Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Year 5, January 13th-16th, 2020: Bookended by Busyness

Ah, a week that is bookended by the busyness of life. Today we had to get up somewhat early and get going because it was Home School Day at the Capital. We didn't have any tours to do or have any responsibilities, so we could relax a little bit in when exactly we got there. Keturah said she was sick, so Grandma came over to watch her and Abishai, when she was originally only going to watch Abishai. Keturah rallied a bit, but then felt like she was going to throw up 10 minutes before her choir class. Nice. We have many issues to still work out with Keturah and her stomach issues, part of it is mental and part of it is real. But it's all frustrating. I don't like having to tell a group leader that Keturah can't go because she is sick. I like to be firm in my commitments and actually show up. I did tell her choir director what is really going on just so she doesn't think ill of me. So when Keturah later asked for the tablet, it was a firm, "no." She claimed she had been dizzy, which would cause some of the nausea and watching videos could possibly make it worse, so no. If you can't get up and do your chores and go to your class, you don't get to have fun on the screen. I know most parents let their kids watch TV all day when they are sick, but Keturah doesn't have the flu. This is an ongoing thing which could quickly turn south into bad habits. Keturah was not very happy with the decision. She seemed fairly normal at supper time. This isn't the first time she was conveniently sick when it was an event I wanted her to go to but she didn't want to go to and it won't be the last. It's frustrating, but I'm not panicked. We'll figure it out. There's many more steps to take. Her next follow up is in February and I have ideas of what to try next. We'll see.

Meanwhile, Justin and I got to the state house around 10 am, just in time to listen to a talk by our main speaker, Rick Green, a historian/former legislator/lover of American government, who will also be a main speaker at convention this year and will bring his Patriot Academy to Indianapolis in June. He's a Texan and a great speaker. He of course touched upon the fact that 95% of the writers of the Declaration of Independence and the writers of the Constitution were Christians of some sort and all of the rest of the writers respected Christianity. And he shared all kinds of information like that, and how young people did their duty throughout American history, and how we are to make sure our kids learn the truth, etc. Then we listened to a lady talk about our current home schooling laws and issues that have come up, like how media protrays homeshcooling. She also keeps track of the bills that come through the Senate or the House to make sure they don't affect us. I think she is moving out of state in June, but the organization behind her will continue onwards. It's connected with IAHE but a separate legal entity.  I support both.

We then filled out and dropped off thank you note/invitation to our convention cards to Rep Mike Speedy and Sen Aaron Freeman. As we walked around we saw lots of other groups today, like the optometrists, Moms for action (gun control), pro vaccination, and something about the media and press. The State House was busy! It's only the very beginning of the legislative session, so who knows how much they get through. So far, I haven't found any bills that I'm concerned about, but who knows. Finally, we listened to Rick Green again, and then quickly left because we thought I was dropping off Justin and taking Keturah to choir. If I had known she wasn't going, I would have taken Justin to Rocket Fizz since we were already downtown. Oh well. I jumped on the chance to make phone calls because I was not in the right mindset to tackle schoolwork. Justin wanted to play video games with his friends, who he had seen at the state house actually. Grandma had taken Abishai home with her for a bit, where he watched Paw Patrol and played on the Nook, so she brought him back. Abishai then played next to me while I messed around on the computer answering emails and sending questions and looking up things. All of a sudden it was 6pm and I needed to put dinner together! Well, we had leftovers, but I had to sort it all out. Then I tackled all of Justin's schoolwork so he's good to go for the rest of the week. I organized other books, and made sure Keturah was ready for the morning. And then it was 9pm.

Phew! At least Tuesday and Wednesday I don't have to go anywhere. I won't be leaving the house again until Wednesday evening. I'm so psyched to stay home! If I have enough energy and mind power, and I finish my Bible memory work, I get to start on the pantry project. I'm so tired, but I'll do my prayer hour a little early and try to get to bed. Here goes.

Ah, there she is, with the morning sun on her face. The Indiana State House. Gorgeous. A place where truth and freedom is proclaimed, we hope.  A place, where we, the people, the Caesars of this great land, can have a voice. Time to let our voice be heard!

Listening to Rick Green in this gorgeous atrium.

Alison Slater, our eyes and ears on the ground in the committees and chambers, helping us to understand the homeschool laws and making sure they don't change.

Again, those boot socks came in handy! I love how they peek out the top of the boot. They were very comfy and not too hot. It's only 30 degrees out, thus the boots, because we had to walk a couple of blocks. Oh, and the zippers are open because these boots are a bit stiff and rub me the wrong way in different spots. I love their color and style though.

Oh, I didn't realize this building was right next to the State House.  This is the Simon Property Group building. I was offered a job there right after college and turned it down.  Sometimes I wonder how far I would have gone on the success ladder in accounting and how much I could be making at this point. I wouldn't say I would be at the top, but middle management kind of stuff perhaps. And it makes sense because the Circle Centre Mall is a block away. I know Simon has more properties than just malls, but here in Indy we know them for that mall and the Greenwood Park Mall, which is the mall we frequent the most. Just something to think about.

After the talks about historical truth in teaching American government type of stuff, I decided to actually open up Benaiah's secular textbook. I wasn't happy that it's 20 years old for one and two, no mention of how the founding fathers were heavily influenced by their Christian worldview as well Greco-Roman ideals and the Magna Carta, etc.

I haven't read this, but I know my mom did and made sure that I knew the truth.

The Christian perspective on American Government.  The contents were almost identical to the secular book, so it wasn't too right wing/conservative as some of the other books I have on my shelf. However, in the section explaining the ideals of Plato and Greco-Roman ideas, this author included Christianity. And this was just on first glance through this book. Again, it's 20 plus years old because it was my parents, but still, interesting food for thought. Again I'm saddened by the fact that public school children do not have the opportunity to learn the real truth. My mom used to call the secular books "revisionist history." And it still happens today through all the media avenues. They don't tell the whole story. They all use a spin on their stories. Half truths. Parents must stay engaged and skim even their public school kids' books if they want to make sure that they are getting a balanced view of history and science. Teach both things, creation and evolution, not just one side.

Mr. Handsome had a plan. Watch the video below.

Mr. Adorable worked hard on eating this weird Kinder surprise chocolate with it's even weirder "spoon" and he did finish it! Canadian Kinder surprises has the surprise inside a hollow chocolate egg. I've never seen them like this before.

Well, Mr. J with his 1/2 inch different in leg lengths got his heel riser today. We'll see if that helps or not. And apparently he scheduled all of his appointments all at once. I think he's going first thing in the morning before school which is very wise. Then he'll be in his best shape for a good part of the day. And I finally figured out finances for this so we can pay upfront and get the discount. I'm praying that this does the trick and we don't have to seek out more expensive treatment. He seems in less and less pain every day. Yeah!

Abishai came running to me asking for a red marker. I said, what for? And then he spied my red pen and ran away without answering my question. Ok, Mr. Initiative taker. Thank goodness I trust him not to write on walls and things. Anyways, he wanted to update his countdown to his birthday calendar. Yes, this crazy cat space food calendar we got at the nursery party. I gave it to Abishai because he loved looking at the numbers on one of our advent calendars. The easiest way to introduce a concept is to use it!  Really weird calendar though!
Tuesday, as usual, when I'm super busy or I'm on a mission, I don't take a lot of pics and videos, so I'll just have to use my words today. Today was the first day in about a week that I could take my time getting up, so I did! I think I finally got out of bed at 9. The middles didn't finish breakfast until 10:30am. I had my breakfast, put a MOOSE roast in the crockpot, and made a GF (boxed) coffee cake. Then since the older kids weren't ready, I started the pantry project. I knew I wouldn't finish it all today, but I wanted to take the first steps and get the storage containers into place so that they don't get covered in dog hair and dirt. With any project like this, it's best to take everything out, declutter as you go, and then put things back in. So I started with removing and organizing all of Benaiah's junk and putting it on the top of the fridge in the storage containers I bought for that purpose. Then I was able to shift around a few things. I put a few things back where I think they will probably end up, well, I know they will end up on the floor, not on a shelf, and left the other things out, tucked in a corner of the kitchen so we won't trip over them if I can't back to the project for awhile. Not much to declutter here accept to get rid of empty boxes and condense like items. Most, if not all, of the food in my pantry is within good expiration dates, so I don't have to do much declutter there, but I'll have to go through and ask myself I'm using this or that gadget, or if we really eat something or not. Since we only moved back to the states 3 years ago (oh wow, it will be 4 years in June!) and I got rid of a bunch of stuff then, I know I won't have much to do now. Oh, I did finally put my older crockpot in the donation pile because the Insta pot can be a crockpot, too. I kept in case I wanted to cook two things in crockpots in one go like for a potluck or something, and to be honest, I will probably never do that. So, time to give it away. Not too emotionally attached to that one anyway, it's pretty basic and was bought maybe 10 years ago. I'm sure it won't be that easy with everything, but who knows. I think I might have a couple of more ideas. But when I'm in this process and I start to keep more just because I don't want to decide on it, then I know I'm done for the day. I worked for two hrs today (among kids making lunch, supervising Abishai, and going at a slow pace). I'm sure someone else could do the whole overhaul in two hours. But after many days of my body being pushed, I wanted to take it slow today and not overdue it. And I want to enjoy the process, because I LOVE figuring things out and organizing, I really do! I don't like doing the cleaning parts of it, but figuring out the best configuration is my favorite household thing to do! I might be able to tackle more tomorrow, but maybe not. We'll see. If not, then the rest will wait until next week because we are getting really busy the rest of the week.

After lunch and pantry makeover, I finally got to sit down with kids for homework. We didn't finish until 5pm, but I read aloud through all our different books to Keturah and corrected Justin's math. Justin and I went over his new Spanish lessons after supper when Jared left for men's group. Abishai had said his stomach hurt off and on all day, and he finally threw up around 5pm as well. I thought he was possibly, not faking, but exaggerating his symptoms and copying what Keturah says because he had something like that yesterday, too. Well, he's actually sick. Which means, we will be on alert for the rest of them the rest of the week. His diet wasn't too bad today or yesterday, so I don't think it's that. He's currently sleeping in the big bathroom, which means I didn't get my shower in for the day, so I guess that will be first thing on the agenda tomorrow. I'm just glad I got some cooking done, the pantry, and a massive amount of schoolwork. I can accomplish so much more when I'm actually home! Ok, I accomplish some things when I'm out being social but my most satisfying tasks to finish are my homemaking ones. Going out for activities feels like a burden and/or a lot of work and/or an inconvenience. I don't find ways to go out more, I find ways to stay home more and talk myself into staying more than I go out. Maybe it's because I feel like I have to perform and social interactions are exhausting to me because I'm an introvert. But that's who I am. I'm perfectly fine at home, especially when I'm by myself. The only time I want to escape is when the kids have been very difficult and that wasn't the case today.

Oh, and Abishai hasn't made a mess yet. He has become such a big boy and is able to handle the throwing up thing on his own, getting to the toilet in time, etc. It might be a little harder when he's fast asleep tonight, but I'm hoping I don't have to sleep in the bathroom like I did the last time because I don't really sleep and it hurts so much! And since I got some better sleep last night, I don't want to ruin it tonight. I have some fun events for the weekend, so yeah, I can't get sick and I can't be too tired!

It's a shoebox we put a lot of the herbal teas in that Justin liked at the time and put it on a shelf in the pantry that he could get to. But it was in a corner and always under chip bags. So now it's using up that extra space up top of the tea and coffee and drink cupboard. Yes, that whole cupboard has teas, coffees, hot chocolate, stuff for the soda stream, protein powders, other water enchancers, and 1/3 of it has mugs. That's it. We are a little bit obsessed, although I've been using the consumable items quite frequently!

The drawers are in! I let Abishai put the small snack type items in one drawer for now, although he wanted all his snack boxes in the drawers, too. Sorry, pal, that's NOT where those are going. In fact, they probably won't move from their current spot.

Benaiah has to go through his stuff and I know I'll have to help him remember to eat up what he's bought, but at least the containers are up there now, with some of his drinks.  He keeps a lot of things in his desk area and has the option to trade back and forth, but he doesn't get to go any further out into the living room. I'll be utilizing the cabinet better for pans and extra things for baking or whatever after I pull everything out again. Things like birthday stuff, not necessarily sprinkles and icing since we use those on pancakes from time to time.  More like my rolling pin that I don't really use, but they were my mom's and I can't part with them, kind of stuff. Plus the long handled grilling tools we've never used but who knows, we might if we ever get a full size grill, and the box the pizza stone came in that we've had for almost 19 years. It has come in handy when it was time to move. I'm not sure how long I will hang onto the other boxes for the other appliances, but this one just makes me happy and doesn't take up too much space.

Definitely a work in progress. I'm pretty sure the dog food will stay in here, although  I could squeeze it behind his dog dish in the entry way. And the other two boxes of food items will probably be rearranged. I reused one of those 24 pack boxes of pop as my potato bag holder. I had a few pop cans left and the potatoes were on top, and it's been that way for months now, so why stop? Lol.

A little bit funny. I wish I saw more of these happen in our congregation. I don't typically do the upright ones because it hurts my shoulders too much and I don't have enough strength, plus, it's taken me awhile to be able to really mean it if I do it. There  is a couple of positions that are not on here that our worship leaders use. It's funny because there are certain worship songs that the worship radio station plays and we sing and I can picture in my mind the person that usually leads that song and how she (it's typically the lead female) will sing, use her arms, move around the stage. Or how certain recording artists sound like certain worship leaders in our church and vice versa. Don't worry, I concentrate on worshiping, too. I make these observations over a long period of time and experiences.

Found this in Justin's orange tea box, which was created I think after we moved in here, so I'm assuming this tag goes with this green box and bag. It's all from India, and we've had several boxes from the many mission trips to India, so it's hard to pinpoint when it came into the house.
This is a stock photo from the company's website and I'm pretty sure that we've received a couple of bags like this. I'm wondering if there's a box inside the bag that holds the foil pouches, but I couldn't find it on the internet. And Leah wasn't much help today either. They typically buy their souvenirs in one type of tea shop and I was curious if all the brands looked the same or not. I guess I'll just have to try the tea and find out. The problem is that I don't get as much energy from black tea as I get from coffee, so I won't be able to definitely say it's caffeinated or not. We'll see!

I found this personal coffee press in a travel mug in Benaiah's stash. I'm sure he bought it and might have used it once, so I decided to try it out today to see if I would want to ask him if I could keep it. It works ok. It was kind of tricky to get the creamer in because you have to lift the handle a little bit. I think it would work a whole lot better for loose tea though.

That's right, you read it right, Alaskan MOOSE roast! Only a tougher than beef. Yum!  Keturah said, "The only kind of moose I like is the kinds you can look at from afar." Well said, young lady. The only moose meat we have left now is some sausages/brats. I'm glad I didn't save it forever this time. I'm that kind of person to save things forever for a special time and that time never comes.

Tried a new Aldi's product in the air fryer and they turned out perfectly! No oil necessary!  I didn't add salt, but that's my preference. I think they did have some on them.  What were they?....

Oh yes, carrots, beets and parsnips! Keturah liked the beets and carrots. If you like sweet potato fries, and you normally eat these veggies, you will like this. They aren't whole 30, but they are vegan and gluten free. I hope I can find more on our next grocery run! And it was easy for me to pull the air fryer out because it wasn't buried under other things right now. And that's my whole point. I need to line up my appliances in a way that I will use them. I just set these on 20 minutes at 400, which is the automatic setting for fries on the air fryer. I dumped them in and set it to going. I did turn them over about half way through. So good!

 Oh me, oh my, the chaos that ensues when you just add one more person to the mix. Bryce come over today because he's spending the week at Montica's house. His mom is away for the week, and they don't have any family down in Bloomington, so he's taking a week off of school and will catch up next week. So, kind of different, but we are happy to get the boys together. The boys actually did some school together because Justin needed to do Spanish and some science experiments. Bryce didn't blink an eye about it, as he was homeschooled for a little while when the boys were younger. They had time to play video games and goof off, don't worry. And then they went to Justin's small group together this evening. They are just goofy and a little bid loud, no big deal. But Abishai and Keturah wanted to be loud and part of things, so there was a lot more activity than it had been. I was able to work hard with Keturah on her lessons, although she played the hard to get the answer out of her game and got grounded for two days. And I got to shower and do two complete loads of laundry. Oh, and the three kids had bath/showers, too.

I had ladies' Bible study tonight, which went fine. My brain hasn't been as focused, or maybe I've read too many different kinds of read alouds to Keturah so I'm on overloud, but I couldn't add much to the conversation or really understand the chapter because I hadn't prepared well. I'd like to have points ready to bring up to talk about. We don't have to nit pick the chapter, and maybe it's because I'm used to making sure the kids understand the main points of a chapter, but I want to make sure we are understanding the author well. Perhaps I need to reframe my thinking on all of that now that I typed it out. Got it. Another neighbor we know and that goes to our church that lives in our neighborhood and his brother in law went last night to the guys' study, so the one of our wives invited the other wives to ours but no takers yet. Eek, careful now, I don't want this to get too big. 6-7 families is enough. Keturah went with me to play with the kids, and ended up watching TV, actually YouTube. Um, you are there to play, not watch TV. Hm,...we'll have to talk about this some more. Not her fault that that was the activity chosen but she was grounded. She could have said, "I am grounded from TV, is there something else we could do?" Of course she didn't because she really wanted her screen time. Sigh.  Jared and Abishai picked up the boys from their small group and took Bryce home.

Jared and I are really tired because I stayed up with Abishai and slept with him on the couch. And Jared still has some pain, so he isn't sleeping well yet. In fact, his little set up is quite funny and obnoxious. I'll have to take a picture of it tomorrow. Imagine having to sleep on your stomach with both your head and your legs/feet propped up so you were in a U shape, almost arching your back. Yeah, not fun for both of us. Sigh. Time to get back to being out and about. Hopefully the weekend is fun!

I totally flipped when I saw this at the bottom of the washing machine. Benaiah didn't empty his pockets again! First time the knife went through but still, empty your pockets! I guess it mostly could have scratched the washing drum. Sigh.

Trying to create a magnetic field using a nail, wrapped in a thin coil of tinfoil and each end held to one end of a battery. We didn't create the magnet but they all got to fell how hot the circuit got.

Trying to hear vibrations through the string with two spoons hitting each other. In the water, out of the water, with ear in the water, etc. Vibrations having to do with earthquakes, but ok. Check off experiments for Module 6.

Keturah liked what the leftover paint looked like when she was done using her spin art.

Moose meat sausage! You know the casing is the real stuff when it wan't quite put on perfectly. I ended up cutting the sausages into smaller sections, and then I cut the into individual pices after I cooked them.  They were labeled as Polish sausages. I didn't add any salt or spices, so they were pretty plain. And it had a unique texture. But we ate them! Well, Abishai didn't like them, but at least he tried them!

Well, I DID IT! I finished the pantry makeover project! Slow and steady, but mostly steady!  There were points where I could have easily stopped and picked it up another day, but I was feeling good and not overwhelmed, so I went for it. At the tail end I did come to the point where I wasn't throwing things away or giving them away, but that's ok. Again, I knew that I had massively gone through everything 4 years ago. What I didn't know what to do with or what I hesitated on was a couple of items I don't know what to do with but have sentimental value, like a flour duster and some cutting boards I don't have quite the place for right now in this house. Nothing too big. I did not end up getting into the corner cabinet to go through the cookie cutters and other cake decorating supplies (not icing, but tips and bags and cake molds), but again, I'm not too worried. I was able to find another places for things in the pantry for everything else, especially after I condensed shelves or stacked things in a different way. I'm debating on making labels for the shelves, and if I do that, I would probably do more labels in the refrigerator, too. Most people know where things are that they need. The types of items I moved around aren't usually used daily, like for baking. I also wanted to make sure no food stuff, like extra bags and boxes of cereals and crackers, were on the floor. I want the floor to be clear all the way up to the shelves. Now, when we get more pop in the summer or something, some of that might shift, but I'm happy with it right now. Just taking out Benaiah's stuff, condensing smaller items into drawers and using more vertical created a lot more room. I'm just pretty pleased with myself. Sure there are other decluttering areas to do all over, but I had a goal and I reached it. Now, I just have to learn how to use my new gadgets! I'll have to venture out into doing newer recipes or something. Our meal plan could use an overhaul, but I'm not going to worry about it right this minute.

All 3 kiddos didn't get out of bed until 10! I went to wake them up and Abishai said that he had been awake but was so tired, that he didn't want to get up. I guess he had been catching up from two nights ago plus going full speed with Bryce in the house yesterday when he should have been recovering. Justin had to come to terms that because he woke up so late (and he did so most of the week) he hasn't finished his schoolwork and I'm about to really cut back on his screen time on his phone and the PS4. It's mostly his phone that is a distraction. And for some reason, his brain is really working slowly. I know we upped the intensity level, too, this year, so I'll have to take some time to think through all his subjects and see what we can let go of. I think I might have to time him as well. But he did finish Lesson 3 of Spanish when we came back from eating dinner with Gary and Leah. I told him that as I left the ladies' Bible study last night, the 7 year old hadn't finished his homework and the teenager was working on an art project, using a hair dryer to speed up the drying time of the paint. It was nearing 9pm. And these guys have to get up at 6am to get ready for school. So, choose to get up by 8 and get it done, or you'll be doing it after supper, too and definitely before screen time. Except tomorrow because it's now a tradition to play online with Eli and Caiden after gym day. Justin will have a good 4-5 hrs on Saturday to catch up while Jared and I are at training before he goes to WinterJam.  Next week will be a good time to evaluate everything. Right now, I'm booked through Tuesday.

So, we finished the day with picking up the house and Bible lessons with Gpa. Then we had a breakfast kind of supper with Gary and Leah, eating pancakes in honor of Leah's Dad who's birthday was yesterday. I walked home (it was super cold, not to self!) to teach piano lessons, and then Jared brought the kids home after that. Time for bed! At least time to stretch and finish up the rest of the things of the day. I'm at a good place for the busy weekend because everything is clean, there's some leftovers, I plan to go grocery shopping with the boys on the way home from gym day (I'll treat them to McDonald's because they will be starving before we get home), laundry and dishes are caught up, and school isn't perfect, but it's ok. I worked hard this week and I can't wait for Mom's Night Out and IAHE training day. I get to sit down and listen and eat. Ah....

He pulled out the box and put it together himself. He called it his new home. Always pretending, this one is.

Look, Ma! I joined the club! I did the little test run with some water and it was pretty easy to figure it out. I was kind of nervous about the whole steam thing and the many steps, so hopefully I'll find some great tutorials online. Now, what am I going to cook first?

It doesn't look much different to you because it's just a pantry, but wow, I feel great about it!

All the baking spices, sprinkles, small icing things, plus whatever I could fit of regular flours and sugars, and the gluten free flours I need to use or toss are in here. I do have a couple of drawers for kid snacks that Abishai has taken adventage of. Then the shelf is for the waffle makers (other side has cereal and crackers), InstaPot and it's cousin the Crock pot. The bowls are in the same place and everybody uses them for everything, so it made it easy just to leave them where they could easily be found. The lids are not in a basket above them.

Food processor in the right corner, blender, lids for bowls, air fryer, and some liquid things for baking because I fear a bottle getting dumped in a drawer and a huge mess to clean up. They aren't disturbed up here as much. The next shelf up on the far left is the hand mixer, overflow of sugars, and my well used cookbook, and the new standing mixer. I pulled the pampered chef big baking glass measuring bowl out of the other cupboard. And then Gluten Free baking mixes in the right hand corner. Regular boxed mixes are on the shelf below. The top didn't change much on this side. My muffin tins and basic baking ware. The box has the rolling pins, old rolling mat, and some cutting boards. Tucked into the corner are the big pots we only use when we are out of electricity or there's a layer of ice on the sidewalk and we need to take hot water to it to dissolve it.

I'm definitely happier about this side because there's no extra food on the floor (except for potatoes) and I only put one appliance in there, the electric grill. Then our lunch bags, which I separated from some every day cloth bags, basic party supplies, and dog food. I also moved the dog treats to the right corner of the cereal shelf. The cereal shelf didn't change much except to add all the nut butters now so maybe I'll reach for them instead of peanut butter.

Sauces, pasta, rice, and canned meat on the bottom shelf. Gluten free shelf above that. and extra storage unopened food boxes up on top.

 Pantry Makeover Tour

Playing fart gun with Justin.

Daddy randomly thought it was a good idea to put Abishai in the game chest at Gary and Leah's. It was a bit dark and Abishai wanted out immediately. He didn't panic, but he knew it wasn't a great idea to start with.

This is what our bed looks like right now. Jared sleeps on the left side on his stomach with his head and legs propped up in a U shape/arching his back. Not comfortable in my book! Although I did lay down on the one at the foot of the bed because I know a good arching stretch seems to help my lower back and it was quite comfortable for my purpose.

It took most of the little blankets and some of the pillow to make this contraption. Yikes!

Justin came whooshing in the sunroom just now so fast that a burst of cold air cam behind him! Oh man! Brrr!

The End

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