Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Year 2, Days 324-325: Crying Over Macroni and Cheese

First, a certain 15 year old hasn't shared with me yet the link to a certain video I will share with you hopefully sometime this week, so you'll have to wait for that.  But, let me set the scene for this morning:

Abishai woke me up around 7:40am.  No big deal, we could still get to the library on time for Toddler Time, right?  Well, after some snoozing, the morning started to crumble.  The teen went to bed at 1:30am again.  How do I know that? Well, because I did.  But Jared has a solution to fix that problem for both of us.  Stay tuned for that.  So, he didn't want to get up at all. Fine, that's normal, you can stay home.  Then I go to the 9 yr old daughter who seems to be going through her rebellious stage a bit early to wake her up, and takes a good 30 minutes just to get a grunt out of her.  She stayed up with Daddy watching a movie until at least 9:30pm, but really not settling until 10 because of the boys and their noise.  The 12 year old seemed ok to start, got through breakfast, and then said he has a headache.  And when he gets a headache, the only thing that helps is throwing up and sleeping. But I didn't want to leave him with the teenager who was clearly incapable of getting up until 11:30am today.  Keturah wanted macaroni and cheese for breakfast, and I thought I had the water on to boil, but it wasn't high enough.  I come back and the macaroni isn't cooked yet and we have to leave in 15 minutes.  Great, so I try to hurry that along.  Meanwhile, the toddler overheard that there was macaroni and cheese to be had, so he starts asking for it.  He already had breakfast and I told him he could have it when we got home because I needed to change his diaper and get his shoes on.  Well, he flipped out.  But I thought it was because I was forcing him to put his blanket in his diaper bag instead of potential dragging it on the ground.  So I got the blankie into his bag, picked him up and placed him over the threshold so I could close the door and lock it.  I left him there, sobbing, while I put the bags in the van.  I walk back up to him and he literally turned the other way towards the glass door and thrust himself upon it.  Like, "how dare you tell me to leave my precious macaroni and cheese on the other side of this door!" Screaming mad.  I finally get him into the car and as we drive down the street, Keturah and finally figure out that he was talking about macaroni and cheese the whole time.  Meanwhile Justin's headache is worse, and I'm developing one.  We get to the library, and Abishai refuses to get out of the car.  So I send Justin inside to make the exchange because I know they don't like kids to be unsupervised but he's old enough that they don't care as much.  When he comes back he says the meeting room where the Toddler Time meets is dark and no one is there.  So, we rushed out of the door and actually were on time for nothing?! Sheesh!  It doesn't end there though.  I kind of wanted to see Jared and the guys today because they were filming and the other guys hadn't seen the kids before.  So, I turn into the church parking lot (the library is 5 minutes from our house and then the church is 5 minutes beyond that) and Abishai starts throwing a fit that he just wants to go home.  Usually he doesn't mind and even wants to go to Daddy's office.  But this time, it was different.  So, I don't even undo my seatbelt and I turn the car around and go home, defeated.  We get everyone in the door, Abishai gets his macaroni and cheese and some TV time so Justin and I can deal with our headaches, and we all take a deep breath.  The End.

But I did have some Thanskgiving trip prepwork to do.  And Justin nursed his headache all day only emerging to eat a little or throw up again.  Keturah and Abishai were loud, per normal.  And the teen finally got up and got to work around 1:30, still stating that the mower didn't work.  Then he spent 6 hrs in his computer chair working on his aerospace homework designing a workstation pod/sleeping/living pod, came to dinner for 5 minutes to gulp down food and went back.  Granted, he was watching TV shows the whole time too, but that's just how he rolls.

At least I got my stuff done.  I've been working on doing Facebook "lives" and building momentum towards the Lilla Rose Black Friday sale.  I had an online boutique/party to do on Monday night, so I had some follow up today to finish with.  It went really, really well, including me being live on Facebook!  That means, wherever I decide to broadcast from, either in the event, or on my personal or business pages, someone can see me and comment on the video feed and I can respond to them.  I don't see them though.  It's pretty neat and it's getting really popular now.  I think the "lives" started about 1 1/2 yrs ago, so they are fairly new.  Instagram has them, too, but they have to be kept shorter.  Think of a FB live as a webinar of sorts.  It's perfect for doing parties long distance or sharing tips and news to everyone around the world that are your friends or customers.  And then the videos can be saved and posted and shared later as "replays." They are great for introverts that want to share something but might not want to go to the work of leaving the house.  And it's especially great for those with chronic illnesses.  Anyway, the party went well, and the hostess and I are just waiting for the sale to happen as that's when her friend's will order.  We both highly encouraged them to wait and do it then so they will hopefully spend a bit more.  I enjoyed doing it and it's been fun putting into practice some things I've been learning lately.  Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks.

And now, it's Thanksgiving and soon it will be Christmas.  Life moves on.

This was yesterday when we stopped at Daddy's office and they wanted to be there.

No, Daddy, I don't care how sticky it is, I just want it in my hand first so I can put it in my mouth!

I finally had my PCP appt with a new doctor yesterday!  She was nice, gave me the normal speeches, etc.  But I think I'm doing ok, at least in these numbers, right? I got some blood drawn and she did give me a prescription for the pain medication tramadol that I've been out of for months.  But, she didn't write down her doctor number nor the right phone number for the clinic, so I'm thinking that they do this one purpose because of the drug addicts out there.  Urgh.  Do I look like a user? So I left a message for her yesterday and the pharmacy called her today.  And we probably won't get it resolved until Monday or until I go in and ask about it myself.

There's always someone wrestling someone in a house full of boys, or "man child's." It's easy to keep this kid down because he's so ticklish!

Too cute with the glasses.  He didn't like that Daddy was hurting Benaiah though.

Yup, Jared pushed on the door and squished Benaiah against the other one.  Crazy men.

"I'm doing homework!" Um, ok, maybe, not sure.  But your grades are fine, so I'll leave you alone mostly.  He is super frustrated because how do you put a bed and other rooms in a round building? I told him to go look up diagrams for an igloo or other dome shaped homes.  I told him that each room needs to have several purposes to it.  I told him to go look at the tiny houses and see if he gets some ideas from there.  Nope.  Won't listen.  Why reinvent the wheel? Anyway, they have to design, build, and then use it like astronauts would for 48 hrs.  Their teacher works for NASA or something like that.  Pretty serious project for 15 yr olds!

Using a protractor! No computer engineering here!

He choose to get all his stuff to snuggle in while Daddy built a fire.  He wasn't asleep, but he was pretending to snore!

All the kids just chillin'  Benaiah has the week off from school, and we had to take it off because of appointments and Thanksgiving prep.

This kid knows how to fake his own death complete with his tongue hanging out and pushing his mask off like it would fall off if he fell down!

Um, yeah, this kid can swing a huge wooden sword no problem!

I'm the good guy!

Oh my goodness!  Too stinkin' cute!

"Ready, set, go!" pose! He was also so loud with his bus today that I finally had to put in time out.  Then he promptly got another big car and pushed that around, which I promptly took from his as well.  He's pretty fast so even if I lean forward to "catch" him, he slips away and it takes me a minute to catch up.  Then he picked up a kids' broom, ran so fast until the fireside room and nearly jammed the brush part of the broom into the raging fire!  I'm literally sitting here, laughing so hard I'm crying, because it's just so hysterical!  We laugh, but he does get punished.  He's such a handful.  It won't be funny if he keeps doing this as a teenager, but for now, we need the daily laughs.  The rest of us 5 bond by watching his antics and commenting on it.  God definitely knew we needed this bonus baby!

And now it's time for bed!

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