! Whoops! But thankfully, it was an easy fix, just one of the settings got messed up. I THINK I solved it. I really need to take some classes and really learn more about that camera. Sigh. So much to learn, so little time to learn it all. 

Then it was time for Winter Lights at Newsfields! Aka the Indianapolis Museum of Art, and the gardens there, and the Lilly House and various other things I assume. But it all went very smoothly. We had untimed tickets, so we just showed up, got in line with the next group to go in at 7pm, got checked in, and away we went. Now, Jared was very conscious about saying away from everyone, especially groups of people, although we were required to wear masks the whole time, despite it being an outdoor event. We went slowly enough for the most part, but not slow enough for me to feel comfortable changing my camera settings back and forth. You see, my phone decided it didn't have enough room for videos and said "iPhone storage is full." So, I had to take videos on my DSLR, which are ginormous files. Granted, better videos, but I have to load them to YouTube before loading them to here, even if they are only 30 seconds long. And I was still making sure the autofocus was working correctly. You see, I had the DSLR on a setting where I could "set it and forget it" and now I don't remember which mode I like better! So, I did my best and kept telling everyone to slow down! I wish we could have just STOPPED for a few minutes instead of keep walking. You know, be all romantic, and kissy kissy and just stare for awhile. We didn't have to go through it so fast. I think we were there for about 45 minutes tops. It was worth it for sure. Well, the price I paid at $2 per person. Ok, ok, maybe it was worth $17 a person, too, but you be the judge of that because really, I'm so accustomed to getting these Access Pass tickets and school discounts that anything about $10/person is too much for our family, you know? Or, I just know now how to manipulate the system, lol. It cost us $22 to do three classes and get into the Indiana State Museum on Wednesday and $8 (Abishai was free I think) for Winter Lights. Normal tickets for each one are close to $20 with no classes. Yes, I do save a bunch and expose the kids to so much great stuff! I can't imagine what it would have been like if I could have done all these things as a kid! But, I had some other great experiences, too. My kids are just spoiled and they don't have a clue! Lol!

After Winter Lights, Jared drove us through downtown so we could go around on the circle. Normal stuff there with the monument being lit up like a Christmas tree, the soldiers and nutcrackers standing all around the circle, a few people milling about, and the lighted horse drawn carriages. There was a bit more of the projections on the buildings things and they did look pretty cool. It's really neat that we have those arched buildings down there and it makes a great "white space" for those projections. I'm not sure how many cities can boast that kind of feature, although you can do it on flat buildings as well of course.ON the drive home, Abishai was tired enough that he actually dozed off! It's been a long time since he did that! Also, I noticed that Jared likes to use Thompson/465/65 instead of Southeastern or Raymond St. to get to and from downtown. Different strokes for different folks.  So, we had a great evening, with very few squabbles or stress. Jared insisted that he read to me again because it had been a few nights, and I did my best to concentrate while catching up with my phone game that I'm way behind on for the week. In fact, I'm still not done with the weekly mine and it's the end of Friday. Eek! But as I was concentrating with a furrowed brow, I started getting a headache. No fun! It's just another reminder of why I think I have ADD.

So, speaking of that, let's go ahead and jump ahead to Friday and then I'll add pics and vids because I need to finish before my head starts spinning and Jared wants to read. Although, the internet keeps cutting out right at 9pm every night for the last week! I don't know if ATT is doing maintenance or what, but it's quite annoying because Jared, Justin, and I are all in the throes of our heaviest usage of the internet for the day. Grrrr.....Ok, Friday, here goes.

I was able to get Abishai's homework done before my phone appointment for my ADD evaluation at 11am. He quickly went through his papers, especially his handwriting, knowing that he had to finish in order to get screen time. And he did just fine with it all! He even recognized the sight word "the" with no trouble! Again, it's not that he needs a ton of time reviewing, but we need to stay consistent. He picks up on things very, very quickly. The phone appointment went fine. The lady was nice and said, sure, let's type this up and send it over to a medication prescriber. I told her how I didn't think these were new symptoms so I don't think it's directly age or hormone changes related, but those things definitely don't help. And she also said that if I don't have ADD, then the stimulant won't work. That's what my friend Erica said. You get the negative side effects IF you don't actually need the medication. And I also explained how the pediatrician explained that those with ADD can function just fine, but medication could help them function at a higher level. And she agreed. So, after about 45 minutes of the same questions that Justin answered, my case will be typed up and sent over to be reviewed. I'll get a phone call to set up an appointment with them and we'll go from there. I find it cool that they all can log into the same system from home or anywhere in the building and pull up my whole medical file, complete with all my medications and such. It saves me time in explaining it all. They don't typically look at all of it, and this person only mentioned my other medications, but that's fine. Everybody has limited time. I was happy when we hung up.

Then it was time to push everyone through lunch so we could do history again, this time our George Washington's World book which I'm thoroughly enjoying as well. I don't know why it's so hard to gather the children and start at the same time every day. I want lunch to be made starting at noon and done by 12:30 at the latest. They can eat while I read. But Justin insists he's "almost done" and sometimes doesn't get in the kitchen until 1pm. Ugh! And then he thinks we need to be done by 2pm, go over his other work, and then he can be free to get online at 3. For the upteenth millionth time I don't care about the clock! We will work through our schoolwork first! I don't care about whoever is online at certain times. They don't run our schedule! Ok, rant over. Justin wasn't getting up this morning because a) he went to bed at midnight and b) he thought it was Saturday! Dude! I know we had a weird schedule this week, but is Daddy still at home? Or did he breeze in and out after his Friday morning breakfast guys' meeting? Hm,.....anyways, we got plenty done, and plenty checked and they both have a bit to finish over the weekend, but I don't have to be involved necessarily. We officially have nothing on the calendar next week, so I'll probably take us to the Children's Museum and maybe Jingle Rails. The following week is very full because it's the last full week before Christmas. Some doctors are taking the full week before Christmas off like we are, so everything got smushed together. Sigh. That's just how it goes sometimes.

And, my nightmare came true last night! Abishai fell off his bed! He was hugging his cars pillow, so I think that cushioned his fall. But when he got into our bed to snuggle after Daddy came home, Abishia told us the story. I guess he just sat there whimpering for a little bit, realized it wasn't that bad, picked himself and his pillow up off the floor and got back into bed without waking us up! None of us, Jared, Justin, or I, heard any thumping around, or crying, or anything. And when I asked Abishai why he didn't come to see us, he just said, "I'm a big boy. I can handle it." Oh my word, child. You poor thing, come see us! I had asked him because I wanted to make sure he wasn't scared to come and get us. And he's not. He's just a brave, big boy. Except when it comes to the "Home Alone" movie. He was crying hysterically when Jared tried to play it this evening. Abishai just wanted to watch Star Wars because we had talked about sneaking it in on Daddy. They ended up watching Elf while I worked here on the blog stuff, the DSLR photos, and all the mess. And because of the internet shutting off at 9pm, it's put us even more behind. Grr.....Anyway, yes, Abishai fell off the bed and Jared can't put a railing on until he finishes the outer decorative pieces (I call his bluff but didn't want to argue tonight because he could put a temporary board up, surely.) Jared is also in a lot of pain from hunching over some paper projects at work or something. I don't know, but he's moaning a lot. Sigh. 

I've got a few things to catch up on this weekend, but it's not too bad. I feel better now that a lot of the blog work is done. I just have to check the photo cds, load up photos and videos to the blog (Snapfish and YouTube are already done) and journal. Easy peasy. And now my brain is fried. And I don't want to go read about God's grace and make my brain hurt. I'm actually not liking this interruption to my evening. It feels stressful, not relaxing or romantic. It's not my prime time to think either. I drink my last cup of coffee between 4-6pm and I start to lose focus by 8pm. I can barely get the words out for the blog. So, Jared can read to me, but I'm not going to internalize or retain much. It's just not happening and not what I had envisioned for our evenings. We need to figure out something else or just watch a TV show. This ain't working. I'm stressed and can't put sentences together because he's going to be standing at my window in 4 more minutes after I already delayed him 30 minutes. Sigh. Not fun. Mom, Dad, do I HAVE to read and do my homework?! I don't wanna! Wah!

Anyway, that's all I have time for. I will post the link to the Winter Lights videos and then add in the other random videos throughout the photos (hopefully, if Blogger cooperates.) And then I'll try to post photos in order of the day, so the DSLR and iPhone pics will be mixed, I think. We'll see.

Winter Lights 2020, Indianapolis, IN Newfields/Indianapolis Museum of Art

****Hm, well, the photos loaded in opposite chronological order, so, here's just a fun challenge. Go to the end of the photos and scroll UP instead! Lol. Christmas Challenge for you, saving my time deleting, choosing and uploading them all again. Enjoy!****

****Now I will attempt to load up any misc photos from my iPhone for Thursday, and then Friday. Start after the other set of stars (the photo of Abishai's cardboard bridge with cars.


See how awesome downtown looks? Typically the tree is on the bigger wall, but I LOVE how they are using the larger wall for all kinds of projections for all kinds of events. They used it to do a memorial service when several officers were killed and there was a bigger ado type remembrance in the spring. And we saw the horses and light up carriages. Always so pretty!

There was an "ice" storm brewing down this tunnel. Pretty cool tunnel!

Booyah! This is THE photo for the night! Have you ever seen this kind of lights? Incredible!

An icy and windy tunnel.

Who knew putting bright lights behind a blow up pool would make them look like huge lollipops!

Is it an "i Spy" tree?! Maybe!

I still don't know all the answers but we did find out it's made of plastic pools and plastic kids' toys. I guess that's a way to use up old things. Although the toys looked like they were in pretty good shape. What do you do with this afterwards? I still don't know what it's called or why it was made like this. Weird! I prefer realism and pointillism art. The Renoirs, Monats and Monets, and Degas' of the world.

What on earth  is that?! What is it made of?! What does it mean?! What does it represent?!

Real fire pits! Although we were smart and overdressed for the 32 with no breeze weather.

From snowflakes, to historical/whimsical, to gardening, to now a big more modern.

There are some greenhouses on the grounds, so I think these are spots for outdoor plants. I think they look like strawberry plants with strawberries on them and bushes of blueberries!

Ooooo, yes, more definitely, yes! I need to see inside this gorgeous thing! The art museum itself (different building) is more about modern art and 3D art and exhibits that really just appeal to adults. I still need to teach my kids how to approach art and how to behave in an art museum because there's more protocols than in other places we've been in.

The lawn of the Lilla House

Group photo, complete with masks, sigh. We'll never forget which year these photos were taken!

Two minutes of every changing light show.

This or that setting. I had to hold really with both settings or I would get some blurring.


I probably won't say much about every single photo. Just enjoy a TASTE of what they were like. I need to learn to put down my camera more, but how often do I get to play around with settings in these conditions?

Face masks were required, although we were outside, because it was hard to properly social distance (I loathe that word! It is so totally opposite of EVERYthing that Christians should do and to me, is the opposite of love because I distance myself socially most of the time and it makes a person lonely.) At least our faces won't be red from chilly temperatures! Although, Keturah's mask was SOAKED by the end so she must be a mouth breather!

He looked so little in big boy size 6/7 jacket! This shows off his lightbulb necklace.

When you are working on how to fix your DSLR camera, you get photos like this, lol. So here are those!

The lights were timed to go with the music from the Nutcracker, so they would blink on and off. That part was very cool!

I managed to to get a couple of selfies in front of the Lilly House. I think we got complimentary tickets to go back during the daytime. I probably should just go by myself.

Snowflake bridge.

Each area had a name but I didn't pay that much attention to it. I was figuring out my camera and making sure I didn't get behind.

I got a few photos with my phone, but then the phone storage was full! I think the apps are taking up more and more space. It's a good thing I have my new phone on hand and make the switch anytime. And yes, all my photos do get uploaded the iCloud and downloaded to my computer every day. But still, I have to make the phone is plugged in and/or on wifi or data turned on.

Roar! And ONLY Hot Wheels brand. Nothing else, except this one vehicle....(and then he proceeds to take that vehicle off the table and to the box of rejects.

Abishai has a "motor mouth" and never ceases talking once he realizes he has a captive audience!

Price per brick is really high on this "set" but the little scene is going to be great. She got to build a mini fireplace tonight.

I knew these Lego advent calendars were going to be a hit and awesome! I wish we could afford them every year. Maybe I'll split the cost with them next year. We were in a rush to get to the Winter Lights, so they go out the Legos while I was finishing dinner.

Just because he could reach it on the summer shelves. Sigh.  Soon he'll be too big for it (actually it opens in the back so it's easy to get in and out of) so you might as well enjoy it!

"I want Bud the Spud fries for breakfast! This is what Mando needs! I'm Mando boy! A Mandolorian!

It's hard to get up when you have  the perfect warm snuggle buddy next to you. The poor dog doesn't have many places he can go where he isn't in the middle of things. But the kids love having them on their beds. That's why Keturah put her mattress on the floor.  I can't blame her. My beagles used to sleep with me sometimes.

Cute stuff. Great imagination.

Abishai's tower! He's ready to defend his castle like in his Castle book! Yes, he's IN the box.

Not sure who suggested it, but Abishai made himself a pull rope off his bed. Unfortunately, this will only work for a little while until puts the final boards on.

*****START HERE and then work your way scrolling UP!*******

Abishai's independent morning time. He usually has the whole house to himself for an hour or so. He wnated me to fix the ramps to the bridge so he could actually use it!

What homeschool (with very little electronics besides a video lesson once a week) looks like. Awww

Keturah helped Abishai quickly finish his handwriting page. Yes, he's a leftie!

Abishai was showing me all of his things in the Duplo town app. He was excited that the background turned to snow!

Two moms having a coffee data, oh wait, what I meant was that it's like a friend and I having coffee together. I'm sure that's what Abishai thought in his head when he saw them and told me.

Mom, do I have to wear this ridiculous thing? You told me to sit, but normally I just lay down. I don't know what to do!

You're adorable, Socks, and remind me of the dog on The Grinch!

Abishai is all geared up to be a Mandolorian!

I'd love to see this trend continue! Let's get back to real life, Indiana!

While the kids were at Grandpa's house for Bible class, I quickly dismantled the growing pile of Amazon boxes full of Christmas gifts because towards the bottom was this box. I had bought this so that Jared and I could enjoy sugarless advent treat every day. It was $25 instead of the $25 David's Tea brand one that was sold out anyway. Maybe I'll find a nice wooden refillable calendar after the holidays and I can make my own next year.

Loose leaf teas, whoops! Not tea bags! We'll see how this goes.

I like that they grouped the descriptions (and I assume the teas themselves) into categories based on caffeine content: black, oolong, green, white, and herbal tea. I'll drink the herbals. Jared will drink most of the black and oolong teas only because those are what he would enjoy the most. I'd enjoy all of it, but I still have other chocolate sweet things I'm eating every day, too, so yup, I can skip the caffeine and have the herbals at night or something as my advent treat.

$25 for 28 single cup bags of loose leaf tea. Not a bad price for such a variety! Thank you, Amazon, again! And now all the gifts are condensed and ready for Christmas week sorting.

Well, I probably won't get to painting the door with a Christmas tree, so these will be just fine.

I finally remembered what we did with outside lights last year! We put them on the wood J out front! So, I just plugged a new strand directly into the end of the candy cane strands and started wrapping. I wnated more light closer to the door and this was quick and easy! Plus our green and red garage lights that we don't change out, but simply just leave off at other times of the year.

Look, Ma, I did it myself!

Abishai started sobbing when Jared tried to play Home Alone for them. He wanted to watch Star Wars and I had said that we should trick Daddy into watching the Mandolorian. Well, they ended up with the Elf movie instead and there were tons of laughing going on with that one. It's a family favorite. And then The Christmas Story aka the BB gun story, and that's the J6 Christmas movie trio. That's about it. We've seen many others, but these the three most consistent for us.

The week's advent candle ended up on top of the bridge because the bridge and cars were on the table and I didn't have time or the care to take them off from supper.

Saturday was finish the blogs day and try to manual backup my phone to the computer. I finally literally pulled the plug just now at more than 6 hrs into the manual backup. The iCloud back is fine and it's what I've always used to transfer my information just fine. I have everything turned "on" so when I go to switch it, it will take as much as it can with it. I just wanted to try the computer thing just in case. Anyway, I did get caught up on some things. Jared made a temporary railing for Abishai's bed (at least I think it's temporary,  I don't know. It kind of can slide in and out. I'll take some photos of it now that my phone has been taken off of it's plug. I cleaned up many things today, but still have more things to do. Still haven't showered. And I'm not showering at night. It's way too cold. Add it to tomorrow's list. I might work on Christmas cards for Friends Online people using some of Benaiah's open house invites, but I need to cover up the invitation part. Oh! I just thought of something! Maybe I have some Christmas sticker or tags or something! I know I just bought some tags! Genius! 

I meant to push for doing the ornaments and wrapping my sister's and nephew's gifts so it could be sent on Monday, but alas, not done either. I did, however, sew a blanket back together using the sewing machine my mom got me years ago. Thank the good Lord literally that it was already pre threaded. I must have tried it once or twice many years ago. I did have a "my first sewing machine" 25 years ago. And I watched my mom sew a million times on her big machine that I still own. The table is still over at Gary and Leah's house. I won't be getting rid of that, either. Anyway, I remembered the name of the parts and was able to do a quick sewing of a fleece blanket whose seams had come completely undone in many spots, too much for hand sewing like I did on the pillow and snowball last night. It felt good to a)not have any major issues with it and b) get it done and prove that I can be a house wife. Jared didn't seem that impressed but he was also dealing with his back pain.

The kids wandered, did a little bit of school, helped out when I yelled at them to, screen timed, all the normal things. Lazy Saturday at home, not getting up until after 9am and then not going anywhere. None of us minded that. We cleaned off and switched the boys' mattresses a bit so we could test out Benaiah's old mattress he claims is trash. After Justin sleeps on it for a few nights, we'll determine how much "trashed" it is and if it could be put on the top bunk as the extra mattress or if Justin could use it on the bottom or whatever. Jared had measured out the bunks according to the mattresses we have and this particular one has an extra "pillowtop" layer so it's the thickest of the three of them and needs to go on the bottom. But whatever, the next step was achieved today. Once we determine the mattresses final positions, I can put stuff up on the top bunk and empty out the Lego table/old bed frame for Jared to put legs on. Once legs are put on and it's in place. THEN we can do the final arranging of all the stuff in the room. Oh how I wish this whole process didn't take months to do! I HATE living in a perpetual state of unfinished projects like this. Will ANY of the rooms be completely finished and look pretty? I'm not so sure. Not in my house.

And now I'm feeling tired and a headache has been brewing all day. I need to get ready for bed, take a few photos, let those load and journal. Then read with Jared and then watch TV and go to bed. I still feel like I need to be doing more tonight, but I'm not sure. Maybe these Christmas cards. There's about 20 of them. We'll see.

Yes Amazon owns me, ok? Ok. It's just so convenient! And I'm employing lots of people, lol. Praying for their safety of course.

Well, maybe telling them they have to earn their Lego advent calendar every day leads to more of this. Hopefully it will stick after the advent calendar is done. Abishai is just learning how to play Uno but he's getting it! It's one game I love to play!

Saturdays are for more of this and less of the "Go away, I'm trying to school!" I wish they could play every day all day, but it's just not possible. Lots of hugs and giggles and elbows!

And the screen of course. Abishai asked for Justin to play the music and Justin said there isn't any! There is, but who plays with the music playing? Not us!

Happy mail from a special Auntie Stef to two of the kids so far.

Soy based, meal replacement shakes, here I come! Soon! Like Monday or Tuesday when I'm out doing errands!

New ladder configuration until the permanent one is made.

Last night's handiwork. The agitator in the washing machine did a number on this corner! But the pillow was very dirty. It had to be washed. Oh well. Not super expensive. This will do. And yes, I still have a top loading machine with an agitator and I like it that way.

He refuses to go around on the outside. But he does it all the time at the playgrounds! Oh well. Fun way to get in your bed for now!

Had to fix this guy, too.

And THEN I got the big guns out today. And to my surprise, it was ready to go! Woot! Woot! It actually felt pretty fun and good to use it! I remembered many things as I went along. I will never, ever be as good as my mother, but at least I fixed the seams on this blanket in a jiff! I brought Keturah over and showed her a couple of things too. This is a beginner sewing machine with lots of arrows and good photo descriptions of things. The case is filthy dirty so I will wash it thoroughly before I put it away. It's shameful.

The tension wasn't bad either. I had fun feeding it through the machine and remembering all the steps. Oh! I can fix Abishai's pants and things now! Woot! Woot!

My sewing adventure today!

Jared made this railing in just a little bit of time today, maybe two hours. He wanted to put the exterior trim wood on, and he had to first trim off some of the horizontal boards. However, he made this so it can just slip out. He will make a better race for it another day. Sweet! No more falling out!

I love that he's at this height. It's perfect!

Adorable and perfect.

Keturah worked on sorting her Legos. She's writing down pieces she thinks she's missing as she goes.

Keturah, in her natural habitat again.

Abishai's Sunday School teacher wrote to him!

The boys in their nighttime natural habitat, despite the very extra full garage right now. I had to go in there and vaccuum thoroughly today. The sawdust was getting tracked into the house and driving me crazy! And this is why I loathe having a washer and dryer in the garage. Just trying to get to the machines and dusting them off gets quite obnoxious and I feel like the clothes are just going to get dirty going from the washer to the dryer. I leave the laundry basket below the dryer door in case anything falls as I'm putting it in there.

A close up of Abishai's letter from Mrs. Jane. A special friend Duncan made the card. Awwww

Sunday Funday. Well, I finally got my shower. Jared and the kids stayed home and watched Indian Creek's service, while I watched Mt. Gilead's service. Dr. Faull talked about the angel Gabriel and how he was usually connected to prophecies about Jesus, while Michael was connected to decrees and punishments. And how angels are watching us, but not in the way people think of guardian angels. The Holy Spirit is the one that is here with us. But the angels are watching and rejoicing in Heaven. And then I finished week 5 of the Bible study the women are doing. I will finish the book on my own. I am feeling more at peace as I stay away from things that I compare myself to and then get jealous and then hyper focus on it. I'm just guarded my heart and staying in my bubble this month. We hodge podged lunch and then finally went to the grocery store, filled the cart to the brim, and spent over $300. But, I was able to get the rest of the food stuff for Christmas baking and such. I'll have to make one more run the week of Christmas, but the list will be small I think.

After groceries were put away, I asked Gary and Leah, and Benaiah, to come visit since we couldn't do lunch together. Gary was preaching somewhere else today. Benaiah did some DoorDash and also got one of the new meal replacement shakes at Spark Nutrition. I plan to get one on Tuesday when Keturah and I go out shopping and errand running. We had a good visit. After they left, the kids ate some dinner and then Keturah got on Zoom with her small group and I took Justin to church for his small group. I'm assuming they are trying to do Sundays at church in their small groups so they can still meet in person, but have space to spread out. But neither one has a worship service. Keturah's middle school pastor did a 15 minute teaching time that premiered on YouTube today that she watched. It's such a weird time still. Christmas Eve services are still technically on, so we'll try to go to that. It's shorter and Abishai can hold the candle and all that. At least I hope we still do candles. We might not have them because of the germs. Pooey. I hate Covid-19. I hate mask acne. I hate people's fear. I just want to move on. And I can tell Justin is growing up and getting more and more opinionated. But he keeps going back and forth and I'm not sure what he's really thinking. But none of us do, really. Sigh.

At least Christmas will be fun. One of the last big gifts arrived today and I'm dying to open it, charge it up, and have it all set up for little guy. I love spoiling my kids, so yes, when we saw the Hot Wheels advent calendar on sale at Aldi's, we grabbed it. Leah made a bit of a fuss as to why we need so many advent calendars and I could only come up with, "Well, this is how I spent our Covid-19 relief money." Actually, I just love spoiling the kids and getting them what they really want. I know it's not teaching them contentment this year. But there are so many other years and other times we say, "no," that it's oh so much fun to say, "yes!" I know I'm enjoying the "secular" part of Christmas a lot this year. It's not usually that way so I'm ok with it. It's fun. It beats thinking about all the negative things I think about daily. Don't worry, we've done contributions to lots of charities throughout the year, and adoption campaigns, and toy drives, and food drives. We've shared our wealth. I have more to give away this week. It's fine.Right? Right.

Anyway, after small groups, it was bedtime for kids, and here I am trying to finish 3 projects I started this morning/afternoon, lol. Then it's off to try to back up my phone again on my computer. Or rather the external hard drive. Which is where I might have put it before. I don't remember. Let's see! I still have my iCloud backups, too, so everything should be good to go for switching the phones over. I got my phone cover today, so I'm raring to get started on the new phone. Eek! When 95% of your things are hand me downs or only replaced when they are severely damaged, buying these large ticket items are just plain exciting! Ok, lots to do. Two more weeks of school and then Christmas week!

Baby boy all snuggled in with his lights and new bed rail. Now I can sleep more soundly knowing he's safe.

Jared's fancier cut to put the decorate trim up. He used wood glue instead of screws so there wouldn't be any screws showing.

Abishai's snack drawers were totally empty. Time to fill them up! This is one of his favorite jobs! We finally went to the grocery store today. I think I will have one more short trip to make the week of Christmas.

Jared found these. They were pretty yummy!

Keturah had small group via Zoom tonight and Justin had his at church. Fun stuff!

We found the Hot Wheels Advent calendar on clearance for $8 at Aldi's, so yes, we got it. I would have saved it for next year but Abishai was with us. I wasn't going to battle him about it.

I'm thinking about getting these pillows or a mug. They are pretty cool! Which one do you like better or could go past the Christmas season? Probably the second one. I can make one for New Orleans folks, too.

A friend posted this. And I LOVE it!

The End

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