Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Year 4, October 11th-13th, 2019: Weekend Vibes

Let's switch gears.  Today was an at home day because it was rainy all day and it's fall break and there's no way I was going to attempt to take the kids anywhere to get their crazies out.  So we finished the schoolweek, completed chores, played and played and played.  The boys did screen time and Grandma took Keturah to see the movie "Abominble."  Benaiah breezed in from work at 3:30, took a shower, and was gone again by 5pm because it was "date night."  I was like, "But didn't you spend time with her on Wednesday?" "But Mom, it's Friday, it's DATE NIGHT." Well, at least he got the memo unlike his dad did, lol. It's actually a very good habit to start and keep.  I wish we had set aside a time every week to actually date.  We did travel back and forth on the weekends so we could have talked then, but we didn't really.  One semester we worked at Staples together on Friday night and Saturday during the day.  Then we would have Saturday night Bible study, church on Sunday, and back to school on Sunday night. The rest of the other 3 semester before marriage, we saw each other every other weekend and it was a similar story. Plus, we both didn't want to spend money.  He was the frugal one and I didn't earn much and was putting it towards wedding stuff or cds or an occasional concert. And then we got married, got pregnant, I finished school, etc. etc. etc. and we've never felt we've had money to go on "date night" although we spend money all the time here and there.  Anyway, I think Benaiah as the right idea, I just wish I get to actually see him more often.  He hasn't been home at all in the last two months to have dinner with us.  And on Sunday, Grandpa isn't there, so that's permanently different.  It's all supposed to happen, but it's still hard.

Anyway, at least the 5 of us had a nice dinner and I got food prepped for Benaiah's school's Cornapalooza event tomorrow.  He has to work, but it sounds like the rest of the 5 of us will need to be there for 9 am.  I want to hand deliver the food, I sort of volunteered Justin and Jared to help with set up, and then that leaves Abishai and Keturah that need to come with us.  Sigh. Then they will want to stay and participate in the event for a bit. Then we'll be home for awhile before Jared and I will go out to meet with board members of IAHE for the position we interviewed for.  More on that later. So, I'm trying to finish up so maybe Jared and I can have some time before turning in early.

As far as pain levels go, I'm doing fine.  I'm back to baseline pain so when I had a weather headache this morning, I took my normal Excendrin migraine and it went away.  My gut is still a tad off, but it will work itself out.  My brain is clear, and since I only did some computer work today, my physical exhaustion isn't as bad.  I didn't even lay down until after dinner when Jared started the first fire in the fireplace for the season with the special log that cleans out the chimney.  I was actually warm when I laid down but did cool off because I was far enough from the fire that it didn't matter.  The high temperature for the day was 74 degrees this morning and it has steadily declined since.  We'll be in the high 50's tomorrow.  We'll have to dress warm in the morning. Weather should be clear though.  We did get the pool drained and on the porch for today's rain to clean it off a bit.  I'll have to thoroughly clean and dry it this week.  Justin is also supposed to mow at some point one last time.  But if he goes with us in the morning, it will have to wait until the afternoon.  We'll see.  Time to go get cozy!

Abishai had built garages for his cars out of jenga blocks and little pieces of wood but by the time I got back to him with the camera, he had destroyed them.

I cut extra large marshmallows in half and put them on top of the brownies, which increased cooking time by like 50%.  I hope they turned out ok.  They are for a "dessert auction" tomorrow.  I also put sprinkles on top.

Licking the batter spoon.  Does this picture look fuzzy to you?  I think the lens in my phone has started to get dirty on the inside and I can't change that.  It's making me a bit mad.

Don't take my picture, Mom.

Chili ready to go for the SCS Cornapalooza.  I think they might be selling it by the bowlful? I don't know.  It's just what I signed up for since I'm not selling Lilla Rose this year.

Yup, not wanting it to be too cold, but it's a welcome change.

Because the batter took longer to cook, the marshmallows now look like cookies on top.  Interesting.

Not sure what happened here, but I'm showing it to you anyway in case I don't remember to do a retake tomorrow.  Abishai decided that sitting on top of an upside down Paw Patrol bucket on top of the tall stool was a good idea.  It does work, I just hope he doesn't slip.
Saturday started earlier than most days for me because I needed to get the food over to Southside around 9.  I don't know who took home the brownies, but no one ate my chili.  Oh well, more of us I guess! I originally thought Justin and Jared would take over the food and stay to help set up, but I decided late last night that we would all go.  But, knowing my family who doesn't get up early, I decided this morning to just run the food over there and then we'll go back at 1pm to partake in the event, help with clean up, and collect my crockpot.  And it worked out really well!  Abishai and Justin got to play in the bounce houses and where themselves out and I got a few minutes of time with my friend Alisha Caudill.  She is one of those life long friends an it's so silly that we never get together since we live 10 minutes apart! Granted, she's a busy bee and doesn't sit still long, but still.  She's homeschooling her boys again and they are desperate for some friends.  And since the boys are Benaiah and Justin's ages and Benaiah is home this week, it works out perfectly for them to come over. So Tuesday we have a big boy "play date!" Lol.  And on Friday, I'm going to invite Bailey to come with us to park day so that Keturah has a friend because park day is at one of my all time favorite park, Holliday Park and it's fall, and I want to go on a hike! EEE!!!!

Yes, today was a totally fall day!  55 degrees for a high, clear blue skies, a fire going in the fireplace, which you could see and smell outside, a fall festival, sweaters, my one and only pumpkin spice latte for the year (I'm not that big of a pumpkin fan right now, plus can't drink much coffee, I'd rather have peppermint mocha), and it's Saturday, Jared's stay home day!  Woot! Woot!  I was so giddy this morning!  And all day, not only because of "IT'S FALL Y'ALL," my absolute favorite season, but because I was giddy nervous about our interview/get to know you with board members from the IAHE for the IAHE rep position.  I was nervous because I'm usually the one who is quiet while Jared (and/or Gary) do the talking, but the roles were reversed this time.  It felt weird because I hold onto the very Christian conservative belief of the man is the head of the household and my man in particular is much smarter than I and article than I.  I'm not used to being the "smart" one, the one who has in depth knowledge of a subject. Poor Jared just sat there and pretended to understand everything that was being said.  Plus his nose was exploding from the fall pollen.  I think our chat went well, but we won't know for another week or so.  I won't lie, I really want to do this volunteer position.  I'm "ready" for it, we are stable in our life right now, it's a good season of life, I've finally spiritually and emotionally healed enough to take a big risk in leadership again, and I feel like I really do have the passion and knowledge to share with others. There are growth areas for me where I will be stretched.  But overall, I feel confident that I can do this.  For someone with anxiety, that's a huge deal. I'm scared, too, because it's a big job for an introvert, but physically, it's not any more demanding than attending the conference I already go to and a training event and meeting with groups and people, which I could do more of anyway.  I'm very excited and praying for a positive outcome.  And if not, there will be another way to use my knowledge somewhere, I just know it.

So, it was a full day and we didn't get to really rest or nap today.  But that's ok, we don't have youth group again tomorrow night, just church, so we'll find some rest there. Abishai is feeling better, too, so he's been in our faces all day.  He loves to come between us and our phone screens, which is a good thing for sure.  Actually, he slipped into our bed last night because "Benaiah was snoring too loudly."  I don't think I even felt him come in but maybe I did because when I woke up at 4am, he was already there sleeping.  Jared took him back to his bed a little bit later because Jared couldn't sleep after that.  Abishai "slept in" until 8 and then bounded into bed between us again.  It definitely keeps both of us sometimes to keep Abishai occupied.  At one point today, he was crying because no one would play with him! His favorite thing right now is his "wellow (yellow) house" on Minecraft.  He is actually building onto his yellow treehouse every night with Daddy, adding beds for each of us, a kitchen, a play place, animals, etc.  And when he's not playing, he's telling us things that, "Mom, your bed is in the kitchen.  You sleep in the kitchen so you can make me bweakfist in the morning."  "Daddy's bed is on the top level."  "I sleep in the middle."  It's a very elaborate thing and takes lots of planning I guess.  It takes a lot of mental power for a 4 yr old to remember what he's done on a game and plan his next moves. Maybe we need to start teaching him chess! But he's still at the point that he wants to win and won't play by the rules.  Oh well.

Alrighty, that's the end of the day.  Benaiah worked 11-8, so he's home earlier than normal.  Kiddos are late going to bed again, and we have church in the morning.  And the thermostat wars have started up again.  Jared wants 68, I need at least 72 degrees F.  Fires help, but not when you are at the opposite end of the house with lots of corners and hallways in between. Oh, and one last thing to note, I'm feeling decent, but I think my cycle started up again in full force, and it's normal for your menstrual cycle to get messed up after a procedure like uterine polyp removal. So, that's not fun.  But at least my brain feels normal and my pain levels are back at baseline.

Oh, and one more thing, I'm listening to Benaiah have a phone call with someone that sounds like a new employee and talking to him about setting his schedule and what to wear on his first day.  Wow, my little man is now a big man, a Team Leader, and responsible for new employees! Crazy!

Since I was finally over in that direction, I picked up my PSL from The Mocha Nut, instead of Starbucks this year!  I hadn't been there since June.

You see that weird looking black "bean" at the end of the spatula?  That's not a bean.  It's one of the rubber legs to the crockpot.  It keeps falling off and I just put it in the crockpot "bowl" when it's being stored.  Well, this time, I forgot to take it out and had to sift through the whole pot to find it! Whoops!  I put it in a plastic baggie this time so I will see it/recognize more clearly next time.  I think it's been broken for a good 20 uses, so I'm glad this is the first time I forgot.  That's why I don't like kids in the kitchen.  They are distracting!

Oh my goodness!  Brr!!  Now it's time to start going through fall clothes and winter gear.  Maybe not this week because it's very full and busy, but definitely next weekend.

There.  I took a clearer picture of Abishai on his bucket on the chair. It actually works really well for him.  And he's joined the hoodie club.

Just a baby brother in his hoodie keeping warm near the fire on a Saturday morning.

Do you see it?  Do you smell it? It's a fire in the fireplace!  Ah!

Hey, it's 10:10, don't you have to leave at 10:30 for work?  Get up! And quit snoring because Abishai can't sleep!  Just kidding, I know you're exhausted and you can't help your body doing what it does.

Someone rearranged her room again.  She's created a new art space for herself.

A little more compact than what it was before.  Now only the bean bag is on the opposite wall and we can get into the closet easier now.

You, too! Wake up, slepeyhead!

Never too early for this song by this group!

Abishai and Mommy shadow.

Chop that wood!  Actually, he's just getting some kindling for the week.

I haven't shown this guy in awhile.  Let's see, we are 6 1/2 weeks post surgery.  It's still a little bit sore, itchy, bothersome, but it's slowly becoming flatter, at least in the middle.  Those two bulges on the ends are annoying though.  I do try to rub it at least once a day to flatten it and dissolve the stitches quicker like I was told.  I have my next follow up in about a month.  I'm confident that essential oils are working and it most certainly feels better after I've put some on.

These two were pinching each other.

Bounce houses are fun and exhausting! Yeah!  And there wasn't many kids there, so they actually hung out inside of it for a really long time.

Justin's in there, too.  And Abishai was jumping on the pylon things but then was quickly bounced off because of the air pressure.

We wish it was a bit busier, but oh well.

More bouncy time!

Justin and Abishai said, "Come look at Socks! It's a doggie croissant roll!"  SMH Why yes, it is, complete with the pointy ends.  Good grief.

Happy hubby.  His tree grew 3 feet this year!

Grow, grow, grow!

3 ft for the English measurement people

1 meter for the metric system peeps.

I love how they are crossing their legs over in the same position.

Yeah!  Oh, and I guess October is a great month for us because we always get to celebrate our first date (21 years!).  We love nature and warm fires. And I will never forget the 3 days/2 night getaway in the freezing cold cabin and the awesome hike we went on two years ago.  We are going to try and take the kids this year.  Last year, we got rained out on. And Ava might join us as well.  Let's go hiking!
Owie! I did NOT sleep well, and therefore, Jared didn't sleep well, because I was having woman issues and then I must have dreamed so hard because I woke up with a major headache and sore jaw.  And then Abishai was crawling all over us and in our faces and I just couldn't stand it anymore. He was very clingy yesterday and we also had a lot of social time away from the house and I just needed my personal space back.  I think Abishai was making up for the fact that he was sick all week.  He even kept interrupting us with his own stories as we were trying to talk on the way to church this morning.  Thankfully he was able to get his wiggles out during Sunday School and had his friends and teachers to talk to.  Good grief! And I was afraid of taking my normal headache medication because one of the ingredients acts like a blood thinner and I didn't need any more of that.  But I took it anyway and did ok today.  I felt very weak today (my cycle started up again) and had to sit down during worship at church.  I also took it easy most of the rest of the day.  I ended up taking a walk twice around the block because it was too gorgeous outside not to.  Socks went with me but was tired after just one round.  Silly old dog.

I wouldn't mind going hiking by myself, but it's probably not safe.  I wonder if Socks would go with me and actually attack an attacker?  My silly kids just don't want to hike in the gorgeous 60 degree bright blue sky weather.  It's obnoxious.  Their window of the perfect temperature to play outside is so tiny.  I'm picky, too, sometimes, and Jared's nose will explode, so unfortunately we don't set the best examples.  But I'm bound and determined to get out there and enjoy fall this year again.  We've got a hike scheduled for all 6 of us plus maybe Ava on November 1st at Turkey Run State Park. I'm hoping the weather cooperates this year. Last year we ended up at a science center because it was drizzly.  We'll see about this year.  Benaiah did take off work again, which it was his choice, but he seems to like hiking alot and Ava was excited when I invited her.  I'll never stop trying to do things as a family, even when the kids go off to college or move to another state.  Anyway, today was a gorgeous fall day!  Jared had nursery volunteering to do and he also had a headache, but he, Abishai and I did spend some good quality time on the trampoline when he got home.  I just need to find a walking buddy or something.

Church service was fine.  Our new worship minister led today and did fine.  He's just like all the other modern worship leaders.  I didn't have a great line of sight, but Leah said he did all that jumping around stuff that she doesn't understand.  Uh, jumping around and dancing is a GREAT thing.  We are too dull in our mostly white suburbian church.  Dancing doesn't equal concert.  But, you know, church traditions and generational gaps. Sigh.  Emerson Kennedy was our preacher today and he does fine with Exodus 18 and how a leader needs to delegate and also be led, i.e. community, i.e. let's plug in to small groups and mentors, we aren't islands. Got it. Small groups are great, but aren't everything, ok? Ok. Moving on.  Oh, and the kids from Ozark were home for fall break, so Benaiah went over to the Strunks house to hang out after the 3rd service and he wanted to ask some more questions about it.  He did find out that the trip to Ozark coming up will all be paid for by the church.  Yeah! Go for it!  It's not this week, but the following week.  I hope CFA is ok with all this time off he's been requesting.  He also has a concert this Saturday, too. He does have to ask for time off 3 weeks in advance, so that helps everyone.  He hasn't been denied yet.  So, we'll see.

Gary is in Washington state this weekend, and has more travel plans of course over the next few Sundays.  Oh wait, he said he was gone for every Sunday until Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving (American that is, Canadian Thanksgiving is tomorrow) is right around the corner, yeah!  Then can you start attending Sunday morning service again?  Please?  Sigh.

Boys! All 4 of you! Stop it! (Actually, Leah did tell them to stop.)

Nothing says love like wrestling.

Justin paced the house for HOURS because Fortnite's new season started today.  Something about the old map and things all falling into a black hole and then the black hole was on the screen for HOURS as they update the servers.  Good grief!

The company also deleted all their tweets on Twitter and just showed the live feed of the black hole.  Apparently some numbers came out of the black hole and it coordinates to a real life location some how.  Ok, turn off the game, check Twitter on the hour every hour, and move on.

Awww, CFA Southport responded to our tweet!  Sweet!

When Justin walked away for a few minutes, Abishai immediately jumped at the chance to get on and play Overwatch.  Sneaky little guy.

Our neighborhood is becoming more colorful by the day!  And it was super quiet this afternoon.

Garage floor is done and the dirt piles have been removed and flattened.  Yeah!

That one tree on the right is GORGEOUS right now!  I just want to run over and play in the leaves!

I watched a squirrel in the Beavers' new yard.

Hi. You were not being bullied.  You were being teased by Dad.  Don't go inside!

Meanwhile, Abishai purposefully wants Daddy to hit him with the "bomb" so he can dramatically die.  To each their own.

Trampoline smile and hair.

Trampoline static.

What the view looks like when you are lying on your back on the trampoline with your husband as the preschooler runs circles around you begging Daddy to hit him with the "bomb" so you can fall down.  We played like that for 20 minutes and watched as the light on the leaves faded as the sun went down.  It was just cold enough that the bugs weren't biting!  Yeah!

The End

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