Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Year 6, May 14th-16th, 2021: A Happier Weekend!

 Woot! Woot! It's Friday! Ok, it's Ostepathic Family Medicine appointment day, too, but I'll get to that in a minute.

God worked out next week's dilemma! We will have birthday brunch for Jared with Gary, Leah, and Benaiah on Tuesday morning, and then we will go to church for Abishai's baptism! Here's what happened. Jared read his jury duty papers wrong and he was supposed to show up in person downtown TODAY, not just call in this evening. Well, we called our district attorney friend today and she said they actually didn't pick a jury, so he's off the hook until his next summons! Woot! Woot! Cleared our schedule right up! Benaiah works Tuesday afternoon/evening starting at 2pm, so he wanted to be home in time to get ready at 1pm. I know that there are probably lots of people who would like to be there for the baptism, but we just couldn't do it on a Sunday when Gary is literally gone every single Sunday. And Abishai really wants to get baptized ON Daddy's birthday, which melts my heart and will be easy to remember. I think both Benaiah and Justin's baptisms were in June 2009 and June 2012.  Ah, I can't wait! Abishai can be a bit shy at first in a big crowd, so I think this will be better for all of us. And it won't be so loud because of the band that usually plays during baptisms done in the actual Sunday morning service. Ah, I'm just so excited! We needed God's hand in this to work it out and He came through and sooner than I thought! Praise Him! (Enter a big sigh of relief!)

Today was GORGEOUS outside and we got to go to park day with our friends and have a wonderful time. I do look forward to Friday afternoons because I know I'll get to be outside enjoying the weather, cold, cool, warm, and hot. And tomorrow we have an open house at the same park, so we'll be outside all afternoon again. We share the same social circles as this family, so I hope to see some people I haven't seen in a long time! I got to play with Baby Benjamin and the other usual suspects were there. The Matthews weren't, so I'm not sure what's up with them this week. It feels so good to be so normal with these people. Always has the past year.

The CDC said today that people who are vaccinated don't have to wear the mask indoors anymore.  Do you know how many are going to lie and take their mask off regardless of the vaccine? Anyway, I don't understand what it will take to permanent erase this recommendation. I don't see the percentage of vaccinated people going up. Whoever wanted to get one, has gotten one now. Anyone older than 12 years old can get one. I'm feeling more and more comfortable without my mask at the grocery store and church. I still wore it to the doctor's office because you are up close to them sometimes and vice versa. And it's required. But after the hour I was with the doctor today, I had a very dry and sore throat. Jared says he will still wear his even when he has both shots of the vaccine if it's a mandate or recommendation I think. Ridiculous. Either the vaccine protects you and therefore others, or it doesn't. Anyway, I'm still not getting one. And I am not wearing my mask around my people. We are back to normal with no masks and no social distancing. And have been for a year.

Speaking of my appointment, it was the typical first time meeting a doctor appointment. After all was said and done, she wants to run labs, again, with a few different ones, and then if nothing pops up, she said she could possibly prescribe a weight loss pill that would jump start things at least. I explained that I just want to be at a weight where the rest of these symptoms goes away. That's only 25 lbs. She's a first time resident, though, so I heard some very similar things to my other PCP. This one is an osteopath, so maybe she'll consider some alternative things. I hope. We'll see. Insurance does cover the appointments though and she's not too far. I wasn't sure how big the office was because the waiting room was tiny. But the office is huge! It has a nurses' station in the middle, kind of like in the wing at a hospital. So, we'll see. I have a tiny bit of hope. She does want me to take my blood pressure 3x a day, and keep a food and exercise log. I will start that tomorrow. And I will see her in about 10 days, so not too long. But now I'm in the Community network, so maybe I'll get better care? I'm not sure. She also had just come back from maternity leave and was a little helter skelter. So, we'll see.

 After the appointment, I went to the grocery store for graduation gifts, dog food, and some misc. items. $200 later.....But that's how it goes. Oh and prescriptions. Dropped off library books. Got home a little after 1pm. Ate a quick lunch and was out the door again at 2pm for park day. I had no time to deal with any messes or paperwork so I dealt with that later. In fact, I've just left Abishai random dumping of stuff for now. It's bugging me, but I'm trying to ignore it. Geotrax, Legos, and Hot Wheels. Oh, and Nerf guns. Always the Nerf guns and the bullets laying around everywhere. I just don't care right now. I will by June 1st.

We got home around 5, I made a salad, and we ate leftovers. Yeah for leftovers! Then it was time for karate. Justin said he had a headache, but food helped, and he wanted to play video games, so I let him. Keturah was still grounded from the tablet. She worked for Renae from 3:30 to 6 today and said her feet hurt a lot. I said, good! Actually, I probably should check her shoes. I'll let it go a couple more times to see if her feet build up some toughness but I could always get her another pair of shoes with good arches, too. Her current ones I think are ok and I don't feel any of my kids have had issues with their feet. Jared and I don't. She decided to try painting a stained glass thing that Renae gave her, so that's good. She got out the supplies herself and everything. Abishai went to karate and now can't fall asleep. He must be exhausted though. I put away the paperwork and started typing and catching up on email.

Not sure what we will do in the morning except take it easy. I could work a little bit on some IAHE things. And I'm behind on my Bible study. Then it's off to the park we go, again, with Daddy and Keturah in tow! Yippee!

That would be how I feel.

It was weird buying diapers today. It's for a baby shower. I always get the size 3 because a) the kids were in size 3 like forever! and b) everybody wants to get the cute newborn and size 1's but a lot of babies grow out those sizes super fast.

More blooms today.

Go to the park to run around and they end up playing the same video game together at the same time like they were miles apart. Caiden, Autumn, and Justin. Oh and Angi told me that Justin has an old number of Autumn's or something and so she got the text that said, "Do your homework." Hehehe, I like to help out other mama's by having my kids prod the other kids. Yup, we mamas stick together! Don't worry, these three had been running around for more than 2 hrs already. This was right before we were leaving.

Just 30 seconds before I took this cute pic Abishai was sharing the swing with 2 girls who were probably 8 or 9 and was being swung by a couple of other girls a bit older. No other boys were in sight. He likes to hang out with the girls sometimes, especially when the boys brush him off. I think he's just a little charmer. And his shirt is probably going to be a favorite because it's a Pokemon shirt.

Shutterfly decided to show us what I loaded up on their website two years ago. Awwwww!!!!! Benaiah wore Jared's suit and tie here.

And here they are, two years later.  Awwww!!!!!! And now my almost 19 year old bought his own suit, tie, shirt, vest, and shoes. He's killin' it! Adorable!

Hey there, I, too, can rock the ponytail sometimes! Actually, it was super hard to get it up even this high! I'm just not used to brushing it that way, and I don't think my hair is trained that way either. I use do a low ponytail and then depending on it's length, I will twist and leave the ends up and use a small clip or tuck them back down and use a medium sized clip. And because my hair is in a clip 95% of my waking hours, it will get some waves sometimes.

Saturday we had the luxury of sleeping in. Justin was up and down several times last night, even after going to bed early because he had a headache, so I let him sleep in until 10am. Then Abishai was being loud with pots and pans lids so it was nearly impossible to keep it going. Keturah said her feet was sore from doing chores with Renea, so I checked her shoes and they seem to be fine with arch support and tread. She said they are fine in length. So, I'm guessing it's just that Keturah isn't on her feet most of the day and she just has to get used to it. But I made her get up earlier than Justin. Abishai was up by 7:30 doing all the things and more. He came and snuggled us a bunch as well. I think we got up around 8:30, but I shouldn't have been so slow at breakfast playing my video games because I had things to do. Laundry, clean up the kitchen after Justin emptied the dishwasher, a quick body shower, and I was determined to get two days worth of Bible study done since I got behind. I told everyone we weren't leaving until they were done. 

We left around 1pm for Berkley Wagar's open house. It was another gorgeous, windy, 70 degree day! A perfect day to be outside! It was lightly attended, but I got to see some familiar faces and talk to Berkley's mom, Jennifer, a bunch. Jared had some light conversation with his dad, Keith and a couple of other men we know. Abishai was determined to play with Wolf because he's Justin's friend, and he did play a little bit. But Wolf and the big kids including Justin were playing a game of soccer and he couldn't join in. And when Wolf and Justin went for a bike ride, Abishai had to play by himself or with others. The younger Wagar kids are his age, but he doesn't really know them because they are either a 1-2 yrs older or 1-2 yrs younger. Oh well, it was good to see how much their 8 kids of grown! Good grief! Keturah played around a bit was then bored halfway through. She ate plenty of sweet things. Jared had 3 BBQ pulled pork sandwhiches and Abishai ate a tiny bit plus a can of Sprite. I had one of those iced tea lemonades and man it was good! I enjoyed looking at all of Berkley's photos since I've known the Wagars since I think Wolf, #4, was born. Let's see, it goes, Delaney, Berkley, Cordelia, Woflgang, Thornton, Alamanzo, Evangeline, and Nesso. Yup, that was actually pretty easy! Remember, we and the Wagars were "on the mission field" at the same time and have been friends for years and years, so I remember when the second half of them were born. Evangeline was born in Austria and Nesso was born soon after they came back from Eastern Europe. I did have Nesso in the nursery 2 years ago when we had the Rooted classes. Fun stuff!

But then it was time to leave. The introverts had had enough extroverting. Abishai didn't even complain that much. I think he was pretty exhausted from his running around this morning and then keeping up with the big kids this afternoon. When we got home, Jared took a nap, the kids did their screen time, and I laid down on the couch to watch some health videos. I just didn't feel like being super productive today. And my legs are hurting something awful so I didn't. I'm trying to organize my thoughts around if I should do anything for Tuesday, Jared's birthday and Abishai's baptism day. I'm not sure. I could make a cake, although Jared won't eat it. I'll ask Leah. Or cupcakes. I'll ask Leah what she is thinking. But I'm trying to think back to the older boys' baptisms. I don't think any of us got them anything special like a Bible or something because they already had age appropriate ones. No special gifts or parties that I can remember. I have Monday to do something about it and I have nothing but school that day. Balloons? I don't know. Jared doesn't care if we decorate for his birthday and I don't have a gift for him. I might have a card for him. 42 years old. Weren't our parents being that age? Yes I do!

Everyone did NOT watch the clock, so nobody started doing chores or thinking about dinner until 6. That means many did not eat until 7. Um, I didn't mean to not be involved, but seriously, you all know how to look at a clock. But, they managed, and they all had showers, so all is right in our world. I just found out when we got home, and only because I have my notifications on for Instagram, that we have a parent meeting at 10:15 at church in the chapel and then Justin has to be there at 10:30. After church, we have the congregational meeting and Keturah has worship team rehearsal at 12:30. Then everyone we will back to church for 6pm for Seniors night. Benaiah said he has to practice for that, so he won't come to lunch. Long day ahead. It's a good thing Monday is quiet before our big day on Tuesday! Can't wait!

I couldn't see what I was taking a photo off, so bummers that his eyes are closed, but Abishai could climb up the big slide baackwards. Brave boy! It was pretty up in the air.

Big kids playing soccer including Justin!

Abishai had to climb up the slide because he claims he didn't slide down the right way.

Sliding down like a penguin. And yes, I went down and almost got dizzy as a result. I didn't have energy to go through the wobbly pedestal things and barely had enough to hold him to do some monkey bars. He just wanted a playmate.

Special penguin slide!

These were tougher than they looked for an unsteady girl like me. Phew. I made it!

The Sugar Creek park has two shelters, so Jennifer go the one closer to the playground. There was a birthday party at the other one. This is where I and the ladies sat at park day yesterday.

When the big kids left, Abishai got some time with Wolf and Justin.

What an arm, Justin!

Kick, Abishai, kick! He's a natural of cores.

Justin's attempt at a punt was ok.

At least he went over Wolf's head.

Go give Wolf a hug! Wolf toelrated it. You kind of have to when you are one kid for 8 kids.

Gorgeous flowers in our flower garden!

Keturah is working on an art project the Renea gave her to do.

Abishai made a bulldozer! Ingenuity he has.

Despite her best efforts yesterday, the nurse must have gotten the wrong vein. My blood draw a fewer weeks ago didn't look like this one. I had it done on my right hand. And this thing kind of hurts. It's like a bee sting. Ouch! Better me than the kids!

Well, super busy day and I hit the "I'm done being an extroverted introvert" wall. I just want to go home! We had a quick high school/middle school meeting at 10:15, then church at 11, then congregational meeting at 12:30. Keturah had rehearsal for worship team from 12:30 to 2:30 (we went home and then back to pick her up), and of course youth group. I had declared a "no screen time" afternoon and Abishai decided to pick on me about it when Jared took a nap. I finished a short book on the famous sayings of Mr. Selfridge that has been on my book pile for 6 months. I really do need to TRY to read, but I really couldn't focus because I'm always SO TIRED. I'm also having some triggering moments because every time I take my blood pressure, the machine turns red because I'm something like 138-150 over 99 every single time no matter how I sit or when I do it. Red means bad, ya know? Triggering. And I have to log my food and exercise, or lack there of. The good thing is that the free version of the MyFitnessPal app I've used for years and years will tell me my macro %'s and vitamins and minerals and normal stuff you find on the nutritional panel on foods. Both of those things should be helpful if I decide to really zone in on that stuff. I.e. eating too many mints in the evening causes the sugar category to be way too high for the day. It also tells me how I spend my calories, like % of the daily intake by meal plus snacks. Yesterday was pretty normal with more calories and breakfast and dinner and less at lunch. Today was the opposite because Jared made pork fried rice for a late lunch, so I had my usual quick meal bar for dinner. My fat content is pretty high, but I tend to consume a lot of almond based products and have my cashews at night. Oh, and I had cheese both days. My protein has been lower overall but I knew that. So, we'll see. I'm thinking about trying out Trim Healthy Mama again after seeing a post about another person asking if you can loose weight on the plan when you can't exercise because of disease and injury.  Many people chimed in and said that yes, you can because they have. So, here's to hoping I can reread some of that information and really learn that plan and make it work instead of focusing on the exercise this summer. Because right now, I have no desire to even take a walk. I hurt too much before, during, and after. I'm hoping the doc will let me take those diet pills short term to jump start everything. And to be honest, I would take something to help with cholesterol and high blood pressure, too, until I can take the weight off. Because these things scare the crap out of me. I don't eat things high in cholesterol or salt. And I'm not sure there's anything stress related I can do about the high blood pressure, especially since it's really hereditary in my case. My sister takes meds for it and both my parents did at this age. I just want to make sure the weight isn't causing it. So, we'll see.

I was also triggered by some things that were said and that I thought about and where we even sat in service today. I've been pretty good at letting things go and not being triggered. And I'm not going as far down the rabbit trail as I have had before. But, I did write this on my Facebook page. And this is why I won't sign something that sounds like a contract that basically says that if the church doesn't like what you say on social media (ok, that wasn't specifically said on the commitment form, BUT, I know that in part, it's why this part was included), that if you don't change or if you continue on in your ways, they can basically boot you out. At least that's how I would interrupt it. And I'm giving up my freedom of speech on my FB wall. Not when there are other well meaning people agreeing with me often enough. Nope. I don't need the social media police on my back from the church. So, I won't sign the commitment form or be in leadership. Not until I have a change of convictions that more aligns with what the church has. I'm come too far in my knowledge and wisdom for that. Anyway, here's what a I wrote:

Some days, I wish both sides of any given topic would be shared from the same side.
I’m in a very unique position. I hear stories from both sides. It’s hard to get a real picture of what’s going on in youth group or education. Many of left our church’s youth group saying they don’t fit in, there’s too much drama, the other kids are hypercritical, and I totally see their point of view. And I see how other kids fare well and love it and how much the youth group is promoted through the success stories.
The same goes for education. I see and hear stories on both sides of successes and failures. But never in the same circle. If our schools have such an awesome administration and set of teachers, then how am I able to answer literally a dozen or more families who have questions about homeschooling because their child’s needs aren’t met, they’ve been bullied, administration is doing nothing about it, etc.
I try to present information representing both sides: I believe in homeschooling with all of my being but there are times that public school might be the best. Our youth leaders are awesome and my two kids currently in the program are doing fine, however it’s not for everyone, so please, yes, find another youth group or church even.
But only presenting one side is never fair. Sure we need to encourage and praise public and private school teachers, but did you know that families that are and will continue to homeschool have doubled? Is there time for the “minority” in the community to be recognized, too? Is there time for the girl that doesn’t dress and talk like the other girls and engage in drama to still feel included instead of feeling that youth group is a waste and dropping out? What about that nerd/geek that is in a small group where all the other guys are sports fanatics? Where does he really fit in? How can his interests and needs be addressed?
I post this here because I think this happens anywhere and everywhere. I understand that you have to engage the majority and concentrate most efforts there. But what about the minorities? The ones that don’t fit into the typical church goer of your community? Do you just ignore them and hope they go somewhere else to get fed and encouraged?
I’ve always been that outsider, the minority, and some days, I’m ok with that. And some days, it’s a trigger. I’m faithful enough to my own convictions to never change them in order to become popular. I have found communities that more match my own preferences so that I am encouraged and fed. And I do want to be the voice of the minority in other places when I am mentally and emotionally able because it is obvious to me, that the minority is never seen or heard.
Instead of acknowledging only one side, and therefore alienating the other side and hoping they will leave, how about integrating them more? The more of them they are, the more of them they will attract and the more diverse your group will be. This includes race, socioeconomic status, education choice, clothing styles, etc etc
I’ve thought about this for years. It’s not a new topic to me, but it’s become more and more obvious this year through the pandemic. I’m part of two very distinct social circles and they never seem to interact or crossover. And that is so sad to me. So sad.
And now, I’ll get off my soapbox.
THEN, Keturah comes home and this happens:
What a way to get out of my funk! Keturah's youth group girls are going to watch this movie on Friday night and more than half of the songs are reimagined and rerecordings of the best CCM songs of the 90's! Steven Curtis Chapman, Michael W. Smith, Audio Adrenaline, Amy Grant, Rich Mullins and For King and Country! I don't impulse buy that often but I just HAD to get this one. These lyrics changed many, many lives of my peers and carried me through those teen years, too. Hopefully, they will do the same for this generation. Oh my word, listen to the snippets somewhere, AWESOME updated versions! Woot! Woot!A Week Away (Music From The Netflix Film)amazon.com
A Week Away (Music From The Netflix Film)
A Week Away (Music From The Netflix Film)

Ok, that's incredible! I bought the CD and I'm going to see if I have Amazon Music so I can listen to it. My childhood! Ah! There's very few things that make me geek out and CCM music can be one of them. Not only did I get Michael W. Smith's new book yesterday, the one about his dad and I'm supposed to get the audio version of him reading it (Smitty's voice is SO unique and I can pick it up in a crowd). Ah, sweet!

Ok, maybe that's enough for the day. Let's go and have fun with this last week of school, Jared's birthday, and Abishai's immersion/Jesus birthday! Woot! Woot! 

G-Daddy (Michael W. Smith) signing some books with help from some of the granddaughters and their reptile "friends." Lol. I love these candid moments. He would make one of the best grandpas out there!

You gotta love having a lot of friends and acquaintances who remember that you like to photos and to see what your kids are up to. Mr. Scott McKinney (who works at the school) took these for me. I didn't even know he was there or ask anyone to take photos. It's just so sweet to see your adult kid enjoying himself when he works extremely hard throughout the week. Thank you for sharing!

I asked Benaiah what kind of dance this is and he said "just our own thing." Jared and I haven't swayed/danced together since we did in Gary and Leah's kitchen like 22 years ago. We don't dance. Well, I'd love to learn, but he hates it. So we didn't have a DJ or dance floor at either wedding ceremony. I think my Dad was disappointed and looking back, we could have at least done that dad/daughter dance. But my mind was on other things like leaving at a certain time to get on a plan to come back to Indiana to do a second ceremony. I love that both of our receptions were outside and had a picnic feel to it. But I do wish we had some dancing. Maybe our kids will have some at their weddings. Anyways, I love that Benaiah enjoys himself at these things. My handsome young adult son.

Time for the prayer tags! I've got 3 kids up there still! And all the tags were turned around so you couldn't see the names. That way there will be no favoritism. I like this set up for them as well. The other boards were fine, but this feels a little more modern and a good use of this big black thing in the middle of the foyer.

Oh wow! I haven't heard of Steck-Vaughn school materials since probably I was in school. I don't know if I used them in public school or my mom picked up some at the Teach 'N Learn store but I remember the name. I haven't seen or heard it being used in either my Canadian or current homeschool circles though. This was a listing for our IAHE Marketplace/Used Curriculum page. It is a brand by the secular company Houghton Milton. I think we are going to see more and more secular materials pop up as we get more and more secular homeschoolers.

I'm not sure if I shared this or not. But this little book case thing held some of those old school "world" books that my parents had. When my Dad passed away, I took it. I think you can put VHS or DVD's or CD's on it as well. But it fits the old hymn books my mom collected and then the hymn books we used when we had church in our basement and then our hymn book and Marantha purple book we used at the Candia Congregational church. I put them in chronological order according to publishing date, and the first one is very early 1900's. All of my music from Manchester Christian Church and Cornwall Christian Church are in other binders in the piano bench. A bit disorganized, but it's there. This is a much safer set up for these books for sure. And my mom made that pastel runner underneath. I know not many people use table runners anymore, but I still like them, especially the ones my mom made. Lots of great memories here. I wish I took the time to play more of the hymns and old praise songs for my kids. Such rich history and theology in these lyrics.

I tried to keep Abishai off of the tablet all day. So while I was trying to read, he was trying to steal the tablet out of my lap. Eventually he went out into the yard (I was reading on the deck) and played with the swings and asked me to come swing him. Imagine, Jared put this up 4 years ago when we moved in and Abishai was only 2. And now he can handle it like a pro.

Look at how big this 6 year old is! I'm so grateful we have so many outdoor elements for him to expend his energy and he's now big enough to use them all by himself. He got on the regular swing today and was able to get himself started and "pump" his legs to keep himself going. So big!

Oh hi!

I got new cards for the teens today. On the other side it says, "They will most likely say, 'Yeah,....I know." Oh my word, Keturah says that ALL that time! I appreciate the countdown to graduation because it reminds me that there's only a short window to grow these kids up! And 260 times that maybe the youth group will get together and influence her. That's nuts!

Oh my Justin will be an 11th grade! Wow! The other side of the card says that they might say, "Trust me." And yes, he has said that when he asked me to take his email off of my phone. Ok bud, I trust you. But 104 weeks left? Yup! Plus the extra year we'll give you after your "graduation" with your friends. But still, not much time left to help Justin get the coping skills he needs with his inattentive ADHD and take tests and study skills. Ah! The countdown is on!

The End

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