Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Monday, March 4, 2019

Year 4, March 2nd-3rd, 2019: Sickness All Around

"Why don't I step outside in the cold and get stick so we can all be pathetic together?"  That's the text Jared sent me this morning after I told him that I have vertigo.  What a week!  "Do I take Keturah to the doctor or don't I? Is she faking it or is it real? Oh crud, now I have symptoms, so it most be a bug.  But how bad is it going to get? Where's my Dramimine?"  My brain is exhausted figuring it all out, occupying a 4 yr old, and being sick myself.  My ears hurt a little bit which causes the vertigo.  Keturah did finally sit up for awhile today and ate enough to feel better, because she has incentive to go to church tomorrow.  However, she isn't going because she didn't improve all that much and her symptoms changed/progressed in a different way than I'm used to, so I'm not positive on what she might have.  I don't think it's anything acute like an appendix, but I can't rule out mono or meningitis.  We will keep the appointment with the doctor on Friday because I really do need to talk to them about the open wound on her head that won't heal.  A simply blood test so confirm or deny certain diseases.  We'll see.

So, it was a very lethargic today, although I forced myself to take down and put away birthday decorations as I had planned and start on gathering books to figure out Justin's high school education.  I took a nap from the dramimine.  I had Grandma take Benaiah to work while Jared took Justin to Bible Bowl competition.  Justin was on a two person team with Jordan, who did 99% of the work.  Justin was captain though and that went well.  He bombed the written test, which means he didn't study again.  I had to remind me that just because you aren't going back next year doesn't mean you don't give it your all this year.  It's like giving in your two week notice and then not doing your job well in those last two weeks.  You do your best until the very end.

Unless you are just so over making decisions for everyone and just want to be left alone.  I am tired of making decisions, or being mad that I'm not consulted on decisions that directly impact our family, and I'm tired of being blamed for my children's failures, misbehavior, attitudes, etc.  I'm not the cause of all the problems we have.  Satan is.  Evil sinful nature in every single one of us is.  Kids will not be mean just because I'm sometimes mean.  It's not entirely my fault.  Even seemingly perfect parents have evil children.  I'm tired of being blamed.  But I digress...

I liked this definition a friend posted on her FB wall.  The explanation is below.

Pretty insightful!

Bad picture, but I'll explain the videos below.  He was reading to me from his book and he tends to like the pages with bad guys on them.  So, he's talking about Ahrkam (sp?) Asylum from the DC comic book universe.  I was trying to rest and he insisted that he lay back and read to me.

Hm, which one? The maple one did have some maple flavoring to it, but the bourbon coffee tasted pretty much like other coffee.

Benaiah has the most interesting friends/co-workers.  I had no idea that they put the type/color of shirt on the package but considering how they seem to find you, I'm not surprised.
Transcript prep for the older boys.  I need to figure some of this out before the home school convention in 3 weeks.  I will enjoy the process once I get going.

First up, some decisions about language arts/logic for Justin.
This summer's project.  Purging the bookshelves that are overflowing.  I want access to everything at all times, so the boxes in front also have to go.

Not so fun Sunday. Keturah and I still woke up sick, so we stayed home all day while the boys were in and out. Jared and Abishai joined Benaiah at the Shelby St. campus because Benaiah was doing tech. Justin couldn't find his own socks or his child safe name badge, but I refused to get out of bed (I was dizzy after all) to help him. I told him last night to prepare for today. Anyway, they all had tacos for lunch with Grandma. Keturah watched several tv shows and ate better again today, although her nose is running more. I took a couple of naps, rearranged some school books so I can make some plans for next year, and read a little bit. I'm trying to keep up with the Rooted study book and it's very short, and the questions are pretty basic, so they are kind of easy to answer, but at the same time, I could think more deeply. I just don't have the brain space because I haven't felt well. Plus, I've been doing it at night when I also don't think well. I did today's entry this afternoon and I wrote more, so that's a plus.

Jared took Abishai to Nate and Donovan's birthday party while Grandma took Benaiah and Justin back to church with her for their nightly activities. Keturah had to skip a drama rehearsal, but her drama partner was also sick, so it worked out ok. She bounced into the fireside room where I was sitting and said, “I feel fine! Can I go?” And I said, “Not until chores and school are done.” Well, chores got done, but then she didn't feel good again, so.....that's the part where she over dramatizes the whole thing. She went to bed early again tonight, although I think she is on the mend. She did started coughing and has a runny nose though. I don't even want to take her to Rooted on Tuesday, so I'm making arrangements for her at home. I just hope the rest of us don't catch it. The parts of it that I do have are making me grouchy. When you are already in pain, and you had extra pain in a different spot, plus dizziness and medication for that dizziness that makes you sleepy and foggy headed, well, you get tired of not thinking straight. And I don't want to be touched either. So, I hope this passes through us quickly. It's the calm before the storm of a very busy March, so better now than later.

But, I am grateful for a quiet two days of sort of rest. I wish I had energy to do more. But I don't sit well anymore to read or crossstitch, etc. I'm just not used to it. I have to be multitasking at all times. I'm even tired of playing my phone game because the internet has been down and I haven't been able to use power ups and such. Grrr. I'm just bored and nothing sounds good to do or eat. So, I'm kind of stuck. Weird feeling. And now I can't even type up the blog because the internet is down. Benaiah is going to bed early because he can't watch his tv show. I don't think Jared is going to last long either. Thankfully, I have my show on a DVD so I can just watch a couple of episodes of that and be done. Fun times! Here's to a better week!

Birthday party fun!

And it snowed off and on all day.

Abishai helping his friends open their gifts.

Sigh. Glad I didn't miss out on this.  Probably the last one of the season.  But it's awfully cold now!

Bright sunshine after a day of snow.

I've been scanning in all our letters from the first year of our dating life and I'm a little behind on keeping up with the actual date.  But I found my aboslute favorite letter! The one that contains the days right before and right after our first date!  The one where Jared quotes to me "our song."  And no, we did NOT dance to it, nor do we play it every year or something.  It just was popular at the time and meant something to us since we lived 1,000 miles apart.

And he quoted me Scripture!  He explained more of this in another letter when I asked him why he liked me.  In typical Jared fashion he said, "Because you look good and you pray good."  Okey dokey. But I am getting good at scanning individual pages in and then getting them all in one document!  Wahoo!

Snowy doggy.

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