Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Year 6, April 12th-15th, 2021: Socks Turns 11 Years Old!

 Oh, puppy, I'm so glad you reached 11 years old! Yeah! Happy Birthday, Socks! We didn't get him a gift, but we gave him some of our unseasoned ground beef with some grease fat from the pan on top of his regular food and sang to him. Keturah said Happy Birthday to him multiple times, too. He's a very healthy 11 year old dog, that's for sure. Here's to a few more years with you doggy!

And it was otherwise a normal blech Monday. It was overcast and I had to go get my blood drawn at exactly 8am. That went well. I went to the IU Medical Plaza on Washington St right across from where our Aldis is. I haven't been in that medical plaza since I took my Dad there 11 years ago, I think. One of his doctor's offices was in there. So I was a little bit familiar with it. There was no line and everything was a breeze. I'll definitely use that lab again if it's through IU. I did see a lot of African Americans, which is to be expected since this the area that a lot of them here on the East side live. We see more of them in this Aldi than in our other southside Aldi stores, which are in the more "rich" suburbs. I don't mind. Washington St. is quieter and offers the same stuff as the suburbs. There's no major crime on Washington St. itself. It's a couple of miles north and west that I get more concerned about. So, that part of the day was easy.

But Keturah and Abishai wanted to make the day extra long with their arguing with each other and with me. I watched a video of a 5 year old little smart girl telling her mom why she was distracted from her e-learning lesson. She was concerned that the wrong webcam was on, so she figured out how to chat with Zoom all by herself! Meanwhile, Keturah, at the same time as I was watching the video, sat in front of my computer for 20 minutes waiting for me to come over and show her how to underline a title on her paper. Daddy had already told her how, but she didn't catch on to what he was saying because she's never highlighted anything before. But instead of trying to punch in different buttons to see what would work, she just sat there waiting for someone to do it for her. No initiative on figuring it out. She did the same thing when we were trying to log into her gmail on the tablet. We actually can't do it because of some protocols, but still, she wouldn't take the initial steps. Then, she botched up two problems on her math that she has flawlessly done correctly for the last month. All of a sudden she forgot what to do because it was on a test. Oh my word. I'm so making her redo this book. She doesn't have it at a mastery level and we NEED it to be in order to do pre-algebra. It's all on decimals. She HAS to be comfortable with it. Drives me up a wall because it's stupid mistakes. You can make computations errors when you are learning new concepts. You have to have the basic functions down first. So, she's going to math summer school. I can't handle it anymore. And I'm going to just mark things wrong and she's going to redo it until it's right. I'm not going to tell her how she got it wrong. She has to figure that part out. And no screen time until it's done right. Grrrr....

Abishai just didn't want to sit still and do his work and wanted to instead throwing his papers around or do it too quickly and sloppy. But we got through it. I still haven't touch Justin's written papers yet because time ran out, again! But we got piano lessons done with all three kids, which is a miracle. It's been exactly a month! Yikes! And they did go outside for awhile. I took a shower and did my Bible study. I didn't exercise though. And now Jared wants to start our couch reading and watching session again. And I'm feeling the same angst as I did before. I'm not ready! It's not part of my routine! It's a deadline! I have to be there when I said I would be! Ah! Anxiety! Panic! Ok, ok, calm down. But I HATE to let people down. That's why struggling with family members or people I know well at church is such a struggle for me. But I have to put my foot down and block off certain people from entering certain parts of my life in order for me not to get upset. It isn't worth it anymore. But it hurts like hell.

So, I'm doing what I can to change my interactions with others. I said "thank you" much more today and used a softer voice. I did ramble during school time because I love being on this high school level with them. They are at a place where I can talk about things almost peer to peer. So I do. I ramble. I get excited. This is my sweet spot. We learned about how Russia in the '90's is like the Romans and about fascism. Daddy filled us in in the 25 years of Russian "history" since the book was written. Some of the predictions that the book said only partially came true. But that's the way it works and I explained it to the kids that this author has probably updated his thinking and written articles and given lectures that are more updated. And that's ok. We HAVE to consider a book within it's time period and context and author's perspective. Booker T. Washington's "Up From Slavery" won't talk about the Civil Rights movement because it hasn't happened yet. But maybe he's going to mention what may happen or what he wishes will happen. Who knows. But context before content. It applies to the Bible and any other subject. Because everyone has a worldview.

At least Abishai remembered that we talk about South Pole expeditions today. He's one of my motivators to keep going. I still have a chance at doing this mom thing better. This homeschooling thing so much better. But I fail when I sit down with him and get so frustrated with his antics. Today was as tough as Mondays usually are. But he did buckle down, so I'll take that.  It's Monday.

Yup, I think that's it. I need to got watch a show with Jared. Then I'll come back and do photos. There aren't many. I also have to do the backing up of last week's photos. I didn't get it done yesterday because I was reading the ADHD book and I got distracted on YouTube. So after I loaded today's two videos, I quickly exited out of YouTube. It can be such a drain on my day. Never mind my phone games. But I'm to the point already in the new game that it doesn't take me as long because I have to wait for things to upgrade. Maintenance mode is good. 


Well, the photos loaded backwards chronologically, but it doesn't much matter. Jared took some awesome photos of our flora, so enjoy. His captions are the screenshots of his tweets.

Socks eating his birthday treat of ground beef and a bit of the grease. We had tacos tonight but didn't add in the regular spices we normally do so he could have a treat, too! Happy 11th birthday, Socks!

He should have brought it inside to us! Oh well, it's still pretty cool!

Looks weird, but in lieu of getting the birthday boxes out again, I just took two battery operated candles out. Each one represents a 1 in 11. Socks can't blow out candles anyways, so, it works, right?

When you have to share the same YouTube log in (don't ask, it's complicated), and you have a bad memory, you have to screenshot of where you are at in an audiobook that you need to share with your daughter. Sigh. Plus side is that I'm further in than I thought!

I'm sure this was several years ago because it is Prince William's oldest who is maybe 9 now? Anyway, how precious! A real horse and carriage, too. Way to go Prince Phillip!

Well, I managed to get a couple of quick photos of these pink beauties before they all faded away. It was quick! I hadn't noticed them at all but the rain most of gotten to them!

Since Keturah has to leave her phone on my desk at night, I get to see things like this. She must have gotten it at small groups last night. Normally I wouldn't be happy that the sticker went directly on the device, but, I think I'll let this one pass. I hope this message "sticks." She did say she doesn't turn her phone on at church much. The battery doesn't last long, to be honest. But I'm glad she's up front and honest about it. Yesterday was the first time that the kids had their groups in the old chapel area. They are still social distancing, but not as far, and still wearing masks. Yeah!

Last night, I didn't sleep well. But I know tonight I will be much more at peace. Because, I just had the most honest, civil, mature, hard conversation I've ever had with anyone including Jared. Benaiah is the most mature person, not just 18 yr old, but person, I know. We may have helped give him a foundation, but he and God have worked together to make him the person he is today and I cannot be more proud of him. And that's all I'll say, because he wants privacy and I respect him enough to give it to him.

Today was a tough day emotional, but I persevered. Justin ended up mowing the yard so we skipped read aloud time. We did get to the rest of the schoolwork, including the writing assignments.  Oh, and ugh, I smell those cookies that Keturah opened today and then couldn't eat! She's left them open in a bowl on the table and it smells like fake maple syrup/caramel or something. So super strong! Yikes! I'm getting a whiff of them from the table through my window in the sunroom. Ew! 

Anyway, my stomach was in knots, but I pushed through and just kept doing stuff. I made sure the flower beds were ready for mulch because a cat pooped on the mulch pile! Ew! I think we'll do a bit of that tomorrow. I also think I sprained my left pinky finger from maybe pushing up off the ground with that hand. I don't know, but it hurts alot. Abishai was in and out all day, too. He was so full of energy, trying to read upside down, making all kinds of crazy noises, trying to walk up the slide backwards while standing up (he actually made it!), protecting me from the bad guys in his candy cane striped jammies and boots and sticks. Oh my word, that kid! 

After supper, Benaiah came over for 30 minutes to chat (see above). And now I'm exhausted. But happy. Time to get on with the rest of the week!

Ew! Cat poo in the mulch!

Many other sites all over the country has shut down. This is the only vaccine I was willing to take if I couldn't go to the concert without it. Crap.

All broken toys end up on my desk to fix. Abishai thinks I'm a miracle worker.

This workhorse of the last 20 years is about to break. It's one of the only things that we've been actively using since we got married. But,....

....the display is about to die! No! I don't want another one! It's the strongest and best microwave ever! They don't make them this big and this good anymore!

Doesn't everyone read their math problem and then run over to the couch to turn upside down in order to think on it and solve it? No one else? Oh, it's just Abishai then. Got it. Actually, my brother Paul-Mikael used to do that when he recited his times tables. My mother LOVED to tell that story. My brother does have ADHD, soooooo, the signs are there.

Playing is a child's work so they say. And boy does this child play HARD. He said the police station needed a balcony so they could see the bad guys. And then he told us at supper that he was trying to make something he saw on a video. Ooooo,....I've been waiting for one of the kids to be creative enough to do this!

Keturah was watching one of my absolute favorite TV sitcoms from the '90's, Boy Meets World. She already watched Girl Meets World, which is the sequel series. She was like, "This is SO OLD! I can't get used to it!" I'm like, "No it's not! It's only the 90's and it's the best! Both a mom and a dad in the same household! Kids listening to their parents and teachers! Siblings fighting and making up! And best of all, Corey and his curly hair!" It's probably where I got my curly hair obsession. Keturah said it aired from 1993 to 1999. Uh, I was 12-18 yrs old during that time, so that makes so much sense! I LOVE that show!

My turn for pretty photos of the flora in our backyard. This is the tree on the northside of the house near the gate.

My Lord and Protector, Sir Abishai. He was making sure no bad guys were going to get to his Mommy. He's so adorable in his candy cane striped jammies and boots and sticks.

He even put his hood up like a vigilante!

Uh oh, it's the grocery tax! Jared found the Hot Wheels bin again! And this time, he found one for Justin! Oh, Abishai was VERY upset. But how cool is this Star Wars one!

There's that fierce Lord and Protector again. This time he has two sticks!

Ready for battle!

But first a quick nap.

Laughing over something. But he was jumping up and down the rock a million times.

Oh, Daddy poked out his little tickle finger. Run away!

This is why the kids were late coming home on Sunday night. Way to go everyone! I only see Jared in the pic, but cool anyway! Not much social distancing going on, btw. But the masks are there of course. Good looking crew!

It looks like Michael W. Smith is going to redo his first Worship Album that was released on September 11th, 2001. He obviously had no idea that would become should an important date all around the world. But he revealed that it might be recorded in Nashville ON my 40th birthday! I don't usually ask to go down to the Nashville events, although I usually know about them well in advance, but I might have to actually do this one. I mean, come on! What a birthday gift! What a way to usher in my 40's! Let's go!

Oh my goodness, I'm never going to catch up or I'm never going to bed! There's just way too much to do and if I try to push it off until the next day, it just piles up. This is awful! I've got to find a way to cut something out of my routine. But what? I haven't exercised in days. I barely got outside with the kids for 20 minutes. I'm doing all that I can to stay off my phone games or double up tasks. And I'm pushing myself to go faster. I can't even get enough calories into me at this point. It's ridiculous. I can't wait until school is done, too. I'm not even thinking about any extra projects. I need my Saturdays just to catch up with the week. Not good. Not good at all. 10:45pm and I've just started typing.

I mean, I love what I'm doing when I'm in the middle of it. Schooling isn't the problem. It's maybe 4 hrs of my day. It's all the other junk. It's the late starts to the day, too. I just need to bite the bullet and set an alarm and just get up so I can feel comfortable going to bed at my scheduled bedtime instead of this. I may loose some sleep in the transition, because again, I can't just stop what I'm doing and do it tomorrow. Tomorrow has it's own to do lists and plans. I didn't even get a rinse off shower today nor did I finish my Bible study! And now I have an issue with Justin's prescription. And I'm hungry and thirsty and have a headache. Yup, not good.

I have photos to post and videos to post, too. What to do, what to do......

Are you comfy, dog? I'm not sure I could sleep under red lights, but the boys do.


It's a REAL coffee can with NO tear off lid! Time to get out the can opener!

I already knew what the chicory was going to taste like because it's typically in the non coffee bean "coffee" drinks like this tea one here. It doesn't play nice with my stomach though. Chicory is a bit like black licorice flavored. I'm not a huge fan, but free coffee is free coffee. This one is the famous one of New Orleans. Oh, and I think chicory was used as coffee (it doesn't have caffeine) in the army when they ran out of "Northern" coffee in the Civil War.

If the coronvirus was a Lego, lol!

Are you comfy? Well, she said she needed a pillow for her stomach because it wasn't touching the ground. This is what happens when I tell them to go outside. Note that the dog is lying next to her, too, just like when they are in her bed. And note the pjs, of course.

Abishai likes to get on the tire swings when he's outside by himself, which is so awesome to see. But since we were out there, we pushed him. He liked that for a little bit but then wanted to stop when he was about to hit the tree.

How does that song go? "Fields of green....voilets, too, duh duh duh duh, duh duh duh....."

This is why I bought an expensive phone.....

A little bit of trampoline time.

Then they all took turns to show me their tricks on the slide. Note that the slide still hasn't been screwed in, lol.

The penguin slide!

Abishai can walk BACKWARDS all the way up the slide just like this!

Keturah's penguin slide.

Kicking me with his dirty toes!

Pjs all around....at least we have all these fun outdoor things for them to use.

Keturah and I were trying to teach Abishai how to "pump" his legs back and forth. It took a bit of explanation though. And he said his legs were tired.  I think the swing pushes his legs, especially his bony knees, together too hard.

"Puppers" as Justin calls him.

Check out the video above to hear the "sizzzle" of the turkey stock in the the crockpot. This was a turkey we were given back in November. We were low on meat so I said, why not! It's still cool outside, let's cook the turkey! I used the fresh herbs, too. I wish we had "smellavision!"

Thanksgiving.....in April? Yes, I even had a can of cranberry sauce I had saved. But if I'm craving this type of meal, I just have to go to McCalister's Deli and order the turkey and orange cranberry spread sandwhich on their gluten free bread. I actually will get to have it again next week at Mom's Night Out! That, and there strawberry lemonades, I splurge on calories on those outings! But tonight, I made baked potatoes for the others and I had a sweet potato. I'm trying to lower my carb intake but I don't think it's making a difference. It depends on what I binge on at night, which is usually candy of some sort. Sigh.

Thursday was a bit less overwhelming, but still busy making sure everything got done. No, I didn't get up early enough again, so we were 30-60 minutes behind for the day. And those 30-60 minutes can really make or break my productivity and mood. I didn't touch email all day, not even to get rid of the junk, and it took me 90 minutes to sort out 200 emails and respond to certain ones or do something else with them. So, now I know. I wasn't even playing my phone games or distracted by anything else either. So, 4-5 hrs of active homeschooling plus 90 minutes of emails/FB post responses. That's a good chunk of my day. 30 minutes for Bible study. Then there's at least an hour for me to cook and eat my breakfast and lunch and to make sure the kids do the same, and two hours for dinner. That's 4 more hours. That's 10 hrs so far of my typical 18 hrs I'm awake. Ok, ok, that means I do spend a lot of time on "breaks" to play phone games, yes, I get that. Typically I spend 1-2 hrs a night on the blog and/or photos/vids uploads. Depending on the day, I might have a 2 hr time slot for appointments, errands, Bible study, church, etc. 30 minutes for a shower on the days I actually get one. Yup, I've got full days, no matter how fast or slow I go. And this week, I've pushed hard and felt like I was breaking down on Friday evening (I'm writing this on Friday evening) despite not actually being on my feet at all this week at a field trip or something. Most of the time I'm sitting. Plus those couple of nights of not sleeping well. I hope to not take the whole day Saturday or Sunday to rest but to just take it slower. Maybe catch one nap. We'll see. We need to get groceries at some point. We've limped along for 3 weeks now I think. But Aldi's needs to see our faces again, this time, with mine uncovered. But Saturday will be mulch day I hope.

I think Thursday went fine getting stuff done. It's hard to remember.

I preordered Michael W. Smith's new book about his dad and I'll get the audiobook version, read by Michael himself, for free!

Hey, who said you could sit in Gramma Koski's rocker? Abishai and taken up the whole loveseat and Keturah had the whole couch to herself, so this was the only option. Just be nice to it!

Italy, eh? This man never stops. 63 years old and sometimes he still rides.

How many Bibles do we have, Abishai?! Lots!

These two balloons are STILL floating on their own 2 months later! I reattached them to their weight and then put them on the Lego table in the boys' room. Abishai's birthday was 2 months ago!

Nice job, honey, again. Real fireplace, warmest blanket we have, favorite couch and my "safe space" and trying to catch up on the sermons for this study.

The locust wood was really crackling and popping tonight.

Look at all that space we made in the garage after taking out the recycling and vacuuming! Yeah!

The End

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