Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Year 6, August 27th-29th, 2021: The End

 This is it. I've hit the wall, folks. It's the end of a long summer. I'm done. I'm ready for change. My legs hurt. I'm exhausted and my sleep tracker shows it. It's depressing to see the numbers. My whole body feels like dead weight. I can't think straight. I couldn't hardly enjoy park day and friend time on Saturday or the IAHE volunteer picnic which I look forward to for many months because I am just so exhausted in every sense of the word. I can't keep up. I came home today and didn't want anyone to talk to me about anything. Nope, I don't want to know what roller skates you want or what meme you just saw. Nope, I barely want to say good night. Nope, I don't want to sit down and have dinner with you. Nope, I don't want to discuss what just happened today. I have to somehow baby step my way to put stuff together for this event tomorrow that now I have to go extra early for and try to do some self care and try to make it until bedtime. I have to clean up my email and phone notfications. And my shower will wait until the morning. And then I have to put a few words on the blog before I get further behind because things won't slow down and I won't catch up. I don't even have energy to care who is right anymore. I/we can rest on Monday and Wednesday maybe. Keturah is working for Renea and has her first Grandpa class on Monday. Tuesday is the only day we can go to Freedom Springs. Wednseday we have to go t our first ASL class. Oh, I can rest on Thursday in between back to back virtual appointments. Then it's Friday, And Labor Day weekend. I just can't. 

And when do I cook, clean, pick up meds, and stay up to date on the latest Covid issues, and people pulling their kids from public schools? And when do I shower? Figure out meds and shower? Or even eat, right? And I was all fine this morning. I prayed about the day, I had a good attitude. I was willing to drive separately to the picnic. But Jared had said to Jim and Leah that he was going to be done with Jim's tree in time to drive with me, so I waited. Yes, Jared was helping Jim cut down Jim's tree. They didn't get it all done though. He did take Abishai with him this morning, so I had some peace and quiet. Justin had gone over to mow Grandpa's yard. Abishai ended up at Grandma's house beating her at yahtzee and watched TV. So Keturah and I had the house to ourselves. We opted to wait until after we had been outside to take ourselves because we would more stinky after being in the heat. And we were.

But Friday, we convinced Keturah to go to park day because Kellie and Kia invited us over to their house again to swimming they even let us Mommies get in the pool. It was wonderful! We brought our own lunches and stayed for about 3 hrs total I think. We left about when I wanted to leave, so that was good. I was a bit more coherent because I had eaten that green tea energy bar. But I really enjoyed seeing Keturah laugh and play. She brought some homework and did it in the car before he started to skate at park day. Justin didn't do any school work. So, we blew off the day again, which is fine, but we need to limit our time if we do that. Because Greenfield, is 30 minutes away, lol. Friendships are a work in progress. And as soon as I get this sleep thing under control, I'll be able to hold a conversation better and enjoy this new relationship.

And then today, Saturday, was a failure on my part, and not Jared's at all. So I was so mad at myself and still am. Chronic health problems suck a million. At least Jared took the kids to the playground for a few minutes while I was listening to others. So I came home frustrated, tired, and good for nothing. I stayed away from everyone, tried to do the blog, couldn't stay awake, and finally went to the green couch to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day. Deep breathes, it will be fine.

Right on! Great reminders.

Easter Lily blooming again!

We were late, but the IAHE picnic was just 30 minutes from us at Eagle Creek park, one of our Indy Parks. And since we are Marion County residents, we only had to pay $5 to go in instead of $6. They have excellent hiking and swimming and shelters and playgrounds and tons of hiking and the ornithology center. Hidden gem on the western edge of Indy. Even some of the numbered streets run though it. 56th streeth, 65th street. 71st street.

Facebook reminded me that it's been exactly two years since my melanoma surgery. And this is what it looks like today. Not as terrible as it was, but it still isn't pretty. I still won't let a student stitch it up next time. And I'll get a round of antibiotics to go. Worst holiday weekend ever. I rested, but I was in pain. This spot is still a bit tender and itchy at times.

I thought I heard sirens last night. This was literally at the end of our road. So sad. A pedestrian died. The driver went through the round about too fast and gained speed too fast. They didn't see the pedestrian in time, although the pedestrian had reflective gear on. I did see tire marks in the person's yard, too. Ugh.

 Well, that was fun. I went to bed early and didn't watch any TV. It was taking me two hours just to type out the captions on the photos up above and I didn't even finish because I kept nodding off. I laid down on the green couch about 12:30. Why the green couch? Because I was finished. I didn't want anyone to talk to me or touch me. I didn't want to think anymore either. Just knock me out. And I did. I slept for 7 hrs straight and woke up a new person. I didn't even get up until after Leah picked up Keturah and Justin because I wasn't going to be the one yelling at them to get ready. Justin left half a bowl of cereal on the countertop after he drank the milk out of it. It smelled like throw up and I did throw it away. All because he was late pulling himself together. Jared then took Abishai with him to 1st service because he was serving 2nd hr again. And then, the house was silent. And I was responsible for no one at church. So I thought, hm,....this is nice....I think I'm just going to sit here with my tea, in my pj's and watch church. And then I'll take a shower. I'll hold off from interacting with human beings for a few more hours and be really rested for my event this afternoon and it was the best decision I could have made. I was able to shift positions to stay awake during the sermon. I wasn't distracted by what people were wearing or who was wearing a mask. And I could just listen to the sermon and catch up on my phone games without thinking everyone was judging me for it. I wrote lots of notes, too, don't worry. And then I had a long shower and got ready to go to the event.

I stopped by the parents' house in time for a quick bite to eat. I asked everyone about their morning and everyone had a decent regular morning. Justin was slow getting his salad, so I told him to hurry up and some people didn't like that. Well, I didn't have time for him to be slow so whatever, I moved on. Oh, and Abishai said a nice prayer for everyone, including Grandpa. Benaiah told us he was thinking about buying a house in the near future, so that's fun. Keturah said her arms hurt from doing KP worship today. Jared only drove the truck to church, so the middles had to sit in the back on the way home. I hope he used the booster seat for Abishai, but I didn't look in the truck. And then I was off to the northeast side of Indy to set up a booth for IAHE at this Purple for Parents meeting.

Well, I had not idea what to expect but I had a blast. Purple for Parents is a group that is fighting to keep certain teachings out of the public school. Things like critical race theory (CRT) and social emotional learning (SEL) which all sound great on the surface level but the nuances can be awful. We agree with them on that, but obviously we homeschool and they are advocating for kids in the public school system. So we don't quite fit the same demographic but they invited us to be at their event, so I went. I handed out a lot of material to people who had never heard of us before. That's awesome! That's how it should be! And they were passionate about sharing it with other groups as well or trying to convince their own kids to homeschool their grandkids. This was a very passionate group of people. It was fun to watch them. And then one table had a couple of political candidates that I got to know over the 4 hrs and I'm glad I did.

These men, one not so young, and one very young one, are in my district, running for US Sen and US Rep next year. So it was good to overhear their conversations and ask them what they thought about homeschooling and just network with them. One is a military veteran with a dog that helps him with his PTSD and such. Great guy. And I'm definitely voting for him next year because I can't stand the guy currently in the US Rep seat. That's easy. The other guy is collecting signatures just so he can be on the ballot next year. I was hesitant at first but then I got to over hear a conversation that made me really excited. He was ticking off all my political boxes and throwing out all these key concepts that I just taught the kids last year. Words like "federalist papers" and "the founding fathers intended that only a few bills actually pass every year" and we are the United "States" not the United "People" indicated that he understood State rights over a centralized government making all the rules and regulations. He's going to get elected someday, but give it 2-3 election cycles to get him even on the ballot. The current Senator has a solid amount of voters that support him because he does well. But he also says one thing and votes another way last minute. Anyway, I know who I'm voting for in the next election. 

So I had a great time! I learned a lot and gave away a lot of brochures. It was a lot differently than the book sale one and that's cool. Hit me with it. I love to learn new things. Ok, gentle hugs and bedroom.Busy week ahead.

Woah! I got my first almost 7 hrs of sleep in what, 6 weeks? Yes, the rest of those times are accurate.

The eye of Hurricane Ida hit landfall around noon today. Ida was a category 4 Hurricane when it hit and it barely slowed down. It hit just west of New Orleans but the storm surge was going to still do a lot of damage to the coastline, including the parishes where Shauna and Aaron live. Shauna and the girls went to Tennessee to her sister's house. Aaron stayed behind so he could help since he's a community officer on the police force. This scares me each and every time it comes up. Some years, these storms dissipate and other years, they hit the area head on. Scary stuff.

Another day, another booth. But it's inside and they gave me a long skinny table. Yeah! Perfect! I gave away a ton of stuff, too, to people who had never of us. Perfect! Lots of great conversations.

And the Easter lily fully bloomed again. I'm glad it lived.

The End

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