Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Year 4, March 18th-21nd, 2019: Randomness

Pretty mundane start to the week.  I was feeling moody, but I won't share the details here, but I also don't have much to say either.  I'm trying to rest for convention as well.  School is going better.  It's been weird having Benaiah home and I think my days are off.  They've played on the trampoline despite the cooler temps again and I weeded the area off the back deck.  And we weren't totally out of food, but Tuesday was the only free night to get groceries for the week, so we did.  Now I have to go play around with a full iCloud and a DVD that doesn't want to open pictures.  Fun times!

Now it's Thursday, and I'm still behind.  And I'm still dumb for staying up too late.  So, here's the highlight reel of the week.  I don't have anything philosophical to say.  I need to save my mental energy for this home education conference this weekend.  I can't wait to just sit and think without kids around for half a minute! Ah! On ward!

Benaiah ordered himself food, again! His money literally burns holes in pockets I think!  The funny thing is, we had orange juice in the fridge, hamburger patties in the freezer, along with hash browns, and frozen egg/sausage muffins in the freezer as well.  I think he doesn't like our food or something.  Sigh. Or he just feels like a big guy because he can pay for his own food.  It does help our budget, HOWEVER, I do make sure there's enough food for him to have every meal at home.  It might be just peanut butter and jelly, but there's plenty of food.


I want a bath mom.  And can I have my crayons? Oh, and a washcloth makes a great blanket so I don't get cold when I stay in too long and the water cools off!

Watching big brother watch other people play video games.  Abishai defeated level 5 of a game all by himself yesterday. He's also got snacks to watch with.

I love how Abishai is cradling the fries container while being entertained with Benaiah's entertainment.

Watching big brother eat his sandwhich.  I commented how big it was and Keturah came over to see (she's so easily distracted) to watch him eat it.
You can't video games with your toes! Lol!

Love the crossed legs.
I think Abishai said that during snuggle time with Daddy at night.  The next night, Abishai was super tired, but didn't want to go to his own bed and then Jared finally gave in and let him fall asleep in our bed.  He just didn't want to let Daddy go.

Another day, another neighbor having a tree removed.  Thankfully, these things take about an hour to do.

"I want to walk around, Mom!"  And then he spun around until he literally was dizzy.

Star Wars chess pieces make great figurines to play with!

Raising the next generation of eSports fanatics? Eek!

It's cute and all, but I'd rather they bond over reading, board games, crafts, or playing outside. At least they do wrestle together.
Grandma brought home a new ping pong based game from New Orleans.  Everly and Nora have the same one, too.

Happy 36th birthday, Grandpa? Grandpa thought he would be funny and put the numbers on backwards!  Mrs. Ellen made the cake because Grandma just came home today.  We also went out to lunch at Steak and Shake with Grandpa, and then he took Grandma to a new restaurant for dinner.  Then we reconvened at the house for dessert after Justin's Bible Bowl.

When Grandpa dishes out the cake and ice cream, he gives out big pieces and big scoops.  Oi! Not only did they all have shakes at Steak and Shake at lunch, now they all got big portions of more sugar close to bedtime!  Just what Grandpa loves to do: spoil them!


Then Abishai wanted my cherry sorbet so he just slipped up onto my lap without warning.  Goofy boy!

I won't show the funny "outtake" picture that Jared had made into a big picture canvas, but it will bring many laughs for many years to come.  But this smaller one is perfect for the office.  This was taken in India.  Sweet!

Gary turned 63 on Wednesday, the 20th.  Yup. 63. And in the words of Benaiah which he had to say in a musical at age 10, "My grandpa has cufflinks, and he's old!"  (the scene was in a jewelry store).  Bwahahaha!

Going out this morning to see some working vehicles clean up a tree that they cut down earlier this week.

Keturah put the Usborne (I LOVE LOVE LOVE Usborne!) "My First Drawing" books to good use! She's really not had a chance to improve her skills and I haven't given her much direction.  But, she knew Justin likes pirates and so she drew them just for him!  That's sweet, especially when those two bicker like all the time.  Their love/hate relationship is a strong bond.

Her other drawings!

I LOVE the banana telephone game!  Classic!

He wanted to carry it around the house and I wouldn't let him because I didn't want it bruised up.

Wow! Bad storm clouds around lunch time over the field west of the church.

I asked the kids to make shadowboxes of ONE room of a castle as one of their last "big" projects for the school year.  I want tons of different materials used and lots of details to distinguish the rooms from other time periods.  Justin choose a dungeon and Keturah choose a stable.  Really? Throne room? Bed room? Kitchen? Something with more color and spunk? Oh well.  Justin has just started his and Abishai decided it was a great place to play with the Star Wars chess pieces.  This is the good guy ship!

Keturah said it was a car but I said it looks like a tugboat! Well done!  She also rearranged her room again.  I'm thinking her next extracurricular activity needs to be some art classes.  Her therapist actually reminded me that she likes to be creative and likes to play outside so we'll try to work with that.  Otherwise the appointment was a great starting point to see what's going on in her head and what we can do to help steer her in the right direction.  And our HSA paid for it, which is a blessing.

the end

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