Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Year 4, December 26th-27th, 2019: NOLA Part 1, Let's Get This Party Started!

Thursday was driving day.  Miserable for me because I hit the peak of my head cold. I took three naps and barely talked. I tried to sip drinks slowly so we wouldn't have to stop to go to the restroom, so I was parched. Stomach wise we all did well. Jared was sore when we arrived, but wasn't too bad. We left at 9am our time and got NOLA at 9:30pm their time. Not bad at all!

I’m very sick. Trying not to argue with Jared. Speak neutrally and calmly. Abishai wouldn’t pee because of listening to music at CFA. He needed reward of tablet to play after using the restroom. Keturah ate half of her sandwich. They had no cherry coke or honey roasted bbq sauce or play place but could seat 146 people. Older boys are ding fine. Lunch cost a whooping $55. And the soap smells like the hospital soap that I used when my parents were in the hospital. Yeah, brings back unpleasant memories.

Traffic was horrible. I’m never traveling on a holiday again with someone who hates crowds. It's hard to enjoy vacations because Mommies are still Mommies keeping everything together. I gave everybody a heads up on my mental breakdown (on Christmas day? I can't remember, I'm just trying to work through my notes from a week ago). Shauna changed the subject to CFA without anyone acknowledging it, making me feel unheard. Just because you don’t understand doesn’t mean you ignore it. This is the basis of communication.

“Baby yoda uses the force and a car seat!” - found on a lighted sign 

Rest of drive - I need to find a new road trip partner. You can’t talk to him when he drives and he can’t stand other drivers. (Isn't that ALWAYS the case with Jared?)

Abishai said, "It’s good to be indoors (aka the van)." 20 degrees C (Jared switched the van to kilometers and Celsius), inside and outside, clearer roads; halfway there; finished 1/2 roll of toilet paper as kleenix because of my runny nose.

We talked about armadillos at as we passed the rest stop where we saw them on our first trip to New Orleans years ago. It was dark and they kept jumping up when we got near them. Abishai asked about what they ate (bugs) probably because he's been listening well to the TV shows that share things about nature. I'm bored and Leah didn’t like my texting and left the conversation 

I fell asleep trying to cross stitch. I was very thirsty because I had my mouth open because I couldn't breathe through my nose. 5 hrs to Nola still to go. Felt achy. Nose is sore from Kleenex. Light fading.
Smooth sailing the rest of the way. Stopped at 6 at Wendy’s. I was afraid to sleep again because I had previously choked on my snot wads. Kids mostly sleeping this trip because of sickness, early rising today and yesterday, and late night last night.
I feel like poop. Hot flashes, ache in my neck and shoulder.
Glad that it’s warm outside unlike last time.

I assume we arrived fine. Tired, but fine. All of us guests, except Keturah, are sleeping at a friend's house, the Conley's, two streets over, so it's a short walk. Simple, homey type young family's home. Perfect for us. Internet didn't work for us though causing us to use too much data for the month. Jared and I are using the parents' bed and it's kind of soft and it's a queen or king. Not our favorite, but it will do. The boys have a bunk bed and a mattress on the floor and Gary and Leah had the guest room. This family has young boys, so there's some fun toys for Abishai in the playroom. We are trying not to make too much of a mess so we don't have to clean it up later.  Good night!

Time to wake up for our big trip, sleepy head!

Good bye Daddy and Son BB-8's! We will miss you snow!

Sleepy guy who decided to bring his ducky blankie this time. He has been carrying it around the last couple of days again. Plus he brought his new PJ Mask friends and his Thomas blanket and his Cars pillow.

Jared almost lost it in a good way when he saw this huge plane flying out of Louisville. I think it's a 747? I don't know.
Drooling over an airplane.

A little bit of gaming time. Actually, he likes the sound bites that Justin and Micah made 4 1/2 years ago that are still on it.  You can hear baby Abishai hiccup in the background I believe.

Tablets, phones, and sleep. There's a regular 2 prong plug in the back seat, perfect for Benaiah's cord. And there's some USB plugs as well.

Mountains in KY and TN. Kids, which part of the Appalachians are these? Smokeys?

When you've been the car for too long, there's no play place, and you have to stand in line at CFA, you go a little crazy.


Nashville, TN, home to many of my favorite things!

The batman building! Or the Eye of Sauron from the Lord of the Rings.

The folks had lunch at Costco.

All my favorite towns where all the music artists live.

Carpool lane!

Sun is fading.


Much better temps than two years ago.


Uh, we don't watch football, but they wanted to stare at the screen anyway.

Trying to pop the plastic straws.

Too many good choices. Eat 'em up!  We always get the $4 for 4 at Wendy's and ended up paying half of what we did at CFA earlier in the day.

Brothers! This is a restaurant!

Oh boy, those Colts aren't doing so well, are they? Patriots are sitting at 80% wins with a couple of other teams nearby.

Almost there!

Our welcoming committee!

Yeah! We got here in one piece!

Abishai's bed.

Justin on top, Benaiah on bottom.

Our bed with private bath.

Keturah's bed in the girls' bedroom at Aaron and Shauna's.

Always wrestling.

Friday was Christmas with the Johnsons! We all had gone to bed early enough and had slept in the car off and on that we all of us were up and ready to go get breakfast by 8am.  That included some private time for Jared and I to prep mentally for the week after an ok, but sometimes tense drive yesterday. The house we are saying house is a small family's home and it's simple and beautiful. Very comfy and perfect for our needs. Most of our time will be at Aaron and Shauna's house, so hopefully we won't make a big mess there at our host home. Gary and Leah are also staying there, so any cleaning can be split between us. Over at the house, Shauna made the girls take showers while she was gone to an appointment. Aaron had to work for a few hours in the morning, which was fine because we finished breakfast about 10am. It took us I think 2 hrs to exchange gifts and I will say it went way better than expected or in years' past. I think because I prayed and prayed and prayed about it. I told everyone I am working on my attitude and moods. I'm really trying to be that "good girl" again while balancing my needs.  After a rough day physically with my head cold, I woke up feeling much better and my mind was clearer and able to handle being with people all day.  I'm taking Shauna's lead right now and taking a few minutes to myself to get the big portion of the blog post together. Pictures and captions will come later.

There's been a few jabs here and there about different things like parenting styles, but nothing like the last few times together, at least not so far. And because Gary did go off our lists to a "T," we were all satisfied with our gifts.  For example, I got the vacuum cleaner, the Insta Pot and a standing mixer! I will need to redo my kitchen set up and pantry shelves I think. Oh, I have a great idea! I think I will get some plastic drawers to put on the bottom of the pantry for like baking stuff or maybe mini ones and get them up higher. I need a place that is easy to get these machines in and out without boxes perhaps or I won't use them. We've only used the air fryer, for instance, because it's in a box on the floor buried by other things. So, I have motivation to reorganize. I think you'll see from the pictures what everyone else got.  At one point, Abishai had some tears because he opened up a joint gift that he didn't like because we couldn't find his third gift! Well, Aaron opened a gift marked for Aaron, but it was Abishai's third gift! Whoops! That happened with Justin opening Jared's gift, too. Oh well. Oh, we did do a cool thing that Nora came up with. The youngest person gave the oldest person the first gift. The second youngest gave the second oldest and so on. There was a twist in there somewhere because then it went from youngest child to oldest or something, but I got confused. Nora had it all written out and it went well from the chart.

After gifts (we clean up as we go), we ate a snack type lunch and everyone went to go play with their new things. Gary took Benaiah to get rolled up ice cream because he was really sick the last time we were here. The ice cream place was near a shoe place Gary wanted to go to, but I think there was an ulterior motive to have one on one time with Benaiah because Benaiah will decline any lunch invitation Gary gives at home. Gary's been a bit heavy handed again on talking about college and money plans. Grandma took a little nap, Lego sets were made, dinner prep was started, Abishai calmed down and played with his new toys. He was very, very wild this something and excited.  He was also very excited this morning when he opened his gifts "It's just what I wanted!" He also got to ride in Uncle Aaron's unmarked police SUV to the other house! He even used the radio/megaphone to tell Daddy to hurry up and come back outside! How exciting! Oh, yes, that was the other thing. Before he opened his first gift he said, "I love Nora. I'm thankful for Nora." He was copying what we did at our house before opening gifts!  He remembered! This is why I wish I was a more knowledgeable parent when the kids were at a more impressionable age.  I'm correcting my mistakes now but it takes a lot to undo bad habits we've used for many years.  Live and learn and do better and encourage younger moms, etc. That's why I get excited watching vloggers with young kids. They aren't making the same mistakes I did with the older kids. And they are helping me do things differently with Abishai.

Speaking of him more, he slept with us all night. It's a king sized bed, so there's lots of room. But every time I rolled over to get some space, he just rolled back into me. Soon I was on the edge of the bed. I don't mind. Snuggling him all night is comforting to both of us, especially since we had zero touch time yesterday when we are driving. We didn't get to snuggle in the morning or play together. He's actually come up to me a few times today for hugs. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that! I hope he never changes that! There's very few people who gave out random hugs because of our culture that is worried about personal space and abuse and inappropriate touch. I LOVE it when extroverts give me hugs! And I have started to initiate a bit more, too, or at least not hesitate. I have touched the older kids here and there, but we don't hug or say I love you. I have had a few minutes of one on one talking time with them about serious and non serious stuff, too. But I still get so frustrated with them, that's the balance between negative and positive isn't there yet. I have hope that it will, but maybe not until they are adults. We'll see.

So far, I'm liking the sounds of this vacation better than others. Shauna has got a good plan of action going on and organizing dinner and activities and such. We've got a plan, we just need to work the plan now. Again, we'll get there. We only have a couple of days with Benaiah before he flies back by himself to Indy so he can work. He doesn't need his passport this time but he will in November! Why?!

Well, the BIG GIFT that Gary kept saying would blow us away, did just that! Gary and Leah are taking Benaiah and I, Everly and Shauna to ISRAEL with them and about 40 other people! Say what?! I had the best reaction to a gift they have given me to date! And you won't see me, but I captured my voice on video about it. Israel has been at the top of bucket list for YEARS AND YEARS and I wanted to take all the kids at some point, too, like Gary and Leah took Aaron and Jared. And while I would have loved for Jared to go with us because of his knowledge and companionship, I understand why Gary choose who he choose this time. Aaron and Jared will go with him on a manly man trip this year. Nora and Keturah will go on a cruise with Gary and Leah and go swimming with the dolphins. Abishai will go with Gary and Leah to Holiday World. And Justin will go with Gary and hike the Grand Canyon. Man, I will miss being with them on these trips! But I've also been getting so much better at letting them go as well. I did say no to Gary and Leah taking them to Europe without me because it's a place I want to explore and I have lots to talk about that Gary and Leah may or may not mention on a trip, lots of connections with what we've studied in history. The Grand Canyon is similar, I haven't been there, but there's not a deep historical meaning to it, other than it was created during the Flood and it's awe inspiring. I'm ok with skipping that one for now because I could get there if I wanted to. My bucket list for trips are 1) Israel 2)Finland 3)England/Wale/Scotland. So, let's tick mark off that Holy Land tour! It's going be a grueling schedule, and after the initial "Whohoo!" wears off, I know I'm going to have a lot of anxiety about it all. But so far, there are people that I know that are going and can't go at Gary's pace, and I'll just have to come up with a plan with what I'm ok to miss and what I'm not. Gary has some materials to study as well. And of course food accommodations and updating Benaiah's passport, etc. etc.  But, I"m putting all of that aside for now. We will MAKE this WORK! Oh, and it's motivation to get in shape so I can do more! That's probably what I'll work on sooner rather than later. I was already readying a diet/method book on the way here yesterday. We'll see what I can do to prepare. Plus I need new shoes!

So, it's been an exciting day! Everybody has settled down and fallen into the typical rhythms. We put the air conditioning on finally, because I was burning up! I brought the wrong type of clothes, but also, the amount of people in the house and the HUMIDITY!!!!! Oh my goodness. I stepped out of the car and was drenched in it! This is why I don't live here. I hate the humidity!  Great for people with dry skin but I can't stand the claminess! Send me north, ASAP! Bwahahaha! I'm glad Jared is a cold weather guy, too. I wasn't cold at all at the host house where Gary set the a/c at 67. Yeah! It might be because I am overweight, too, though. Which reminds me, Jared turned the controls in the van from Fahrenheit to Celsius and miles to kilometers. So, the inside temp of the vehicle was 20 degrees. We also put the a/c on in the van when we got to Mississippi. I'm finally comfortable again. I didn't bring shorts or short sleeves.

Overheard: Abishai is moaning. Grandma asked him why he is moaning. Abishai replies because I like too! Grandma: do you want to wander in the desert for 40 yrs? Abisahi: sure! Grandma: You'll only get bread and birds! Abishai: stops moaning or moved on to something else. Lol!

Ok, Christmas dinner is about ready. Halibut, salmon and moose from Alaska and beef roast. We decided against using my new insta pot because there's a few tricks to it. Green beans, roast potatoes, and mashed turnips. Fun stuff! Let's eat! Then we finished the evening watching Star Wars: Episode 8, the Last Jedi while others played a board game.  Time for bed! We have a busy day tomorrow!

Video playlist: NOLA Dec 26th-27th, 2019

Bwahahahaha! I love the Conley's style! Redneck! Or something. Doesn't bother me, but makes me smile to know others can't always get things fixed right away.

Nora reading her Bible.

Again, the wrestling. Something the girls never do.

For sure. And many places. I like living in places where the weather patterns are more distinct and the seasons are what they should be.
Justin finished memorizing the sermon on the mount and he read through the whole Bible in a year for the first time, so Grandpa awarded him a real knife from Indy Hammered Knives, just like the Bible is a double edged sword.

Still reading.

Waiting on breakfast to be done. I'm not sure they played for very long.

Brothers, wrestling, again.

The cute cousins all in a row.

Aaron's funky gift wrapping for the year with Jared's wrapping underneath.

Too many cameras!

I tried to hold back and not take too many pictures, so not every gift is represented here, but that's ok. This one is an artist's rendering of the India flag.

"It's just what I wanted!"

Hugs from Grandpa for everyone!

Lots of crafting kits to keep her occupied.

Christian songs for karaoke.

Aaron and Shauna gave Justin $20, but wrapped it up with some tea and a calendar from the Chinese restaurant they went to on Christmas Day. Fun!

Aw, from ASEN to Benaiah.

It's just what I wanted! (Thanks Amazon wishlists).

Tickets for Nora, Shauna and Everly to go see the symphony orchestra when they play I think Harry Potter music.

Awesome! American Girl Christmas playset! Shauna picked it up last Christmas on  deep discount. The tree and fireplace lights up! There's cookies and hot apple cider, too! Pretty!
Again, wrestling.

Lego knockoff of the Titanic!

New Rubix cubes.

Jared finally fixed Leah's wood trivets.

New puzzle cubes for Benaiah.

From brother to brother. Fun times!

It's a quill and ink set Aaron found at an auction he was helping with. Sweet! And beautiful! It will come in handy to show the kids when we go over early American history, too!

Jared brought his own crowbar so Aaron could open his gift, which was some "Reese's" mugs and candy.

Lego friendship house.

Sweet handmade gift from Aaron to Gary.
Opening up the signposts that Jared made for his folks.

Abishai's handiwork.

A photo print I borrowed from the internet.

She's happy.

Interesting wrapping.

T-shrits from when Grandpa Cook and Aaron participated in the lawn mower races in Wabash. It had Aaron in tears.

Our big surprises we were all worried about were individualized trips with Gary and/or Leah and we all had to follow clues to find them. Keturah and Nora are going with Gary and Leah on a cruise to swim with the dolphins.

Justin is going to the Grand Canyon with Gary. Abishai is going with Gary and Leah to Holiday World.  Jared and Aaron are going with Gary on a TBA manly trip. And best of all, Shauna, Everly, Benaiah, and I are going to Israel in November! It is at the top of my bucket list!  I'm super excited but at the same time overwhelmed. Eeek!

Daddy helping Abishai put together his new police truck.

Long haired cousins. I wish Keturah would wear srunchies though.  They would help her hair not get so tangled.

Everly working on her new art book and Justin digging into his big Lego set.  It took him just a couple of hours to build.

New vehicles! Of course! And new figurines too! We finally have a Ryder (the human) from Paw Patrol!

Playing with Justin's little Lego set from Star Wars Epiosde 7.

In progress.

Naptime for Leah.  Playtime for the boys.

Working on a big deal Christmas dinner.

It's the "Mommy walkie guy!" This version is from Episode 8. They originally appeared on Episode 5.

Hidden compartments for the guys. Plus lots of technic pieces made it hard to build.

Sit with me, Nora!  We had moose, beef, and fish for dinner.

Benaiah's turn to start building his Lego set.

Everly finishing making her gluten free cococnut cream cake!  We ate on it all week long!

Playing a Bob Ross game after dinner.
Halfway done.

Watching Star Wars: Episode 8 in preparation for Episode 9 tomorrow.

The girls have a little TV in their room for DVD's because Shauna set it up for them when she had a Mom's night at her house. I think they might have watched Frozen.

I got what I wanted! I finally am joining the club! I hope this is what it's all cracked up to be! But there's a steep learning curve for me because I've never used a pressure cooker before.  I also got a vacuum cleaner and a standing mixer.  Time to reorganize the pantry!

Super excited to see this!

A new Paw Patrol book and jammies!

Her 2nd Lego set, I think a cafe of sorts.

Can he do it? Yes he can. It actually wasn't that hard.

Mommy walking guy!

Finding the clues for his special grandparents' trip.

Holiday World!

Here we go! To the Holy Land! A dream come true!

Bwahahaha, Shauna had asked for roller blades because she had used some recently.  Well, she wanted to try them out inside and then proceeded to roll around the house like one of those waitresses at an outdoor cafe from the '50's and '60's. Cracked me up!

Lego in mid build mode.

Always more food prep.

Benaiah didn't feel good when we went to Freezie Street, the rolled up ice cream, two years ago, so Grandpa took him there by themselves. Plus it gave them a little one on one time. Benaiah hasn't wanted to talk much with his grandparents because he claims they only talk about the same things over and over.

Abishai said, "Hey, it looks like Ava!" It's actually Rey from Star Wars.

But yeah, the half up ponytail makes sense!

Keturah tried out Everly's roller blades she got for Christmas from her parents. I think it has to do with this area being prone to flooding, but it seems that the homeowners prefer not to use any carpet. I've seen lots of laminate and tile.  I'm guessing it also keeps the feet cooler in the summer.

And they all took turns on the scooter inside. Go outside! It's nice out! Ok, it was drizzly that day, but the temps were perfect for playing outside the rest of the time we were there.

Trying out the skip-it I bought her. She did have one before but has no idea what happened to it, so my choice was a good one!

Grilling salmon and beef and moose for dinner.  Yes, in the middle of winter. It's New Orleans!

Garage hangs.

Flame broiled!

Keturah's American Girl Christmas set and her little Lego cafe, too.

Not sure why Justin bought his Kylo Ren tie fighter, but it made for some epic battles with his new Lego sets.

Happy birthday, Jesus, coconut cream cake! It was super yummy for being gluten free!

We sang Happy Birthday, Jesus of course!  Which reminds me, instead of reading the Christmas story from Luke 2, Gary recited it from memory from the NIV and had us fill in the blanks. But because we all read different Bible versions, we had a cacophony of different answers. Lol!

Abishai didn't have enough touch time in the last two days.

The "Titantic" is complete! It did come with oversized Jack and Rose figurines and showed where to put them for different scenes.  And now we have to pack this up and take it home with us in the van while he flies home in a couple of days.  I hope it stays together!
And now our 2019 Christmases are complete!

The End

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