Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Year 6, July 5th-8th, 2021: Unintentional Busy Week

 Monday, some had the grumps. I, on the other hand, wanted to have a good day, and wanted to get some stuff done. So I just kept going and going and going, doing as much as I could at a steady pace. It's not all done, but I did manage to do a lot. See, on migraine free and low pain days, I CAN do things! But I can never predict when that will be. So it's always a guessing game and I have to be ready for it. It was a nice hot day as it should be for July and will be all week long. Jared had Justin start mowing the lawn again, although we just finished like two days it seems. Whatever, Justin diligently started on it. But he discovered that yes, the self propelled system is not working and he had to push it on his own, making it twice as hard to mow. He only got the front yard done, which didn't need it as much as the back did. Whoops. Keturah has agreed to do all the trimming for him. Both kids did not get up until after 10am though. Abishai spent most of the Dad hanging out with Daddy watching Star Wars shows, playing video games, playing Legos, swimming, swinging, and eating breakfast and lunch together. So, it was like most Saturdays. Which will make tomorrow feel weird or like we skipped Sunday. But, we'll have to adjust quickly. I have an appointment and then Abishai and I have a playdate in Fishers. Fun stuff! Let's see, what all did I do:

- a load of laundry

- Jared cut up the pineapple

-boys swam

-print sermon notes (right before the black ink cartridge ran out)

- lot at original summer major to do list, checkmark off some things, and write in the rest of the appointments for the summer on the big calendars

- find out pool schedules to see which one we would have to visit first

- connect with archery range in Greenfield for Keturah's birthday

- figure out who is baptizing Keturah

- update region 9 new home educator document

- clean up IAHE master group list to match updated website info (that was alphabetized as asked), rehighlighted and check all links, and then use it to revamp the email leaders group list

- clean up after Jared makes messes in the kitchen

- keep up with email and social media

- check email and other apps on phone like fitness pal for food diary, and back and forth making sure everything is on the to do list or not or what have you. oi! At least I had a clear head for it today! Praise the Lord!

Meanwhile, not sure what the middles actually did. I gave Keturah a stack of books she HAD to read to consider her summer reading done. She was NOT happy. I also told Justin what his was, but I'm sure he won't remember. Now I have to go back and actually pick a date to do Keturah's birthday and make those plans. And then I have to plan the pool stuff because some pools close during the week by the first week of August when schools start. The splash pads and a couple of water parks are still open every day until Labor Day, so we'll do those last.  

I'm getting there. There's still the books to fix and Justin's transcript to putz around with, but summer isn't over in my book until September 1st. I've got just the FB groups to do for IAHE, but I'm going to use them as my test for the new routine of entering a new group's information into the system, and then I should be done with IAHE for a bit. Then it's the books, which won't take me that long in all reality. It will get done. Just one thing at a time. Steady on, steady on. 

I wish it was that easy with relationships. But relationships confuse me. I get lost. And then I don't know what to say or do next. And then my mood changes. And I get tired. So I better stop here before it gets worse. I've done enough thinking and doing for one day. The rest can wait until tomorrow.

Yeah! Freedom Springs is open to everyone again! Last year it was just open to Greenwood residents. And it's open every day until Labor Day! We'll do this one last then!

Great prices, too.

Everyone says Carmel's is bigger but it does shut down during the week after school starts, so we'd have to do that one sooner rather than later because I'm sure weekends are busy. And it's a bit more expensive.

Oo, I got an action shot of Daddy's ball going for the hoop! Today was another "Saturday/Daddy Play Day" for Abishai.

Hm,....I'm giving this to Leah so she can make some kind of dessert for my birthday dinner, which will now be after my birthday because everyone is busy this Sunday, the day before my birthday. Oh well. I'm kind of missing the traditional strawberry shortcakes my parents would make from the premade little cakes you find right next to the strawberries from the grocer store. Add strawberries and a dollup of coolwhip. So easy!

More engineering!

Barber Gary to the rescue! Although, I love Grandma Cook's longer hair, too! So pretty! I hope my gray hair is that pretty!

Now she's looking more herself! She's looking great and doing well! Gary and Leah went to visit family in Michigan over the holiday weekend.

And like always, the Cooks don't do anything the normal way. Using a big blower from the garage, Uncle Ed blow dries Grandmas hair or maybe he's getting the little pieces of hair out of the way, either way, the Cooks do things the fun way!

The bamboo has grown like crazy! But it needs to grow straight up! Hm.....

Well, at least the nets are good for something, protecting the trees from Japanese beetles! Yuck!

Daddy is allowed to get in the pool now! But he doesn't want to get down and back up and hurt himself, so he just stood in there and made whirlpools. Abishai loved it all the same.

Well, I guess if I'm going to be included in a tweet, it's a good one. Yes, we do our best. I will sometimes get some plastic bags if we are running low. I use them sometimes when the kids are going somewhere and will be bringing home wet clothing and towels or something. But for the most part, we use reusable bags.

There's a monkey in our yard!

Say what?! Doing a chin up through the basketball hoop!

It smells heavenly! I love anything cooked on a grill, especially over charcoals! Yum! Jared had to clean it first because he always forgets to clean it well afterwards and we only use it a few times each summer. But hey, it's worth it!

Jared should have separated the burgers inside but he didn't. And because of that, we ended up with 5 burgers instead of 6. Oh well. They were filled with bacon and cheese and other things and were so good regardless. And Abishai served as Jared's entertainment. I was inside making petite potatoes in the air fryer and steaming some broccoli and asparagus.

Abishai made an operating room scene complete with several doctors and a way for other people to look in at the operation. The patient needed his back worked on to remove a piece of it that didn't belong there (just like Daddy did). And because it was the patient was a prisoner, the guards had to be there, too. Lots of thinking went into this construction, including chairs for the observers and where to put the computers. This kid is full of stories!

Abishai and his Surgerical Unit


The local weather station actually commented back at Jared and said well said! Lol.

Are you comfortable, dog? Actually, it is very comfortable right there in front of the fan. Best spot in the whole house.

Watching a Star Wars animated show called "Bad Batch." I'm guessing a bad batch of clones? I have no idea. But Abishai is getting too big for Jared's lap! But he still gets a little bit scared sometimes and asks a million questions like if they are going to be ok after they get hurt.

 Tuesday I had a doctor's appointment and then Abishai and I headed up north to Fishers to visit a small new playgroup of homeschoolers, a little spin off of another group. Justin spent the day mowing, and Keturah spent the day on her phone or reading or something. I came home and she was still in her pjs, so I have no clue what she was really up to. She was to do the trimming when Justin was done, but no one had reminded her, oops. Justin took 5 hrs to mow because the self propulsion was gone. Poor guy. We will have to get that fixed. Unfortunately, our usual shop just went out of business, so, who knows where to take it next. 

Abishai didn't want to leave and go with me to another homeschool event and meet new people, but I told him that there would be a pool. I wasn't sure how big, but he eventually was convinced enough to get in the car. Well, it ended up being a regular in ground pool so he was in heaven. In fact, we stayed for three hours and he was exhausted! So, I ended up being outside all afternoon, but at least we were in the shade. It was just three moms and I, with a total of 8 kids under 8! Oh what fun! These moms were pretty new to homeschooling, so I was in heaven as well. I didn't know it but the dad works from home so he was there the whole time and I met him after I used the restroom before we left, lol. We all had a great time, and I hope to meet up with them on another Tuesday. Jared and I are gone next week, but perhaps the week after that. I don't know how it will go after school starts, but we'll see. The drive wasn't too bad, 30 minutes up the high way. But of course it was rush hour on the way back, so the GPS took me off the highway and down a secondary street that I know well and I still made it home in 30 minutes. The high way was at a standstill right as I turned off, so I was so glad I made the choice to follow the GPS. 

I had a lovely time, and it was really lowkey. It was a spinoff group from another group that I'm getting to know. But because they have slightly younger kids, it's harder for them to enjoy the field trips and park days and hiking and creek stomping and really get to sit and talk, so they wanted to do that in the comfort of getting together at homes. I don't blame them. I prefer it, too, at times. I loved just talking to two people at a time. I felt very comfortable.They asked me questions, and I listened, and shared what I could. And that's one big reason I wanted to go. And also because Abishai really needs kids his age to play with, too. Fridays are great in their own way. But I still have Abisahi and that stage of raising kids to contend with, as I deal with the older ones. So, we'll see. We were just talking on Friday how we weren't sure if Friday is going to continuing like it is, or if there's going to be a shift in ages of kids or what. I'm sure Justin's going to be moving off to driving and work. So I may be shifting to some other groups and then just attend MNO with EYB. Who knows. But I'm here for it. I'm on the lookout.

There may be an upcoming shift in a lot of ways, and I feel like it's going to be hard week this week figuring it out or talking through some of it. I think Satan wants to distract me from my birthday plans. He wants me to be all worked up about other things and not have fun. I came home and now I've got a crazy ton of pain going down my own sciatica in my left leg, shooting pain and was just out of sorts with muscles and nerves. Ouch! Just like now. From my waist, down over my backside, through the hip, that catches me by surprise and makes me wince. Owie! Dude! Stop! It wasn't that bad of a drive! I did sit in a laid back chair for a long time this afternoon, but still, this isn't nice. I don't have a chiro appointment either. Eek. I guess I'll do some more massaging, and repositioning, and CBD oil and see if I can get it to work out. I had just bought some of those massage balls things like the one you can attach to the wall, but these won't because the one attached to the wall were $40 and these were $10 a piece. You hold these in your hands and this kind you can add essential oils, so I thought maybe Jared could use it on me or something. And since I sometimes push too much and bruise myself, since these are a little lighter in pressure, I might get a better result. I don't know. But it's not nice. Tomorrow and Thursday are quieter days, so we'll see.

Oh, the results from the doctor's office were just to increase the headache prevention med (which is also the weightloss med) because we had only started on a low dose and not the recommended dose (ugh, see why I hate doctors! of course you tell us to start there so you make sure come in for another appt so you can up the dose, grrrr). But I was able to tell her that I need to reduce the number of visits if I can to stretch out my finances because we are a one income family and are using HSA and such. So, she's more aware of that now. Otherwise, stay on everything else for the moment. We will retest the iron in another month or two, and then probably get off the other medication if it looks good. But now my heartburn is back I noticed. Maybe because of the iron. I can't win. Oh well. 

I'm exhausted, mentally and physically. I can't think anymore.

Abishai made a three story bunker.

Can you see the spaces for the guys and their guns underneath?

Haha, locked you out, Mom!

I'm not letting Daddy go to work!

Ready to race!

Abishai won!

Oh...my...word...This is how I've felt the last few months with teens in general. Time to ship them off! But we could just say this from the start of any given year to the end of the year, too. And not just homeschool moms, any moms, or any teacher.

The attack of the inattentive ADHD kid has struck again. He left his breakfast or lunch dishes. Somehow managed to feed his brother some lunch and then went back out to mow, leaving this dishes behind. Dude! Classic inattentive ADHD move!

Well, first of all, Impossible burger "meat" doesn't spoil, because this has been in the fridge for two weeks I think. Second, the ingredient list was ok. Lots of soy this and soy that. But, I did get it to make three burgers, so I'm happy with that. They say the Impossible burger "meat" is as close to real meat you can get. So, I thought I would try when the Misfits box had it as an option.

Well, it did NOT disappoint. I added a bit of salt, seasoned salt, and garlic, but just enough so it wouldn't be bland. I have to say, I'm very impressed. I've had soy burgers. I've had turkey burgers. This was as close to real meat as you can get, even the texture was pretty close. I don't have a stomach ache, which is surprising since soy usually affects me. And I wouldn't want to eat one every day for the same reason, but yeah, it's a great alternative if you're ok with the actual ingredients. It's not for a purest or "whole foods" kind of dieter. Too many different things.

Phew, what a day. I slept on the couch because I was having a lot of hip pain and sciatica pain and woke up a few times during the night. Also, I nearly threw up because I hate chocolate before bed again. Big dummy that I am. Why do I do that? With the increased iron, the heartburn came back. Bummers! So, it was a rough night, again. Abishai slept in though, so I got one last snooze in, thankfully. Thankfully, Jared and I both know that when I sleep on the couch, 99% of the time it's for our mutual benefit and not because I'm mad at him. And because he's so used to me being in bed, he likes to place my pillow where I would be sleeping, so when I go to make the bed, I have to put it back. I often it find it there if I got to bed really late, too. Anyway, at least I didn't have a headache. I did increase the headache preventive today and didn't have any side affects, so that's good. I took a shower and that helped to soothe the hip and sciatica. The kids woke up really late and gobbled up some fruit bread Grandma brought so Daddy said that was their lunch and they had to wait until dinner to eat again. I let them have fruits and vegetable like they were on the Daniel fast/diet from the Bible. I think they learned their lesson. They were eating breakfast at 11am. That's an early lunchtime around here. Granted, they have nothing to do but still, be responsible.

After Abishai and I's real lunch, I took the boys to get haircuts at Great Clips. I signed us into the wrong Great Clips at first. It was the one that was about 20 minutes away, but had a 5 minutes wait time. We were parked at the one that was 5 minutes from home with a 25 minute wait time. So, really, either one worked.We decided to wait it out at the one closer to home, and went into the store next to it, which was a doughnut shop called Pana doughnuts. Apparently Luke Green thinks they are the best doughnuts. Keturah says they are not. We got three doughnuts (one for Keturah, one for each of the boys) and three drinks, (one for me, one for each of the boys), total cost $16. I guess it could have been worse. And then we went next door for the haircuts. It felt crowded and rushed in Great Clips. I mean the store was nice and all because it's new. And really, we didn't have to wait that long at that point. We did bring in our drinks because we didn't want them melting in the car. They didn't seem to mind but we made sure not to be waving them around either. One lady cut Justin's hair and I don't think he was in the chair more than 5 minutes. Abishai's took a bit longer, maybe 10 minutes? Not long at all. It takes way long at Jennae's. So, you get what you pay for. I noticed all the haircuts were like that. Fast and furious. In and out. $15 per person unless you did the prepay thing like we had. We used Gary's prepaid card so the haircuts were $11 per person and then you pay the tip in cash. I did tip $5 per person. The haircuts were ok. I can't tell what they did on Justin's though. We will see Jennae again in 6 weeks. We'll manage ok until then. I hadn't been to a Great Clips in probably over 10 years. Technically the same store, but different location. It had moved across the street when Kroger did. And I know it's just the nature of that kind of business. The staff were plenty friendly and efficient. But I felt chaotic and rushed, so I don't prefer that with my ADHD brain. It's worth going to see our regular hair stylist. I don't hold it against anyone there at Great Clips, not at all. But it's like Wal-Mart vs. Target, or actually, Von Maur or JC Penny's because Jennae is pretty expensive. But, she's worth it.

After haircuts, we came home and Justin showered. Abishai got on his tablet. I got ready to call Tara from IAHE to ask her a few questions. We did connect and had a good chat. I again had misunderstood a couple of things and Tara once again set me straight. And again, she said it's ok, she wants us to ask questions and it's the only way we will get better. I told her I'm not here to rock the boat. I ask to understand. So, my problem is resolved and we move forward. I still have some work to do and I could have done it after that call but decided to be lazy and watch FB videos instead. Whoops. I guess I'll make a go of that tomorrow. Or tonight if I get a few minutes here.

Well, we had a busy line up for tonight, but things got turned around. Jared decided to do the drop off and pick up runs to get Justin to and from church, so I stayed home instead of doing errands. I could have been slightly more productive, but I took the time to do a bit of reflection and thinking on my green couch after what he had said and what's going on in my heart and with the neighbors and with me and the IAHE etc etc. So, ultimately, it was productive. I almost fell asleep, too. Abishai went with him, so it was quiet, too. Keturah was painting because I told her that I'm tired of seeing her on her phone all day and she needed to finish up the painting project and put away her supplies since it's been several months. I don't know why she needs to be on her phone all day. She is only playing games. She's not talking to people all day. She is not making TikToks or on social media. She's watching videos most likely. Take a break and do something else. I know I'm on my phone, but good grief, I'm doing all kinds of things people normally do on a computer. Let me tell you what I did today with my phone.

So, late last night, I saw a post on a state wide Indiana Homeschool Support Facebook page asking if anyone has any 8 yr old girls in Wanamaker. That's a very specific request and you have to know where Wanamaker is in order to respond, right? And who is really going to know that Wanamaker is in Franklin Township, in Indianapolis? Not many, trust me. So, I responded. This family also has a 5 yr old boy. And several others responded that live in the area, so cool, that's the typical response and sometimes 1 or 2 people connect and get together and that's it. So I left that alone and typically I don't here from them after I offer myself and Abishai as playmates. Well, 12 hrs later, I wake up to see that the post comments had kept going earlier this morning all the way to them figuring out when they'd like to have a playdate, and far enough in advance that I am able to join them! Wow! Cool! What a way to take initiative! So I gently ask if I could make a little FB group to keep these 6-7 families organized and get them started on the right foot together. So, from my phone at 10am, I'm quickly putting together a group, coming up with a basic name for it, trying to find everyone to invite, etc. etc. And then I had their first event, the playdate next week, and make sure they all see it, etc. But, it gets better! I start a "get to know you" thread. And they start talking and talking and talking. And it's been like that all day. One mom and dad are from NH even! Some have kids in public school and some at home. Most just finished their first year of homeschooling but plan to continue because they love it. There's a couple that live a bit further away, so I might suggest to them to connect with other groups closer to them, but it's ok if they stay in this one. But how exciting! There is a need right here in my township. After I cleared it that I am ok to start a local support/play group, boom, I get one started. For now, this is an elementary kids only group. I might start a second group that is for all ages because I know there's a ton of us that need maybe more "how to" classes or something more just for the grown ups. My wheels are turning. But what an incredible act of God today. God affirmed to me today after I had done some hard thinking yesterday and came to some hard decisions, that I truly am where I He wants me to be. I am dancing, figuratively, all over the place! Just as much as if I was meeting Michael W. Smith again! This is a big part of my job at IAHE, connecting people to each other so they can support each other and the kids can have friends. This is truly the mission of being a regional rep. I already told this group, I'd love to continue to be a part of it because I'm here in the location and I have a child this age, but it's their group. They can change the rules, the title, what they are about, whatever it is, they make the decisions. I'm just a co leader or helper or whatever. I'll step aside at any time and set back in the background. 

 After being with the two families yesterday and then this happening today, I just feel so good! I feel so much at peace! Ministry, people you do life with, doesn't always have to be hard work. There should be an element of passion and a thrill of joy in it, and success, too, I think. I don't think God would want us to toil for nothing, right? I mean some have, I get that. But this was just so unexpected. I didn't have to do much of anything. I just nudged a little bit. I didn't have to force anything. And that's what tells me it was all God's doing. And you know, only certain people are going to understand this excitement. Others can try to relate and understand, but they won't really get it. And really, it will offend them because they have chosen a different path of education. So, I wouldn't want to share it with them. And that makes me feel alone. But praise God for the affirmations I needed to finalize my decisions. I will be talking them through with my counselor tomorrow. I just hope I find the right words and medium to articulate my feelings well. But I'm sure someone with get hurt in the process and I hate that so much. And I'm sorry.

Anyway, Abishai came home from shopping to Daddy with a big grin on his way. He said, "Mommy, I have a big surprise for you!" And in he came with a big bucket of firecrackers and poppers and sparklers. Oh boy! Fun times! Jared had a huge grin on his face, too. They were somewhat on sale. $60 worth of fun things to use. Ok, then. Be the pyro guy you are. I won't stop ya. Just be careful

And Keturah finished her photo frame tonight after I told her to put her phone away. See, when you put the phone down, it opens the possibility for many things, even if I don't practice it myself that much. Note to self: practice what you preach. And, I'm tired so that's all for today.

Ah! Am I allowed to get excited now?! Except both Michael's mom and Jim Daneker's mom are going through some major health things and may go to Heaven soon. Praying for them all.  Satan most certainly wants to get in the way of things.

Grandma dropped off this loaf of bread and the kids nearly ate the whole thing! Even Abishai loved it! Red (cranberries), blue (blueberries), and white (bread). Pretty neat!

I was showing someone how we keep rack of who's been where. We haven't been able to update these in two years though.

A big map covers up a nasty discolored wall, right?

Brunch? 11am breakfast? Ugh, teens.

Hungry teens.

Snack break waiting for our turn in lines at the hair cutting place. It took up just enough time so we weren't sitting in the lobby of the hair cutting place too long.

Jared and Abishai went and bought some fireworks! I hope they wait until the darkness time changes. Hm,...

Well, that day was interesting. I thought I would be home all day. NOT. I thought we were up and going well, but suddenly it was already 10:30am and I needed to get on the computer so I could be off by 1pm for a counseling appointment. Eek! I answered some emails and tried to get going on some IAHE stuff but not the main thing I went on to do. And then it was 12:15pm and I needed to get everyone through lunch and set up before the appointment. After that, I took Keturah to work for Renae and I told myself I might as well stay out and do the errands I was supposed to do last night because it was early afternoon and the stores wouldn't be so busy and maybe she wouldn't be too long. Well, I was a bit longer than expected and she was even longer. And then I forgot something in the checkout line at Kroger and had to go back. It's a good thing Jared suggested doing chicken and rice in the crockpot for today. And it's a good thing another meetup had been canceled. Oh yeah, and while I was in Aldi's there was a nice bit of a thunderstorm with loads of crazy loud thunder. So now I'm exhausted and hurting. And after spending a lot of emotional energy with the counselor, I'm not sure how I'm going to get even more done tonight. I need some REST before my birthday trip. So that's what I'm going to do.

Tomorrow we have park day. Then I'm staying home Friday afternoon/evening, while the kids go to the Smiths' house for the outdoor moive, Sandlot with Jared. Then I'm staying home and RESTING on Saturday. If that means NONE of the IAHE stuff gets done, then so be it. It's MY deadline, no one else's. Then I go to church on Sunday, and then I REST. Jared can take kids to and from church. I don't have to do anything else. I need to rest my mind, especially, and think through what I'm bringing, and my emotions and what we will talk about, etc. It's not an ordinary trip. These songs will evoke a lot of memories. I've already listened to them a few times. And these places will, too, if I get to visit them. And I have to be ready for changes of plans. And being ok with that. And so forth. Sigh. Yup, I need space and quiet and rest before a trip. Ok? And I need to deal with one big challenge before I go. And I have to let everything else slide. I'll pick up those pieces when I get back. Nothing else matters. Just my big birthday and our anniversary. This is it. This isn't just a fun weekend getaway. This is the big one. Nothing is allowed to go wrong or get in our way. Nothing. And I've been too busy as it is. It's time to say no to anything extra.

Ok, then Jared went off to Jim's house early. I took Keturah to a meeting for baskets for Benjamin. Justin went to CVS for Gatorade and Monster energy drinks after I came back. And Abishai managed to get more screen time saying he would just play yahtzee on his tablet. Um, he didn't, but whatever. Keturah's meeting was supposed to be done at 8:30. It's 9pm. I don't know if I'm going to have to pick her up, or she's going to get a ride home, so I'm just trying to work while I wait. I don't like this routine. The whole waiting on other people game. And try to get your stuff done in between. Nope. This is why I don't work for other people. This is why I don't send kids to school or have them in sports. I call the shots with my time, thank you. Or rather, my body does. And I get nervous if I have to be on other people's schedules. But whatever, I'm doing what I can. 

Or I get distracted by games. I need to do those when I'm not actually able to think straight. Ok. Back to task here. Oh yeah, two things. First, Abishai wailed for about an hour because he only wanted Daddy, Mommy and him to do the sparklers, not Keturah and Justin. And because of that, Justin didn't want to get up at 9:20am when he first woke up. So, second, Justin laid back down and stayed down until 11:40am!!!! No joke! Therefore, I'm supposed to take away his electronics from him at 11:30pm because it's Jared's early to bed night because of men's group in the morning. Ode to joy right there. I get to be the mean guy and enforce the punishment that Daddy put in place. Grrrrrrrrr. But ridiculous. So I gave him and Keturah both the "I got up at 6am every morning for years regardless of what was going on that day through college and I went to bed by 10pm every night" lectures. And I was happy and healthy and fine. And I walked my dogs and I went to class and I went to the barn and even on nights I babysat until midnight I still got up to get to church for rehearsal before worship team on Sunday morning. Sleeping in and sleeping for 12 hrs is not necessary. Ever. Unless you are under 1 years old. Get up and do something with your life. And then for the rest of the day, Justin lays down prone. I don't get it. What a waste. But I don't have time to correct this problem this weekend. It's something I have to let go for right now and move on. I'll feel better when school starts again, but it can't start until I do my work. But I can't fret about that yet either. That's not this week nor next week. Not going to worry about it. Nope, nope, nope. My mom didn't have to provide me with stuff to work on, I just did it. I didn't have electronics all day. Or friends. Or phone calls. Some how I filled my days as a teenager and I didn't go anywhere my mom didn't take me. I was home a lot. And I was fine.

Anyway, now it's raining again, and Keturah's not home yet. And I'm losing time. I need to move on. Photos? Probably don't have any. We'll see.

Hey, I finally found one of my kids in a youth group video on Instagram! Kind of hard to miss the one that wears red socks that go halfway up his long legs!

The original Michael W. Smith Worship album that was released on 9/11/2001, yes, that 9/11, is free this week on Amazon Music because it will be rerecorded in a way of sorts at the concert we will be attending on Monday. And this is one of the fun facts about it. And it spent that many weeks there because so many found it so inspiring and helpful after 9/11. But me, well, I just thought he was being a copycat of all the other artists putting out worship albums at the time and I just wanted him to put another pop album out. So I was disappointed. But he actually gained a whole new type of fan from this one album. It was a huge pivot in his career.

Not sure why the bees weren't really moving this morning, but maybe they were colder or something. This is zoomed in of course.

These are so much taller than last year!

A zoomed in view.

I forgot that Keturah and I fixed the trimmer by ourselves this morning right before the rain came in. Justin was a punk and stayed in bed.

The End

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