Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Year 3, August 2nd-3rd, 2018: Procrastination or Playtime?

Since when have I become the girl who talks and doesn't do the walk?  Sheesh.  I need to stop finding excuses to go "play" and stay home!  On Thursday we stayed home most of the day and then went school and grocery shopping.  On Friday, we were invited to a friend's house to go swimming in the morning.  And we all know that when I go out in the morning the whole day is shot and I can't get much done at home because I'm too tired.  Oh well, my soul needed some friend time, and so did our daughters.  They had a full size 3.5 ft-6ft pool and it's 85 degrees out.  And my kids love to swim, what could I say?  No? Bwahahaha.  Nope.  And this friend is going to homeschool again and she stays home and they live 7 minutes away.  And she's in the same essential oils company I'm in (but different team).  We have way too much to talk about.  I needed that reminder that I do have friends that I naturally connect with and don't have to worry about making an impression on.  It's great stuff.  I didn't take many pictures the last couple of day and I knew that this friend doesn't share much on social media, so I made sure to keep her kids out of my photos and videos.  So this will be a nice sweet but short post.  Yeah!

Abishai dumped out all the Legos so he could sit in the boxes to eat his veggie/yogurt pouch.  Typical preschooler.

Dancing on the countertop to old school Newsboys music, which is constantly playing using a real cd player and cds.  I can't have music on when all the kids are up and about and there's chaos.  It's too much noise.  So I had to tell them to stop playing it after awhile.  You can only hear "Breakfast" so many times in one day.

Boys get up and then they wrestle.  Typical.

The sluggish sloth is on the move.

Not quick enough for the Tasmanian devil.

Typical day.  Monopoly and sandbox.

Water drops pooling on the spider web on the porch.

A little water gun action.  They borrowed the water guns from Grandparents house.  But there's only two guns so....

They use the hose as the third water gun.

Abishai's favorite weapon.  He looks like a little fireman with a big hose.

Justin came up behind him and sprayed him with water.

Evil child.  Ok, not evil, but Abishai did use his evil laugh when he sprayed the windows in the sunroom and it went through the screens and pooled in the window tracks.  Now I have to wait until it evaporates before opening the windows.  Oh well, he had fun.

He fell asleep on the way to pick up Benaiah from work, so he was groggy when we were shopping for Benaiah's school supplies.  Who knew paper was so comfortable?

I sent them all to sit down because the self scanner station wasn't working well.  It was a cute picture until Abishai wiggled away.  #neveradullmoment

We left all our pennies here for other people two days ago, but thankfully there was one left in the dish that is left under the horse so Abishai could still ride it today.

Adventures with boys.  Jared put Abishai up and then he climbed up over him from a different angle.

"No, Daddy, I don't want to go up. I want to hang!"


Walking home from grandparents.

That's right.  Benaiah's officially signed up and ready to take a dual class through LCU! 4th generation to get some education through them.  This letter was just the bill though.
Bunked in with me this morning and I woke to him t-boning me.

I got up and came back to his face buried between the pillows.  We don't have blinds or curtains in our room and it faces east, which is great when you need to get up early, but it also makes it super bright some mornings.

I had my bathing suit on and sat right next to the pool, but Abishai has just enough experience now to swim by himself with his floaties on.  He did spend half of his time outside of the pool though and stayed near me on the shallow end.  But yeah, I don't have to worry so hard! I still worry because drowning and dry drowning are real things.  But I can actually sit and chat with a friend now instead of chasing him.

Keturah with a somewhat new friend.  They came up with a really cool game down at that end.  Today's visit was partly because this friend is the oldest of 4 kids and needs social time now that they are homeschooling this year.  No problem because they are a great family and we've known them for years.  Bonus: they have a pool and Justin said several times that they don't appreciate what they have because the younger siblings didn't want to stay in the pool.  Actually, they have been in the pool every day, so yes they appreciate it.

Justin found a unique way to take a nap.

And keep the sun off his face.  I, however, didn't put sunscreen on and I'll have some itchy, semi burned skin tomorrow.

Abishai didn't discover these two boats until late in our visit and he cried and cried about leaving them behind.  Hard lesson to learn that not everything belongs to you.
He should have fallen asleep on the way home, but there was a garbage truck in front of us picking up garbage so he talked about it the whole way home.  And then the carb loaded to keep himself awake.  We had stayed with our friends until well past lunch time.
WARNING DON'T READ THIS CAPTION IF YOU ARE SQUEAMISH AND SENSITIVE TO LIVING CREATURES!!  Done!  It only took putting the bait in the middle of two of those sticky trap boards, but we got the mouse!  Poor thing though.  I heard it got stuck, so I got Jared to take care of it right away.  As he was taking it outside, it was still alive and we could hear it squeaking.  I'm all for rodents as pets, but not pests.  This one had to die.  Jared took it outside and Justin watched him shot it with a BB gun.  I took a picture as he was setting up his shot, but walked away before the deed was done because I don't want to dream about it. (I'm sorry if you will dream about it after you read this).  We'll keep traps out for like forever just in case there's more.  But I hadn't seen any more activity in the pantry, even when I put a new bait trap in there, so this one didn't like that bait and preferred the one under my desk.  Anyway, it's done.  The saga of the last week is over.  Moving on.
 Footage from last night. The scratching noise is the mouse eating the bait.  Ewwwwwww:

Jared took this picture of the sunset, ironically as the mouse got stuck on the trap. 

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