Our Family

Our Family
Justin (16), Keturah (13), Benaiah (19), Abishai (6), Melinda, and Jared

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Year 2, Day 132: 3D Printing!

Today was bit lighter and not as involved as yesterday, but it was pretty full.  We spent the afternoon at a friend's house attending a class on 3D printing.  Now Benaiah wants own one!  They are only $300, plus supplies! But it was pretty neat.  Then we had naptime (including me, I'm exhausted) and attended the funeral of Bill Baker, a long time coach and supporter of Bible Bowl.  Mr. Baker put his heart and soul into Bible Bowl for 40 years after his wife died of cancer only a couple of years into their marriage.  He loved on the Bible Bowl kids like they were his own.  His death was very unexpected.  But we made the effort to attend the funeral because he didn't have a lot of family around.  Jared had to take Abishai outside to play while the rest of us listened.  It was interesting to hear the service being done by the same person who does the opening and closing of our Bible Bowl round robins.  It was short and sweet.  They had gotten 40 roses to represent the 40 years of dedication to Bible Bowl.  And one of the other kids said, "The Israelites must be coming back! 40 years!) They also had what Bill called his "Genesis" rock, which was shells and other fossils embedded in sediment proving that Noah's Flood really did happen, and the rock helped bring Bill to Christ.  They brought a Bible Bowl trophy and put a new plaque on it for him to thank him, and an old, old buzzer and light because he was the one who set up and tore down the buzzer boards.  The only picture they had of him that wasn't with the BB kids was from 30 years ago, but they displayed that.  And finally they had a Bible that his wife gave him.  She was a Christian when they married but he was not and she led him to Christ.  Sweet stories and I'm glad we went.

Oh, we did have our landlord come through the house today to make sure it was "showing" ready and he was impressed!  Just a couple of tweaks, and a few details about how showing will work and away we go.  Ok, then.  We have nothing but church and Mother's Day dinner this weekend, so I'm not sure if I'll rest or keep working.  Next week is much quieter, too, until we go to the closing on Thursday on our new house!  Should be awesome!  I can finally breathe and slow down and pack just a box or two a day and spend more time with the kiddos and finishing up school.  At least for the next week or two.

We went to a family's home for the class, and they had a ton of animals and lots of outdoor things to play on.  Abishai was able to climb up these steps unassisted and NOT crawling!

Feeding the printer with the "wire" of plastic that will melt and become the design.

Signing into a website so you can create your own designs.  We were supposed to bring our laptops, but didn't get the memo.  We went with designs that were already made up.

First layers are being put down.

Can you see the many layers?  The family had done this and many others for different things.  It's hard plastic when it's done.

Hm,...circles, what could that be?

Yes, Thor's hammer.  One of the boys made it.

Spinners!  It would take almost 2 years to get these spinners printed, but we had to leave for Abishai's nap.  We'll go back later to pick up what we choose to print, which will take a long, long time on some of them.  Two other families were there, too.

Oh Aldi's, I love you!  No wheat filler!  Just cornstarch, blueberries, sugar, and citric acid.  I can eat it, yeah!

One of the boys had turned this tree into a rock climbing wall/rope swing, big boy playground!

Abishai hasn't been on a trampoline since he could walk.  But he enjoyed it!  There was a cat nearby and he/she almost joined him!

Boys doing what boys do best - smashing things.

Are you worthy?

Not quite.

Benaiah cut up a watermelon for us today, and while I was napping, this is what I woke up to.  Apparently, Keturah kept going back to the bowl multiple times and she dared to blame watching YouTube on the tablet as the culprit.  We call it a lack of self control.  She's not allowed to have anymore tomorrow.

Both of these bowls were filled to the brim with watermelon, but in a couple of hrs, Keturah (with a little help from the boys), devoured half of it!  And it wasn't even quite ripe and didn't taste all that great.  Crazy piglets!

Aww, I miss these flowers!  We had them when we lived in Beech Grove.  These are at my mother in law's house.  Beautiful!

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