Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Year 4, December 28th-29th, 2019: NOLA Part 2, The End of the Line

After some last minute change in plans, we went to the Battlefield where the Battlefield of New Orleans took place. We drove around the battlefield but also went down to the Mississippi River and saw a riverboat cruise dock and get off to look at the battlefield and plantation house. A friend of Shauna's came over and took our family photo under some mossy trees. And then she told us of this unique piece of history that most people overlook. There is a placard about it, but who reads those thoroughly? A community of freed slaves built homes, a church, a school, and a grocery store on the battlefield. They shared the land for 100 or more years. But when the area started being acquired by the national park system, JFK signed a motion that displaced the community, undercompensating them, and razing their buildings, so that it's an empty field for history's sake. Deplorable destruction. Revisionist history. Unfair. They could have kept the buildings to retell the story of the area, alongside the history of the battle. There's plenty of room for reenactments. Ridiculous continuation of racism. And tour guides don't mention it either. Sigh.

Then we went over to the city park to play on the massive skate park and awesome playground equipment. It was misting and it was 70 degrees with very humidity. I was melting and miserable in my long jeans and lighter but still long sleeve shirt. I didn't pack well for this trip. I need air conditioning (but it was freezing in the movie theater!)! Send me back north asap! God, literally, please don't ever send us to the tropics! You gave me the desires of my heart for the northern countries, send us there! Abishai had a great time, although he was drenched in sweat. We'll have to take him back there when it cools off in a couple of days. He originally said, "I never get zausted (exhausted)" but it's easy to get exhausted in this climate. Blech. My extra extrovert is as happy as a clam and fell asleep easily last night. The more people, the more wild he gets. He keeps inviting the other kids to play with him, too. He's such ham, a leader, a magnetic personality, and he's going to be great.

Keturah is doing much better and eating better. She didn't throw too much of a fit about going to the movie with us today. That shows maturity. I know she's maturing, but it's hard to watch the painstakingly slow process sometimes. I think her getting her period and my desire to connect with her as she becomes a woman is starting to rekindle our relationship. We'll get there, we just need more time. Benaiah is excited to fly home tomorrow to Ava. He loves her. She loves him. It's all good. Justin is well, Justin. He's fine. Jared's still sore, but surviving. We've only had a couple of scuffles, but as typical, Gary and Leah brush them off and move on, not saying anything. But their silence tells me they are unhappy about our words sometimes. Oh, today, I was talking about how Ava isn't high maintenance and Jared said, "Well, not yet anyway." And then Shauna chipped in and said, "Yeah, you become more picky as you age. (talking about her and I, I would assume.)" Leah was standing right there and didn't say anything, which means that she was thinking about it, too. Yes, we are pickier as we age because we determine what makes us tick, how we cope, who we are, and such. And Leah knows it, too, she just can't handle it in us sometimes.  She even said, again, "Why do we have to correct each other all the time?" I don't know why I feel we need to correct each other. I was just saying that what they had made is a vegetable tray, not a relish tray. Relish is the stuff that comes in jar with vinegar added to a vegetable. It's just a different term I guess. I don't mean anything by it. But I think she doesn't like it when she's wrong and someone actually points it out. Different generations for sure. And that's where Keturah gets her habit of correcting people from: me! Whoops!

Movie time!

"Rise of the Skywalker" was fantastic! Ok, fans will forever debate it, but I went in not knowing much and without any expectations. Based on how I was feeling whenever I watched the trailer and heard the iconic music, I know I'd end up emotional at some point. I had goosebumps so many times. So many easter eggs to previous movies. So many plot twists (that I'm not sure how I feel about yet). But my raw emotions after coming out of the theater less than 30 minutes ago was one of finality, the end of something great that spanned decades, of redemption, of family, of triumph of good over evil (no matter what religiosity got it there, I'm not going to debate how the force is like Hinduism or whatever). In the end, the good guys won WITHOUT sacrificing their morals. Without being mean. With love and adoration of the generations before them and with their hearts set on hope for the future. Star Wars, Episode 9: "Rise of the Skywalker" had the same themes as the original trilogy. I hope George Lucas is proud of what he has instilled in the hearts of 40 years of children and adults watching the films.

I, personally, cried for other reasons though. You see, science fiction was my Dad's favorite genre. We've been immersed in it since before we were born. We'd watch Star Wars and Star Trek together over and over. So, for Star Wars to officially end, at least the Anakin Skywalker story arc, is like putting a finality on that connection with Dad, and my Mom, too.  My parents would have loved to know that their grandchildren love science fiction, too. They would have bonded over it. So, on one hand it makes me proud in a way that we have that in common and then it makes me extremely sad that they aren't here with their grandchildren. On another level, redemption is a huge theme in all the Star Wars films. The falls of the characters and then their rises from darkness are incredible. No one is irredeemable, no one. My Dad believed Jesus saved him off and on throughout the years. In his final months, my sister and I worked hard at making sure he was going to Heaven to be with Jesus and with Mom. My Dad had many issues, but he also worked hard at fixing those issues, with and without Jesus. He had strokes at age 50 because he traveled so much just to work so we could have whatever we wanted. He provided so my Mom could stay home and home school us. In the end, it was easy to forgive him and his faults. It wasn't easy for my siblings, and I don't think one of my sisters forgave him. So, I cry because of all of that.

I also cry over how our family has seen redemption and reconciliation happen time and time again. We have been through some extremely difficult, personal trials in the last 4 years.  Trials that usually tear a family apart. But by God's grace and hands, we have managed to stay together. Even now, like Rey in the movie, we are on the edge of something new, something great, something different, But Satan is bombarding us with all kinds of things because of it. From our health struggles in 2019 to our personal family relationships and dynamics to my own personal struggle with anxiety, the attacks are so real. And sometimes, they happen with the snap of a finger.  After having a great day yesterday, I was exhausted and unprepared to deal with a change of plans for today. I was right back to where I have been living, in the land of fear and anxiety. So much so that I ate the few pieces of candy the host house had (I'll need to replace them before we leave.) But again, when I woke up, I asked God to show up, and so far he has.

It's been hot and muggy but the activity level has been perfect. A little walk and picture at the Chalmette/Batttle of New Orleans (War of 1812) Battlefield and then time at the town park, including the skate park. Tomorrow we will rest again for most of the day. Less out and about and social time, although Abishai is thoroughly enjoying his cousin time. He didn't go to the movie with us. It was just the J6 minus Abishai and plus Gary. At first I was not happy about it, because I though ASEN would want to go, but whatever. It worked out perfectly. Now we are planning to do a potluck with ASEN's church family, instead of having a church service. Gary and Leah are not really ok with it, so they plan to attend a church in the morning. Jared and I are like, "Uh, nope, it's not about a routine but motive." We'll survive and God doesn't love us any less if we skip an occasional Sunday or morning devotion or whatever. Heart over routine.

Sigh. Now I'm emotionally spent.  I told Jared this morning that if I feel like I need to escape tonight from the party, he can just drop me back off at ASEN's and go back to the party. I might be fine though. I just wanted to make sure I leave enough time to do this block journaling and get the raw feelings and memories out before I forget them each day. So far, it's working.

The party was fine. Just a few people and we got to talk about and explore Camp Hope that the Gathering helps with. It's a building that helps to host people who still want to come and help out the area. Jared started developing a sinus infection, so all 3 of our boys, Jared and I left and the rest cleaned up after the meal. The kids did get to play with each other and one other young girl, Brandi! Brandi has done Bible class with the girls before. Abishai attached himself to her pretty quickly. He's such an exta extrovert! He finds the new person and invites them in. It will serve him well in the future for sure. Then we dropped of Benaiah so he could sleep before his big flight tomorrow. The rest of us went back to Aaron and Shauna's for a bit. We didn't do much, so Jared took Abishai home for bedtime. Justin stayed at Aaron's and slept on the couch, while I worked on my computer and watched a few videos. I had Justin walk me home afterwards because it was 11pm. I hate not having internet when I'm so used to my wind down time. A couple of days is ok, but I don't like to go more than that, especially when I have to decompress from lots of social time.

Video playlist: NOLA Dec 28th, 2019

That's me!

At the battlefield for the Battle of New Orleans in 1812.  They do a huge reenactment of it every year in January.

Love this sign language stuff at Torres park!

Huh? I guess they have a different story for Santa Claus down here. I forget what it's called though.

Incredible skate park! The kids had a grand time running up and down it, too!  It was a bit drizzly out, so they had to be careful of the puddles and it was pretty slippery.

Double bowl! (See more pics below from the DSLR).

Benaiah was giggling the whole time and said the back rest hurt, but I think he just can't do sit ups. I don't do sit ups, but I do do some crunches.

Too much effort just for one sit up!

It's time!!!! Star Wars: Episode 9, the Rise of the Skywalker, last movie in the saga!

And the Star Wars stories continue on at home.

They got to play their 4 team/handed nerts game! I don't know who one but it was pretty intesnse!

Night night!

Can you spot Jack and Rose?

"Near....far....Wherever you are!....." Sing it with me! And then I sang that song for a couple of days. It was one of the first racy movies we saw as teenagers in the movie theater. My mom and/or sister even saw it twice!

Dinner helpers! Ready to go to the Gathering's Christmas potluck.

Having some fun at Camp Hope. It's a school building turned place for hurricane helpers and shelter during storms. Lots of things to keep the kids occupied.

Guess who won? Gary of course!

Lots of groups that have come and gone or maybe donated to the cause decorated ceiling tiles just like the t-shirts that were left on the ceiling of the bunk house we stayed in last time.

Able to handle 300 people.

They had this board with pushpins of where all the groups came from. Of course the majority of the pins are in the midwest, especially Indiana.


Time to eat! Taco night!  Just a handful of people from the Gathering, Aaron's church, since most travel to see family over the holidays. Although, we did see plenty of Texas plates at homes in New Orleans this week. A lot of people relocated to Texas after Hurricane Katrina.

Hanging out with their friend Brandi.

Abishai attached himself to Brandi, but both didn't want their picture taken.

Just hanging out for two hrs.  I don't know where it went, but there's a picture of a bank of sinks right out on the gym floor to one side. I guess that makes it easy to keep tracking of people washing their hands.  Kind of weird.

Game time.
Back to the beginning of the day with the DSLR. An old plantation house that is sometimes open for tours in the summer. Imagine big ships coming in and people fighting on your plantation for the Battle of New Orleans in 1812.  Crazy.

Tour paddle boat. I hadn't seen one up close! Cool! They were disembarking as we were walking down the levee/embankment next to the Mississippi.

Keturah looking nice today with the paddle boat.

Just waiting for the tour boat people to walk away so we can get back down the levee too.

Nice huge old tree.

Wrestling, again.

Nice one, Dad!

Touching the ivy hanging off of the tree. We took some family photos under the tree.

Abishai was done and ready to find a playground so he walked over to the car and pouted. The grown ups were talking to the person who took our photos.  We also drove around the outside of the battlefield and saw where the tiny village of freed slaves were up until the area became a national park and they were relocated. I think that happened in the '60's. Pretty unfair to them.


Finally! A playground as promised!

Awesome to see that in the Christmas displays at the playground.

Keturah had stepped into the big puddle and her shoes and socks were soaked. So she ran around barefoot of course after that.

Trying out those new skates.

Right at home riding bikes in the bowl.
Isn't this a wonderful skate park?

Hard to climb in and out of the bowl though.

Can he make it? Can he heave his big body up and over?  Yes, of course he did because none of us were going down there to help him. Justin made it up and over much more easily.

Lots of nice outdooor gym equipment. Let your kids play at the park or skate park and then you can work out. Although I don't think I would want to work out in this humidity. Blech. Justin loves hanging bars, though.

Uncle Aaron did a full pull ups. Jared didn't try. Justin almost did a pull up.

I exercise with Daddy. Mommy, it's your turn!

Run, run, run! This reminds me of the indoor park at the science center thing in Missouri where Abishai ran up and down the elements.
Whoops! Too scared to ride down, so she carefully slid down using her hands behind her and not touching her bum to the ground.

Sunday morning Gary and Leah went to church. Jared and I don't feel the pull to be in a pew on a Sunday morning out of habit, so we stayed home with kids.  Aaron and Shauna weren't going either because it's not their routine. They didn't have their normal church time last night because most of their church travels over the Christmas holiday, thus just the meal. They also don't do communion at all and other churches here only do it once in awhile, so I suspect we might do it later. Again, Jared and I are more flexible with it. If we skip a Sunday because we are sick, we don't do communion at home. I think it's too legalistic and ritual when you feel you have to do it or something is wrong and I've had to work myself away from that mentality. Doing something regularly can mean different things to different people. Habits are great and I love them, but they shouldn't be legalistic and without room for other circumstances.

Anyway, everyone woke up at different times and ate and showered throughout the morning. We are having some leftovers for lunch and then a ham dinner for well, dinner, after the Frozen II movie outing. That's it. A nice quiet day at home. Benaiah has flown back to Indiana and is going to see Star Wars again with Ava. Ava picked him up at the airport, her first solo run to the airport! Her dad took her for a practice run a week ago. She was just going to sit in the cell phone lot but I told her it's more fun to park and go inside and surprise the person arriving, maybe with a sign or balloon. I told her to not worry about parking money because I gave Benaiah some money for food anyway. So, I hope she did something fun!

Meanwhile, Nora is now melting down about something and I'm about to melt down with other people's opinions about how my kids eat and play and how I don't help my husband find a doctor or why we didn't go to church, etc. etc. My child has "stations" at home and as long as they are not in the path ways, he leaves them out because he goes back and forth between them. He sets things up and then goes back to them. That's what artists do, they have several projects started and then they rotate between them. Don't mess with someone else's creativity. Step over it. It's not in the main walkways. Scoot around it. Kids have short attention spans, but my kid goes back and forth between them all. Leave him alone. And if they don't brush their teeth before we leave, no big deal. Different strokes for different folks. My kids and not your house. But will we talk about it? No. Never. Sigh. Time to go watch a movie I guess, after we get through lunch and how I don't help my kids find things in kitchen.  INDEPENDENCE is made when you have to search it out and solve it yourself. I don't serve my kids every minute. Sorry. No can do. I don't want to and physically, I can't. We survive just fine. And they still don't care about chores and taking care of things and serving. Why? Because I don't serve? Maybe. That's why I tell them how I serve them. I don't know. It's a fine line.

Time to cry at a movie again. // Ok, I didn't cry but it was a decent movie. The storyline moved a little fast, the comic relief characters were great, my head isn't clear enough to digest the themes just yet, but the animation was beautiful. I think I liked Chirstof's storyline the best, but his song reminded us of a boy band song in the '90's. Lol. We brought along two girls Nora and Everly knew that were from out of town, so it was Shauna, I, Keturah, Everly, Nora and the two girls for a total of 7. It was fun. Now they are all outside playing on bikes, jumping on the trampoline, climbing the climbing structure, etc. Abishai has new fodder for his girl pack! Lol! Always making new friends! Just like Olaf! Go, go, go! And Jared and Aaron had gone to Home Depot, bought some soil and a blueberry bush, and came home to plant some trees. Jared also found some new jeans at Goodwill. Abishai and Justin had their screen time. I definitely needed a movie to escape to. I feel better now. Benaiah and Ava must be busy because he's not texting me back. It's still muggy today, but overall not bad. It's supposed to rain later.   Time for an early dinner!

We had a ham dinner with potatoes and sweet potatoes, salad and fried cabbage, and homemade salmon patties made from the leftover salmon from a couple of days ago with gluten free panko crumbs.  Yum! We've also made a significant dent on the sweets, too. We are all a bit tired, but not sure why. The kids played outside the rest of the afternoon, and the men worked outside while the women cooked. I didn't do much myself, but that's because they can handle it. I don't know. But now the kids are playing board and card games and Abishai is getting some Minecraft time with Daddy. Abishai is exhausted for sure. He's got bags under his eyes and he's had the "I'm tired" laugh for a couple of hours. Jared sent me a text earlier this morning to say his jaw and tooth hurts from his sinus infection and he wanted to find a clinic to give him antibiotics, which proves much harder than you think, so it wasn't accomplished today. I think he's going to go back early with Abishai to sleep. I'm not sure if I will go with him or stay here. If I can figure out how to use the TV at the other house so I can watch something, then I'll go back with them. Justin wants to stay with Aaron and Shauna again. Goofball. Not sure what tomorrow will bring besides maybe the orange grove for the kids while I go with Shauna to her appointment. I want to go to the orange grove, but I also want to have more one on one time with Shauna, although we just talked about homeschool stuff for awhile. So that felt great. We'll see how things go.

Video playlist: NOLA Dec 29th, 2019

Early Sunday morning, Benaiah flew back to Indianapolis, all by himself for the first time! He did great!

Watching my boy fly to Houston and then on to Indianapolis.

Choke. Cough. Gasp. Gross! This is not winter!

Yes, I guess it's a thing down here. Infusing white cake with 7up. Yuck!

Heading to Indy.

He looks so thrilled. 4:25 AM!

His favorite way to hang, with his phone.

The story of our utensil drawer!
Almost home to his girl.

We ALL felt that way this week!

The girls' pillow was a great reminder, especially after the blow up that happened the next day.

A little blurry, but his new trucks are his new favorites of course!

We picked up some friends and had a girls' afternoon out to see Frozen II. And yes, it was good. Might not be as good as Frozen I but it was a great follow up.

The big little brother planting his trees he got from Audobon. The boys had gone to Home Depot to pick up the right kind of soil and all that while we were gone at the movie.

Jungle gyms are for everyone!

Trying to skip rope. But this one needs another two people, two people hold the rope and one jumps in the middle.

A little bit of trampoline fun. I thought it would get used more, but no one wanted to be outside much.

Riding a bike through the soggy grass in shorts on December 29th. Oi!

Just goofing around!

Playing sardines where once you find someone, you hide with them. They picked Shauna's van. Great choice!

Rose bush blooming at the end of December. Ours bloomed in August I think.

Abishai got his own salad at dinner time.

Shauna made gluten free salmon patties with the leftover salmon and gluten free panko crumbs and they were very palatable. Even Abishai ate some!

Monopoly and Nerts.

A bit of fighting over Monopoly but I think it ended well.

Abishai wanted to set up the folding table in the office so he could play near me.  Very typical Abishai, especially when we haven't had our snuggle time together.

My little buddy.

Daddy and Abisai showing Grandma how they play Minecraft together.
Aaron, Nora, Justin, and Abishai tinkered in the garage a bit today. Justin discovered a mini motor bike (and it actually came home with us for him to fix up!), while he, Nora, and Aaron stripped the copper out of some wires. Aaron got down some of his old trucks for Abishai. But not all of them. We had to explain that they were special "models" so that Abishai wouldn't beg to play with them.

Abishai set up all the old trucks in a line and called the garage, his guy's garage.

A copper necktie, oi!

Abishai used the Quirkle blocks to make towers. Grandma wasn't too pleased that they had been left out and made Abishai pick them up. They weren't really in anyone's way, but I understand the thought process. But I also know that Abishai likes to have different little areas throughout the house and he often has them set up in a certain way. He plays at a toy station for a little bit, and then goes and plays at another one. Then he comes back to the first one, and picks up where he leaves off.  As long as I have a pathway around his play areas, I'm fine with these little stations because it promotes creativity. And I don't want to always be picking up my stuff if I need to take a break from something but then am coming back to it. Sometimes I do make him pick up all his toys so I can see the bare floor and have a reset in my mind. Anyway, to each their own I guess.

The End

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