Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Friday, April 30, 2021

Year 6, April 26th-29th, 2021: Creek Stompin' to New Water Pump!

 Typical Monday. No one wanted to get up. I'm so tired of waking teenagers up. So tomorrow, if they don't get up, eat, and start their schoolwork by 9, I'm taking away screen time. I mean, they are getting their work done, but still, I'm tired of playing the part of an alarm clock. I'm not waking them up. I'm not reminding them to set their alarm clocks. We've tried this before. They just need to learn. Jared's alarm clock goes off and it's typically early enough that I don't need to set mine. I do set it on Sundays because Jared typically doesn't, or on Saturdays if we have to be somewhere, or if I have a super early appointment, which is rare because I put most of my appointments at 3pm. Ugh.

The day started with snuggles from Abishai as usual. He tried to burrow into the blankets from the head of the bed to the foot. Then he was wiggling around Jared's legs. Well, Jared went to "scissor" him with one leg on top of him and one leg underneath, and clunk! Jared's heel hit Abishai in the nose! It took 2 seconds, but Abishai started bleeding a ton, all over Jared's bare chest, and on the sheet, so we ran him to the bathroom, where it got on the toilet seat and the bath rug. Not the first time blood has landed on that rug, for sure. So, I had to wash the rug and sheet, no problem. Poor little guy! He did NOT want to stay laying down, however, and asked for a screen! Of all the nerve! No, just kidding, but it was quick thinking. I told him to watch the ceiling and stay put. I got him an ice pack and he put it on his nose. Nothing seemed to be broken. In fact, just a few hours later, he was doing somersaults onto the couch and going upside down. He's fine. On the way out the door though, he gave Daddy his usual hug, but a little softer this time. And Abishai motioned with his hand, palm up, little fingers moving, for me to come in for the tender moment, too. It was like he was saying, "It's going to be ok, I forgive you." It was very sweet. No, he didn't get out of homework today or get a special prize, although Jared brought home a tiny thing of ice cream that had been sitting in the work fridge for two months to him. So, all is well. 

Again, normal "I don't want to's." and "No we aren't making a fort with the couch during read aloud time." And "Did you actually look up these answers or where you lazy on Friday and left them blank on first glance?" and "Did you practice MY piece of music that was assigned. How much did you actually write on your papers? And yes, you HAVE to mow part of the lawn today because it will be miserable tomorrow and it might rain on Wednesday." "No, you can't wear a blanket at the table, go put some pants on." "You have to eat a good lunch before you can have marshmallow and chocolate sauce you asked for at breakfast." Sigh. No wonder my voice is tired by the end of the day.

I made some bacon wrapped asparagus to go with leftovers, but no one but me wanted it. More for me then! Now I have to come with dinner for tomorrow night and I think we need to go shopping tomorrow night, too. I'll be exhausted from creek stompin' (more on that tomorrow), but it's got to be done at some point. 

Then I had Justin take Abisahi outside to play basketball. Jared joined them, too, and Justin went back inside. Abishai made lots of goals! I went inside so the mosquitos wouldn't bite me, but then our friend Raquel and Sophia showed up. So, I went back outside. And now I'm just catching up on emails and blog and Jared wants to watch the TV show etc. etc. I did make eye appointments for the boys just because it's been awhile.

I guess that's it. Oh, Abishai said the cutest thing, "I remember something from class, Mom! 'Do not retreat in battle. And finish what you started.'" Aw, I thought he was talking about Sunday School class but he was talking about karate, so I messaged his instructor Tess about it. We had messaged together earlier because we were figuring out the Sign Up genius website and found out there was an app! Woot! Woot! I also asked her to send the sheet with the words they say before and after class so we can work on the last bits with Abishai. In other news, Mrs. Alison said there's a book we can get about baptism and then we will meet with her or Chad to talk things over. So now it's on Jared's shoulders to get the book or whatever and find a time to go through it with Abishai. So, we are one step closer on that.

I almost forgot. I also had an interesting email exchange with some leaders and it went very, very well. I had followed the chain of command correctly and got some interesting insight and was put in my place with care. Sometimes I feel I can only dialogue with these leaders because I know they won't bash me for being silly or turn me away without an explanation. All three of them took the time to write detailed emails to me. Basically I need to stay in my lane and shut up, but I have a much better grasp on what I need to do now. I just need to remember that! So yeah, I CAN be social and not screw it up!

Oh my, when you are on your way to bed, and this is what you see under the light switch. I know exactly whose dirt this is! Abishai's!

So you grab the cleaning cloth and get it done, right then and there. See? All better with just a damp rag!

Speaking of all better, just a few hrs ago, this poor guy's nose was bleeding because Daddy accidentally kicked him with his heel. Now look at him! During math, he comes and looks at the problem, then promptly runs over to one of the couches, turns upside down and does the calculation. I then right down the answer. I don't tell him the problem. He has to come and look for himself. Sigh. What a goof! But he's starting to get quicker on his facts, so it's working!

Hey, Mom, you have to come see this! This army (has these type of guys) and this arm has......" etc. And I suggested Baby Grogu as the leader, and he liked that.

In case you were wondering what Abishai was trying to say when he shows you his karate stuff. Now we know.

Bacon wrapped aspargus, one of my favorites! Jared says it's "an abomination and a waste of good bacon." Well, the bacon was sitting there for awhile, dude. Just take the bacon off and I'll eat the asparagus. Good grief.

Amazingly the Easter eggs are still edible. At least Abishai thought so. I let him peel his own tonight for the first time.

Ice cream mustache from the ice cream Daddy brought home from the office to say, "Sorry I hit you in the nose, Buddy."

We have another robin nest! This one should be left alone more than the other one because Socks can't get to it. I'm not sure what the plastic looking strings are but they remind me of strings off a feed bags.

Alrighty then.

Abishai threw the ball for Jared to hit with the baseball bat. Sweet! If only Jared had done that more with the other kids, but you live and learn. We are taking those lessons and applying them the best we can with the kids still at home.

 Phewee! That was a LOT of fun! I didn't know how much I needed to get out and forget my chores and anxieties and yes, even escape my teenagers and just focus on my little guy.  It was so nice to only have to think about the stuff for 1 kid and make sure 1 kid was ok and not to hear the other two whine about being bored. I could sit on the bank of the creek and watch my guy go at it with all his might! I did go in with him and talked with him and helped him, and we saw some pretty cool things! We saw baby goslings, a pair of mallard ducks, crawdads, shells, and most fun of all, a water SNAKE! It was a harmless one, but it freaked the kids out a little bit. I quickly looked it up and it was probably harmless. But so cool! The water was FREEZING but the kids didn't care. They got muddy, and went in and out and back around on the big bridge, and then back through from one bank to the other. I walked with Abishai through the water a couple of times, but then let him do it on his own. We only slipped a bit, although the creek was running quickly because it was spring. There were a lot of people there, probably about 18 families? Most of them had little ones and elementary age kids because that's what this new group is focused on. We were about 40 minutes north east in Pendleton, and the creek was Fall Creek that actually goes all the way to downtown. Wikipedia Article Describing Fall Creek  Traffic was ok driving up this morning, although one of the off ramps to Washington St. was closed because a semi had tipped over on it's side on that steep curve. On the way home, however, at 3:30pm, traffic was pretty heavy which is odd to me. 3:30? It felt more like 5:30pm when I would be driving home from Crescent Project on the northside. Weird. But easy enough straight drive on the high way and a couple of miles off of the 69 highway.  Gorgeous park with a playground, dog park, soccer fields, the river, a pond, the Pendleton Historical Museum, a small lighthouse in the middle of the pond, and some trails. Gorgeous!

This was the best map I can find. It doesn't show how Fall Creek meets up with the White River downtown. I just knew that there's a road called Fall Creek Parkway that follow along with it at some points and hiking trails. We were way up in the northeast corner where it says "Pendle" which is actually Pendleton.

 Abishai did so well today, listening, most of the time (except for throwing rocks), and just interested in a lot of things. It was SO refreshing to hear his curiosity instead of his siblings eye rolls. It makes me want to take him out more by himself and "recreate" some of the memories I have with the other kids. I might not get the quantity of those memories, but I'll have some. I've said it before, but it's true. It's like starting all over, but you have the instruction manual and are wiser as to what's important. I brought all the right gear, lunch, towels, extra shoes, extra clothes, drinking water, buckets, nets, shovels, etc. They only thing Abishai didn't understand was "Pooh sticks" where you drop the sticks into the water on one side of the bridge and then run to the other side to see which one gets under the bridge first. It was hard to see because the bridge was so high and the slat were close together. Oh well, we'll try again next time. 

I was pretty shy because I only knew one mom, although I recognized some faces later on. I've met so many people that it's beginning to get harder and harder to remember who is with which group and where I've seen them at. I did speak to one of the leaders and connected to both of the leaders afterwards via FB messenger and got them to set up their group on our website. So, that's a win! I was reading my Bible study and remembering what my leaders said to me yesterday and how they reminded me (indirectly) that I need to stay in my lane, in my region, and let other reps do their job. (My words, not theirs.) And the Bible study was talking about Gideon and the 300 men. It reminded me of quality over quantity. We want to recommend quality people through the IAHE. We can only reach a few. And God will bring those few to us. I don't need to conjure up any groups, and that's so true. The eastside of Indy into Hamilton and Hancock counties has exploded with homeschoolers. I'm seeing requests daily in my inbox and online about the eastside. I'm so glad there's so many groups in the area to recommend! But it's also not my territory, so I have to carefully explain that they can go to the other rep with their needs or questions. I'm just a match maker. And whoever God wants connected to the IAHE, He will bring them to us. I need to step out of the way and remember it's not on my shoulders. I've helped get this group connected, and now, I need to step back into my groups within 465. It's hard because most people live just outside of the county. That's why I've felt the need to still serve this people or vice versa recommend groups and activities in the neighboring towns because of the overlap. So, I am still figuring out where my boundaries lie. What I'm supposed to help with and what I'm not supposed to help with. That's hard for me to remember. But I'm glad I connected with this group, because Abishai had an absolute blast! Most of the kids are elementary age kids, so it was perfect for him. And it brought back so many memories of field trips with the other three at that age, but without the baggage of having to nurse a little one. I got to breathe in the fresh air and not worry too much. I mean, it was river, so it has rocks and sticks and critters. But come on, if you don't let the kids do it on their own, they won't learn! Abishai needed me at first, and I obliged. And then I let go. I wish it was that easy to let go of alot of other things.

But, 80 minutes in the car and 3 1/2 hrs of outdoor time, left me exhausted. Groceries will wait yet again. Frozen pizza and salad for dinner, again. I had just turkey and all the toppings on my salad and it was super yummy. The conversation was anything but. Abishai and I had a great day and we didn't want to come home to grumpy teenagers and grumpy Daddy yelling at said teenagers, but it happened. I don't know how to change it except work on myself and stop talking negatively all the time. I had no energy left, but cleaned up dinner and did my Bible study. I threw a load of laundry in the wash. I'll start over tomorrow with the other two kids and Jared. I can't do it tonight. I'm socialized out for the day. Abishai, however, has an overflowing socialization bucket and loving every minute of it. And I'm glad. He needs that, too.

Tomorrow, Jared will be cleaning out the space for the water pump guy to come and replace the tank. It should be fun given Jared has been in more pain (and refuses to remember to call the doctor and yet, remembers to order Legos for himself during work hours). So I warned the kids that they are to help Jared and then we'll tag team to go over assignments and go from there. I'm almost thinking about doing groceries after Bible Study, but I don't know. Or go on Thursday. We'll see.

Now I'm sleepy. Time to wrap this up. I'll post a link for all the fun videos. I hope they give you a glimpse of the fun we had. I can't wait to do it again! And there were no tears from Abishai when it was time to go. He was tired and ready. But did NOT fall asleep in the car. He was very quiet though, processing all the memories we made. Precious time. Be wise with it.

Photos are in opposite chronological order (again!, ugh!) and I don't have time to redo it. So, scroll down to our selfie and then scroll back up. Thanks!

Creek Stompin' playlist


Making mud pies I think! Other boys were putting mud all over themselves but Abishai stayed pretty clean.

This is the kind of snake I think we saw.

I think the snake just hid in here for awhile because someone saw it a bit later. It's right there in the middle of the pic, about 1 inch up from the dry rocks.

Snake's head is in top right corner.

Looking northeast.

I didn't realize the train was right there. It makes sense though. I think I saw a sign for the Nickel Plate part of the railroad. Or maybe this was the part after that since I think they were going to convert the Nickle Plate into a walking/biking trail.


Dried moss on a log.

There was a very stiff breeze all day today, so it didn't seem that hot. Perfect weather for Creek Stompin'! And then it will be cooler and rainy for a couple of days.

He finally plunged in most of the way (not his head).

I had to roll my shorts way up high but I made it across. So cold!

That's about how deep the area got. It wasn't too bad. The water was clear and there wasn't much debris.

First treasure! A big rock! Many more little rocks were to follow.

Boy. Boots. Bucket. Having a blast!

Using a magnifying glass to look at the water.

Do you see those lighter patches in Abishai's boots? That's where the water stops in his boot! He kept filling and refilling the boots with water every time he walked across. So eventually, he just took them off completely.

Shells we found. But why shells in a fresh water creek? Hm?

View of the bridge looking northwest.

Looking north and at the little bit of rapids there.

Slosh, sploosh, splish, splash.

Ready, set, jump!

View of the bridge looking south east.

It takes a lot of effort to cross the creek when your boots are full of water!

There were Canadian geese and their precious little goslings following them.

I participated. And now I'm still thawing out my feet.

Very clear water. Sweet!

Using a magnifying glass to look at the stick more closely.

So cute! Oh and I forget to mention this above, but he saw an ant when we were eating our snacks/lunch.

Snack time.

Ewww, the inside sole of the boot came off!

It's great when there's some older kids that inattentively encourage the younger ones to try and follow.

A great sitting rock.

 Mommy and me playdate at Creek Stompin'


 Nothing much to report for Wednesday. School. Check. Jared cleaned his tool bench area for the water tank thing to be fixed tomorrow. Check. Screen time. Check. Bible study and small group. Check. Squabbling kids. Check. Chores. Check. Almost 11pm and I haven't sat down to do anything for myself. Check. Pretty much a normal day around here. We are getting some major rain tonight though. And yes, we wil be without water tomorrow for awhile. So, I don't know if I'll be able to get up early enough to peel potatoes for a roast with or without water. It should be interesting. Keturah filled Jared's water bottles he had used at the office (distilled water because he doesn't like the city water), so we have almost a dozen of those. I'm just tired and hurting. We'll see how it goes tomorrow. I'm just glad I was able to catch up on school today. Yeah for independent learning kids!

What I found on my way to bed last night. I guess we are well protected if Darth Vader comes to town, lol. #lifewithAbishai

Abishai was the first one to volunteer to help Daddy in the garage.

Found another "Mommy Fix-It" item on my desk today. Sorry bud, army men can't be fixed. Keep the guy and say he's injured. The gun/hand has to be thrown away.

I told Jared I would organize this once when he made this bench last year. This is what it looked like before he cleaned it up.

And this is what it looked like afterwards, plus he added an extra section for multiple reasons. See, he can organize when he wants to. He just doesn't see the need or wants to take the time. Same goes for Keturah. And Benaiah. Sigh.

Well, we had to get up early, but the water pump and new bathtub faucet was installed by noon! Actually, the water was on from about 9:30 am on! Sweet! Mr. Rick knows his stuff! He even put dates on the filter and the water tank so others would know when they were changed. I was going to do that myself for the same reason. Yeah! Abishai of course spent the whole morning trying to go out and talk to Mr. Rick, but we wouldn't let him. Jared stayed home so he would be nearby for any questions, which was helpful to me. I could go about my normal school day. Of course Abishai didn't want to do school, but we got through it ok. Poor Justin had a tough time of it because Rick had to be in Justin's closet and the bathroom to do all the pipe work. He spent way too much time thinking on one of the last problems on his final math test. Overall, I think most of Justin's math paper were around 65-70% correct before I gave him any points for effort. I'll be rounding them up for effort though, because I'm sure part of the score that teachers' give is just for handing in the completed homework and not for correct answers. He put so much effort into it this year, too. So, I'll give it a bit of a boost and make his average around 85%.  He also has one last science test to take, which I told him to wait on it, and do my paper instead. By the time he got to my paper, his medication had worn off. He's super frustrated with it, and I have to be in the right mood to edit a paper. So, not tonight.  Keturah was done super early again, so I made sure she did more reading and I tried to watch her more on her phone usage, which she keeps sneaking. Grrr.....

For dinner, we had pork loin, potatoes and carrots in the crockpot. I managed to get up in time to peel and cut potatoes and carrots and onions and clean up before Rick got here at 8:30am! Wowzers! So when we got done with school, I could go rest. Actually, I puttered around, had more coffee, and then it was already 4pm. I had thought about going to the grocery store, taking Jared with me, but nah, it's too busy at that time of day. It can wait, again. Instead, we had a quick nap while kids had their electronic time as usual. The quiet and peace was good! I would have been too stressed to go to the grocery store and get back in time. Then Jared left for Bible study. Abishai chased him out the door and would not stop! Jared had to coax him back into the house like a puppy dog. I then work with him on a puzzle and I got out the sugar cubes to make that igloo I wanted to do. I didn't realize that they needed glue (or maybe icing) to stick together, but I managed to make them stack better when I used a styrofoam cup (see pics below). Abishai was unimpressed with this process. Bummers! He just wanted to eat the sugar cubes! Ok then, I was already behind for the evening, so I tried to listen to my weekly Bible study sermon, but got interrupted a half a dozen times. I'll have to go back and fill in the blanks later. I finally got situated at the computer at 9pm, after I helped Justin put his closet back together. When I arranged the closet, I did it such a way that it would be easy to access that set of pipes and I was correct! It was pretty easy to take out some long items, the pack and play, a long game, and a box of papers, and then just Justin's hang up clothes. We also took out two of his drawers because they are different heights and he needed to put his clothes in the taller one and his knick knacks in the smaller one. So he did that before we put it all back together. Easy peasy! My organization and thinking worked!

Today was my Mom's 11th Heaven Anniversary. Wow, 11 years! I cannot believe it! A lot has happened in those 11 years. I don't really feel like listing them all out, but yes, a TON has changed. It was a peaceful death, but still weird and awful and life changing. I did think about it throughout the day, but I also didn't dwell on it. I just kept doing the things we do, knowing she and Dad would be proud, just like every other day. Carrying on their legacies in the right way. That's all I can do.

I went to the grocery store after Bible study for milk and meat for today and picked up a few odds and ends. So I gave each person something just for fun! Jared got naproxen since he finished up my old (expired, but really, it probably wasn't that expired) bottle. I found some individually packaged animal crackers for Abishai, and he shared without being asked with his siblings. Justin got Disney emoji bandaids, because well, I forgot about him as I shopped, except that he's the only one who drinks milk, so I guess I really didn't? But he also has to wear the cute ones when we run out of regular bandaids for when he pops a zit on his chin, so, they are sort of his? Poor middle child. Always forgotten. And Keturah gets doughnuts and toothpaste because doughnuts, and she and I share toothpaste and we've used up all the mini ones from the dentist.

Well, Good Morning, Abishai. He just hunkers down outside our bedroom door sometimes until we wake up, especially if the sun isn't up yet. And he typically grabs a living room pillow and small blanket. And he always has to have friends at his side, always.

Before picture of the water PRESSURE (because I can't remember what this thing is!) and filter that are being changed today.

Dirty filter. Either the canister is dark colored or the filter is, because the new one doesn't look as white as I thought it would be. But this is definitely rust colored.

Abishai was waiting for me to finish breakfast, so I gave him his 7 in 1 Paw Patrol Early Readers' book to look for words that he could read. Just to get him excited about reading. Like he needs any more encouragement, right? He's constantly looking at books and trying to read everything he can around the house. I've got him in that sweet spot between curiosity and challenging him.

Appropriate story for my upside down boy.

Woot! Woot! No more leaky faucet! Sweet! And I like how the faucet covers the holes of the other two faucets. I guess you can't get those kind anymore. It will be fun learning how this one works! Just one step in the bathroom project.

Tada! New water pressure tank and filter is changed!

Still dark colored BUT not red!

I asked Abishai to throw something in the garbage can outside but it was still at the end of the driveway. I also asked him to bring it up the driveway if he can. And he could! He has one sock on because he has a boo boo on his foot and one bare foot on a wet driveway, but he did it! He said he even waited to come up the driveway because he saw a bird in Daddy's tree and he didn't want to disturb it. The compassion this kid has is incredible!

Socks had the full weight of his nose on my foot. What do you want, dog? Oh, lovin's of course! And you have to be in this room because we are all together for read aloud time. Ok then.

Hi, handsome.

So pitiful and lovable and sweet and the best dog ever!

We could hear so many birds even with the doors and windows shut! They were all so loud today!

Loads more growth in the bamboo area in the last two days. This one, right near the top of the photo next to the black barrier is brand new.

I'll need to keep weeding or try to dig down to get them out, or spray them somehow, but otherwise, it's looking pretty good in this area. Kind of hard to distinguish between the bamboo and the dandelions, but they are there!

Huge one next to the mother ship.

This one doubled it's height in 2 days!


I'm so glad we put mulch down. It looks so much better! It looks weird now, but bamboo takes over so quickly (as demonstrated by the shoots right next to the barrier), that you have to be careful how you plant it. Maybe we will get some shade for the sunroom this year!

Lots more green on the mother plant, too!

Abishai still loves pickles! And I asked him what his favorite part about pickles are and he said the juice!

In honor of Mom Howell. Well, I didn't have the "Keep Calm and Homeschool On" shirt in mind, but it's appropriate. And Abisahi handed me Grogu because "he wants his Gramma." But I DID save the last cherry cordial from Christmas for today. I'm grateful no one tried to sneak it. It was just on the door of the garage fridge in plain sight.

Woah! Proof that Abishai has grown a ton! This outfit fits so much better now! Hi, Lloyd!

He had this canister in his hand and it's "toxic gas" so he kept throwing it around. Goofball.

Finally got around to the sugar cube igloos. Abishai wasn't that interested. And I didn't realize that we would need glue (maybe icing so it's still edible?) to make it stick together. But he tried.

My first attempt before going on Pinterest for ideas.

Ah! Use some kind of based to stack the sugar cubes against or on like half of a styrofoam ball or a cup or an ornament or a funnel. This is what I came up with. I cut off the top of the cup because it's too big anyway and used that as the arch. I should have cut off more of the cup to make the igloo shorter but I wasn't going to redo it a third time. I didn't glue this down or anything. It's just stacked. And then we borrowed a LEGO Minecraft polar bear because it's polar bears that live in igloos, right? Not really, but it works. I also used the sugar from the bottom of the box to "dust" the whole thing. Oo, sparkly!

Looks more like an ice cave than an igloo!

The End

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