Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Friday, April 17, 2020

Year 5, April 13th-16th, 2020: Full Steam Ahead, and Stop

Mondays. Yup. Actually it went well. Just full. Not too much grumping. Everybody got their schoolwork done, including Abishai and Benaiah. We had a nice dinner together. Benaiah spent a couple of hours at Ava's house. Jared seemed ok with the amount of work he did. I still have piles and piles of things to do but I took a shower and picked up my prescription medications finally today. I use a drive thru and it's never busy, I just didn't want to go out because it's 40 degrees outside! I wore my winter jacket! And it's supposed to be this cold all week, which means that the workbench and garage won't get done this week. I know Jared wanted Benaiah to do the garage before his drum kit came, but, the drum kit comes.....tomorrow! Eek! It will have to live inside for now. And I don't have the heart to tell Benaiah he has to wait to open it until the garage is finished. It's not his fault the weather turned on us. And I want to take EVERYTHING but the stuff on the shelves out of the garage, vacuum and sweep it well, and then basically put everything back in a way different layout so I can have access to the shelves. So, it needs to be day where we can spread things out on the driveway. And no way are they doing any more wood cutting in the garage. I'm tired of cleaning up sawdust off my boxes of pictures and Christmas stuff. No thank you. I know that that's what a garage is for, but we aren't properly set up for it and we don't have a bag to catch the sawdust. So, nope, nada. The electronic drum kit can live in the fireside room for now and the flip table can sit where it is in front of the fireplace. The drum kit does fold up, so hopefully (crossing my fingers) it will fit in that corner. Oo, I just had an idea. To keep busy hands off of it, I will put a flat bed sheet over it. It's in a corner that we aren't near most of the day, but I'm going to have to get Keturah to sit on the opposite side of the couch so she doesn't fiddle finger it during school time. Abishai can use the flip table. Benaiah's old rock band drum kit and his current one is sitting side by side in their bedroom right now. Abishai went to play Benaiah's nicer one today and I said, nope, and he backed off. But then he reached over and gently tapped it anyway when he was playing the older one. So, I know he can obey and understands why we need to be nice to things, but I think a sheet will help it to stay out of sight and out of mind. We'll see.

We've got our regular zoom meetings this week and I'm still uploading videos to yesterday's blog as I type this one. I'm a bit behind and I never get to watch my YouTube videos anymroe. It's nuts. I have bills to pay and figure out now and I haven't touched my labeling project either. I feel accomplished in some ways but there's always so much to do! I don't know how Leah and Jared feel like they are ok if they do 2-3 major things a day. I don't. It's gotta be like 10 before I'm even remotely happy. Sigh. It was a good day, but I wish I had more time in the day!  I want to keep schooling, but I'm already feeling the pressure again of doing house projects. So, we'll see how long I can keep myself sane this time. I felt so much better after I took that week off a couple of weeks ago to whittle down my to do list. I need to be patient with myself. It's all about choices. I choose to homeschool. I choose to shower or make a nicer dinner. I choose to delay fish on Facebook or I pay a bill. I choose to stretch or I choose to eat food I shouldn't eat. Ugh. We need groceries! I had to feed the kids spinach tonight, because it was the only vegetable in the house. And somehow, we have 3 opened bags of frozen blueberries. I should clean the fridge before I get groceries, but I probably won't. Maybe the bottoms or something. Wish us luck!

Ah, just like her room was when it was set up differently, Socks found the air vent. I have no idea how he turns around once he gets back there (I really don't like her room set up this way with little corridors and no floor space), but he manages.

 The wind was really, really bad this morning! Yikes!

Daddy, I measure this. It's 3649. Just because he can and has to stay busy all...day....long...

I happened to be watching a replay of Silly Safari's mini show from Facebook live on Saturday and Abishai joined me! They showed off some baby animals and even took a little tour of part of their facility. They showed how they could still do a virtual show for a family or group through Zoom or whatever. And Mrs. Alisha's family was on the Zoom call! Sweet! They have over 200 animals (a bunch of insects like 25-50 hissing cockroaches make up some of that large number)!!!! And I know for a fact that they are extremely well cared for with custom cages and even brought into the family's home for round the clock feeding when they buy them as babies. I can't wait to meet them someday! Amazon/Jingle John has such a heart for the Creator and all created beings. I'm glad Abishai got to enjoy the little show!

Abishai made this vehicle himself. The guys can't wear hair or helmets because they don't fit and only 3 guys can fit. They are ready to jump out and do battle.

The weapons can be stored in the little compartment there. He's so creative!

They kids were arguing so I made them run laps around the backyard. Keturah thought that she was going to walk two laps and read the nook like this. It's 40 degrees outside. When Abishai (in no coat but rain boats and pjs) and Justin (with a hoodie and shorts and sandals) joined her, they did end up running.

Abishai headbanging to the song on the Math U See DVD.

He held the paper and cut lines all by himself! And he cut one line with his right hand and another line with his left hand. He also did one page of pencil practice with his right hand and one with his left. I'm going to keep this up as long as I can. It's obvious he's more comfortable with his left, but wouldn't it be something if he was equally good in both hands? This is fun! But it took a ton of coaxing to get him to work today. Too much screen time lately and I haven't made him do much in the last couple of weeks.  He does like this little green desk we have had floating around.

My boys. One is watching videos for school. One is playing Fortnite with his friends. And one is watching Disney Plus or YouTube.
This one is playing with kinetic sand. On a tray. On her bed. I guess she doesn't need floor space since she spends a lot of her time up there. Like 8 hrs during the day and 12 at night.

Today's mixture was brought to you by Nutpods, which I didn't think would froth up as much as it did. I used the #1 setting and I think I like it best.

I did put the candy cane all the way in and added some chocolate syrup, so I'm guessing this one was more around the 200-250 range? It was fine with just the coffee and unsweetened Nutpods creamer, but I liked having the bit of sweetness, too.

Abishai put on one of Daddy's older fleeces but wouldn't slow down for me to take a picture. Typical. "50 mph!"

What did you hear dog? Ah, the ducks! They must have settled on the top of the neighbor's pool cover. It rained last night so maybe there was some water there.

Always tweaking and working .Always. And he didn't cry when part of it fell off. He just got right back to fixing it.

"I'm bored. I need to bake something." Ok, what can we make when we are low on everything? Which mix only calls for 1 ingredient like milk? Irish soda bread mix in a box it is!

Here's what Abishai cut today. We like the Kumon books and these are for ages 2 and up so we are using them for practice now and hoping to be a little closer to prepared for Kindergarten things in the fall. Although, I don't have them do much art projects or gluing and cutting. We'll see.

You are supposed to put a piece of tape loosely to tape the two pieces together and then pull them apart. It didn't work for us.
Tuesday, Covid-19 Day 26

Still here. Still fat. Still too cold for me to walk outside. Same routine, different day. Abishai really needs the weather to warm up again. And I really need to think about being done with school when our 180 days is up the first week of May. I felt like I didn't have time to sit and play with him because I needed to clear paperwork off my desk, read for Bible study, take a shower, do school, and then I had a zoom meeting tonight, Bible study tomorrow night and possibly a "Mom's Night Out" zoom call I could join on Thursday. See! I'm just as busy at home in the evenings as I am any other week! Benaiah had a class meeting this morning and then listened to and rolled his eyes at Dave Ramsey's classwork the rest of the day. Ava and he sat and laid down 6 feet apart shivering under their own blankets on our lawn today. And then Benaiah's electronic drum kit arrived. He's got it all set up and got to play some this evening. It's really nice! And way less annoying than the click clacking on the RockBand set. And you can only hear the music if we hook up a regular speaker to it, which I'm kind of bummed about because I want to hear it! I'll have to plug in my earpods sometime to hear him play. But it's soft enough that I can barely hear it above the noise of my heater, so that's a win!

I did get a little barky towards supper time because I swear no one knows how to read time or initiates anything unless I'm involved (unless it's filling their own faces with a snack or screen time). Justin was slow on work today.  Keturah hadn't showered yet. Abishai was getting into everything. Plus I needed to clean up the kitchen from Justin's dishes from making bread last night plus today's pots and pans before we ate because both Jared and I needed to be on zoom at 7 and I don't like doing those things at 8, or 8:30, when we really get off those phone calls. When the cat's away, the mouse will play every...single...time....If I came off of doing real work on my computer and saw the house picked up, chores done, and clean kids, I wouldn't have to bark at them. But I don't. And then they think I can cook supper in an instant when they didn't ask if they could start something will I finished up. Sigh. I'm just getting a little claustrophobic with this cooler weather because the house gets messier super fast with extra people in it and I'm the only one who sees the mess.

I'm just tired. And feeling bloated. And choosing to do other work instead of trying to work out. The desk is clearer again so that helps. I still didn't get to labeling bookshelves. I could do a section in a hurry, but I don't want to. I want to enjoy it. I don't want to wait until Saturday to do it though because it's taking up real estate on my desk. That's why I'm saying I need summer break to come sooner rather than later. I know I'll need to designate a day to be in the garage with the guys and that could be as early as next week. Maybe we'll do Saturday school or something that week. There's just enough hours in the day to do all the things. And I'm tired. So, that's all I got to say. Nothing much excited today. Lots of wandering around. Including Jared. I think he was in the kitchen a dozen times today. One time, I literally sent him back to our room to work! Don't be blaming me for not getting your work done! Yes, Jared. And don't yell at me when I tell you today's the day for groceries, aka, Thursday. Because I have counseling tomorrow and I should clean the actual fridge and freezer beforehand. And I don't think we'll last the weekend. We are out of vegetables and fruit. Plenty of carbs, but low on meat and dairy. So, groceries. On my terms on my day. Hmph.

Ok, ok, really, that's it.

This one was a toughie! I love anything with fruit or chocolate, so pick one and then top it with the other!

It's so cold! This makes quarantine aka "lockdown" as Abishai calls it, so much worse! I want to let my kids outside! Yes, they could bundle up more. We'll keep trying that!

Somebody wanted to switch chores with his sister so he insisted on vacuuming today. He did the sunroom, too. But he noticed that there were Legos in the catch cup and was not happy about that. They were Keturah's Legos that she must have vacuumed up when she was working in her room.

What an awesome tribute to the 24 yr old police officer who was killed in action last week. This is on Monument Circle downtown. I'm not sure how they get it projected up there, but that was awesome.

He loves search and finds! He's always busy, always!

Well, someone is ready to be a student. I posed the picture because Socks was coming into the room to lay down and the other kids weren't coming. He loves the attention though.

Abishai went on a walk around the block with Daddy and when he got back, he insisted that he needed to pick all the dandelions so they wouldn't become thistles that would hurt his feet. So he went back outside without his coat and shoes to gather the dandelions on his shovel and then throw them in the ashes, aka the fire fit. He came up with the idea of putting them "in the ashes." I have no idea what they talked about on their walk, but what a story!

Social distancing when it's 40 degrees outside. Abishai was so excited to see Ava and wanted to hug her so badly. But he also obeyed well when we said no. Cutie.
Instead of long distance dating (1,000 miles) like us, they have to date via social distancing of at least 6 ft. Aw, poor kids. It really was very cold.

I think Abishai made this wall and stairs on his own.
Benaiah's drum kit came! It was over $700, but on sale from $1300! Wow! This is the REAL DEAL folks! We really should have bought him one sooner. We paid for half of it.  And now he can really practice in the next 6 weeks and take it with him if he needed to.

Don't worry, we wiped it down well. The wipe was really physically dirt when I was done. I forget how dirty shipping warehouses and trucks can be!

Pew pew pew! I get you! And yes, they are both laying down now. Good grief! I guess video chat is just not enough for these two. All we had in the good 'ole days was phone, snail mail, email, and instant messenger. No smart phones. No video chats.

We are spying on the teens.

Lots and lots of smaller boxes with drum heads in them.

The aftermath?

Playing a game so they would stay out of the kitchen while I made dinner.

Justin did help Benaiah quite a bit. Yeah!

Aww, he needed this!

This is the drum kit's temproary home. It's supposed to go in the garage. The garage can't be cleaned out this week because it's too cold for us to work. So, knowing the other kids will fiddle finger it, I put Benaiah's old bed sheet over it to help deter them. Plus, keep the dust off. Out of sight out of mind, I hope. That means the flip table is again in the middle of the room. I can't win. Sigh.

"Do you have to?" Yes, I do. I literally said, "Because I'm bored and our life is boring (aka no field trips) so yes, ordinary things will have to do. She did finish the puzzle and put it away, without Justin's help. I'm surprised she was ok with that heavy plywood box cover on her lap.
Wednesday is in the books! Covid-19 Day 27. We had our usual full day and it went smoothly. I'm feeling on edge, but it could be PMS. Benaiah had some good class time over math. We all had our small groups again tonight and that held up well. Dinner was partly leftovers and partly a moose roast that Gary and Leah gave us. I'm hoping that we will go to the store tomorrow. I wiped down the inside of the fridge (except the condiments on the door) and freezer and it wasn't too bad. I'm just glad that we've used almost everything and nothing is "old." Ok, there's still a few things, but we've pulled things out that really needed to be used or tossed a couple of years ago. We still have some leftover fish and I need to cook the ground beef tomorrow. Some of us even had showers, imagine that! Jared and I argued about how the garage project should be done. Now he's under pressure to store 2,000? 5,000? books so that he can ship them. It's supposed to start warming up over the weekend, so maybe we'll all take off Monday and Tuesday and make the garage happen so that the books can come on Wednesday. I don't like being under this kind of pressure, but whatever. I want the garage to be rearranged well, not hodge podge style. I want EVERYTHING out and the floor completely swept and vacuumed before anything goes back in. Anyway, we'll drop that for today. Bible study went well. My shoulder still hurts but I'm trying to lean more on my right side. I typicaly put my head on my hand or  left elbow on the counter so I can use my right hand to do things. I also think I sit a bit crooked, too. So I'm trying to compensate for that. Otherwise, same old same old. No special projects or art or great big fun moments except opening up a box of math books. Still very cold, 40 degrees. We even had a little bit of sleet! Brrr.

It's always wonderful to wake up to a sharp shooter standing right next to your bed. He wanted to shoot us and I do get tired of that game sometimes. Go shoot non living things, ok? So, he went and got more cans!

It's such a natural instinct, though, isn't it? This is Benaiah 11 years ago, so he was 7 yrs old! Bwahahaha! They look a little bit alike, he and Abishai, don't they?

Today, they built a fort!

Abishai explained to me everything he had in his part of the fort.

Justin in his side of the fort. And, later on in the day, Abishai quietly hid to the right there, so after Justin came back and resettled, he looked to his left and Abishai started to cackle in his face and really scared him! Oh, Justin, with his head always in the clouds!

Abishai showing Daddy his water bottle.

Forts and homework.

Justin was in a baking mood again, so he made waffles and I had him add in some protein powder to make it a lunch.

The fort became a bounce house. Abishai asked for a bounce house and we said, no, you have trampoline. So he made his own "bounce house."

It's '90s night at midweek Crave Worship/Small group. Benaiah can pull off a pony tail/man bun with a scrunchie, but Justin's haircut is layered, so it's harder to pull off.

He's a unicorn! And he looks way different with no bangs!

Our big box of math books came! Except they sent two parents sets of the Primer and I need a student set! I was hoping to start that this week, but oh well!

Abishai was so excited to open the box and insisted on doing it himself. He got 1/3 of the way done and then asked for help.

Ooo, lots of math!

Keturah was really eager to show Abishai how the blocks work. I don't really like that this box is so much bigger than the other one. It's going to be harder to store it. They used to fit all the smaller pieces to about the size of the two stacks of red ones so it was much more compact.

Abishai was so proud! He can't wait!

I don't know if Daddy told him to or he did it himself, but he put his box of blocks over near his school stuff. Yeah!
Thursday, Headache Day, Covid-19 Day 28

Oh my goodness. Wow. I've had a headache in my left temple all day long. Pressure? Sleep deprivation? Monthly cycle? All three? Probably. But why today. Today was grocery shopping day. We hadn't been to the store in 22 days. I wanted to enjoy it. And instead, I shuffled through it barely hanging on. I wish I had bought the cute rainboots I saw because they were a size 6! At least that's what it looked like they were. We spent more than our 10 day usual budget, but we were trying to plan for 4 weeks. I don't think we got enough meat at all. But by the time we had gotten to the meat and dairy section, our cart was overflowing. Next time, we need to get two carts period. We have 4 kids. A monthly grocery haul takes two carts. But anyway. We spent a total of 3/4 of our normal monthly budget so, if this works, we will have actually saved money. It just felt like a lot today. And having a second fridge would really, really help right now. We wore gloves and bandanas because that's what we have. We put our groceries into our bags out in the  car instead of in the store.

The store was busier today but a lot of people wore masks. They didn't all wear gloves though. No one was checking the door to see who was coming in. They only had printed signed to say "one way" through each aisle. They have a weird number of aisles so we've always kind of double backed down one instead and turned to get into a check out lane instead of going backwards into the store a bit. But the way they have set up, it makes more sense now. Some people still crowded us. There was plenty of stock on many things. I didn't find the almond/coconut blend of milk, but did find regular almond milk. I wanted to linger over and buy some boots but Jared wouldn't let me. He kept telling me no on all the candy things. He's a hard one to shop for because he always says no. I sometimes say yes. Kind of frustrating when I have a headache and I needed space to think. I'm sure I forgot something because I didn't look at my list. And on my list was lots of advertised stuff. The store did feel a bit more disheveled, too. I don't think Thursday is a good day to go. We'll go on Wednesday next time and earlier in the afternoon. It was already 3pm when we left. It took us 2 hrs in Aldi and 1 hr in Meijer. Meijer was ok but was sold out of several dairy products as we passed by. I was able to get some dairy free yogurt and butter though. Deodorant, dog food, and potting soil.

Oh, and before that, I started with the headache and cramps and then I let my blood sugar bottom out and I felt really ill at lunch time. It took me over an hour to feel somewhat ok again. So, I didn't do any school work with the kids. I answered some emails. Kept my desk free of more clutter. That's it. I was not a productive day at home. We put away perishables and washed vegetables. We quickly ate pizza at 7pm and I'm exhausted as I knew I would be. We want to try to leave the dry goods in the car a) so we don't have to find a place in here and b) so we don't have to wipe everything down but I don't think that's going to work. There's some things I wanted to use and every time I went out there, I ended up touching everything anyway, so we'll see. When we got home, Benaiah was nearwhere to be found. He left his phone home for Justin to use in an emergency and he went to Ava's for 5 hrs! Um, no, you are under quarantine. You didn't take time off to spend 40 hrs a week at her house. Um, you need to be home with us. The last 6 weeks of us being just us, ok? Yeah. So your punishment is to help me get the rest of the groceries put away tomorrow. Hopefully I won't feel so crummy.

Jared was frustrated that he got nothing done for e2 today, but I told him, you have to work on Saturdays if we get groceries in the middle of the week. Just flip the days. I will have to do Saturday school maybe to catch up this week. I'm glad we went today after I did the main lessons for the week. But I'll have to follow up first thing in the morning because I didn't this afternoon.

That's it. I'm hurting. Kids are fine. I think. I don't even know what they ate for lunch. Yeah, great mom am I today. But they have fresh veggies and fruit again. And real milk. Benaiah likes the fact we have real milk. Yup, that will work. We'll see how things look by Monday when I can get the free food from the school district. They said they had a ton of leftover food, so my friends and I are going (separately of course) a few weeks after it started so that the neediest of people could have first dibs. We don't have to bring kids or show ID or anything. We'll see if that changes this or next week. I might wait one more week since we did fill our freezer pretty full. And 4 kids times 10 meals is 40 cartons of milk I have to store and 40 uncrustable pb and J sandwhiches and I don't even know if they like them or not. So, we'll see. Jared said no of course. Don't complain about the cost of food and then not think about getting free food. He was price checking for lowest price today and I was like, "Um, I don't care what the cost is, we need food for a month and it's cheapest here anyway. Who cares if one bag of tortilla chips is 7 cents per ounce and the other one is 8 cents per ounce. Comfort food. I need more chocolate. I might have to supplement with some online purchases.

Actually, this headache today reminded me that I needed to purchase some CBD oil. I can't buy the stuff that Young Living is selling because it has stevia in it. I am purchasing the muscle rub in my Essential Rewards order this month since I have enough Ningxia to last awhile. But I then got on LilSipper's favorite CBD website and ordered myself an "immunity booster" pack. Well, if it helps immunity, sure. I just want to try the different products including their pure CBD tincture. And I trust LilSipper a ton. Plus, her coupon code got me 20% off my order! Yeah! This past week alone, we have spent so much money all at once. From homeschool books to a drum kit to a monthly grocery haul to my monthly shampoo order, my monthly essential oils order, now a CBD/Hemp order. I keep putting it on the Amazon card to get cash back, and then paying it a couple of days later. There's no way I'm going to keep high balances on those when the money is in the bank. And our stimulus check came yesterday, too. So while we still have to be careful how we spend it, and we are hoping to put a chunk somewhere into retirement or savings, for now, we are free to get "all the things" I've been wanting to get but haven't because of lack of money, like the CBD. Oh, and Jared bought a new laptop for work, which work will pay for. Plus he put his new tools on a new Home Depot card (I'm pretty sure we had another Home Depot account at some point for tools way back 9 years ago or so, but I'm no sure.) I think it may be time to pull up our credit report and see where some of these little cards that we've gotten here and there and make sure we don't have outstanding balances or something. Kind of scary to have all the store cards so you get bonus points and such. So much to keep track of! I'd be happy enough just to use the Amazon card for everything. But we've had the Nature Conservancy card the longest and although it has a small limit, there's a few things that routinely go through there, so I let them do that and then I pay it off. But every big purchase goes through the Amazon card. It's a 1% cash back on most purchases, so $1 per $100 spent. So far this year alone I've earned almost $90. Those big bills add up! My typical Amazon purchase amount, usually 4-7 items, is around that amount, too, so it's like getting stuff for free. Every little bit helps!

Anyway, that's it for now. I'd like to just chill with some videos and go to be early. I did manage to quickly fix Abishai's stuffed animals (there were three of them!) on my desk while he played video games with Daddy, so I did my evening "extra" for the night. Oh, speaking of extra. All that walking in the two stores got me to my 4500 step count for the day. No wonder 'm exhausted! Plus the high pitches whines of "Mommy he did this." And "Mommy she did that." Go bicker somewhere else, please. And my phone was dinging off the hook too between 4-7pm. Stop! I'm shopping! Go away! I just want to rest and sleep.

I watch Miah, Mommy. Miah was doing some homework. Aw,...

Absolutely true!

I love this clue. They use it often.

I'm trying to visualize this and I'm not coming up with where it is. Time for google maps! Ok, I just looked at Google maps. It's NOT that bad! Ok, it gets a tad backed up sometimes, but not as bad as other places. We used that backroad that goes past the Amtrak station a ton. This goes into Beech Grove inside 465. Anyway, fun times!

He looks so much older with a hat on!

Our new neighbor Dad is a police officer, so he and his wife, went to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for the funeral service of the 24 yr old that was killed last week in the line of duty. I'm glad Ali shared some of it on Instagram because it was nice to see it and hear the words. A dispatcher called out on the radios part of the service or something including Ms. Leath's call sign and said that they retired that number. We don't lose that many police officers in a year, so it's not a common thing. I'm glad the IMS is used for things like this. They are very kind.

Oh, my goodness. I hope this lasts us a month! And I know we didn't get the usual amount of meat, so we'll see how that goes. My heavens! We packed it all in there though. It ended up being a cart and a half when we walked out. Wow! The funny thing is, when we got home and I unpacked the perishables, there were things in there I knew I didn't put in there, but Jared did. Like bacon and garlic. Yup.

Feeling like a bandit today. Ok, this looks awful. Jared didn't like reading the red bandana because we are somewhat in the ghetto when we are that this store and he's afraid it's a gang thing. I did wear my sling just be sure we both could get in. No big deal though as they weren't really checking. But , I found that my shoulder hurt less than I got home, from having it in the sling. I might have to try it out again at home. It did the trick for now. And when Jared got annoyed with it and left it hanging around his neck, I couldn't help but laugh thinking about his suspenders that he wears under his shirt. Suspenders, red bandana, I'll make him a farmer boy yet! He just gives me the side eye. Well, I gotta find humur somewhere, lol.

Our new normal of bringing in groceries. Kids unpack and wipe done packages straight from the car.

And then Abishai "scans" them like he was at a grocery store and then I pick them up and put them away.

Separating out the fruit and vegetables after they were washed.

Kind of like a farmers' market!  Oo, let's play that tomorrow!

Great helpers. Kids started out yelling at each other, but everyone pitched in and we got it done.

Abishai joined the mustard on pizza gang tonight. Ew!

Ouch! Jared thought the card would be declined because we have $400 spending limit on it. But it wasn't. It went fine.

And just a "few" items at Meijer. I will say both stores had empty spots, about the same amount of people, not enough gloves and masks. And they could be neater and cleaner.

Abishai and Daddy's "base" with all the weapons.

Daddy, you wear this helmet.

Time for Mommy's animal hospital.

Not the best, but it will do. Surgery over.
You can see Keturah. She's the second one from the top all the way to the right with the windows behind her because she was on my computer. Yeah for small group.

The End

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