Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Year 6, March 12th-14th, 2021: Love and Relax

 Thank goodness for Friday! A little bit of school and a few hours at the park with our friends. Yeah, that's pretty much it. I developed a headache when we got home. Jared stained/painted the table that we got yesterday for Justin because he said it smelled like cigars. Abishai said he was too tired to go to karate, but then we fed him and he was ready. He came home saying, "I got almost all my energy out!" Dude, you get ALL your energy out on Fridays. And all of my energy is "out" as well! So tired! And this headache isn't allowing me to think that well. Resting up time before next week's crazy schedule. A few things I could hit on tomorrow I think like some science experiments with Keturah and ordering library books. And waiting, waiting, waiting for the IRS refund to come in so I can fix our bank accounts. 

Benaiah texted me about the stimulus money this morning and I was like, "Dude, I have no clue about it." I'm not keeping track of how much we are getting and if it includes him or not. I know that last year, the first one didn't included 18-23 year olds or something. But whatever we have gotten, we've used up to pay medical bills and household expenses so if he does have a portion, he's not getting it if it had come to us. He's in a much better financial position than we are at the moment. He's chosen to spend it on lots of gadgets. I just haven't kept track because I don't want to rely on it and spend it 10x over before it arrives. I don't really believe people need it. I believe we need to fully open up every state and get back to our capitalist society. Let capitalism take its course and we'll recover. Printing money causes inflation, inflation causes prices to rise, thus we need more money. There's so much more to it than that, but I'm not depending on it. I've had to depend on our IRS money as it is. It's why I freaked out a few days ago. I don't want our credit limit to go down again because we can't pay off the credit card like it did when I put my mom's funeral expenses on it. I've spent 11 years trying to build up enough credit with that card again so when I did increase randomly, we had it there for these upfront medical expenses. I don't want that ruined again. That's why I'm freaked out. I do but I don't mind the bills themselves. I can work with the doctors and hospitals on payment plans and it is what it is. But these other therapies have to be paid up front. And that's what adds up. Everything is still messed up. It's going to take a while to fix it all. Sigh. I've almost given up on finding out which thing needs paid first. Just through some money at it so they are all happy. And maybe set some aside. I don't know. We'll see.

But I'm not going to talk money the rest of the weekend. There's nothing to talk about. We have bills to pay. We have to pay them. Everything else has to wait. We will work on other things while we wait, like relationships.

Before I got up, Abishai said very specifically that he wanted a blueberry pancake with maple syrup and sprinkles and then a waffle with chocolate inside, on top, with another layer of maple syrup and sprinkles. How crazy is that that he dreamed up of all those details?! Well, he did, and I made it for his lunch. He ate it all!

Keturah had one of the last cocoa bombs. She did drink it all this time. So now that bucket is off of my counter.

Great info for posting on social media.

Keturah took it upon herself to clean up the sunroom! Like really clean it up! Things had spread out from the shelves again and I think she was having a hard time vacuuming. She did such a great job! But it's now 9pm and she and the dog need to vamoose! That means she earned more $$ towards her phone bill actually. And Justin found out why we had extra charges on the PlayStation and made sure any subscriptions were canceled. These two might fight all day long but they are surely maturing pretty quickly here. Another week done of school, too. Not the greatest, but good enough.

Saturday was a great day! Lots of little things to do, but an able bodied husband to help. The kids were outside a bit. Keturah took a walk with Socks in the morning. I think Abishai did some basketball while Jared cut wood. Keturah and I had to finish up some IEW and did a ton of science experiments (see below). Justin finished his Civil War project. We got all the clocks changed because it's Daily Stupid Time, so spring FORWARD. PJ day tomorrow in Kidustrial Park! Abishai is excited about that one. We made supper for the last bits of leftovers we had. And no the fridge looks empty again! That's a GREAT thing because it means we aren't wasting food or have mystery bits growing mold in the back. I've stopped eating carbs at dinner and that's helping I think because I was down a 1/2 lb this morning. I'd rather eat my carbs at breakfast and lunch because it settles my stomach. Then I can work them off while I'm up and about. And maybe I can still have a sweet thing at night, although, that should stop, too. Jared and I had naps, and kids had 3 hrs of screen time. Yikes! They didn't have much yesterday, so that was fine. It was still a bit chilly today. 4 out of 5 people had showers, yeah! Clean people! Lol. Desk looks cleaned off enough, toys are put away well, we're doing alright I guess. Jared and I had a few minutes of actual real conversation. We seem to do more talking through texting these days. And that's ok. It gives me time to prepare a response. 

It was a calm, but keep moving, to do list, stay home all day, kind of day. Oh, Jared used his tire air compressor thing to fill up the van tires, so that's cool.He likes his chain saw and said it's one of the first times he's actually going to try to maintain it, as in clean it after he uses it. We are never too old to learn to take care of things, right? And Justin's new desk got put into his room and the flip table got put back into the garage! Yeah! Now I don't have to climb over the end of the bed to get into bed! Usually Jared's feet are halfway on my side and I had to climb up over them. Sigh. I know, I know. I have too much stuff in the bedroom, too. Patience. I might get to some cleaning out over the summer. We'll see.

Let's see, what else. Facebook posts that I just want to copy and paste here for posterity:

No comments on this one:

Edit: Jared says this is a principle, not a promise. Just like the verse that says, "Bring up a child in the way they should go and they will not depart from it." (Although, I thought that meant that if you do NOT discipline your child, they will go their own way, aka no the way you want them to).
All interpretations welcome. Define “blessing” as it relates to Deuteronomy 30:15-16.
““Now listen! Today I am giving you a choice between life and death, between prosperity and disaster. For I command you this day to love the Lord your God and to keep his commands, decrees, and regulations by walking in his ways. If you do this, you will live and multiply, and the Lord your God will bless you and the land you are about to enter and occupy.”
‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭30:15-16‬ ‭NLT‬‬
Just a couple of "good jobs" on this one, but it was a masterpiece. I love those! Because most of what I say is dribble and not intelligent.

Edit: I thought today was our one year Covid lockdown anniversary because others were taking about it. It was actually a week from now, because it happened on Gary’s birthday. Which reminds me that his birthday supper that Friday was the last time we saw them for a couple of months, although we live 100 yds apart. But we had been preparing just like I describe below, with going to the grocery store the week before and making the IAHE conference virtual. At least I had the day of the week right.
Original post:
So, some of our parents have a “where were you when jfk” story. Our generation has a pre 9/11 and post 9/11 marker in our lifetimes. And now our older kids will have a pre Covid lockdown and post Covid lockdown flag in their story lines. And then we have other definitive dates in our lives that make up the chapters like my pre Canada and post Canada ones.
I’m going to remember the lockdown timeframe bc I remember Gary and Jared packing up and coming home. I also remember the Instagram story from For King and Country of playing a show in Canada and then right after deciding to drive back to Tennessee before the borders closed. I remember the flurry of the IAHE putting a virtual homeschool conference together in less than 2 weeks. And the Michael W Smith 35th anniversary concert which I still have front row tickets for, was to happen two weeks later, right after the IAHE conference and in the same weekend and I was wondering how I was going to have energy for both. And I was a bit relieved, too, not having to figure it out.
I remember going to the grocery store earlier in the week and feeling grateful we had food to get started with. I remember panicking like everyone else for the first two months. And then as numbers went up and down, realizing it’s not that bad and no one has the right answers.
We accomplished so many projects. We had our son home for a full month. Homeschooling stayed the same. Jared worked from home just fine. We were ok and have been (mostly) since.
We grieved the changes to Benaiah’s last semester of high school. We watched him continue to hold steady and adapt. We watched him graduate and the open house did happen.
We also realized how attached we were to social opportunities at church. We’ve adjusted but are glad most of those are back. But church will never be the same. Our social circles are divided more than ever. Just bc my life was stable doesn’t mean I haven’t grieved and struggled, too, in different ways related to my own life story. So, I hear your griefs too.
Life is mysterious and I like to think deeply about it.
What a strange, wonderful, heart wrenching, growth producing year. We will be picking up the pieces for years like we did with 9/11. It’s never just about the war or the event, it’s about the reconstruction and permanent changes afterwards.
America, we’ve done this time period of reconstruction before. After the American Revolution (it took many years to get government hashed out!), after the American Civil War, after all the wars in the 20th century (think of how hard it’s been for Eastern Europe to reinvent itself), and of course 9/11 and now Covid lockdown. We can do this.
We are victims but we are also victors. With God’s help, we can restore our families and relationships and rebuild our lives. I honestly don’t think we can become a nation again with almost everyone having a Christian perspective and restoring what we had over 200 years ago. But we can certainly restore and rebuild locally and in our social circles, in person and online globally. We have to stick to our convictions but let’s find ways to do that peacefully. Intellectual discussions not yelling matches. Listening to all the sides twice as often as we speak.
This is life after 1 year living with lockdown, quarantines, masks, pandemic, social distancing, and now vaccines.
We on the IAHE social media like to laugh at what people try to post the homeschool marketplace page! The problem is the term "marketplace" since Facebook has THE Marketplace. But we use it to get attention, too. I and another gal approve all the posts, but the over all rule is that it has to be directly homeschool related. We've had a fun time trying to make a link between each item and how it could be used in homeschooling, like these lounge chairs! Lol! Great for read aloud time, eh? Or practicing how sun damages your skin? My rule is that if it can easily be sold at a real in person garage sale, then it's not allowed in the group. For books, we don't approve religious books that aren't part of a curriculum or about worldviews or something, like a book ABOUT Islam or the history of Christianity is ok, but not Christian inspiration. And no twaddle like Diary of a Wimipy Kid. Sometimes it's hard to determine what is actually usable in a literature class, but there are a few series that pop up that I KNOW aren't useful educational content. And if it's a post with mixed genres, then we typically don't allow it either. We allow educational games, but again, most games can be sold at a garage sale. We are a niche group. There's plenty of other groups to sell your wares.

We had these huge pears that were almost over ripe that we had to eat tonight. They were so wet and juicy that Abishai had to get out the corn cob prongs to hold it!


These photos are all going from most recent to oldest, but here's the explanation of one of the experiments. Dr. Wile writes it in such a way that even if you can't do the experiment, you can understand what was supposed to happen.

Potatoes with just peroxide is on the left and the one with vinegar is on the right after we put baking soda in it to neutralize the vinegar.  Keturah thought it was way cool that the potato pieces were floating.

This was vinegar and Tums. We used a whole Tum in this one and it took longer to fizz because there wasn't as much surface area.

This was the crushed up Tums and it was able to fizz up more quickly with the more surface area. This was to show how grinding up your food with your teeth helps to digest food faster.

Justin's new desk is in! Woot! Woot! Perfect! I love how he put it next to the Lego table like that instead of along the wall. That way the chair can still be somewhat against the wall and not taking up other floor space.

Abishai thought it was hilarious to put cones around Socks after he joined Justin this morning. Abishai was very full of antics today, put there was a lot of laughter.  Justin, get up!


 Explanation of Science Experiement

Church was alright today. We had to go early before second service because I had a parent meeting about Justin's high school retreat. He's going to absolutely LOVE the activities! From making a contraption so an egg doesn't break when you drop it from the zip line to finding the group leaders so they can use them in capture the flag in the dark, oh my, he's going to be all in for those things! It's not all in on the idea of taking a girl to prom next year and Benaiah said to respect his wishes, but come on! I look forward to this stuff, too. Benaiah didn't know about the SCS prom or if Ava was going and such. I guess they don't talk about school much. We did find them hugging in Grandpa's driveway when we got there for lunch. Benaiah had played drums at the Shelby St. campus, so Ava hadn't seen him yet for the day. She was about to leave when I got to the sidewalk and I heard her say, "Aren't you going to kiss me good bye?" I quickly turned back around so they could get a smooch in. Little love birds. It makes me smile! Especially on a weekend where Jared and I are in good moods.

Grandpa wasn't at lunch today because he was in Tennessee again. Oh yes, it's traveling season again. Fun times. He'll be home next weekend for his 65th birthday, though! Leah's keeping the birthday pretty low key though. We'll do dinner on Sunday as usual. But today's lunch was pretty low key too. Leah made some desserts with gluten free flour and commented just how expensive the flour was. I'm like, "Yup, if it has gluten free in it's name, expect the price to start at $5." I don't even look at prices anymore. It's what I need and I use it in moderation, so that's that. The desserts were yummy to me at least. She didn't like them that much. She's just not used to the way gluten free flour tastes.

Then it was home for naps for Mommy and Daddy again, wink wink, and screen time. Just lots of quiet time. Justin was church for a little while helping in the food pantry. We were napping and didn't get Justin's text so his group leader brought him home. And then he went back to church early to have pizza with his small group as a thank you for helping. Jared did all the transportation today, which was helpful because I developed a very bad headache again. Because it was a little too early to drop of Keturah, he took her to McDonald's to get a sandwhich for her supper. Just a little treat.

I had  the start of a headache when I went to church and between being tired, being high up in the balcony, and the loud music, my headache got worse. Actually, I'm finding that the words on the screen at church and on the computer here are a bit blurry. I was reminded via text that I'm do for an eye exam, so I will call them tomorrow and set that up. It's time to get new glasses I think. It could be causing my headaches. The glasses are $400 at the eye doctor's so I will investigate getting a pair online again. The pair I have on now is 6 or 7 or even 8 years old because I got them in Charlottetown. I've loved them and they are still usable. But yes, I think it's time for a change. Just add it to my list of bills to pay.

And then there's Socks. His nose was a bit red inside the right nostril so I looked it up again. It could be just an irritation or allergies, but it could be an indication of something serious. So I'll keep an eye on it and carefully apply triple antibiotic ointment on it so it can heal. The website said to rub it in really well so they don't accidentally lick it up. So that's on my agenda again.

Fun stuff. Lots of cuddles and naps this weekend. That's always restorative for our marriage. Especially since I was so whiny last week. Hormones are strong with this lady. That's just what it is. That appointment with  the endocrinologist on Friday via telehealth.

And that's all she wrote because she can't keep her eyes open.

I think a few of my favorite artists got more into farming during the last year, lol. Smitty was trying to get chickens back into their coop for the night! Hilarious! Plus he announced his new book coming out in May about his Dad, and something else coming in May.

Abishai dumped out all the cars at Grandma's house like he does at our house. He was hardcore playing when we told him to pick up.

A boy, his tablet, his friends watching him, and his snacks. Lol! And he's still wearing the one sock on his one foot because I clipped his toe nail too short. He was happy it was PJ day at church because of Daylight Savings Time. He slept in until 8 am and I got to wake him up! He was so excited to see my face!

While the kids were at youth group, he and I played "Civil War" together. I stayed home and took care of the babies, and he went off to the war as one of the blue guys (the North). We made Daddy a grey guy. I am just so impressed and pleased that he's doing this. It means he's really listening and he has understood a ton of what we've been reading. It's so cool! That's why I say to start having them learn real history at a young age. There's no reason to water it down for them.

Abishai pretended to be a hurt soldier so he was in the field hospital and I, Clara Barton, brought him some food, including eggy toast! Then he kept having me stitch up his stuffed animals, too.

He was the General Abishai Leader, leading his troops into battle.

One of the sick soldiers had a bad wound on his leg. Clara Barton (me) stitched him back up.

Abishai got to draw a random picture today. At least there's a head and eyes I think.

This is the explanation of his drawing.

I went to pull out photos of Workcamp and CIY for the kids, and peeked through some of my favorite photos of all times. In the 1997 workcamp, Jared and a busload of people from Indian Creek came, including Jared and Aaron. And I even wrote an encouraging card that made no sense. I wrote one for every person there. You were supposed to writing notes to your group at least. My cards are in my childhood boxes in the shed.
That's my sister Stefanie on the left. So young!

Look at these young ones! Hilarious!

Now I see why Jared thought I was good looking back then. Check me out! I had a bit of muscle on me from working out. I wasn't the skinniest on the block but I looked decent. 98 lbs decent. Ah, childhood.

And in this set of albums I took down tonight, of course is this certificate for completing the TeenPact program at the New Hampshire State House. It was one of the coolest experiences I had walking through that very old building and sitting in those old, old chairs, and then helping out during an afternoon session as a page in the Senate. The Senate has only 24 seats and the House of Representatives has 400. I got to see the house in action for a few minutes, too. I can't wait to get Justin involved or get him to shadow a legislator before he leaves home.

Oh my eyes hurt. I need to see the optometrist for sure very soon.



 Abishai's Civil War Reenactment

 Abishai's Civil War Reenactment Part 2


The End

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