Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Monday, August 16, 2021

Year 6, August 13th-15th, 2021: Weekend To-Do's

 What day is it? Did I really just put Friday's to do's on last week's blog post? Why yes I did! So now I have to cut and paste them here. I'll be back in a minute!

Friday. Quiet day. We met up for park day at Wolf "Fun" Run. I accidentally hit "Fun" instead of "Run." Whoops! Kelly, Kia and the littles came, and Molly and the kids, and one more mom with her 11 yr old. I'm pretty sure I've met her a few times but it's been months and months and maybe the last time I saw her was before Covid I think. Anyway, it was just enough to be enjoyable. The kids all went down to the creek and found a live snake, fish, and had fun. I almost couldn't find the creek because of the foliage. But little James knew the way. After that, we went straight home, had lunch, did daily chores, did some laundry and generally cleaned up. Boys went online at 2:45 and I let them stay on until 6 to catch up from yesterday when they had none. I didn't want to argue about chores during dinner prep. Keturah had her usual amount of TV since she had time yesterday and this morning while the boys and I were gone.

And then I laid down and caught up on my Bible listening while I used the mini massager on all my knots and everyone else had their electronic time. I really could use a regular massage one of these days. I do have a chiro adjustment and exam on Monday though. And I plan to rest easy over the weekend finishing the blog, doing some schoolwork taking a couple of naps, or whatever my body needs. Jared and the kids need do yard work. And I told Jared he could something with that big box that is in front of the wheelbarrow, too, if he gets bored. We'll see. I've got some things I can work on, but resting and napping are the priority. And now I'm falling asleep again sitting up, so I'm wrapping up the talking. Loading up photos and videos, watching a TV show, and then bed time. More journaling tomorrow.

And why did we have to go to the fair on the hottest day of the air? because it as the cheapest day and the only day we could go. Gr.....Oh well. At least today was a nice day to sit outside, too.

Yeah! Are State Rep is on our side! Say No to CRT!

Say Yes to parental rights!

Time for a Smartie, Party, John Cassetto! Lol, These are for the IAHE booth and then we can eat the leftovers. $20 for a 4.5 lbs worth of Smarties! And we get all the leftovers! Yum!

When you've been out and before with epople for nearly two days straight, and you're an extrovert, and you're exhausted, you start going a little star crazy! Calm done there, little fella, calm down.

Keturah's boo boo is finally scabbing over more normally. Looking pretty good!

Saturday to-do's. Jared had his own plans, although I specifically had told him he and the kids were doing yard work first. Sigh. He and Abishai went to the working stores and came home with 4 blueberry plants (that were not even a foot high) and two more evergreen trees, as well as a broom and plant food I think and who knows what else that I can't remember now. $150 later. Justin mowed and Keturah reluctantly trimmed and had to go back out multiple times to finish the job. Sigh. I wanted Jared to stay out there with her to supervise so I didn't have to do it, but he can be so passive sometimes and doesn't like to nag and follows through less than I do. And then I have to nag him to nag her. So, that kind of failed. Grrr.....One thing Jared and Abishai did find was over 100 cicada casings on the various trees in the yard! I guess our cicadas were just late summer ones. Wowzers!

Meanwhile, I cleaned out the old shoes in the garage which happened to mostly be Benaiah's. Justin didn't want them and they were too gross to keep for Abishai. And then I vacuumed under the shoe rack and around the area again really well. I loaded up the car with recycling just in case I passed Kroger at some point this week. After that, I got the rest of the stuff out for the IAHE booth for next weekend. It took a little bit more digging than I expected, but I got it all done. I figured out what I'm going to do with these QR codes and discounts and I got all the bookmarks finished and ready to go. I also worked on asking for vendors for the book sale, because you can't have a used book sale without any books! And it seemed to have worked because we have 2 more people signed up! Yeah! I washed a load of laundry in the morning and had my shorts ready to go when I got hot and the sheets back on our bed in time for Jared's afternoon nap.

So, lots got done. And then Jared cooked the salmon finally. But it wasn't quite done before Abishai, Justin, and I needed to leave for Baby Benji's 1st birthday party. We were late to the party, but they were still cooking food so not really late. The party was only 8 minutes away anyway. I'm glad we ate some things at home. The boys did eat more at the party, though. We stayed for almost 2 hrs. They had a blast! It was almost like a going away party for my friend Randi Keifer and her family. It was mostly her church family, plus us, and the Matthew family, and one other family we know that goes to their church that used to go to Indian Creek. Lots and lots of kids, and such a diverse group of people of mixed race or color but all were super friendly and oh the kids had a blast. Justin especially. He had just said the day before how he realizes that he is good with kids. He may not like it, but he has a natural talent with the younger kids and they are attracted to him. And he does. He really does. It's a gift. And it was seen again Saturday night when most kids were younger than him. He got so soaked with water guns and balls filled with water and he got so dirty, too. And all I could think of was what his other 17 yr old friends from small group were up to. They would be either working or talking about their Nikes and girlfriends or on their expensive phones or who knows what else. And here's my boy running around with kids of all ages from 4 or 5 years old to his age just laughing and having a good 'ole time. At one point, he had this tree limb laying across his shoulder like a rifle and he strode across the lawn to the car like he owned the place and he was Tom Sawyer. He was soaking wet and dirty and he didn't have a care in the world. It cracked Molly and I up! Our poor and unsocialized homeschool kids! 

And then there's Abishai who really wanted to go to the birthday party because he wanted to say good-bye to Baby Benjamin. He wanted to know if he could still call him a Baby when Benjamin turns 6 years old. And Abishai is sad that he probably won't see Benjamin again. Benjamin is a mixed race adopted kid with the biggest goofiest smile and laugh and you can't help but love this kid. And Abishai is very much like a big brother to him, so gentle and oohing and aahing and playing peek a boo and tickling him. They are both the youngest of 4 and man, I love it. We don't need lessons on diversity and racism. We just need kiddos to interact with each other as human beings because they naturally see past all of that. They don't care. They just see another kid. We got home really late, but it was worth it. We really will miss this family and we've really only known them for about a year or so. They are moving to Missouri this week closer to their families which is a really big blessing financially and relationaly. It was definitely a God thing in their lives. We are excited for them, but oh so sad.

In fact, I cried this morning, Sunday morning, about it. I will miss Randi like I miss my homeschool friends on PEI. And I'm also missing my two favorite doctors that left their practices this summer. My PCP and my dermatologist. I trusted them so much and they were like friends to me because I would see them so often. And they would listen and bend over backwards to take care of me. I felt so safe with them. And now I'm a bit lost without them. And I have to build new relationships. And it's tough going. I am going to call the dermatologists office tomorrow hopefully and see if I can get some antibiotics for my biopsy sites because they are just not healing. They are irritated and sore. Not pussy or gross but not healing well either. I don't know if I'll have to go in or not, but I need to do something. But I have a thousand other appointments this week, too. Chiropractor, eye doctor for Abishai, Mom's night out, haircuts for boys, regular park day, and we need to catch up with school.  It should be interesting.

So I'll continue with Sunday's to do's since that's where we are at since I'm behind on typing. Justin's friend Elliot needed a ride to church to serve because his parents were gone so I gave him and his sister Emily a ride to and from church this morning, no problem. Jared went for both services so he could serve again. He told me he was going to do that, but I didn't remember. Abishai ended up staying with me so he only went to 2nd service. So I felt like I had two extra kids in tow and I was going back and forth today making sure everybody was in the right place at the right time. I sat up in the balcony as usual and it felt a bit empty upstairs and downstairs. I don't know if people are taking their last summer vacations or taking kids to college or what, but I think numbers were down. We had three baptisms, a 70 year old guy, a 67 year old guy, and a 10 yr old boy, so that was fun. Our lead music minster preached today. I think that it was either his 1st or maybe 2nd time ever preaching at Indian Creek. Maybe 2nd because I think he talked about his kids a lot the last time. But you could tell he was nervous and doesn't do it often. He had "God is_____ Love" which is a simple one and I was half listening and half linking it to a topic in my head about friendship. So it worked out in the end. Things like God's love is unconditional. Man's love is usually conditional. Known, valued, and loved. 

Then we had lunch with Gary and Leah while Keturah had rehearsal for worship team at church. Jared picked her up at 2:30. Jared and I had naps while the kids their screens. Then I took Justin to the first official Crave of the year, Jared picked him up. Oh, and while I was picking up Emily and Eliot, Jared had to sit through the parent meeting for HSM and MSM for me, lol. Too much going on for one morning! Leftovers for dinner (which I forgot to eat, so I'll go grab some here in a minute while photos load). Typical Sunday. I cleaned up the living room because Abishai's nesting was getting a little out of hand. We have to hit the books early tomorrow because I have an early afternoon appointment. I just hope that I can finish up the weekly blog so I can post this one as well. Never ending!

I found it interesting that this jar of dijon mustard lists "deep well water" as one of their ingredients. Really? Like that makes a big difference. It's all in the marketing, folks!

I bought it on a whim through the Misfits produce box but is anyone really going to eat it here/ I'm not sure.

But it comes from Maine!

Nice story!

Well, look here now. There's 3 bags of actual donations in my vehicle! I can put them in the donation box in the Kroger parking lot. Yeah!

I made Abishai help with the cardboard. He used it as a shield from the sun. See! Inventive!

Ah, much better. They all fit on the shoe rack and there's non under it or around it. Much better.

We are going to keep this routine until something major changes it, like a job for Justin.

Jared playing football? What? What has the world come to? Oh, that's right, Abishai is the boss so he get whatever he wants.

Now they've invented a whole new game where Jared drops the football and Abishai kicks it fro mthe swing.

Not our concert from this week, but Muskegon's! Look like a great cloud! I'm actually kind of jealous now, too. They put on such a great show!

Now what are going to do with thsee? Sigh.

It doesn't take long to find your friends at an event. These 4 are heading off into the foods, as usual. Just stay together!

Abishai and Baby Benji making OOO faces at each other.

Playing peek-a-boo.

Kids everywhere!

He loved to swing on this loose branch until a big kid came along and pulled it too hard and broke it permanently. The other kids were not please.

Someone's been through the war zone. He is an easy target  since he's the tallest.

Getting ready for cake!

Oooooo, just give it to me already!

Ooo, what's this cool feeling? I don't know about this, what do I do next?

We're just here for the cup cakes!

I don't think Justin realized he was coming into a storm of kiddos ready to tackle him.

Messy face.

Working hard on that cake. Yes, you can really pick it apart and get messy.

Gorgeous weather for Benaiah to take Ava to the fair. Benaiah got tickets and he said he hoped to go this next week.

Father and son duo, Tom Harridan with the guitar and Josh in the white sneakers. I think Josh is heading back to college soon and will be getting married soon as well. Time flies! They just dropped off his sister at her college this week.

Another new year for KP worship team. Time for a big practice session!

These kiddos serve Jesus by leading other younger kiddos in worship. How awesome it is to see lots of young people serving in many ways! In Abishai's class, the only adult today was Grandma, but she had Wolf, Elliot, and she pulled Keturah in to help her, too. There is supposed to be two adults, but they, like everywhere else in the world, are short staffed. It's kind of sad, really. We need fresh blood in those rooms! Come on, young families, it's your turn! If you've got a kid or many kids in KP, you should be serving. I've got 3 family members serving in KP now after I served for 15 years in KP and years in other churches before that. We need another call to action. Something along the lines of "what would it look like if everyone served 1 Sunday a month." And stop pushing for serving outside of the church. We need to see some stats. How many Kp workers to we need? How many greeters? How many volunteers do we need for ?????? What about the fire fighter thing next Saturday? The cry for help for that one is not circulating very well. It's only going out to KP people. It should have been more advertised to the whole church. If you need 200 people to help run it, and your congregation has dwindled to 2,000 people, you need to push a bit harder. Close the sale on serving! But no, we are just recruiting to be served. Like through Rooted. Or yes, you can take a keytag and pray for these kids at camp or pray for this staffer. Or bring in this school supply or snacks for test taking time. Wow, what a sacrifice. Anyway, I didn't know where all those thoughts came from. But it is truth. And I'm up there feeling guilty not actually serving anywhere at Indian Creek. But I'm also reminded that my family serves there well. And my service is focused in a different ministry. And we can just continue to be examples. And hope that something clicks someday. We'll see.

The End

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