Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Year 5, November 23rd-26th, 2020:

 It was one of those Mondays. Ok, everyone was just cranky. Not sure why. Abishai was all over the place,, worse than ever, crying and fussing when he didn't get his way. Keturah kept telling, "No!" without a second thought. And Justin had LESS homework today and still took forever! My throat got dry from reading aloud AND arguing for 6 hrs straight. And then it was 4pm and I knew I had to make phone calls, but couldn't remember what they were. Ugh! Tomorrow morning, first thing, I'm getting on the phone! And then doing my teaching thing, and then going BACK to the stores again. Christmas doesn't happen by itself! I'm exhausted. My back hurts. I've been working all day and didn't really sit down or stop talking or stop doing until 8pm. I'm a Martha. Somebody has to be the Martha, right? Eventually people will want to eat. We can't all by Mary at Jesus' feet all the time. That story has always felt incomplete to me. Yes, we need to take a time out sometimes. But what about physical needs? Somebody has to take care of those. And that somebody is me while the rest of the family plays and wanders about aimlessly because they are bored. Sigh. Can you tell that it bugs me a lot? Yup.

And then I get on here, type up  blog, TRY to catch up on the things I didn't get to during the day and then it's already 11:30 and I haven't started watching my TV show and relaxing and then I watch 2 episodes, go to bed too late and I'm still exhausted when I wake up. It's not fair and it's not right and now I'm mad at other people and have to ignore Facebook. And don't tell me I don't have ADD either when I squarely have so many symptoms. You don't get it because you don't have problems. Now, go away. 

So, what else? I don't know. Jared took Abishai with him to the grocery store and the office for a bit, which WAS helpful. I got to read the more serious stuff to the middles. Hopefully it's sinking in. There's no way to "test" their knowledge besides orally asking them review questions. I'm not sure how to even give them a study guide, except to talk about it over and over and bring in the same main points. Government serves us. We need to be self governed. We delegate authority to the government and we have the ability to take it away by voting and sometimes other means. Minimal federal government involvement is best. What is the difference between freedom and liberty? What does "protection" mean? How far can the government go before it is overreaching it's Constitutional authority?  So many things to tie our studies into what is being talked about today in current events. So many. And so worth it to slow down and chew slowly. I know I won't regret extending out this last volume of our history book. We are covering multiple classes' worth of subjects here, government and econ, ethics, current events, American history, world history, We are knocking out so many "subjects" right now. Life and history and all these subjects are actually integrated. Only school administrations like to separate them and isolate them. That's not reality. And these are the moments I've been waiting for. The moments I didn't have with Benaiah. The moments that really count. The topics they won't cover anywhere else. They will learn more science, how to write better, calculate math from many better than I. They will even learn what I'm teaching them in history from someone better than me eventually. But I get to introduce it to them. I get to set the groundwork for later studies. They will be able to speak up and think for themselves and relate things back to the Constitution. They will be able to question politics from every side from a Biblical perspective and understanding. THIS is what we've prepared for and it makes my heart so happy.

Now, little guy, he had to finish his work with Daddy (who didn't have the patience I guess with him) because he wouldn't stop crying and fussing and throwing papers with me. We got just enough done to let him have a little bit of screen time. And that's it, I was done. It was 3:30pm. I was ready to move on with the day. Thinking deeply with the older kids exhausted me. And now, my brain is mush. 

Everybody was slow to get moving today.

'tis true. Finding Nemo called it first! I shared this meme with the whole family since Finding Nemo is Benaiah's favorite childhood movie.

I've got like 85% of those traits. I love this!

Abishai thought he would butter me up and make me happy by getting out all my coffee ingredients. He thought I needed TWO cups of coffee today (in order to handle him). He's not wrong! But he's so observant that he knew exactly what I like in my coffee. It's rare, but I do sometimes put chocolate chips in the whipped cream. Good thinking, kid! And no, you still can't have marshmallows or ice cream.

A better today. Abishai threw less of a fit about school today and remembered one of our "rules" "work before pleasure." It's fun to hear him chant these things. I'm kind of liking the repetitiveness of memory work instead of having them memorize and say it back to me. I say a line, then they say a line. Then we are done. I don't memorize it that way, and I don't think the older two will remember all of it word for word, but at least the words will be familiar. Abishai might be the only one capable and/or will have his whole childhood to work on this info. But nonetheless, we work on it. It sinks in on some level. Even when I don't think they are listening. Keturah is breezing through books. I need her to write some book reports. Perhaps I'll have her do that instead of the interview thing she should be doing for IEW. Neither one of us wants to interview someone. I think we might just move on. Informal book reports or summaries are important, too. So, yes, that's what we'll do! Thanks, blog, for helping me in TWO subjects! Lol. Justin isn't liking all the reading aloud we are doing. He would rather study on his own. He needs to remember that the rest of the world relies on lecture style learning as a beginning point and THEN other academic learning and studying happens afterwards, or they bring their research back to the class the next day. Point is, unless you are going for a doctorate, lectures and being in a class for at least an hour is a normal part of academia. So, get over it, and just listen. I have lots to share that I need to go through orally and not just think "I hope he got this or that out of this book." And it requires me to read aloud so that I can understand it and go through it myself. I don't prepare much beforehand because I like having that big of surprise. And I have trouble going back through material to put something together to teach it. I read, we review and talk about it. That's it. No written tests. Done.We watched a documentary (from the 1990's it looked like) about Mozart. It was quite interesting and yet quite boring. Lots of musicology which makes more sense to me than the kids. But, they got to see instruments being played and heard some of the intricacies between types of classical music of that time period. And I think that's pretty cool considering only 100 years later my great grandfather would be studying and lecturing on musicology. Wow, that's crazy! And him or his family coming from that area of the world. So cool! And it makes me so jealous that Gary and Leah have been in Austria so many times and have seen those cool places in Vienna and such. Sigh. If only I could buildings 100's of years older than ours. Give it another year and we will be in Israel......maybe.....

I spent the afternoon making those dreaded phone calls and sorting out our museum access pass. I had the pass all long in my purse! Oh my goodness! All that effort to get the document a couple of months ago and even now to look up if I need to bring documents with me or not to these events and there it was in my purse. I'll have to renew it in January, but we'll see. At least I now have a list of what I need to bring and how I can reserve tickets for events online. It's only the first one, the art museum, that I have to go in and set up an account or something before I can go online and purchase tickets, so I'm going to do that tomorrow. Nobody should be downtown on the day before Thanksgiving, right? But they will be at the stores I'm going to tomorrow. I decided to wait until tomorrow and just do everything then. I should look up and see if stores are open on Thanksgiving just in case. I definitely won't be going out over the weekend. So whatever doesn't happen tomorrow, will have to wait a while.

But today I had to prep for a day out with making sure I would know what dinner was going to be and where exactly I needed to go so I'm the most efficient. I need to go to the library again I think. I'm just happy not to be traveling and not preparing food. I'm happy to just be chill. Or maybe get Jared to do something this weekend. We'll see. While I worked on things at home, Keturah and Abishai went to Grandma's. Abishai went because I took YouTube kids off of the tablet after he whined for the last two days straight and it's all he can talk about like the YouTubers are his friends. I don't want him to end up like his mother, lol. So he went to Grandma's so he could get on YouTube there. I allowed it for today because I needed the peace and quiet. But it's not going to happen every day and I'll give Grandma the heads up about it. Abishai had a hard time settling on a movie on Disney Plus though because we don't want him watching everything. He needs to go back to Minnow. I think we are still subscribed to it. I'll remind him of that tomorrow, especially since I'll be out a good part of the day. I should subscribe to Pureflix,too. I'll look into it. 

Ugh, now that I'm still not done, and I picked up one card to pay a bill but need a different card to sign up for PureFlix. Grrr!!!! And the whole time I know Jared is growling in his chair because I don't have time to sit with him. But I don't have time. Not when I'm stressed like this. Too many things to plan and then execute. Reading with him, going to Bible study, I just don't have time. Staying up to watch a TV show is just a different. It's mindless. My brain only functions well for a few hours a day, sorry. You are blessed to be able to think straight most of the day. I'm not. Reading a book about grace and taking something away from it is hard work. I don't have brain space for that right now. It will have to wait or we will have to watch TV. I need to move on. It's almost 10pm. And if I don't finish a blog before 9/9:30, then I can't read with him until 10 or later and it's not helpful. It's just how it goes when I'm trying to balance all the Christmas shopping, urging him to prepare for the weekend for productivity, and teach school, and clean the house. Not much room but for the status quo at the moment. Brain needs to chill in the monotony right now. Not in deep theology. Watch a show, maybe, but that's it. Ok, I'm getting agitated. I told myself I would stop that. Time to back off.

I just want to kick myself for making this way too complicated!

I don't know if it was the turmeric or carob or dandelion root or licorice, but something upset my stomach. Tomorrow I will try a different one.

The chicory and carob are standard in this type of drink to make it more coffee like I think? Then it's either dandelion root or barley. They say that there is no traceable gluten in the drink though, so we'll see.

You never know what you will wake up to with this one. He reminded me of a stinging insect but the stinger is on the wrong side of his body. Then, hummingbird? Dalek from Doctor Who? Some kind of beak? Never a dull moment with this one!

Goes along with today's Bible study section on prayer.

Our first tree set up in Charlottetown 8 years ago. Awwww....we were just talking about our different Christmas trees. We had a short one given to us by an older lady at church that we set up in our first apartment, then let my parents use, then I think we hauled it to Canada and back, and then used it again in the condo. We still have it. It's a 4 ft, full tree. Then we bought this skinny one because Jared insisted that his family always had skinny trees for $70 after our first Christmas at Target. It lasted 14 years with us and then we gave it away before coming back. And then we used the short tree for our first years in this house before getting a display tree from the Toys R Us closing sale a couple of years ago for something like $10 or $25. None of them were prelit. We grew up putting lights on our trees ourselves. And always artificial trees. Always. RIP tall skinny tree! But I like fuller ones better. At least we still have the red chair, red tree skirt and that rug. The tree skirt is just a red felt one I bought in our first or 2nd year of marriage either at Target, Meijer, or the Dollar store. The green chair stayed in Canada, but it was the one I remember laboring with Keturah on. I've nursed all my babies on the red chair though, some more than others. It's now my teaching chair, except I'm actually now standing up in the kitchen and letting them eat lunch while I read. But oh well. Times change, right?


 Well, I got caught up with errands, but now I feel behind at home. Not too bad though. I need to catch up on school stuff, but I probably won't tackle that until Friday. But I crossed off a bunch of things on my list today.  I need to go back through and plug in some numbers to see what my Christmas spending totals are. I bought some decor and electrical things at Aldis, plus found some excellent alternatives for Abishai if Grandma and Grandpa didn't get what was on his list. I'll save some of them for his birthday. I'm super excited to have found the wrong them, but the right types of items on his list! Plus I bought holiday socks and pjs for Keturah (two sets since I couldn't decide and well, whatever, it's Christmas! Keep them!) I rounded out family gifts except for Benaiah and Aaron. I think stockings and Christmas candy is nearly done, if not done done. Plus I bought the other random stuff on my list. Now to revamp the list for next time. I plan to avoid all stores until at least Monday. Target, sigh, yes, I have missed Target. Even when it's a bit crazy and a bit picked over, it still isn't even 1/4 as bad as any other store I've been in all year. And they had tons of staff restocking shelves and getting ready for Black Friday. Aldi's was ok since I went on the first day of the new ad. Kohl's was a mess. It's kind of sad. But at least I didn't have to stand in line at any store, so that's a big plus!

I did not make it out to the art museum to get the access pass registered and get tickets for Winter Lights, but they are open on Friday, so I can go anytime then. I wonder if I could get in without the kids. If I hadn't made Jared buy stuff to make bunk beds this weekend, I would take him with me. Oh wait, he THINKS he's working on Friday. Um, isn't the building closed? Hm,....Anyway, Friday, I will make that drive. I procrastinate when I know I'm going somewhere new. I don't think I've driven to the art museum by myself before and I think it's on the west side of downtown. I'll go midday after the crush of holiday shoppers for Black Friday and before regular 5pm traffic. It's only open from 11am to 4 pm anyway. Man, I could go Monday before my doctor's appointment, too. We'll see. I think it would be too tight of a timing. Anyway, tomorrow I will clean out the boys' room and we'll see about the tree as well. I can wait on the tree if need be. While Jared is building, it might be difficult to get to the Christmas stuff anyway. I might get out a few boxes of decor though before he begins. That way I can work while he works. Yes, that's what I'll do! Thanks. blog, again, for listening to my rambling and figuring things out.

Hm, yup, the kids were home all day by themselves. I did come home at lunch time (chiro and Aldis, home, then library, Target and Kohls). I have no idea how much screen time everyone had or how much homework got done. I did see them eat food, so I know they were fed. We even got to scare Daddy when he came home and showed off our new on/off remote switches for lights and things. They also watched a Star Wars Lego animated special with Daddy before bed. It looked really funny. Onwards to Thanksgiving and decorating this weekend! Maybe some bunk beds!


These pics are so out of order! But anyway, I got Abishai a $3 Christmas lightbulb necklace for our trip to see Christmas lights. He wanted to show them off to Daddy but scaring Daddy as he walked in the door after work. Abishai UNPLUGGED lights in a couple of rooms because they had no light switch attached to them. That's how dark he wanted it to be.

I miss this show, y'all. We are still in this time period. And I'm following a Twitter account that is showcasing all the real places that the show filmed and then some out in Cornwall, England. Tricorne hats are the best! And fiery red haired ladies. "Prudy" is awesome comical relief as well. I need to read the rest of the books!  Poldark is the name of the series and books.

I don't know what I was trying to take a picture of but this explains the fast paced day I had. Kids had it easier at home.

Some of the fun stuff from Aldis. Another $25 space heater since now Justin is cold in his room and Dad refuses to let us turn up the heat while he's home.

I have a couple of fall towels, and I was in the buying mood, so I bought 4 Christmas towels. I have some Christmas kitchen towels, but not bathroom towels. Am I becoming that person that has seasonal decor for every season????? Perhaps!

New kitchen rug. Yes, I know, it's white. It will get dirty. It was $10. I'm not afraid to replace when I need to. I got one that wasn't Christmas themed, but I could have easily gotten a Christmas one.

Buttons! I have to bend down under the table to plug in these lights each and every time I want them on. So, when Aldis advertised this remote switcher thing, I was excited! It came with three separate plug in things you plug in the wall and then plug your cord into that. Then, you push a button on the plug in to turn the unit on. Then you  can use the remote. It works up to 1,000 ft away! So, I put one in the garage where the candy canes are plugged into via an extension cord and viola! I can stand in the front doorway and still turn on the candy canes without going into the garage! I was leaping for joy! I'm not sure what I'll use the third one for yet. Maybe the Christmas tree? I usually turn that on and leave it on though. Yeah! I bought an outdoor timer, two short extension cords, and something else I think. Plus some mini lights for above my desk. I restrained from getting the light up birch tree or mini light up glass Christmas trees.

The other towels. Good for all winter long.

The backstory is that Mrs. Ellen save her McDonald's Happy Meal toys for Abishai now. She likes to get Happy Meals because they are cheap yet filling. So, Abishai thought he would share his new goodies with Mrs. Ellen. Now THAT is an awesome kid!

I love how Jared types out Abishai's pronunciations! And Mrs. Ellen did say "Aw, thank you!" in the text message after that.

I got my last Starbucks drink on that $50 Starbucks card I've had for 1-2 yrs. A toasted white chocolate mocha made with almond milk and of course still the whipped cream. The baristas always ask me about the whipped cream! I love that! You aren't supposed to drink in the store anymore, but I got it before I shopped so I wouldn't be rushed getting it afterwards with a bunch of purchases. That was a good thing because one of Keturah's gifts that I had preordered was huge! It was lukewarm by the time I got to the car but that's ok. Better than a burned mouth!

I love/hate shopping. I see so many cute things I want to get for others! So many things I know my kids would love! Kind of ugly Yoda but I like the shirt!

Remember these? I still have mine in a plastic tote in the shed. I remember the box, too. I was so proud of myself for making a dog tag for it and using yarn as the leash. I would take it for walks around the house.

Mini Pound Puppies! I even remember the original show and ads and things!

Wait, what?! Cavendish Farms?! Like in Cavendish Farms, PEI?

Not quite, but they were made in Canada at least! I'm sure Cavendish Farms started on PEI but have farms all over Canada. But still, Cavendish! That's the touristy town where the Anne of Green Gables house is! And the birthplace of Lucy Maud Montegomery, and where she is buried, and Cavendish Beach, and the water park, and the amusement park, and Ripley's Believe it or Not store, and and and. I remember Cavendish well. Aldis also has a frozen vegetable blend called, Prince Edward Island medley with green and yellow green beans and baby carrots. Oh, and they typically carry the multi color baby potatoes.

My sister Stefanie says she doesn't like the new Care Bears. We had Care Bears, watched the movies, had the sheets, AND the curtains. Lol. Oh, and Lincoln Logs, I didn't see those! I have our original Lincoln Logs as well. Yup, don't need any of this new stuff!

Thanksgiving was calm and peaceful, mostly. It's not the people themselves that make me feel worn out because we all get along. But it's because with people. So, this year, I'm grateful we didn't have to travel. And Leah and Gary, with some help from our kids, made all the food. Leah didn't ask, so I didn't offer. Probably should have offered. But I am so tired of making food for anyone, especially food I shouldn't eat or I'm tired of because I can't make anything else, that I was glad for another break. We won't have Sunday dinner together, so today was pretty much just a little fancier Sunday dinner. Cooking is Leah's forte' and love language. So, I let her cook. Again, we get along with all sides of the family, but being introverts, having some quiet time at home while the kids went over earlier, was restful. We didn't rest, and we didn't even make out, lol. But to spend a couple of hours at home, in the quiet, doing whatever, yes, that was nice.

We woke up late this morning, so it was tough getting much done. I was very chipper and then BAM I was meaner than a wet noodle! Woah, where did THAT come from?! Well, Jared had bought wood for the bunk bed project because I had insisted we start working on it this weekend since we had extra time. He says it shouldn't take as long as the treehouse because he doesn't have to weatherproof it. He will round the corners though and sand it a bit (I hope). So, he was telling me last night he was going to take up the flooring (which I think is nice enough although it wasn't put down that well). I put it out of my mind then, but this morning, I just snapped about it thinking we would see subflooring and it would look ugly and he would slap it together, etc. Well, I'm the idiot. There is NICE hardwood floors, although they are a bit beat up and there's paint on the part that is now exposed, underneath this flooring that is original to the house. And Jared thinks we'll be able to pull up the flooring and maybe refinish the floors or do something different with them, like put tile in the kitchen and dining room, eventually, when our new financial ventures work out. Once he explained that a bit further and I saw the wood floors, similar to the ones we exposed in Beech Grove when we took up the carpet, I apologized. A lot. Meekly. With my head hung low. Whoops. I'm still not sure of the triple bunk bed and how it's going to look. He said he has to do it a certain way and the layers are going to be pretty thick so there won't be as much headroom. So, again, I threw a huge hissy fit about it because I can't envision it. (That's such an ADD trait!) But thankfully, he stayed calm and tried to explain things again. I apologized and finally moved on. Crisis and silent treatment averted this time! That's progress!

I spent the morning quickly clearing the boys' room of Abishai's tent and its' contents, getting Justin to clear out his misc junk to give Jared room to work, and pushing Justin's Lego shelves closed to make more room during the process. But first, I had to clean up the sunroom, so I could move the coffee table from the fireside room to the sunroom, so I could put Abishai's tent in the fireside room. All so we put wood and a mattress in the garage into the boys' room in the form of a triple bunk bed, so we can put the rocking chair in the garage so we can put the tree in the fireside room. That's how it goes in my house. I have to plan these things out because projects take forever and we still have to go to bed at night, right? Justin's mattress went to the hallway but he can just put it back into the spot or in the middle of the floor at night. Or he could sleep on the green couch or brown couch or whatever. After that, I rearranged and calculated the Christmas shopping making sure I knew what was left to buy for stockings and candy. And I'm telling ya, I did an awesome job this year. Even spending doesn't seem too far off either. I've got a few big ticket items I'm waiting until Black Friday tomorrow or Cyber Monday on Monday for, but otherwise, I'm good. 

Like I said, dinner was traditional. Colorful for once. Pretty much perfect and similar to Sunday dinners and my parent's Thanksgiving, complete with both cans of cranberry sauce, jelly and whole berry, lol. You'll see my plate below. I forgot the fruit salad, but that's a normal thing for Sundays. I have found that Cook Thanksgiving and many other gatherings we go to have a ton of desserts, which Jared and I can't eat, dips that Jared and I can't eat, and a whole lot of chips or corn, or other "tan" foods like meat of course and breads (which I can't eat). We often don't have a large variety of colorful plain vegetables or fruits to choose from and that our diets require. Not so at Johnson Sunday dinners. We often have a wide array to choose from. Now, I probably wouldn't complain as much if I could eat the rest of the food stuff, but it's just something we've notice and it agrees with Indiana being one of the most overweight and unhealthy people there is. No wonder we have a huge number of Covid-19 cases. A lot of people have underlying conditions that make Covid-19 worse or those conditions have surfaced. Not every time, but a lot of the time. Makes you pause and think.

I had Leah tape the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, which still ran for 3 hrs despite have 25% of the number of participants. All the participants and bands and volunteers were from the NYC area, to cut down on travel because of Covid-19. They only did a small part of their route as well. And NO crowds. It was warm, 61 degrees there, but people still looked a little cold. Lots of different kinds of acts. The balloons were tied to floats and then pulled by trucks. There were not people holding them. Most wore masks and/or social distanced. Even the commentators were spread out in the news booth. Kind of weird, but not too bad. Keturah really enjoyed it and could tell us about some of the singers and songs because she's been listening to the radio.  Mostly country music I think, and maybe some pop or the Christian station, plus some groups were from Disney or whatever. Gary, Benaiah, Justin, and I played Scrabble. Gary won by 1 point over Justin, but if I hadn't helped Justin, the gap would have been much larger. I had some good placements, but I guess my point values weren't high enough. I felt good about it though! I haven't played Scrabble in many years it seems. Not at Thanksgiving because I don't play against Pam or Gary. But I think I did play over a Christmas vacation with Shauna. 

And then we came home and Justin and Keturah stayed to watch another murder mystery show. It's kind of fun that the four of them are enjoying it. Benaiah played on his computer off and on and we didn't talk a whole lot about anything specific at dinner. Just some remembering of past Thanksgivings. Nothing too much about Benaiah's financial status. I guess I pushed back a bit too hard about him coming over to put up the Christmas tree. I don't know what the deal is. He thinks I think he spends too much time with Ava or doesn't split up his time evenly enough. I need to find a way to express myself to him. Either via text, which is easiest, or by taking him out for coffee or something. It's been 3 months since he moved out. And I guess I thought that like most college students being eager to come home for Christmas and do Christmas traditions, he would be, too. I guessed wrong. It's not like I went home and did them 20 years ago. I know things change, but I didn't expect him to downright say no. And that's hurtful and upsetting. I wrote about it in my Bible study today. It was talking about what happens when there are storms. How has God brought you through? Those kinds of things. And I have a hard time recognizing the good parts without focusing on the bad parts. I wrote today that I've "lost" Benaiah. He doesn't want a relationship with me, or doesn't want to make it a priority. And that's hurtful, upsetting, and grieves me. He doesn't think I did a lot of work in his high school years, but I did. And maybe I'm keeping the other three closer to me, changing the way I talk to them, teach them, interact with them, because I've lost Benaiah. But why did I have to loose 1 kid in order to do well with other three? I guess I didn't have a close relationship with my parents, but I went to see him and we tried to keep up a few traditions. I could have done better when they were alive. I know that now. Sigh. Growing up is tough on all of us! I just want him to spend time with us. Why is that so hard? Or at least WANT to spend time with us. I need to give it more time. I just don't want to completely lose him again. Sigh.

So, the kids came home after awhile, and I had to get after them about chores and no screen time. I hadn't explicitly said no screen time, but in my heart, I wanted more family time. I was going to try on my new jeans I exchanged yesterday (for a bigger size, and that's another whole issue of grief), and then play a game but it had gotten too late. So, I further picked up the house again, because I want a clean place to start with Christmas decor. Which, I will make them help me take it out tomorrow. Jared will stay home and work on the bunk beds if he's up to it. He ate too much oil yesterday and had a very rough night last night. But he still got started on the bunk beds, so that helped me change my tune earlier today. Sigh. Holidays are never perfect but overall, I got some things done and dinner was peaceful. And I don't have to rush away the weekend, although I need to catch up on school stuff. And I do need to go out to the art museum to get tix for Winter Lights. Maybe Jared will go with me. Or Keturah. I hate going new places. But once I'm there, I'm ok. Sigh. School and museum tomorrow. That's the goals.

Could skip the at home beauty supplies and earrings. The rest is ok.

I didn't read the article yet but Jared's compliment is typical of his awesome way of words.

Gotta have the before pics! Doesn't the floor seem ok to you?

If only I could keep it this neat! Soon though!

Scooping up that cranberry jellied sauce first! He did most of the rest of his plate.

Loads of color! Yum! Special sweet corn with loads of dairy. Mashed potatoes (not gravy since it has wheat in it most of the time), green beans, plain sweat potatoes, turkey and cranberry sauce, and salad.

It's a first for the Johnsons to be all ready for Christmas BEFORE Thanksgiving! I told Gary it was because he wasn't traveling and he was bored. This actually felt more like Christmas dinner and I almost expected to open gifts when we went to sit on the couches to watch the parade.

Nice plate, Justin! And he went up for 2nds! We had pumpkin pie and cool whip for dessert, and I even got a crustless pumpkin pie. Just plain pumpkin pie, not Leah's fancy kind. That's fine by me! I love both kinds!

Gary took this photo to send to Aaron and Shauna.

Throwbck to Christmas in Charlottetown in 2012. At least we got those New Orleans peeps up there once in the dead of winter so they could enjoy the snow! This of course was before Abishai was even thought of!

The two kids who love sweets the most at Bulk Barn!

What prompted me to find these photos was this photo. Aaron was telling us this long story about trying to smoke a turkey today and how they couldn't find the right outlet and there was a possum running around, etc. Well, nothing beats trying to keep a turkey going in a fryer in the dead of winter. Jared made this wind barrier with the snow and everything. I think we borrowed the fryer.

It was very tasty, obviously.

Nora's obsession with Leopard prints! I easily pulled all of this off of my FB photo albums. I love having photos there!

Yup, that's me! Give me a cup of coffee so I can concentrate on the task at hand.

My first round of letters included these of all things!

Abishai did a great job at taking this photo! He's been taking selfies since he was 6 months old!  I'll see him carrying around the tablet and taking photos sometimes, too. So, this is how he sees the world right now.

Not sure who is singing, but it's a LEGO sponsored float at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!

Some kind of Turkey Dragon, although it looks like one of those Mixels or Monsters.

What Jared thinks about playing board games.

Our Scrabble board. The game went fairly quickly actually. It felt like we ran out of tiles fast and no one really got stuck.


That's the original flooring of the house! A bit beat up because of a paint splatter though. But yes, it's just as good as the wood was in Beech Grove. We didn't refinish the wood, but I did try to keep it cleaned up.

I bought headbands for the first time in 20 years. Well, I tried wearing one today and it kept sliding off my head and pinched near my ears. I have a child sized head AND I think it's oddly shaped.

See, it always ends up so far back and then slips right off.

And sits weird when I wear it closer to the front. If I go to Target again, I'll probably take this pack back. Not sure on the velvet one. I was looking for the velvet one to pair with my new Christmas shirt/outfit I came up with. I can't wear the bands that go all around my head unless I try to see pins and hairspray. I can't wear those from Lilla Rose for too long either. I'm no sure how I kept headbands on in my youth. I must have just kept adjusting them. I still have a lot of them actually. But none matched my Christmas outfit.

Why yes! The dog even gets gingerbread flavored treats that look like gingerbread men this year! And I found some human cookies that look like gingerbread men, too. Now I don't have to bake them this year!

Cute upcycling craft with bottle caps!

Justins' set up for the night. Jared is going to build the frame so that each bunk has a little shelf to put stuff, kind of like what I had as a kid. And the whole thing will sit right there on the floor. He's going to screw it into the fall, too, which, I'm not too fond of but ok fine whatever. Justin set up his computer in his room because Abishai is in the fireside room and the garage now has more sawdust. Socks is all confused. He did come with us to Gary and Leah's though.

Our scores. Gary won over Justin by one point. Benaiah claims he had stinky letters. I just think he was out of practice. My scores were pretty good I thought, but not good enough! I remember playing Scrabble with Grandma Cook the last time they made it to Indy for Thanksgiving. We payed on the table Benaiah has his computer on which was where the China cabinet is now. Yup. Great times!

The End

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