Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Year 6, November 29th - December 5th, 2021: In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb

 That's how the week went...

Monday was completely awful. No one wanted to do schoolwork, including me. I was in a bad spot emotionally and mentally. Abishai refused to do homework. Keturah hated math. Justin was frustrated that he couldn't learn faster. No one could figure out where they wanted to sit for read aloud time. I didn't want any toys and extras in the fireside room. I didn't know what dinner was going to be. I just wanted to go back to bed. I can't even remember everything that went wrong, but I do remember being so frustrated and angry and wanting everyone to just leave me alone. It was NOT a good day. So when I had to leave for my chiropractor appointment, I was thinking of all the ways I could extend my time away from the house. I ended up going up to Aldis and getting some groceries and buying all the holiday candy and such for the stockings and for the month. I also bought some regular MM's. I had Abishai put them on my desk and then a few hours later I went looking for them and they were gone! I searched and searched and finally after asking the kids, I asked Jared and got him to confess that he hid them! Hey! Those were my snacking MM's, not my holiday ones! I've been craving them for months! I've eaten up all the other chocolate and snacky things from my shelf. I have self control and will go several days without seeking out the chocolate. Good grief! Don't take a woman's chocolate! Anyways, I got home in time to make dinner. And then he and I had a deep conversation about what else was going on. We felt better after that.

I disagree. I'd like to hope that breakthrough is coming, thanks. Because life is very depressing if I don't. And I go to those dark depressing moments too often. I understand what Jared is saying, though. The breakthroughs don't often happen on earth, just like healing doesn't always happen on earth. Sometimes it doesn't happen until we reach heaven. That's what I understood when my mom was ill. People would pray for healing for my mom. And I don't know who told me or if I had my own revelation, but I figured out that we can pray for healing, but that healing may not happen until we get our new bodies in Heaven. I don't think most people mean it that way. They expect our earthly bodies to be healed. But I think that just leads to disappointment when a person isn't healed. I've prayed and prayed for healing and God hasn't healed me. God didn't heal my parents either. So, I get mad at God and ask him why he didn't say yes to answer my prayer. He answers my prayers with a no. So yes, God answers. But in order for the fact that "God heals" to remain true, that healing has to sometimes take place not on this earth. I could be totally theologically incorrect, but to me it makes sense and has helped me keep going through many prayers.

Abishai did this before I was even aware of what was happening. I wasn't a happy camper at all. Socks doesn't need to hurt himself trying to get up on the couch. He doesn't need the stress of doing what Abishai says. Plus, I don't want the coffee table dragged over all the time and Abishai hanging all over it. And then me reaching over it to get to him to do school work. I can't see Abishai's work from across the table anyway. I want this room to be minimal clutter because this is where I sit with friends and where I hang out, too, thanks. It's cute and all, but I need my space. Every other room and surface is covered with toys and stuff. Let me have my nice space, thanks.

The most patient, kid friendly dog ever.

Yes, Socks was actually so comfortable and warm that he fell asleep to me reading The Mouse and the Motorcycle.

Best Dog Ever

Abishai finished his Math-U-See Alpha book. Now onto Beta! Let's see how quickly we get through this one!

Tuesday was much better. No appointments today, so we got through our read alouds better and could tackle Keturah's math without the pressure of the clock. Still rough around the edges though. We got Abishai started slightly earlier and I made sure he didn't take too many friends out of his bed this time. We still sat on the couches in the fireside room, so it was still awkward. But it was less awkward and we got through more bookwork. I kept the other kids on track and it was my fault we got started late on reading. Keturah has been in such a mood this week, and I don't know why. Hormones perhaps. Justin claims his schoolwork is fine. He says he's studying other parts of his math book before doing his final test for Algebra 1. He'll do that test on Friday. I haven't assigned anything extra for history besides some history movies to watch. I feel like we just did all this because we did, 5 years ago, and my notes said we did all the geography exercises. And I'll do more geography with Abishai the next time around. I'm fizzling out on the history again. But we are in the 1960's and it's stuff that will come up time and time again because it's current history to some of our relatives at least. I like to point out how old Grandma's and Grandpa's were when certain things happen in order to make the kids think how they would have felt if they were those ages during that event, like the men landing on the moon. In any case, the day went better, but the day was still full of petty arguments.


Great name for the ABC game when traveling! But crazy excuse why you can't land!

Do you know how long it takes to settle these three on 5 cushions just to read to them for 30 minutes? 30 minutes!

Abishai wanted the pillow on Socks stomach and Keturah tried to take away the pillow several times. Petty argument. Ugh.

School is better with your puppy nearby. Why are the kids all of a sudden fussing about who has the dog next to them anyway? He's their new favorite toy to fight over. And he naturally complies.

It's hard to get Keturah up when Socks goes to cuddle her in the morning after his first outdoor run. So pitiful.

Wednesday was even much better. Especially when I scared Justin because we were 5 minutes late and he was still on the tablet looking for some kind of Minecraft cheat code. He said that all of a sudden he turned his head and all he saw was my pink fluffy coat standing in front of his bed and it made him jump. He had his headphones on, but I had also called his name. He jumped and almost hit his head on his bed. Look your clock Justin! But we made it, a little late, but we got there. Abishai and I got his schoolwork done. Time for lunch and read alouds. It took until 2:30pm to satisfy everybody. Then I had some more read alouds to do about Man Walking on the Moon. Tomorrow we have haircuts, and I have a funeral to attend on Friday, so reading had to get done today. It's been a busy day, but I feel confident that I've gotten enough done for once. Hopefully, each day will get better. I just feel exhausted from the mental and emotional exertion the last few days have brought. I'm not sure how I'm going to get it all done for Christmas. Gifts are bought at least. I just don't have energy to put out any festive decorations right now. I'll have to think on it.

I finally got all Level 50 Vikings in my game! Woot! Woot!

Abishai had lined up all his tools and was fixing his school bus when I found him in the hallway. He had all of his tools all lined up looking ready for action. He said he has to tune up his busy every day.

Abishai Fixing His Bus

What a good sport keeping an eye on the kid from his favorite spot. He can hear and see most of the household activity from this one spot that connects the hallway and bedrooms with the living room, kitchen, and fireplace room. He maybe old, but he's not dumb.

Racism on PEI. Really?! PEI, you van do better than that!

Abishai insisted he wanted to help make his own macaroni and cheese for lunch. He did a great job and is learning bit by bit.

Tyler is the 3rd kid out of Michael's 5 kids. He's a composer and has written music scores for several movies. He actually has a profile on IMDB now. I might get this album. We'll see! I think a lot of the music writing talent was passed down to Tyler. He keeps to himself and is pretty quiet it seems though. The oldest brother, Ryan, is the filmmaker. Whitney, oldest sister, I've heard a bunch about her. And then Anna and Emily are the youngest two sisters. You don't hear much about Tyler. Typical middle child, lol.

Thursday we had to rush through school so I didn't get much done with Abishai. We all had haircuts. The boys got their usuals and Keturah and I had trims. We were at the salon for 2 hrs. Not much to see, so I didn't take photos. I was tired of being with people, so I rested when we got home. I did take the kids through the CFA drive through and fed them regular meals because they didn't eat much lunch. $43 later. Ouch! I finished the IAHE newsletter and got that sent off. But I didn't get any blogging done until Friday (today). Abishai and Keturah are already feeling cooped up in the house. So tomorrow when it's warmer, I'm kicking them outside. Forget the schoolwork, just go outside. I wish we could plunge back in and do more schoolwork when we get home, but we are all so wired to do our screen time between 3-5pm that it's pretty hopeless to even try. So we didn't. We managed to finish the day just fine. Onward to other things this weekend.


For those that love numbers like I do, oh so cool! d

Maybe I should have picked up that book at Barnes and Noble for Jared, lol.

Jared didn't think this was funny. I do.

I texted Jared, "I know we said we really need to stop buying Legos BUT....." We are truly obsessed when we want the very next set that comes out. But we do need to stop. We've got to set up some nice shelves for what we have first. It's just hard when the excuse is that Christmas is this month. I wouldn't be upset if we had this one though.

See, I have self control. I'm able to maintain my weight. It's just the losing part I can't do without majorly reducing calories and man, does that make me feel sick. So I lost the 10-12lbs because of Covid, but I haven't put it back on, and that's my current goal.

Sorry, one more. Can't help it.

I think I have found the Smith I want to follow after Michael W. Smith retires. The middle child, Tyler, who hasn't been in the spotlight as much as his first two kids, Ryan (the videographer) and Whitney (the first girl who got married), is actually the one who has inherited Michael's musical composition skills. Oh goodness me. I knew he was a composer. But I didn't know how good he actually was. So I started following him on Instagram. This should be a fun adventure seeing how like or unlike he is his dad. He's got a new mostly instrumental album out for Christmas and honestly, his arrangements do sound a lot like Michael's at first listen, but I went to the website and bought it anyways, as well as Volume 1. Because he's got to support his own family of 5 kids and wife. And, why not! I know how proud I would be if Benaiah was part of something. Gotta support the kid of my fav artist, you know. So, we'll see! You just never know how those quieter middle kids will make their mark on the world.

Friday was an interesting, non school kind of day. Because Jared and I had a funeral to attend at lunchtime, I didn't feel up to doing any school with Abishai at all. Instead, I laid low and let the day be a mental health day. It was almost 60 degrees outside so Abishai reminded me that I said that when it was warmer that I would switch out some of the toys. I actually had time to say yes, and that's what we did. He's a happy camper. He actually wanted to go to the funeral just because he wanted to be with Daddy. The funeral was for a gentlemen who we've known for decades, and he was the grandfather of some boys that Abishai knows. But we figured Abishai wouldn't sit still at all. But the boys were perfectly behaved. I was so proud of them! I'm glad we attended the funeral. I felt really happy to have loved on this particular family (the Simmons) this way. Humble, faithful servants of God. The other kids did their usual homework and did it well. 

I encouraged Keturah to go outside with us for a little bit and she got the light up candy cane decorations that line the sidewalk. I cleaned up a bit in the flower beds for a couple of minutes. And then we made it to screen time when we all just chilled again. Supper was the rest of the leftovers. Jared then took Abishai to karate. Tomorrow I plan to focus solely on the rest of the Christmas decor. Keturah is going crazy not having her Santa hat. I still might not put everything out. And I'm not the only one not doing everything at once either. I just listened to a podcast today from a well known influencer who said the same thing. She used to do all her decorating in one day, going to bed at 3 am. But she's just spending 30 minutes a day on it this year. She's in her 50's. And her kids are in their 20's and her life focus isn't on all of that anyway. She's one of my favorite down to earth influencers of all time, wicked smart, wicked successful, Christian, from Michigan, has ADHD, been through all kinds of crap and back again, but so totally fun, too. And we share a last name. (Chalene Johnson) So, I'm in good company. I still haven't put the ornaments on the tree yet. But I have most of everything else under control, so tomorrow will be a good day to devote to the rest of the decor. Then we'll focus on Christmas cookies and such.

Abishai insists that Socks needs a blanket. Socks is just the best dog ever to allows Abishai to do these things.

My irises doesn't won't quite blooming!

Uh oh. Little Man had to have a little chat with Daddy tonight about the sandbox/base for the kiddie pool. Daddy said it was ok. We can transition it to a sandbox next summer when we get a bigger above ground pool.

I texted Kelly and said I need my hiking partner!

Gorgeous weather! Gorgeous backyard that my kids don't know how to take advantage of.

Look mom, I still can do my tricks on the little trampoline!

Ok, just don't fall off!

Keturah went to rearrange her room and I found out that Socks was stuck in her bed because he couldn't get through!

It doesn't matter to my kids that they were working on books just a level apart from reach other. Keturah may have to repeat pre-algebra anyway. But Justin just mastered Algebra 1. He and I decided to have him redo Algebra 1 because he hadn't been on ADHD medication during that year and it was such a struggle. It's better for him to have a major math mastered rather than cheat your way through basic everyday math.

The chew.com order just arrived with Socks' medication in it. But that's a fun graphic to put on it! Cats and little girls, like to to steal these boxes to play in.


 Saturday was our normal stay at home day and get lots of home projects done type of day. The kids and I worked on the Christmas decorations and Jared tried to do fix some details on the chalkboard. Unfortunately for him, what was going to be an easy fix became an all day project. He was going to just take off the painter's tape and do a little touch up paint, but then the base coat of paint came off with the painters' tape and he had to mud the wall again and paint again and mess with the actual frame and then do more touch up painting. It took him nearly all day. And in the midst of that, he bumped the clock the it feel and the glass front piece broke. He tried fixing it with a clock I had kept from being thrown away from his childhood, but we aren't sure that what he did with it is going to do the trick. And in his doing that, it started an argument between us after a pretty good day.

Honestly, it's been another emotional roller coaster of a week for me and I'm not feeling great. My body physically hurts and I feel like I might be getting a runny nose. Because I didn't get the full chiro treatment on Monday, I still feel tight across my shoulders, too. I did schedule another chiro appointment before he goes on vacation in two weeks, otherwise it was going to be almost 6 weeks before I saw him again. But emotionally, yes, from a friend's dad being so ill last week and then dying early this week and the funeral being yesterday, and my other friend's 17 yr old running away on Monday and still not word from him at all to our own family dynamics and drama to my own internal idiosyncrasies and issues, I'm exhausted. Oh, and this stupid eye irritation making it hard to be in front of a screen or watch/listen to anything because if I close my eyes I'm afraid I'll sleep. Sigh. I'm just a mess. I'll try to list out some specifics and positives and then post a couple of positives I guess.

Abishai was very gun ho about putting his Geotrax tracks together himself. He spent alot of the day roaming the halls but did go outside for a couple of minutes with the dog. He just wanted us to play with him but we were busy with projects. I tried to get him to help me with Christmas ornaments but he said he was tired from doing Grandpa's ornaments last week. He only did a few ornaments. Oh goodness, he IS the youngest child in a TikTok channel I've been watching, anyway....

Keturah helped Jared fluff the small tree and put the lights on. Jared taught her to put the lights on, and it was a good bonding moment. She did her laundry, read books, and spent lots of time on her screen. She put the more fragile ornaments on the top of the big tree after arguing that Justin did a horrible job with the lights and tried taking them off to fix them and fluff the top part of the tree better. She wouldn't listen either. But she was excited to help pull out the Santa hats and other annual Christmas decor like place mats and the Little People nativity. I didn't put up as much as I usually do so I wouldn't have so much to take down later.

Justin was hard to get up this morning. He's been reading through his "Dune" book, although he still has two weeks to finish it. But he also listens to music, so he doesn't always hear me when he does that. He brought the laundry in from the dryer so he and Keturah could sort it while I sorted ornaments into piles for him, Keturah, and Abishai to do. He also helped with recycling. Then he helped someone on one of his video games. That's about it for him. Grandpa had taken him up to the Feed and Seed store yesterday, but he won't hear back from them until next week. He needs a job! I tried to get him to sort through clothes or work on shelves but unless I'm right there, he won't do that. The other two are the same way. And I simply can't be with everyone at once.

Benaiah had his own things to do today I guess, just like every other day of every other week.

I guess they had turkey sandwhiches for dinner. I wasn't hungry so I stayed on my couch and listened to podcasts. Abishai had a bath, but I think Keturah's taken a shower in the morning. Justin said he would take one tonight. Hm,....I think I need to get on him for that. Again, if I'm not right there.......

On to the photos of the day.....

Abishai told Jared to take a picture of all the construction guys set up for Mr. Jim because "Mr. Jim is in charge of working guys." He even got to send to Mr. Jim via Daddy's phone.

Abishai got to put the very special angel on the top of the tree. I'm surprised that Jared picked him up like that after complaining about his back this week. It takes a bit to get this pretty top heavy angel to stay up, but they got it.

We bought this ornament in 2003 at Legoland in Florida when we were on vacation with Gary and Leah and Aaron's family. I can't remember if it came with a mini figure or not. It was only $3 so I don't think it did. But I let Justin and now Abishai pick out a mini figure to put in it every year. This year, Mando and Grogu made the cut. I said that Mando's arm is blocking Grogu and Abishai said it's because he's telling Grogu to stay back out of harm's way. Oh, ok, I'll leave it then. And then he put it right in the middle of the tree, but as high as he could reach, so everyone could see it.

Ornaments are finally done. Plus the rest of the decor that we are putting out this year. It's much less than last year. But that's fine. The basics are done.

Oh no. I was trying to get this to stay on a nail and it fell. The top hanging piece broke!

The back is ripped a bit too from previous years. But this is how my mom finished off her crosstitch pieces, with a little transfer paper and probably white glue.

Well, it lasted 37 years.

Makes me feel super old. 1984

Lots of stains, from my mom's bad smoking habit most likely. I can't remember if this stayed up year round or not. Or was it the knelling Santa one where Santa kneels before baby Jesus. Anyway, the stains don't bother me. I know why they are there. I know it's what she did and it was part of who she was. It's just my Mom. It's ok. She still made this. I'm still going to try to fix the top part. We'll see how it goes. And if not, I'll put it back in the Christmas box as a keepsake.

There's a Christmas tree, on the keepsake dresser, in the sunroom. That's where Jared put it after it wouldn't fit in the front window because it's too wide for the windowsill. Ok then. I actually didn't back in there and find out where the stuff on top of the dresser went. Uh, I need to go investigate that. Uh oh.

I tried to turn off all the lights and settings on my phone camera but there was still some compensation I guess for the pitch blackness. To the naked eye, you couldn't see anything in the kitchen. It looks pretty cool though. Great idea!

I love it! Now where are those other boxes?!

Sunday was normal, but rainy. I stayed home all day because I needed to just not interact with any other human. It was glorious. I listened to a Michael W. Smith worship album, listened to my Bible reading plans, and built the Lego Advent wreath with no other humans in the house in peace in the heritage room. I'm determined to make that room basically my room of sanity and I told the kids that later. No more toys, no more bedding from their rooms, no more extras of any kind besides school books. It's where my pretty things go. That's it. Since the rest of us can't be decorated like a Martha Stewart house, the heritage room is my adult room where I take guests, my receiving room, oh what do you call it in the older homes? The parlor? Yes, I think that's it. The sitting room. That's another nane for it, too. Granted ours is at the back of the house, so it's odd for the average person to wade through the toy/family room first, but honestly, no one is bothered by it. In fact, I get compliments on having the games out on shelves for easy access and how cozy my house is. But I want "my" room to have more boundaries. It all goes back to what Alisha Caudill suggested when we moved in nearly 4 1/2 yrs ago that I should try to set aside at least part of a room for my special place. Especially after she saw how I had decided to use the built in, out of the way/sun shelving for older books and photo albums and the collage of flags she made me. (And the "shrine" of my parents' stuff). I've never let the room get overtaken totally but stuff does start to creep in and it's a constant battle of reminding myself and the kids to remove items. I don't care what is on the couch in the living room at the end of the day. But I do care what is on the couches in the Heritage Room.

I even skipped Sunday lunch at Grandparents, too. I needed the headspace. And it kept going. The rest of the day was the same with screentime, naptime, listening to podcasts, Crave, small groups, video games with Daddy, etc. Oh, and I spent the afternoon reading about the platforms of the Republican and Democractic parties as they stood in 1952 and 1948 here in the USA. I felt like a college student and I loved every minute of it! Seriously! Bring it on!

What's this? Snow on the horizon? Cold front for sure! I think I was checking the weather because of some news I was reading or something. But it's coming! And none too soon because Christmas is coming!

Look at that big handsome almost 7 yr old! He's all ready for Christmas! Green corduroys, red plaid shirt, fancy Christmas hat. Even his hands are tucked into his pockets. So handsome!

A friend put up a tree with cardinals on in honor of her son and I think it's a great idea! I think I might do that and make a mini tree for my mom and display it year round. The cardinal is the state bird of Indiana as well as my mom's favorite bird.

While everyone was away and the house was peaceful, I put the Lego Advent wreath together. It wasn't a huge set but my hands did feel a little sore afterwards. I just don't have time to do fun things like this anymore. I have better uses for my time I guess. But it's all in how you define what is "better," too.

My turn for Lego.

15 of these wreath pieces and I missed one detail. The part that hooks them together has to be turned a certain way. So I had to fix about half of them. Whoops.

First set of bags is done and it took me 30 minutes of stead and slow work. I wasn't trying to rush anything though.

Second set of bags. I think I paused to do more on my phone this round, but I also had to concentrate on which section I was on. The green on green didn't help much either. Basically start on one section and go around.

Here's the wreath in it's entirety. I think it took me almost 90 minutes. If I had rushed it and didn't make that first mistake, it would have taken maybe an hour. The box is made so you can just take the candles off and set it straight into the box as is. Perfect for storage!

All done!

Lots of extra pieces for all the other renditions of this set you can make. There were photos of them in the back of the booklets. The set came with two booklets, one for the advent wreath and one for the more traditional Christmas wreath. I took the leftover pieces and made a holder for the middle candle. And then I attached the rest of the pieces to each other so they wouldn't get lost. And then I put those bigger chunks in a plastic bag and then in the box. That's how I roll with Legos.

And that's where it will sit from year to year. Kind of a different upgrade from what we've had in the previous pasts. It's not pink and purple candles, but we can still talk about them like that with our Christmas at the Creek boxes, which actually come with white tea candles. I guess some Christian churches don't care or adhere to the pink and purple like other denominations and older Christian churches do. I don't know. It's a bygone era I suppose.

What I plan to do is to take off one round brick on each candle for each week it "burns." So the candles will still be different heights each week. Then with those white pieces I'll make one very tall Jesus candle in the middle like you see here.

Mr. Jim decided to give us the Legos his kids weren't playing with anymore. Oh you would have thought the kids were in heaven! They are already plotting who to divide it up the instant it was at the door. And then Justin found this older ship still intact. And Abishai found a police hover vehicle from the Lego movie. Keturah wants to separate the whole bin into colors and then Justin will go through and pull out any non Lego brand ones. Abishai keeps pulling out pieces he thinks the other two will like. He's already built up a whole police station! Thank you, Mr. Jim!

The photo was supposed to be of Justin on the phone talking on the phone to a friend in real life like we used to do in the old days with his one foot crossed over his ankle and leaning against the wall. But, he wouldn't do the pose over for me. Instead, he wanted a nice photo with his puppy. Ok, then, we can get that, too.

Abishai is already working on a new Lego base.

Or this is a quote from Thumper from Disney's "Bambi" movie.

My Sunday afternoon reading was superb this week! Yes, I made loads of notes, found parts where I agreed or at least understood. Found a couple of parts where I totally didn't get it, and came to the conclusion that I still agree, in general, with the party I've always identified with, at least as it is stated here in these 1948 and 1952 party platform statements. It's very obvious what the emphasis of each party is and how they blamed each other and for what. They are both very nasty to each other, too, which was nothing new, even at that time. Jared had printed it off for me last week. Now I'm ready to discuss it as soon as he is ready to bring it up. Or, I'm just more informed and it affirmed everything that I've been taught in my upbringing. Which means that my Conservative homeschooling parents and history books didn't lie to me. And the Democrats have said truths about the Republicans as well. But for me, I don't voted based on a letter at the end of an individual's name. I vote based on the individual and what I know about them and how they line up to my own beliefs. And if I really don't know who they are, then I will vote based on party. And if I don't agree with either individual, I will leave it blank. My vote makes a difference. I choose to use it wisely.

Jared was able to finally put the chalkboard back together. Here is the last pic of the Thanksgiving thanks in it's entirity. Jared also sort of got the old clock going but it does fall behind still. We just need a new clock. And if he had just asked, I could have told him the whole story and saved him time and money. Oh well.

He had bought me these earlier in the day because he had heard me complain that someone has eaten my chocolate off my desk. It was just mini candy bars then. But I keep feeling like the candy in the fridge keeps disappearing faster than I'm personally eating it. No one is confessing to doing it. Keturah still lies, but Abishai also lies now. Since I can't prove it, I can't punish it. So thank you for my chocolate.

Genius! Most of us change out our knick knacks to themed decor in whatever holiday season we are in, right? Well, why not do that with our books? I know Keturah isn't reaching for these novels and she is now kind of too old for him, so I carefully switched them out with the Christmas books. Now the Christmas books are out and neat and I didn't have to rearrange the other library book piles. Yeah! Even the cd's fit, too! Perfect!

Let's hope next week goes a bit better.

The End

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