Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Monday, November 4, 2019

Year 4, November 2nd-4th, 2019: Weekend Vibes

On Saturday, we started off slow with a bit of sleeping in.  Jared then had to meet up with someone to hand off a box of books at church.  He was already on his way to McDonald's when I made the suggestion.  He got Abishai a big breakfast and the rest of us helped him eat it.  He just wanted pancakes, but was excited that jelly was in an individual packet. He did eat all the eggs and hashbrowns in the meal.  The rest of us got the sausage biscuits.  Or rather sausage cheese english muffin.  Oh well. I moved on and paid the medical bills, and worked on one of the long standing projects.  Then it was time for lunch before Benaiah came home from work.  Yes, he worked from 6:30 until 2pm, took a shower, and then was at church by 2:45 for Rooted, which didn't get over until 9pm. So, he basically worked a double shift today.  Fun times! After Benaiah left again, we got our usual grocery haul.  Put those away and Jared left for Rooted at 4:45pm. The kids had pizza for dinner and I had leftovers, nothing excited. Then it was screen time, shower time, laundry time, and the like. Oh, and Abishai and Jared had screen time this morning, so Abishai got double dose of it.  No screen tomorrow for them.  Remember, Jared and Grandma, I plan out when they are allowed screen time so I can get stuff done.  When you are babysitting, you are supposed to be engaging with them, not using a screen.  Period, end of discussion. Don't complain about them only wanting TV and then give to them. TV shouldn't be the only place of learning and entertainment.

Anyway, I didn't get a nap again today and I'm really, really sore and cranky, can you tell?  I was the one who needed to sabbath rest and catch up computer work. But I don't feel like I really relaxed today because I needed to push through to get groceries and such. I was going to take Keturah out shopping because there were some good deals at Old Navy, but we opted to on line shop instead. My calves are super tight.  My right knee and front upper thigh hurt when I walk. My neck and back aren't too bad, but a tad sorer than normal.  I've taken two doses of description strength ibuprofen.  Jared and I have disagreed on many things today and I don't have time to explain my reasoning, so I give up and move on. We still haven't watched videos together.  It's 9:30pm, and I have to back track to do yesterday's blog. Sigh.  It's like in order to stay on top of things, I have to stay home. I can't take one day off an expect everything to still be in order. Sigh.  I'm so tired and hurting so much. I just want to go to bed, but then I'll wake up feeling even more pressured tomorrow as we head into another full week of appointments and school.  Ugh. It never stops!  And Justin is acting more like Benaiah and having less grace towards the rest of us, which isn't quite fair.  Now I feel pressured to be perfect so he won't complain. Nice, just nice. Not.

Not quite the special we got today, but close.

I didn't look out to see if there was snow, but Jared said there was some small freezing rain.

Seen on the forecast, again!

Fort or cave version 1

Fort Version 2.  They moved the coffee table out of the way.  Both boys spent time in there playing games and watching YouTube videos.

Abishai did coax Socks in there, but it looks like he enjoys it!

Time for a pizza picnic again.  Momma's hurting and tired for our hike yesterday.  And Daddy and Benaiah are at church for the Rooted Celebration.

Fun childhood memories I hope.

Sunday, I'm still sore and still woke up with a headache.  It's been going away each day, but because of some dehydration and a lot of changes in the weather pattern, plus some up and down emotions from the physical soreness, it's still there.  I've had to call in all the big troops, aka, the good meds, in order to stop it.   That includes the heavy duty ibuprofen, excidrine migraine (not at the same time, trust me), all the essential oils and homeopathics medications I have on hand.  Just a few more days and the soreness will get better.  I'm sure of it because this is not your typical fibro pain, but "Ow, yesterday was intense leg day at the gym" kind of pain. I'm amazed sometimes at how in tune I am with my body. I've learned so much in the last 11 years about it and what is my normal and what is not. And I feel that most doctors get a sense that I do.  At least I hope I come off as understanding and intelligent and not demeaning to them in any way. I have a lot of respect for their profession, even when they have to be short with me because they have other patients to see. Some are definitely more compassionate, and some just let me do whatever and might talk behind my back to colleagues. I'm very excited to talk with both my dermatologist and my gynecologist who did that surgery this coming Friday because they both were sweet and understanding women (nothing against the men because I've had the sweetest of men, too), one being probably my age or younger and one being much older than I.  I get mad at the complexity of insurance and bills, but we are blessed to have access to excellent healthcare in this country. We really are. I don't take them for granted, just like I don't take teachers in public/private schools for granted.  Both systems have very flawed, but most of my interactions with the professionals have been very lovely. Anyway, that's my story today.

The morning went fine, and we even got to see our new neighbor Ali, because she stopped by her house after she had been at church. The sermon was fine. Basically, we want to live righteous lives because God has redeemed us.  Doing righteous things doesn't bring salvation.  Lunch was fine. Conversation was ok.  Benaiah said that they played a new Kayne West song as the intro song today.  He's a secular rapper who recently became a Christian and denounced all his previous albums as trash. Christians have been very critical of his conversion and it makes me sad.  We also talked about the technical side of church again. And there was no interaction with Keturah, Justin, Abishai and Grandma again.  It was all about Benaiah and his thoughts. Sigh. And then I was triggered but something that was said and made me moody the rest of the day. But I didn't have to pout too long because I had nursery duty tonight.  I started the training for the IAHE finally, and finished it after church. Then I finished the blog.  I finally convinced Jared not to let anyone on the screens today because to much time has been given the rest of the week.  So, he played Kinex with Abishai and built some really cool things.  Then they went to pick up the kids from church.

We've got a busy week ahead and I have 4 appointments.  Monday is counseling, Thursday I'm getting the crown put on my tooth, Friday I have follow ups with gynecology and dermatology, and then "The Talk" event with Keturah Friday evening and Saturday morning. Oh joy.  We'll punch the books hard tomorrow and if I have time, I'll work on Abishai clothes.  We'll see!

I found maple vanilla whipped topping to go with my maple bacon coffee from last year.  It was yummy!

awww, nice sun flare!

You know you are a parent when....you wake up to find you've been snoozing with stuffed animals.  Despite the time change, Abishai got up at 6:40am, which is 7:40am with the other time, so I guess that's sleeping in a little.  Still, I needed more!

Trying a new hair style making my hair look like it's in a high pony tail.  I even tried to curl the ends!  Not perfect, but I haven't used a curling iron for a good three years, if not longer!  Hair tutorials makes it look so easy!

Floor joists and the well went in this week at the nieghbor's house.  Yeah!

I banned electronics today, but at least these two found some time to be outside.

Benaiah, Ethan, and his girlfriend hanging out after the Rooted Celebration on Saturday night.  Benaiah said this is the first time the triad, himself, Ethan and David Masengale, have all had girlfriends at the same time.  That's pretty special.  The triad all graduate this year, too, plus a few others that they were friends with when they were younger.

Weird face, Benaiah.  Stop licking your friend!  Gross!


Guess what they had for kids' supper at Rooted last night?  And because CFA is closed on Sundays, these won't be picked up/returned until Monday.  Kind of weird seeing them here though in the KP break room.

Today's outfit.  I'm feeling a little like a cheerleader with my hair in a higher ponytail and converse. I wore my black skinny jeans.

Look, Mom, it's a car basket!  Not a picnic basket!

They also made a bridge, an antenna, and other awesome things!

Monday was a blah day. I woke up with a very energetic 4 yr old who doesn't realize the clocks changed and another headache from sleep deprivation/stress/emotional and mental angst. Sigh. I am feeling better overall though, so that's a plus.  But I had to keep pushing myself to stay motivated.  We did a full day of school thank goodness and I still got in a little nap.  My counselor asked me last week what I would do if for a self care day.  I wasn't sure how to answer then, but I do now.  I want zero responsibilites. I don't want to be cheap and buy food, prep, and cook it, and clean up after it, if I was to go somewhere like an AirBNB.  I don't want to have to vacuum and clean bathrooms by staying somewhere free.  I want made to order meals that fit in my special restrictions. I would want to get a coffee and walk around a cute downtown, small or big. I would want no expectations or places to be or specific museums that I have to see.  I want to wander and explore at a pace I deem appropriate.  I don't want to do something like a cruise where there are still dining hours and schedules for shows. I want to be able to sit down on a bench during a hike for as long as I want in the silence or stare at a painting without kids tugging at me that they are hungry or bored.  Basically, I need no agenda, no purpose, no kids, and not going the cheap route and bag browning it. Sounds like Jared and I need to head to a place like Gatlinburg, TN, on our own (yes, Brown County, too, but been there, done that on our honeymoon).  Maybe I just watch too many vloggers that are single and are their own boss.  Yup, I don't need a spa day.  I need a no agenda day and no kids.  Sounds like I need to start planning something....Oh, and I would have to come home to a clean house.  I hate coming home and still having to put away dinner or toys.  Yuck.

Anyway, Gary got home from his weekend travels, so we had pizza with him and Leah so we could catch up.  It's so hard because these days, at least one of the 8 of us are missing. We FaceTimed with Shauna though because it's her birthday, so that was good.  Keturah and Grandma beat Justin and Grandpa at Nerts. Daddy and Abishai played bowling in the hallway.  And I was able to ask some questions about Christmas travel plans, gifts, and maybe what next year's travel plans look like (still need to ask some follow up questions on that one.)   But asking the questions during the Nerts game distracted Gary, so I was told to stop, lol. Whoops! Then home again for bedtime and we'll start all over tomorrow.  Jared and Gary are gone to Nashville, TN for the next couple of days, so that's as fun for us at home.  I'm so glad Jared hardly travels. I need him home for many reasons.  It would be so hard to do life together if he wasn't home much.  Oh wait, it's actually still like that sometimes when our evenings and weekends are busy. Sigh. Suck it up buttercup.

Oh, I did manage to do the switching of my seasonal clothes from one closet to the other (half of Keturah's closet is mine and half of our bedroom's closet is mine).  I wish I had a walk in closet so I could really see what all I have.  Things get buried and disheveled and it drives me crazy.  I had to redo all my pj's because I didn't know where things were and I randomly pull out stuff.  I had put pants in the drawers that are one size down from my current size hoping I would fit in them at some point, and well, I put them back towards the back again. I did get rid of probably 2 dozen items though. I did order some new plain color tees, but long and short sleeve, to either replace some old ones or to use as basic layering pieces for some of my patterned sweaters and button up shirts from Old Navy, but they won't be in until next week.  I think I got 7 shirts. I will never be able to do a capsule wardrobe, but I can definitely still work on updating my choices.  Tomorrow, it's operation Abishai clothes. It's pants are definitely too short, but I'm hoping the longer pants don't have huge waists.  It's always been a problem for all my boys. Their waist and legs don't match according to the American sizing chart. Ok, early to bed now....

God redeems us, then restores us to him in a relationship, and then we obey out of our love for what he did for us and live righteously.


Only some will understand this.  Dr. Mike is a real doctor with a YouTube channel. He's hilarious, but he always tells people to focus on the chest compression on an unconscious person, not mouth to mouth.

Building a tower with Daddy.  It's not quite done yet.

A closer look at the ladder or bridge.

Too bad the pieces will fall out when you lift up the basket.

Give this guy any building toy and he'll play with it for hours.

Like Legos. He wanted his Lego guy to do the work, but decided that only he could handle the construction of his vehicle.

Very concentrated.

Playing Nerts!  Girls had 100 points and boys had 51 points.  The first one that reaches 100 is the winner!  Grandma must need more practice!

Abishai wanted to jump in and play, too.

FaceTiming Shauna for her birthday.

Still talking to the NOLA people.

Wrestling time with Grandpa.

Awww, Abishai is getting so big!

Abishai insisted that Daddy finish building the control tower tonight and he did.

The End

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