Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Year 3, December 17th-19th, 2018: It's Go Time!

I have no idea how this came to be, but I think I will see just about every doctor I know this week.  Why?  Probably because some don't work during the Christmas/New Year break and because I wanted to get in with them before the holidays?  From gynocologist to chiropractor, to counseling, to even the dentist!  And I have Mom's Night Out, too!  I think this is my way of saying, "Yeah, time for 'me' time!  Let's get healthy!"  Bwhahaha.  Anyway, no school at all this week or next.  In between things we will be tackling Keturah's room, and in fact, we put in a 1 hr hustle today and made some initial progress.  Basically, we clear off some shelves, picked up the randomness on the floor, put a few items into their categories, like Legos and books, and then put the rest of the stuff in laundry baskets to be sorted through later.  We will need to vacuum of course, and there's still other corners to poke at, but we found at least one load of laundry to do!  Oh, the creative type, what are we going to do with them?  It drives ME crazy!  And she totally doesn't notice the scraps of paper and dust on the floor.  But we got a good head start, even if we don't do more until next week.

I also worked on some business type items, some of Benaiah's things like registering him for his college class and college tests.  It was a very productive Monday and that's because I'm only one anti anxiety medication and have a bit of my energy and mind back, woot! woot! Plus, I had already accepted that the girls were leaving, so I turned my attention to how to get back on track this week.  We love stay at home days where we just putter and yet, get stuff done.  Abishai was pretty tired still from the weekend, so he did cause a bit of tension with his constant whininess.  I think he whined for close to an hour about watching police Lego videos on the tablet and kept saying he wouldn't change the video.  Then he whined for an hour about wanting his GeoTrax trains out from the shed.  He even picked up his other toys to make room for them!  And he cried about going to bed, which he never does.  We put him to bed early.  Poor little guy.

Yup, Abishai dumped a huge box of kinex out and then swam in them, spreading them everywhere this morning!  He did have fun and he did try making something with them, though.  I made him pick them up before Grandma came to babysit.

Before pictures of Keturah's room.  You won't see the after pictures until probably next week.  There's a ton of clothes down there on the floor of our closet, and toys, and trash.

Doesn't look too bad here because she sometimes gather's stuff up into a random box to make floor space.

But back there on the shelves and in that basket and chest, it's all just randomly thrown together.

Mostly stuffed animals back there.
 Listen to this: Abishai said, I want to eat beans so I can bubble! (our term for passing gas).  Oi!

I borrowed one of the boxes that Abishai's toys were in to use in Keturah's room temporarily.  Well, he wanted the GeoTrax so badly, that he took the cardboard box, which had been underneath the space heater, flipped back over, and put away the toys!  I so wanted to reward that behavior and bring in the new GeoTrax I had bought from someone that I was saving for his birthday, but Jared said no, don't reward all the whining he did.  But how awesome is it that he thought that far ahead with cause and effect?  Too cute!
Tuesday Ali came over to watch kids so I could for gyno appt.  Kopper Kettle restaurant, great conversation for newbie homeschooler in the area.  $30 per plate, family style, best filet mignon, medium well, I have ever had!  Didn't need A-1 sauce! then picked up Benaiah from work so I got to go into CFA without purchasing anything.

Abishai's sleep schedule has been off a bit so he's been waking up really early, and then we've made the mistake of putting him to bed early, too, because he was so tired and whiny and cranky and thus creating a new routine.  So, he's finally crashed out for a little cat nap.  Maybe we can keep him up longer and then he'll "sleep in" until 7:30/8am. 

After snuggling us really early in the morning, like 5am, he ended up on this same chair, too, and snoozed.  I was supposed to list this chair because it hurts Jared's back, but Abishai loves it and I'm comfortable in it.

"Adult" candy canes.  Spiked holiday drinks!

Jared said these have existed for awhile.  Interesting.

Wednesday - Christmas shopping, food shopping, all of it's done! Bonus enabled us to financially afford gifts with relatives. Happy, jolly day.  Some people go to the spa, I go to the chiro. Benaiah's finals are beasts, but he's getting them done..  "I'm a baby boy," Abishai's newest phrase.  Dentist. After saying he didn't want to sit for the dentist, Abishai asked for Jared's hand to hold and sat on mommy's lap.  Abishai did great. I walked back and forth through the doors like I owned the place keeping track of everybody, cleaning up water spills, using the bathroom, communicating with Jared about car keys, etc.   Got my mojo back but staying up late.  Kids are stir crazy. cold, but not frigid like PEI.  Mid 40's Fahrenheit.  And now there's so much more to do that isn't Christmas related.  Blog post on The Children's Museum of Indianapolis will be next because we are going to see Santa there tomorrow!  Yeah!

The deluxe advent calendar really does have some cute chocolates.  The kids are doing a great job sharing them.

Early morning frost before heading for the dentist.  We all had our 6 month dental appointments and all went well.  Even Abishai sat really still on my lap and didn't try to wiggle free.  He was proud of himself for behaving, too.  It was fun trying to keep everybody in line and safe.  Jared brought Benaiah from school after his 1st period final exam, and then I quickly took Benaiah back to school after his part of the appointment so he could take the 4th period final exam.  Phew!

Stir crazy kids went outside in 44 degree weather without coats and shoes or socks, oh my!

One exhausted student.  One more day and his first semester of junior year is over.  One and a half years until he graduates.  Crazy!!  It's a great thing to have a couch in your grandpa's office for a quick nap.

Future gymnast?

So Abishai now throws the ball up, holds onto the rim, and catches the ball with his feet by hooking his feet into the net.  It's a workout for Daddy to do all the heavy lifting.  Abishai can also dribble the ball!

His feet are stopping the basketball!

Sunset from church parking lot.

Pretty moon!

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