Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Monday, February 21, 2022

Year 7, February 14th-20th, 2022: Can We Just Be Left Alone?

 Monday - When the World Gets In the Way?

- Seriously, I woke up to several emails that yeah, I guess, could have waited, but I like to go through a first round of emails because more come through every hour and if I wait, it's a nightmare to catch up later in the day. Well, those emails and FB posts all imploded on me. Finally, I just walked away because I had promised myself I would focus on the kids and Jared this week. I would practice what I preached. I stirred up some "trouble" and well, I told myself, I just had done what I thought was best and it's not my fault if people have certain opinions. I don't think I had violated any written rules and if I had, the right parties will tell me. I'll just walk away and let them figure it out. The damage was done. I had hit some nerves. I didn't mean to of course. But obviously I was a third party with an outsider's view. I couldn't stay to watch the whole "fight." I'll go back to my hidey hole and teach my kids now, bye. I'll come back out when the dust settles. And I'll keep doing what I think is right. 

- Then, there was Abishai. And he had his normal Monday attitude going. So much so, that he took until 3:15 to finish his homework. He literally took 5 minutes per worksheet. The rest of the time was spent whining about it. Punk. I let him play around with his Legos until 11am, which is not always helpful. But he was so quiet and happy. Sigh. But, we got it done and Mommy "won." He got his screen time on the big screen, too. He even got another birthday present from the NOLA crew because they left it here at Christmas time! Then he had his first real karate class and he did really well, outrunning the other 3 boys. He sat still and listened when they went through their forms. He was so excited to go and so excited to go back and begged me to buy the official outfit. That was one of my distractions this morning talking to his teacher about payment arrangements. He's going to do so well with it, I just know it. He needs a strap for his glasses though because they came off during practice when he fell. So on the list it goes. Amazon? Maybe. Hopefully karate wore him out so he'll sleep well and be better behaved tomorrow. I'm sure he had a lot of pent up energy tonight, too.

- I did not get to go over Keturah's homework because of Abishai's naughtiness. It's so frustrating. And then because Abishai's class starts at 6, we have to have dinner at 5, so my afternoon is now shorter. So I didn't get to any of my projects. But, I did get all the Christmas boxes back into their pile while Abishai and Daddy were gone. And then all the rest of the holiday stuff is also put away. The birthday stuff can be put away when we take Abishai's stuff down. And I didn't get Keturah to load up my vehicle tonight as planned with recycling so I'll have her do it before I pick up Justin tomorrow. It's a huge mountain of stuff. I did figure out that I can reduce what's in the garage by finally getting rid of the empty cardboard boxes that I have saved from our moves. It's time. I can get more boxes. And today's purge was done in the pantry when I was looking for something and couldn't find it. I got rid of a lot of condiments we won't use before they will expire so I'm sending them to the food pantry. And then I actually tossed some unopened ones that were expired that I know people won't eat. I also rearranged a few things and got everything to be first in, first out again. So now the bottom of the pantry is clear again. So that's my clean up for the day. And this was brought to you by those caffeine bars. I decided that was more fun than doing pre-algebra. I can tackle that first thing tomorrow.

- Justin had work and then Kya came over. Kellie had errands to do. So I doubt Justin did any homework, but whatever. I did get Justin signed up for the high school serve week. I guess I had forgotten to do that a few weeks back. Thankfully there was still some spots left. The summer camp registrations for everybody opens on Wednesday, so I'll be back on the website then to do that. At least my child wants to go to serve week over "spring break." We don't take spring break or many breaks period, so I'll probably going to count those days as usual. He will take the week off from work and he'll catch up on school at some point. He has to finish science by the end of the school year and take through enough Algebra II to make me feel satisfied. So, we'll see.

- After Jared took Abishai to karate, and then took Kya home, and then put Abishai to bed, he insisted we make homemade chocolate together as our romantic Valentine's Day thing. Ok, I've made chocolate before and it doesn't usually turn out great, but we can try. He even had bought new coconut oil and dark cocoa powder. He did most of the work, and I kept him company. That's why I was in the pantry looking for a few things while I was waiting for him to do the errands. So, that's why I had the extra caffeine and I'm not writing the blog at 10:30. I thought it was very sweet of him to try something totally new. I really didn't want anything today. Having Valentine's Day right after Abishai's birthday is quite annoying really. So much people time for the birthday and then I'm supposed to want my husband and romance? Um, no. I don't want to be touched. Leave me alone. Plus it's Monday. Plus I'm hormonal monthly time. Yeah, not a great combo. So, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and it worked out well. It was a great way to end the day. We'll see how the chocolate bars turn out tomorrow. And being married 20 years, we don't need a dumb Hallmark holiday to tell us when to celebrate love. We'll celebrate it when we want to. How we want to. I wasn't ready for V-day. Well, emotionally that is. I did buy some candy for the kids. I didn't buy a card or think of any fun things for Jared. I didn't even remember it was a holiday until right before we got out of bed. Good grief. I just wanted to move on with my week and enjoy my homeschooling thank you. But, alas, today was an average Monday. Siblings picking on each other. Kids who refuse to do homework. Other kids with attitudes. And a mama who needs more sleep. Good night.


Thanks NOLA crew!

Dinner brought to you by Aldi's! Cheesy garlic bread sticks/pizza.

NOLA peeps got Abishai is very own sleeping bag. Perfect for his first overnight camp this summer! It's just for one night, but check out this cool sleeping bag!

Where did Abishai go?

He's as wiggly as Grogu!

Abishai trying to read what it says. "The force is strong with this little one." BTW, I think we have an invasion of Grogu in our house. He's everywhere!

Abishai opening NOLA crew's gift

Mrs. Christina did a great job with all our photos on today's e2 post for Valentine's Day. So, here's the parents.

And here's the best one of us I could find. Yes, it's 2 1/2 years old. We don't take many selfies.

The real story of Valentine's Day. Valentinus was a martyr of the Christian faith. I read the Voice of the Martyrs picture book to Abishai today.

So much for a clean kitchen table. Birthday and Valentine's Day all rolled into one. Too much sugar!

It's a good thing I grabbed V-day stuff a month ago. I love you, my babies!

And I even bought the sweet baby dog a treat when I was in the pet store last month. He loved it!

The photo collage of all the couples involved at e2.

Tuesday - School, Mom's Night Out

- Full day of the usual, school, and I had a Mom's Night Out

I had to use the hair/lint roller on myself to get my hair off my myself. Sigh. The hair loss hasn't stopped. I think it may have slowed down a tad, but not by much. I try not to think about it often, and I don't even brush my hair fully every day because it's such an emotional trigger. But I do have to brush it fully before, during and after a shower. Sigh.

And this amount, too. I feel like I'm going to go bald.

Well, the IMS made the crossword today!

Jared found the other classic Lego sets in his collection that he was supposed to give me for Christmas. Classic Lego for a "classy" lady!

Jared got it in his mind to make home made chocolate with and for me for Valentine's Day. Ok, channeling a little romance here, so I went with it. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and he added a little wine to one so it came out as fudge. It's actually not bad at all! Well done! And it was the perfect date after a busy weekend. Jared did all the measuring and mixing and cooking and I was just the helper, so I didn't have to do any thinking. That was a welcome change for once.

We had started school earlier in the day so Abishai got done earlier, which allowed him to watch the original Ice Age movie while I took a shower. He says he can't decide which he likes better, the baby or the squirrel Scrat. I think Jared would agree with him that they are the two best characters of the movie. Ice Age released in 2004, when Benaiah was just 2 years old, so I think Jared really liked the baby and resonated with becoming a dad when he saw the movie the first time.

Look, Ma, no more recycling! It was overflowing to the max! Oh, and I got all the Christmas stuff restacked finally!

So if we have a pretty "efficient" house, then why is our bill nearly $200? Oh, because we have a) runaway inflation and b) the electric company is incredibly greedy and has taken the opportunity to price gouge. Our bill is 150% what it used to be at this time last year.

See, my desire for a warm house isn't that off from the rest of the neighborhood. Now, we still could make improvements, but I really haven't been that crazy with my heaters and thermostat changing.

Grogu is playing Minecraft. He needed the controller to help him stay in the chair.

All roads lead to Washington, D.C.! Also, Can you see why Indianapolis is called the "Crossroads of America?" Quite a few major interestates cross through the city.

Wedneday - ASL, Appointments, Karate, Small Group

- More of our usual routine. ASL class in the morning. We had to finish Abishai's stuff in the afternoon. I had a telehealth appointment. Then a little bit of rest time. Jared took Abishai to karate, and I dropped Justin off at his friend's house for small group. Jared and Abishai picked him back up. Round and round we go.





Abishai went outside to get some fresh air but I felt like he had been out there for a long time so I went to check. I found him running round and round on the trampoline SINGING a song for the neighbors about how it's summer time and it's best to be outside in God's creation. He was literally running in circles with big leaps! Bare feet! No coat! 45 degrees Fahrenheit! He's such a BEAST! And then he gets down and I realize he walked out there in Daddy's huge boots! Those are size 11 mens! Wait? Again, beast mode!

Oh hi, boy!

Thursday - Emotional Roller Coaster Day

- Emotional roller coaster for me today having to do with my family of origin. No need to go in details, but I haven't cried like that in over a month. And it came up out of the blue. Pretty draining. And it rained all day. But I had to pick myself up and be the mom that I am, including taking little man to karate because he just HAS to go 3 times a week because he LOVES it THAT much and he's an OVERachiever like his mother. Oh well, at least I got to observe his class and fill out forms and all that.

- Homeschool stuff was fine. I'm always reminded that I'm not the homeschool mom I could be because I'm so tired and it's all my fault because I don't go to bed. I self sabotage. (And there's a reason for that but I forget why and I forget to keep looking it back up. It has to do with ADHD).

- This new dinner time at 5pm thing has shortened up my days by an hour and I feel very rushed and like I have no downtime at all. Well, I have 1 hr instead of 2 hrs and by the time I get in the groove to rest, I have to wrap it up and get dinner started. I'm feeling very overwhelmed, even on weeks like this week when I have no appointments. Next week I have a ton of appointments. I don't know how I'm going to fit in school And how am I going to fit in the monthly and yearly things I need to do. I can't enjoy life or relationships or work on relationships. I don't have to work on emotions or even talk to Jared about things. I needed to cry again when he got home but we both had to leave again. There's just zero time to process anything. And now I have to hem Abishai's uniform by Monday. I guess I'll do that tomorrow at gym day. Or should I do that on my sewing machine? I don't know. Sigh. Meanwhile, taxes aren't done yet so I don't know what we are getting and that makes me nervous. I only had 1 hr with my puzzle today, and I went straight to it without messing with email, so now I have to do email. And other business matters. I just want to enjoy life. This isn't enjoying life. I want to go play. Not just work.

- Abishai does look so cute out there in karate class though. He's the smallest kid until Peanut and Donovan join in a few weeks. He seemed to listen well and work hard. Teacher Nathan had to talk to the whole class again about paying attention and not being sloppy. I don't think he was talking to Abishai at this point since he's brand new and just learning. I could see how some of the kids were being sloppy though. We'll be working with Abishai at home on some things though. I'm hoping Daddy will work with Abishai on the days Abishai doesn't go in. For example, Abishai needs to learn how to do better push ups and sit ups. And tonight they had to sit in a squat for awhile. Or they had to do the main stance. There are a few of every level out there, white, yellow, and green belt, a total of 12 kids or so, including Marcus, so Abishai isn't in the only new kid on the block. They did break them up at some point to work on individual skills a bit more. I think it's an excellent fit and if it helps us not to go ADHD medication, it's worth the sacrifice. 

- Oh, what I was going to say was that Abishai keeps begging for the more violent video games on the PS5 and I don't like that. I bought his tablet with kid games so that he had more appropriate things to play with and watch, and not have full access to the internet. So, we made a deal. He can switch back and forth between the two devices. Also, our Minno kids app subscription was renewing so I double checked that we still wanted it and yes, we do, just as long as I put it on Abishai's tablet so he'll actualy use it. It has all the Christian content I want him to have access to. Much better than Disney Plus. It's hard to backtrack after seeing the more violent stuff, and I knew that I couldn't shield the younger ones after the firstborn got into it, but I have to try. We don't want to fuel the flames for any outbursts. And violent TV and video games influence that. So hopefully he'll get into the app and find something to watch. We'll see.

- Wow, it's only 9pm and I feel myself drained of all energy. Time to start my evening watching and get to bed. And start it all over again tomorrow. Ugh.

Friday - Bon bons? Puzzles? Gym day? Or do I need to adult today?

- Yes, I adulted today. I steam mopped the floor after I vacuumed it. I ran the dish washer and washed and put away two loads of laundry. I tried to keep my email inboxes caught up. The kids did get fed. We made it to gym day on time, although we almost didn't. But I also worked on my puzzle, listened to podcasts, worked on my cross stitch, and listened to an acquantaince air her grievances against the world. I seriously had to keep asking myself if I sound like that when I tell Jared things. I didn't want to be in her presence because it was all negative! Ouch! It reminds me to talk about other things that aren't so serious or dreadful.

- Although, today has been dreadful in Canada. I will just post a couple of photos that I have screenshot from today. But today was the today, that Canadian police were ordered to make arrests of the protesters. The police chief resigned/was kicked out, and then another one was put in his place, but then he resigned, too. Then a third one was ordered to put this together and execute it. People were trampled by horses today. The leaders were arrested and charged. Lines of people were formed against lines of police in riot gear. It literally looks like the videos of MLK and the crowds and protests and speeches he made and the thugs on horses. It's fascinating to watch, and so sad, and thrilling to be part of history unfolding like this. Unfortunately, others don't agree with me that the Freedom Convoy 2022 is different than the BLM marches in June 2020. I believe it's very different based on the amount of violence in each and where each occurred. Also, in what organization is backing them. We'll see what the next week holds from them all. Praying for them as all of this had already changed the landscape of the mandates worldwide, which is what their mission is. It's beautiful.

- Abishai and Keturah had Bible class today. Grandma did Abishai's class though because Grandpa needed to go get an oil change in his car right away for Keturah, Nora, and Everly had their class. Ok then. It had snowed last night, so I had to drive them over to Grandma's house but it took a bit because the windshield was solid ice. Fun times! I did back the car back into the driveway almost perfectly though! All the way up next to the truck! I was so proud of myself because I did it pretty quickly, too!

- We were the first ones at gym day, so I had Abishai run a few laps around the gym and I timed him. He did one lap in 25 seconds and then beat that and did it in 24 seconds. Then I told Justin to do it and he was 20 seconds. That's not much of a difference! Justin says it's because Abishai is more nimble especially around the corners. I mean, that is true. I could see Justin wiping out and his legs and arms going everywhere. And Justin didn't look like he was going at his top speed, however, he could learn to control himself in the corners. Abishai's shorter legs were going more quickly because of his shorter stride. But he also worked a ton harder. He's so cute when he runs. 

- I did have to rescue Abishai once because he was upset. His friends wanted to play dodgeball with the older kids, but he wanted them to play with him. So he went in a corner and cried with big ugly snots. I had to go over there and explain that they they didn't always have to do what he wanted to do. I needed to go to the bathroom, so I asked him if he wanted to go for a little walk, and he said no. So I made sure he knew where I was, and that he could come sit by me and watch some things on my phone but he wasn't interested. Soon after, his friends came up to him asking him what did he want to do and he was al smiles again. Thank goodness. But this is why we come out for our playgrounps. We learn how to navigate tough social moments.

- Meanwhile, I'm already falling asleep. Time to wrap this up. We had Lego waffles for dinner and then watched "family movie" to satisfy Abishai's itch to do a "family movie night." He picked an episode of "Bad Batch" and we made Kya and Aaron sit with us. It was cute. Then were was more goofing around and bedtime for some, car rides for others, getting yelled at by another, and folding laundry for another. Somehow we made it through another day. Tomorrow we will work someday. Operation clear the desk piles needs to start first thing.

A fresh, cold, crisp layer of snow, which was all melted by noon, by the way. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Riot gear?!

Yup, Ryan Whitaker Smith, cinematographer turned author. Can't wait to read it!

Finally trying out our Christmas present, the Lego block waffle maker! Easy peasy to use! Keturah helped cook dinner because Justin was "entertaining" Kya and refused to help with dinner.

You can even build with them!

In the bottom of the photo there are people on the ground. They were knocked down and kicked by the horses. This was not necessary. Wow.

Stay the course. Hold the line. Keep the peace.

Only in Canada do they pile up snow to block the roads.

Saturday - All the Feels

- Lots of feels, by everyone. It must be the cold weather or something. It was really, really cold today, like lower 20's? But the windchilld was in the single digits. We didn't go grocery shopping partly because of that, but also because I have a touch of vertigo and I just don't feel great. All those late nights finally caught up with me and I'm falling asleep at my desk by midnight and can't fight it anymore. I don't think I really "watched" any of the episodes from the last 3 nights. I should go back and rewatch them. So I went to bed by 1am and we tried our best to sleep in this morning. But, mini man was in and out of the bed and giggling and running around with Daddy's phone and throwing a ball in our face, so there really wasn't any sleeping past 8pm. What a goof.

- Abishai had a great day with Daddy learning how to play Battleship, chess, breaking up the ice in the backyard, playing video games, soccer in the hallway, and tickle fights. In fact, somehow they had so much fun, Abishai was tired enough to go to bed early! It's only 8pm! And his bath got skipped. Whoops! At least he wasn't in my face all day, which was good, because I had a funky day.

- I tried to get right to my to do list. After breakfast, I took a shower. And then I started to tackle hemming Abishai's new karate uniform on my sewing machine. Well, it took 4 hrs! I was feeling a bit shaky so I had to take everything slow. And the top needle had to be threaded twice, I ran out of thread in the bottom bobbin, I had to rip out and redo two seams, and at one point, I put my head back in frustration and had a huge amount of vertigo, which sent me to the couch in tears. I was crying because I wish my mom was here to do this kind of thing for me. I wasn't planning on having to hem a uniform. I wish that we could have ordered a uniform in his exact size (there were a couple of smaller sizes you could order according to the package but Abishai was anxious to have it for Monday). I hate vertigo. I had already felt like I was developing a headache and fighting sickness so the vertigo wasn't surprising. I was mad at Jared for refusing to even look at the light switch project today because he was afraid it was going to take way longer than a 15 minute video on YouTube suggested it would and I hate "can't" attitudes because I get it from the kids all week long. He broke the switch, which is not a toggle switch but the other kind, this week. And it looks simple enough to me. He also doesn't think the toilet paper roll holder in the big bathroom needs fixed but people need to be careful how they use it. It keeps falling into the trash can. And I found it in the trash can soaked with some wetness possible from one of my menstrual pads yesterday. Somebody put a new roll on the toilet paper holder. That's a waste of toilet paper. So instead of correcting his mistake or putting a new screw hole in the wall, he put the onus on someone else. No, that's not fair or owning up to your mistake, just like many politicians and bosses and people out in the real world. Again, I have to correct the children all week long with this problem. So I rigged it up for now. And if he doesn't like it, then he can take it off the wall and fix it properly. The only reason I let him put up his rough cut holders was to let him have his pet projects. I wanted to have matching holders with the towel racks. But there was no point in doing that now before we repainted. I'm going to argue for the proper hardware if/when we ever redo the bathroom. So here I was, doing something I'm not at all proficient in, yet I'm trying, and making mistakes all over the place, having to rip it out and redoing it, and here he is, not undoing his mistake and redoing it but putting the blame on someone else and not willing to try something new or get beyond his fears that projects take time and have learning curves. It made me so frustrated and it's something that has bothered me for a long time. So I had a meltdown, went to my couch, and cried for my mama. Later on, I worked on my puzzle as well to help cheer me up. 

- Besides not doing my to do list, and playing with Abishai instead, Jared did put up our maps and my NH cutting board from Christmas, and that WAS on my to do list, so at least one thing got done today. Yeah! And two of my things got done. I'm hoping since it's early in the evening, I can do one or two more things on my desk, too. We'll see.

- Justin worked on homework, played video games, and then drove with Grandpa and had Bible class.

- Keturah read for school, checked the ice to see if she could skate on it (she couldn't), roller bladed, cleaned up her corner in her room some more, and played on her phone. Oh yeah, and read the Bible with Jared. Pretty typical day for her.

- Hopefully tomorrow is going to be much warmer and I'll feel up to going grocery shopping. Poor Justin hasn't had any real milk to go with Abishai's birthday cake. Usually the birthday kid eats their birthday cake leftovers but Abishai found it too rich. So Justin's been eating it for breakfast. I told Justin he can use my almond milk with it. I don't usually drink all my almond milk before it expires or turns bad, so go for it. And we are out of fresh vegetables and fruit, bread and potatoes. I might have the kids plan a night to make dinner for us because I'm getting tired of making dinner and then no one is happy with what I make and they really could use some more kitchen skills. And I'm out of ideas, too. And I'll get some chili and stew ingredients as well. Which means, I need to make a list. And warn them, too. Hm,....should be fun!

Keturah is like me, she doesn't come up with stories for her dolls, but rather she likes to set up house for them. She also recently tidied up her desk again. She's getting better and better at organizing. Way to go!

Daddy taught Abisahi how to play Battleship today! This set of Battleship belonged to Jared and Aaron when they were kids! It even has their names on them! Abishai won the first round!

Abishai has Dinosaury on his side for good luck.

Daddy liked to say funny words to go along with each letter that is said like C 4 becomes Cookie 4 you.

Rough day for Ottawa, Canada.

I think the sleeves on Abishai's uniforms were slightly tapered because I found that they bunched up and made a little nip and tuck looking thing near the seam. Hopefully they will not be easily seen.

The hems on the pants came out much cleaner.

True dat. I need it for comfort and concentration. It is a ritual for me to center on in the afternoon, a signal that helps me take of the homeschool hat and put on the domestic house wife and mom hat.

Jared put up our maps today of where each of us have been. We haven't been somewhere new lately so they haven't needed to be updated in a long while.

Jared's traveled to all 50 states with his parents. I'm an eastern seaboard girl.

And, my kids are eastern seaboard kids, too. Someday we might make it out west. Or not. We don't have any relatives out there so we have no reason to go out west. Everybody is between us and the east coast.

And here's my NH shaped bamboo cutting board I got for Christmas. I have other cutting boards, so this one will probably just be decorative.

I'm proud of Canadians for holding the line and choosing to love and not to hate.

How precious!

Speaking of precious, check out our newly minted Karate Kid! Isn't he the cutest?! Oh my word! It's so worth it! Three nights a week! I always said I wouldn't do this, but holy cow, this is kind of fun. The middles don't care. We can still plan to eat as a family. Everybody gets a little beak from each other. And it's going to be so good for Abishai!

I don't know if I want to call him a Jedi or Kai from Lego Spinjitzsu or call this uniform a kimono or what. But it totally suits him!

Lots of ice to chop up in the backyard today!

Sunday - Normal

- Normal start to the week with church as normal for everyone. Benaiah played drums today. I woke up with a migraine so I listened from home. I did find myself pulling out my sermon notebook and writing down a lot of notes because the sermon was really good. It was about pride and humility. Pride is my biggest sin and struggle. So I listened closely.

- Grandma had some new dishes to share with us today. Lots of cheese though, so my tummy didn't feel so great this afternoon. Grandpa was around for dinner but had to take off soon afterwards for another obligation. Benaiah was there of course, too. He's feeling a bit of the pressure from working full time and going to school full time. So far so good though, he's keeping up. He has no time for video games and down time though. He was all excited to explain a trip he wants to do to Texas to go to a video game tournament for his birthday though. I'm like, ok, it's your money. Whatever. I can't stop you. I've got bigger fish to fry.

- Normal afternoon. I listened to YouTube and tried to come up with some kind of plan to work on the sky pieces for my puzzle. But it is quite annoying because of the light and the puzzle itself. The cuts for the pieces wasn't done that well, so they don't fit that well and it's hard to decide if they pieces really fit there or not. Kids did their electronic time and Jared had their nap.

- And then the kids went to youth group and Jared, Abishai, and I went to the grocery store. We spent over $300 and got a lot less than we have been buying. Super frustrating to be inundated with this super inflation. This is why I don't get excited about pay raises. They always get eaten up by the inflation rates because of the coast of living going up. We never make progress. We will always be in the lower middle class, and always will qualify for some kind of financial aid. But, at least groceries are in the house for the week before the crazy schedule begins.

- I have an appointment or normal busy day/activity every day this week, so I have to try and stay ahead. That means going to bed on time I think. I slept on the couch last night to try and sort out my back and to deal with my restless legs. We'll see about tonight. I finished the tv series "Father Brown" with it's 9th season that just aired in January of this year, 2022, so now I have to find something new to watch. Fun times!

All smiles all the time!

It was a balmy 55 degrees today and Leah said it's spring. I said it's not spring, that information is false. She said her bulbs are coming up. Well, that might be true, but it's a fake spring. It will get cold again. Nature is tricking us like it does every year. But it was warm enough for Jared to swing little man for a few minutes.

From start to finish of a career. Same face, different hair, and 4 Olympics under his belt. What a legend! Onward to retirement with his newly minted fiance' I think? Wahoo!

Totally me. And my ADHD friends and kids.


The End

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