Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Year 5, April 20th-23rd, 2020: Ouch, Ouch, and More Ouch!

Monday, Day 32 on Covid-19 Lockdown

Well, I had an interesting day. I always start with my day, so let's start with the rest. Oh wait, their day was pretty normal. Abishai puttered. Kids did school, yes, all three of them. Ava visited with Benaiah on the lawn. Jared worked and grumped. He just loves his Monday Morning Meetings! Not! Only because meetings are just not fun. I don't like meetings either. I can't put people on 1.5x speed like I do on YouTube and just get to the point and make the decision and execute the decision. Sigh.

Ok, now onto my story since I just got sidetracked. I'm not feeling well. First, before I got out of bed, I was pressing on a nerve/muscle area thinking it was a knot. Well, I pressed too hard and gave myself a severe case of vertigo! After talking to someone and looking it up, I might have been ready to pass out or something. I think it was the femoral nerve or something and I restricted too much blood flow. When I felt the "knot" "release", is when I felt the dizziness. Is that what fainting feels like? My leg felt fine the rest of the day though, so it didn't seem to bother it. Then a couple of hours later, I was on the lower swing in the backyard with Abishai and slipped and fell off the swing, hitting the back of my head on the ground. At least I think so. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. I had been kind of sitting on the swing with my feet on the ground and my legs straight, kind of standing, ready to take off, and ready to film Abishai. So, when I slipped, I got a 4 second video of the fall before it turned off. I asked Abishai later if it was scary or funny to see Mommy do that and he said it was scary. I do feel like a have a bump on the back of my head and it has crawled to the front of my left temple. I also feel sore on my right hip and lower back. My finger was throbbing, but it now seems ok.The back of my neck feels off as well. So, I took it slow the rest of the day. I didn't go for a walk either, although it was gorgeous out. I just didn't feel right. And now my stomach is feeling weird. Maybe my head is off a bit so I put on the blue filtering glasses I bought to see if that would help me get through this. The light is weird, but ok.

I did manage to get through school, clean under the microwave and the microwave on the outside, and clean up half of Jared's tools. So far, so good on the tools. I'm glad he made the shelf pretty wide. Everything will fit with room to spare. I want to go through his buckets and misc. boxes of things careful, so I didn't touch those yet. If I feel up to it, Benaiah will take everything out of the garage so I can sweep and evaluate where everything goes. I'm pretty excited about it actually. I hope I can stack things better and have everything make sense. And hopefully get the drum kit out there, but only if I can get it clean enough and we can keep it clean. Oh man, I forgot about the push lawn mower needing to fit in there. Sigh. We'll see how it goes. It fits at the other house better. Kids played outside, we had leftover turkey sandwhiches for dinner, and then screen time. I also went and picked up the free breakfasts and lunches at the public school today. See the pictures below, but it was worth it the little trip! I might skip next week because my friend said they did run out of food after about an hour. I don't want to take from someone who really needs it. Yes we pay taxes, too, but this isn't just tax money. I think it's part of a different budget or service. She said they will make upwards of 1,000 bags next week! I didn't have to show an ID or take the kids with me. So, no accountability but whatever. Decent enough food, too.

I hope I feel better tomorrow. Jared's always right that I need to go to bed earlier. Let's see if I can do a little bit better tonight. I only stayed awake last night because I was eveavesdropping on Benaiah talking to his friend about his 5 yr plan. And then Benaiah wrote a paper that was due today at 1:15am and stayed up until 4:30 am watching Star Wars: Clone Wars. Well, who's fault is that? We both have our sleeping issues. I slept incredibly hard, especially after Abishai and Jared left the room. Some scary stuff, too. And I discovered that I had forgotten to take my meds last night. No wonder my legs felt all jittery. Ugh. I'm just not doing well. Let's move on.

The in laws saw the fox in their backyard this morning!

It's hard to see but actually, I was pleasantly surprised this wasn't as dirty as I thought it might be. But it's the greasy dust kind of dirt. It took some elbow "grease" but it wasn't too bad. I haven't moved the microwave in 3 years.

A bit gross. Not bad though. I used a sponge and water and then a Mr. Clean eraser to get off the scuff marks.

All clean!

Ah, much better!

I can't see up there to see if there are eggs, but it looks pretty sturdy to me.

The purple and yellow flowers are out!

I was in a similar position when I slipped, although he's doing a "superman" in his superman shirt.

He loves using the snorkels as horns.
Halfway done. And I still have plenty of room. I know that I can really condense the other stuff he has because some of it doesn't even belong with tools. I can't wait!

Yeah, this stuff needs condensing. Three tool buckets and the plastic tub can fit on the shelf right? I'm not sure what all the misc stuff is.

In progress.

Hardly anyone waiting in the food pickup line at the school. I was quite nervous as to how it was going to go but it was easy and prepackaged. We wiped down everything when I got home.

Benaiah was lazy and didn't want to go back inside the house for his keys, so he reached in through the back window to unlock his truck. Ok, then!

The bananas are ours, but the rest, yes, the rest, was free! 5 breakfasts and 5 lunches per kid. Per day, that's two milks (those little one cup cartons), one apple, one orange, one cereal, one raisin packet, one frozen pizza, and one strawberry and sugar dessert. Awesome!

Aww, how fun! He's never had one of those before! They other kids had them when my dad got Meals on Wheels and he couldn't drink the milk. But I asked them and they don't remember that. I guess it really was only for a year or two.

Abishai explained his Lego creations to us at supper. He's always tweaking his designs.

I will say, we are sitting down at dinner every night, all 6 of us! And we actually had a bit of conversation about Milton, Bunyan and Dante! How about that! The boys were able to talk to each other about it. So, yeah, my boys know some literature!

Typical faces from these two.

Police vehicles of course.

The almost daily ritual. Blankets for warmth, sitting across the ditch from one another. Sigh. And they are out there for hours!

Although I couldn't enjoy the outdoors much today, it's important to capture the little things.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed some movement. The robins are back! There's Daddy Robin!

And Momma Robin is up there, too! I'll have to get up there tomorrow and take a peek. They weren't near the nest at all today when we were out.

Yup, I haven't seen that before.

His favorite pieces to play with, the chains and hooks and grabbers!

He looks like an Indian chief all wrapped up in a deerskin blanket.  Come on! It's dark and cold. Let her go!

I told him he looked like an Indian chief and he called me racist.  What ever.
Tuesday, the 33rd day of Isolation, went better than Monday. I was a bit sore but was able to jump right into my main project of the day: finishing cleaning and organizing the middle of the garage! I'm so thrilled with how it looks! My man finally has a real workbench with all his tools mostly organized in a garage and not in brown storage boxes! You have no idea how awesome it felt for me to do that for him! Mind you, I didn't decide on what tools to keep or get rid of. Nor did I arrange his work buckets perfectly. But I did put things in general categories and in order of importance, i.e. hw often he uses them. I'm so excited! (See pictures below).

Then the kids all did school. There's not much to report about school because everything is going fairly smoothly. Each kids struggles in a different ways, but they are all getting after it and not complaining too much. Last night's dinner conversation was about Dante, Bunyan, Shakespeare, and Milton. Tonight's dinner conversation was about Captain America's story arcs and how Spiderman shoots his webbing. So, you just never know. Keturah, Justin, and I are nearing the end of Mystery of History Volume 3 which takes us through the early 1700's and the colonization of America, as well as events around the world during that time, like Louis XIV and Blaise Pascal. Math is humming along ok, some days they got 100%, some days they get 45%. Keturah is reading biographies for science and Justin is chugging along in his physical science book. Language Arts, specially writing, took a back seat this year because I needed a break. We will pick up next year with a more intensive curriculum. Memory work is fine, Bible is whatever Grandpa gives them (Core 52 and Bible characters I think), and there's always more reading to do. I updated their reading lists in Open Library last night through the end of our history book. We probably won't read all the big novels, but there's some fun things in there to keep them busy. I'd like to finish up the hands on things for the colonies, but that can be done over the summer. We are nearing the end of the school year and trying to make it count, finishing the "race" well. Although, Benaiah started a paper at 1:15am the other night so he could submit it within the next 10 hrs or something. Other than that, the younger three had some outdoor time and everyone had their normal fun time on electronics.

I finished the day with repotting the aloe vera plant. I was going to label bookshelves but got distracted. There's nothing too new or controversial on the internet and I was off of it a lot today when I was working on the garage. I haven't made a decision about Benaiah's open house yet, and I don't know what the governor said today. There's all kinds of fighting on both sides of the political aisle about when and how to reopen America for business. It's just too soon, I think. And some think it's not soon enough. This is a battle we won't win. No one will be happy with the final outcome. Everyone suffers in some way. We've been very blessed and protected this time. We have out family dinners back. More conversations are happening between everyone. Projects are getting done. School is going well. But many are suffering and I don't know what to say anymore. We've all settled into our new normal. 20,000 meals were served to school children yesterday in our township alone. Literally tons of food have been donated to our church's food pantry, too. Lots of generosity, but we need to keep up the momentum because the repercussions have this virus and economic loss are just beginning. We'll probably donate money again because it's easier than going to the store for us. That money will pay someone's bills or go to purchasing any missing items in the food pantry. I don't feel guilty about that because I haven't been able to physically help for years now. Prayer and financially helping missionaries and organizations is what we do now. Others can serve with their time and physical abilities. And that's ok.

One last thing. This is what I wrote on Facebook a little while ago:

4 years ago, Jared was fired from Maritime Christian College. This July, we will have spent more years back in Indiana, longer than when we were in Canada. How did our Canadian years become just a blip in the story of our life so quickly? My kids will remember their years in Indiana more than their years in Canada, and that makes me sad. One of my posts from 4 years ago on this day said, "just hand over the chocolate, back away slowly, and no one will get hurt" There was so much more to it than that. My "memories" don't show any other relevant posts of that day, and I'm sure we weren't allowed to talk about it until had been made public via an email newsletter. It was one of the worst days of my life. Being told we had to give up the life we had built on the island, pouring into the people and culture there, and just 2 months shy of getting permanent residency, was devastating. It has sent me on a journey of doubt, hatred, and grief that I'm still working on getting out of the valley from. I had never felt so far from God. I had/have never questioned Him so much as I have in the last 4 years. And I'm not there yet. I haven't emerged from it. The other events of that spring also plays a huge part of my grief and anger. And those thoughts still come up routinely. People talk about a pivotal moment in their life like 9/11 or Covid-19. Being fired from MCC was a pivotal moment for our family. Jared has processed through it and gotten over it much more quickly than I. I don't think he even thinks about it that much anymore. 4 years. 4 years of wrestling with God and I'm not done. So if you are on a grief journey, don't rush it. Don't let people tell you to put it behind you. Keep processing it. Don't use it to play the victim in everything you do, but don't feel bad if it comes to you over and over and over again, forever changing you. I still miss my friends. I still miss the red shorelines. I miss the sea and the sea ice. I miss Cows Ice Cream and Anne of Green Gables. I miss fresh hours old lobster and mussels. I miss our church(es). I miss the students. I really do miss the snow, too. And the foxes. And our small amusement parks. And Burger Love. And the cruise ships. And our wonderful co ops and libraries. Our "not back to school" picnics and maple sugar shack field trips. And Tim Horton's. All of it. I have never been so connected, so invested, in one place before. Part of my heart is still there, with that part of our Church family. They will never be forgotten. I will always pray for them.
And yet, we received the biggest blessing from them, our Abishai, the light of our life, the glue that holds our family together, the party animal, the go getter, the cutest little thing on the planet. No one is like our Abishai. He's got a big personality. Whenever we are sad or angry, he's there to cheer us up. His laughter is infectious. God knew EXACTLY why we needed our little guy. I don't know how much deeper I would be in depression if I hadn't had Abishai to take care of (and the other kids). He's the reason we get up in the morning. Otherwise, we would all sleep until noon. Yes, he is the spoiled baby of the family, maybe even the favorited one sometimes. And yet, he's so sweet and so loving. So if there's anything we gained from our time on Prince Edward Island, it's him. He is the biggest and best souvenir ever. Our dual Canadian/American citizen. He makes all the hard work of moving 1,600 miles to PEI and back, all the time we sacrificed as a family to help the school, worth it.
4 years. Would we do it all again? Absolutely. And we've learned how exits/transitions can be done well and how they can be done in a very hurtful and almost dishonest way. Yes, there are many blessings that we would have missed out on if we weren't back here in Indiana. But today, today is a day to remember the loss. The loss of a life we had. And only this little guy, can ease the pain of that loss. Enjoy the video.

(Insert video of Abishai laughing in his high chair at 14 months).

Or Papa John's. NBO is where we used to go for pizza but it's expensive. It's local and just up the street.

The Queen Elizabeth had her 94th birthday today! Wow!

So lovely!

Such a great thing for the community!

Yes, Justin IS sitting in a bucket in the middle of the trampoline. That's what I get for bringing in the "ball pit" from the garage. Second day in a row that it ended up out there. Keturah and Abishai dragged it out there today by themselves!

That's how far I got this morning. I got everything up off the floor. I'm hoping Jared will be able to go through his tools and the misc. stuff and pull out things that are broken or that he doesn't need. Then we can add the car stuff and condense the charcoal. The fridge is supposed to go the left, but it has wood and misc.things right now.


After...Just kidding! I wish we could have a garage that looks like this! We just like to have out projects and such. As long it is neat and organized and we use vertical space well, I don't mind.

Now everything is back in place. You could almost fit a car in here.

Bikes to the right, separated from the outdoor tools by the 6x6 beam.

Oh no, our poor neighbors! I don't know what's going on but a lot of dirt was moved today!

Book boxes courtesy of e2 publishing a brand new book on deacons. Since Jared's the one who ships them, we have the privilege of holding onto them for now. 3/4 of the boxes will leave as is.

This kind of looks messy from this angle, but its not.

Workbench on left. In the middle is a coffee table I refuse to get go of, a box for trash when Jared goes through tools, and then empty boxes ready for my project of reboxing some leftover things that are mine from Gary and Leah's shed. On the far right are the two captain chairs Jared saved from the old van that he wants to make into a couch or something. FYI, yes, we know that is termite damage. It's very old and the termites were exterminated 3 years ago. We have a brick exterior. So, it's mainly damage to the interior wall.

View from the workbench. I still do not like having laundry out in the garage, especially when there's sawdust. Sigh. And the boxes on the left are all the holiday stuff including all our Christmas things. That corner is their permanent home.
We put the flip table in the garage and are hoping that the drum kit can go out there as well. I'd love to get my mom's rocking chair back into the sunroom. But Benaiah thinks he isn't able to fold in his drum kit every time he plays because it will wear down the components. Sigh. We'll save that argument for another day.

I don't know the death count but I think it's about 2 dozen people. It was in small coastal town filled with summer homes. Somewhere peaceful and quiet. Mass shooter for whatever reason. What a tragedy. Just awful.

Playing Fortnite together, well the two younger ones are. The oldest is on a different game. But they all have headsets. And Keturah was on the tablet with earphones, too. That's our life!

Beautiful set of pictures of the Queen's life. I love seeing the older footage. 94 years is a long time and a lot of history to live through! And she still has all her wits about her, too.
Wednesday, Day 34. I'll keep this short because about 3:30pm, my let eye decided to act up again and it's hard to see through the eye watering and now headache pain from straining to see. Normal day. Nothing special to note. It was a beautiful day and Abishai and I managed to make a walk around the block. We all had small groups. I didn't let anyone have any other screen time though. Tomorrow it's supposed to rain all day, so they can have some then. We did school as normal. Ate the rest of the meat that I had cooked over the weekend so I have to start fresh tomorrow, which is a great thing, really. I don't like wasting food and we were getting tired of the prepared meats. A friend dropped off some almond milk they didn't, so I tried it in the frother. Well, now I know. Almond milk doesn't froth, but if you get the almond/coconut milk blend, it does! The Nutpods creamer I have is also almond and coconut so it froths up nicely as well. Jared thinks it's the fat content in the coconut, but who knows. I'll manage with the almond milk until I can get the combo again next month, no biggie. I also opened a new bag of German roasted coffee Jared insisted we get instead of the ultra cheap kind and it smells heavenly. I don't care if I get the cheap kind, it pretty much tastes the same to me, but ok.

Keep the kids out of the sweets and pantry is a thing apparently with every household I know because the other moms in my Bible study said the same thing. Oh, and it doesn't affect us directly, but the church started to announce plans about different camps for the summer. Camp Kidjam for 3-5th graders is canceled. Benaiah said the CIY website says they are a go for now and will make a further announcement on May 14th. They will switch to an online format if necessary instead of rescheduling a venue. That is such a bummer! I'm hoping they can still go! It's ok if Keturah and Justin have to skip because they will have a chance to go again. Poor Benaiah. We just ordered his cap and gown though. We don't have a rescheduled date for graduation, but I think Mr. Nanney just wanted to get it done. If we get to keep the cap and gown, then maybe we can reuse it for Justin and the others! Who knows. The cap and gown aren't that important. I heard rumors of pet groomers and dentists opening back up in the next week. I wish I could get a transcript of the daily press conferences from the governor because I would scan through that in less than 5 minutes rather than listen to them blab on and on in the replay on FB. But whatever. We'll know when we'll know. I'm glad the ladies in our Bible study have similar views on it, being patient, waiting it out, not going out even if we are allowed to. Oh, one of them, Erica, who is now part of the admin team for Children's Ministry Team had a special chalk drawing on her driveway today from the Team! It was admin/secretary's day, so that makes sense that Gary said he bought flowers for Ellen, their secretary, as he dropped off milk and tater tots. Justin said he wiped them down. Since we are nearly 40 days in, I'm glad we are getting into those habits and the kids don't question them. At least I don't have to argue about it to them much.

Abishai does often say, "When the lockdown is over I will...." Poor guy. He did get a note from one of his Sunday School teachers though. I'm afraid that when we do get back to church, he will be in his new Kindergarten classroom. Kind of sad. But we'll see. I know he and I are glad that Daddy's home all the time. If only we would stop bugging Daddy and Daddy would stop taking breaks to water trees and tickle little guys! And then he complains he doesn't get enough done. Sigh. Although yesterday he spent 80 minutes fighting with his phone. We don't know when his new computer will get here, but hopefully that will ease his computer woes. Now we have to think about what to do next for his phone, as well as one for Justin. Sigh. Yup. That's how it goes.

Otherwise, I spent some mental energy on another Facebook rant and I refuse to answer any comments. I said what I said, which I hadn't said in a bit, and then I needed to focus on other things. And now my eye hurts, so, limited screen time it is.

Abishai wanted me to take a picture of him sleeping so I did. I just forgot to show him this today. He said his ear hurt from the rough pillow. It's an outdoor pillow for the lounge chairs, but he saw it and wanted it. Cars pillow has been pushed aside for now. But he still sleeps with Doggy Song and Dinosaury.

Ahem. Math class and video game. He purposefully turns his video off for zoom chats for many reasons.

Momma said, go get dressed! Or Daddy will spray you with water. And Daddy sprayed too much and sent Abishai inside in tears. He never did change but let his clothes dry out on their own. He did get a full bath tonight because he was filthy from all the outdoor playing!

I told him he could bring any of this toys outside while I listened to Pilgrim's Progress via YouTube and a podcast so I could still enjoy the weather although my eye hurt.

The rest of the comments under this was just as funny!

His routine: pedal really fast, then put his feet backwards and coast. Then when he stops, he stands up and adjusts his pants because they are falling down! Sorry kid, when you get hand me downs, the elastic waistbands are often in sad shape.

Small group spaces: Benaiah on Trampoline. He almost had an opportunity to play for the worship time tonight but they then decided to keep it just staff as they had been. I think he was a little bummed by that. He wants to help but this is not the time.

Mommy on couch in Fireside room with video off this week because my eye hurts.

Keturah on Mommy's computer with no glitches tonight, yeah! But she did win a prize from winning a virtual scavenger hunt!
Keeping the kid quiet during 4 Zoom calls.

Justin's space. And guess what?! All three kids had to briefly get off their calls to find their Bibles! Yeah! Small group time is not just for goofing off. Teaching and discussion of important topics are necessary, too.
Thursday, Covid-19, Day 35 - Yes, that's 5 weeks!

"I'm jumping on here real quick to tell you something." Yes, I just quoted every Instagrammer out there! I'm getting on here earlier than normal this evening because yup, my left eye hurts. It's not infected with puss, but it feels like it was scratched or irritated it. So, I have limited screen time. I've alternated between closing my eyes and have snoozing on the couch for an hour and doing the bare minimum of life. Thank goodness it's the end of the week and the kids have more independent work on Thursday and Friday. I was able to get check their math and go over Pilgrim's Progress with Justin. I'm hoping to feel better tomorrow to go over CC and a spelling test with Keturah. It's kind of hard to do any of that when your eye is watering and your nose is running. I don't know if it's seasonal allergy related, but I think it has happened every 6-12 months since that horrible episode 6 years ago in Canada when it was severely infected and I would wake up with my eyes completely shut with crust from puss. It's so incredibly annoying because I use cold packs or a warm wet washcloth for the inflammation and to soothe it, but then the area around my eye gets chapped. So, I've stuck with the cold pack today because it's not as wet. And I've been putting on this new CBD roll on I got in the mail yesterday AROUND my eye socket, NEVER EVER on the eye lid or in the eye, and same goes for other oils. Always above the eyebrows and way below your eyes around the eye socket in a crescent moon kind of shape. That way it's near the problem but not on the sensitive areas making it worse. And that's all helped. I've also covered up that eye with my hand as I pass through bright rooms, kind like wearing an eye patch because it stings with bright light. I'm wearing those special orange blue light blocking glasses now to type this. I've kept most lights off when I'm in the room and have used only the bathroom that has a window and natural light. Yeah, it hurts that much that I have to take all these precautions. I wore a hat at dinner, but I did last through dinner, so that's good. I've also caught up on the new podcast I wanted to listen to and listened to a few of my YouTube channels that were just talking and not really about showing things. Trying to keep up with email, especially fine print, has been hard. Oh, and because of the eye straining so much, the muscles get sore and I get a headache with these things. That means more anti inflammatory meds. Great.

But, I'm grateful we were diligent early in the week to finish the garage and keep up with the dailies. Be staying up to date, I can take a day "off" when these ailments start up announced. I told Jared not to worry about taking care of anyone except to cook dinner because the kids and I have a routine and protocol we kind of follow when I'm out of commission. The kids are basically more aware and flexible. And I ask them to do more, like I asked Justin to put away the clean dishes in the sink, which is something I normally do. I did manage to do a load of laundry, but I could have had Justin and Keturah do theirs and possibly do Abishai and Benaiah's. And then they could have left Jared's and mine in the basket for me to do tomorrow. Or we could have just left in the basket overnight, too. As long as it's clean, it's ok to sit a day or two. If it goes any longer, it just gets in the way. And school is cut short a bit, too, or I do it from the couch or bed. I did have Justin stay in the room with me for school in case I needed him to tell Keturah something, but that didn't end up working that well. Instead, Abishai said he would be my messenger. He came in to check on me frequently. I was on the couch in the fireside room because it was the darkest room with just enough daylight to see my phone a bit. He also set up his blankets, Dinosaury, and his pillow on the mini trampoline next to me. And thank goodness it was a rainy, cloudy day so the skies were dull.

Benaiah had two classes today, then went out to buy chicken wings, a treat for the other kids from McD's, something for Ava, and then dropped Ava's something and a sweatshirt off to her. He, like his grandparents, have this need to go someplace every day. Gary stopped in on Tuesday to "look at the garage" when in reality he wanted one of the new books. Then he stopped in yesterday with some tater tots and milk because he had been out buying flowers for Ellen for Happy Admin Day. And then Leah stopped today to drop off biscuits. While we like the treats, it would be helpful if we knew about it ahead of time. And it's not safe out there, and might never be truly safe. Which reminds me, I need to basically preorder wipes so we can have them on hand.

Anyway, I feel refreshed from all the napping I did today. I did go to bed "on time" aka early for me because I couldn't handle the screen anymore. I'm going to get this done, watch a few videos that I want to actually see, and then head back to the couch. I might listen to some of the lectures from the homeschool convention or new homeschooler course. We'll see!

This shows you my age, lol, epsecially with Instagram.

Ah, ok.

This didn't work out so well for school time.

Oh, yeah, the gun. Gotta have a gun.

My snuggle buddy.

Playing games while doing school. He also said he was teasing his teacher saying, "I don't know how to do long division, can we do that for the rest of the semester?" And he almost convinced her!

The conversation after this with Brenton was pretty good. But Kung Fu Panda? I believe I watched all of those with him as well. Master and Commander is pretty old. Book of Eli was wow, excellent! Kingdom of Heaven, is that the potato farmer one? I don't know if I saw the Man on Fire one.

I like it when Miah gets me! And then he says "save me" when he does. Every...single...day....it's like they smell each other's testosterone and have to go after it.

And last but not least, little man got his actual math book today! I said we could start it tomorrow, and he said no. I think he was focused on dinner and screen time with Daddy.

The End

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